Ali's Bedroom

5858 Flats, Heartland

Hi, My name is Alicia Katheryne Mouse but my friends call me "Ali"!

I am nine years old and was adopted from on April 7, 1998!
My birthday is October 20th!
I wear braces on my legs because
I was born with one leg that was too short
and the doctors at the Scottish Rite Hospital operated on me.
I hope to strengthen my legs enough to be able
to go without the braces someday.

This is my room!

We just moved here but I hope to join the scouts,
maybe take cello or violin lessons and
help my mom with her new cooking school once it opens.
I like to write poetry, draw and read.

I also am a BIG baseball fan - "Go Florida!" and "Go Clearwater Phillies!"
I also like to listen to music and the Spice Girls
and the Back Street Boys are my favorites!!!
I love Disney movies and my favorite actor is Mickey himself!!!

I love to eat and my favorite food is pizza.

This is my diary - Click here to read it!

I'm adopted and my adopted parents say that I can look for my birth family when I am older. I can't wait!

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