The Love of My Life, My Husband, Darrell

The Story of Our Meeting.....

Darrell and I met thru,of all places .... the internet (!) on November 1, 1998!! We had both gotten on within 2 days of one another. Darrell ran a match and he and I matched 76%! He then sent me a message, which I responded to.

Probably one of the first things to catch my attention was the fact that his best friend he has had since high school and my best friend, Nora and I have been friends since high school so I immediately thought we might have some things in common.

We sent messages back and forth via matchmaker (coincidentally every time we were on, it was within about 5 minutes of one another!). We then exchanged "real" e-mail addresses and Darrell sent me his phone number. I called him and we chatted on the phone for quite some time and both felt totally comfortable with one another! We decided to meet for dinner on Wednesday, November 3, 1998.

We met for dinner at a Mexican restaurant near my home. Since we hadn't met before, we thought it would be best to meet there instead of having him pick me up. When I got there Darrell was already there and when I saw him I was immediately VERY pleasantly surprised! He was even more handsome than his pic that I had seen on matchmaker! We started chatting and ended up almost being kicked out of the restaurant so that they could close up! We had been talking for about 3 hours! When we went to leave, we hugged each other and he said, "I'll call you"! I said, "Oh no, the kiss of death"! But we both giggled and he said, "No, I'll call you"! Sure to his word, he called me the next evening!

He asked me out for that Saturday and we made plans to go to a play. In the meantime, we spent many hours talking to one another on the telephone and online!

We went to the play and had a wonderful time and made plans to meet for a movie and dinner the next Wednesday.

After the movie and dinner on Wednesday, we came back to my home and began talking (ok, a bit of kissing too!). Next thing we knew, we looked at the clock (both of us thought it was around 11 p.m.) and lo and behold, it was 3:30 a.m.!! Figuring it was better to get no sleep rather than only 2 hours (since we both had to go to work on Thursday), (and of course wanting to spend MORE time together), he stayed until 5:30 a.m.!

The next day we both made it to work (in body but not in spirit)! I couldn't think of anything except Darrell all day!

The weather outside became rainy and dreary and while talking to each other on the phone at work, somehow the thought came up (we still don't know which one brought it up!) that it would be great to be home snuggling and the next thing we knew, we were both taking the afternoon off work and meeting at my house for some serious SNUGGLE TIME!! It was the best afternoon of my life! I've never felt so completely secure and comfortable with anyone in my life!!

The next evening he came over and we couldn't stand it, we had to tell one another that we loved each other. With just a bit of prodding on his part, I told him first and then he told me and we both just grinned and had butterflies that neither of us had had since we were teenagers! It was (and still is) the most amazing feeling and we've spent almost every day together since!!

Darrell moved into my home with Justin and I a couple weeks before Christmas and we had the most amazing Christmas with the promise of many, many more to come!

GOOD LUCK to everyone! I wish everyone as much love, joy and happiness as Darrell has brought to my life!!

"To Love and to be Loved is
to feel the sun from both sides".

Love is very patient and kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful or proud, never haughty or selfish or rude. Love does not demand its own way. It is not irritable or touchy. It does not hold grudges and will hardly even notice when others do it wrong. It is never glad about injustice,but rejoices whenever truth wins out.If you love someone you will be loyal to him no matter what the cost. You will always believe in him, Always expect the best of him,and always stand your ground in defending him. All the special gifts and powers from God will someday come to an end, but love goes on forever.
I Corinthians 13:4-8 

Well........the Vegas wedding won out! We were married at a small chapel (The Graceland Wedding Chapel) in Las Vegas, Nevada at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 11, 1999. It was a lovely, quiet ceremony. Although we didn't have all of our friends and family there to share it with us, it was still perfect!

If you'd like to see some pics of it, click on the heart!

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Who knows, you might find your "soul mate" too!

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