his sisters Alicia Katheryne and Mary Wrenn Mouse,
and his brothers Jamie and Andrew Mouse

his adopted parents, John and Celia Mouse,

and his Aunt Susannah and little cousin Ian

Note: Please bookmark this page
BEFORE clicking on the items below
so that you can return here from these sites!
Our first activity is a trip to the zoo... Come join us!
Let's go visit the animals at the Petting Zoo!

Would you like to ride a rollercoaster?

Would you like to play a game?

Let's check out the Crittercam Chronicles!

And finally, our personal favorite!
The yuckiest site on the internet!
This is really neat-
everything you always wanted to know about all things YUCKY!

Hungry for some food? Here's some yummy things to eat!

And finally something for you to take home with you!

Number of guests
at the party!
Back to the House of Mouse
We are proud residents of Mouse Estates, Maple Division,
from the City of Mouse
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