Happy Birthday Jona
Hope you have a wonderful birthday dear, and please, please keep on smiling and being you..your beautiful when you do!
hey sweetie....i hope you enjoy your birthday....and hope all your wishes and dreams come true...daddy says hi and wishes you a very happy and wonderful birthday!!!!
love ya Emi...
Emily <ehobbs@hotmail.com>
Inwood, Wv USA - Wednesday, November 19, 1997 at 23:12:45 (EST)
have a big happy birthday babe, hope to meet and talk to you soon , all the best, anthony .
anthony <handles@microtech.com.au>
launceston , tas australia - Wednesday, November 19, 1997 at 21:58:52 (EST)
Go Chicago! (Bunny hop)
Bill <a0016409@airmail.net>
Dallas, TX USA - Wednesday, November 19, 1997 at 21:53:09 (EST)
i hop it was d best day 4 you from Anthony
Anthony Pace <tpace@maltanet.net>
MALTA - Wednesday, November 19, 1997 at 21:52:13 (EST)
It has definetly been my pleasure to have met you. I hope you are spoilt beyond your wildest dreams!
And..I hope it rains men for you !!!!
(only useful ones..if there is such a thing! lol)
Love from Jazz x
Jasmine <jaustin@isnetworks.com.au>
Melbourne, vic Australia - Wednesday, November 19, 1997 at 21:25:18 (EST)
Hoping that the coming year brings you as much happiness and joy as knowing you brings me! Happy birthday and many, many more to a lady who is a bright spot in every life she touches. Luv ya doll! :)
MarkOK <mangy@i1.net>
St Louis, Mo USA - Wednesday, November 19, 1997 at 21:09:12 (EST)
happy birday from chef and meek manny moore
Chef & meek <chef1@fundy.net>
ST.john , N.B CANADA - Wednesday, November 19, 1997 at 21:04:29 (EST)
WOW, Happy Birthday sweetheart......
you look so good I want to have a birthday today too ...
***nice soft birthday kisses for you ***
Jim <jim_mcquaid@ottawa.com>
Ottawa, On Canada - Wednesday, November 19, 1997 at 20:43:22 (EST)
Hope you have a great and wonderful day. Too bad we can't get together and make some "Joda's". :) -- Dale
Yoda <dakelly@spartanburg.net>
Spartanburg, SC USA - Wednesday, November 19, 1997 at 20:38:38 (EST)
Happy Birthday!
Hope its a very special one! Maybe I can take you out to
dinner and I can embarras you!
Have a great one!
Hugs & Kisses
Henry <hank30@mailcity.com>
USA - Wednesday, November 19, 1997 at 19:52:57 (EST)
Happy birthday, Sweetie. Hope you're always the same as you are every day.
USA - Wednesday, November 19, 1997 at 13:41:25 (EST)
Hi Lover !!! Looks like you have a literal Admiration Society standing by... Remember, if you need someone to help look for the "Grey Hairs", I'll be here...
What else can I say except..... Yuk--Yuk--Yuk--Yuk
***KISS*** Me..
Baracudda Bob <kingfish@upstel.net>
Minnesota, USA - Wednesday, November 19, 1997 at 13:10:20 (EST)
HOUSTON, TX USA - Wednesday, November 19, 1997 at 12:42:42 (EST)
Happy Birhtday Sweetie. I am so glad that our paths crossed.
I wish you nothing but happiness and joy for the upcoming year.
Sure wish I could be with you in Chicago this weekend. Always
remember these two great quotes; "Fate chooses our relatives,
we choose our friends." I'm sure glad that we chose each other.
"What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies." I truly
hope that we can someday meet.
Luv ya sweetie.
Daniel <daniel@icrossroads.com>
Edmonton, AB Canada - Wednesday, November 19, 1997 at 12:20:56 (EST)
Jona. (J) is for jelly bean, something sweet like you that makes people happy. (O) is for ouch, what you will be saying when I give you your ?? birthday smacks. (N) is for nifty, because you are one neat person! And finally, (A) which stands for "A good friend", because you certainly are one to me! :^D Happy Birthday Jona!
Eric <GenEric@goplay.com>
Houston, TX USA - Wednesday, November 19, 1997 at 11:13:28 (EST)
Another year older.... oh my..... hehe
Hope you have a wonderful birthday!!! Keep being silly with me! Partner's in "nun-ship" always...... :-)
t-angel <t-angel@mail.tcbi.com>
Sheboygan, WI USA - Tuesday, November 18, 1997 at 17:13:25 (EST)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, hope that you have a terrific day!!! You are the sweetest. And look out Chicago, here comes Jonna!!!
HOOK <cat7696@ibm.net>
Kansas City , MO USA - Tuesday, November 18, 1997 at 16:32:30 (EST)
Hey Lady
Have a great day and don't let the blonde over rule the
love ya Marg!!
Stormy <Stormwinds@hotmail.com>
this side of the pond, Canada - Tuesday, November 18, 1997 at 11:22:26 (EST)
May this Birthday be the beginning of many more fabulous
days to come. Happy Birthday, Jona!!!!! Hugs from SheLion
SheLion <shelion@hotmail.com>
Cave, ME USA - Tuesday, November 18, 1997 at 08:14:58 (EST)
A Very Happy Birthday, Jona girl, may it be a happy and joyful
day, and you bright-eyed and sweet smiling. I hope goodies
abound for you and good things shower lightly on your shoulders.
And may the Blue Bird of happiness not poo on your window sill
A birthday kiss,
Gary <Talisman3@hotmail.com>
Australia - Tuesday, November 18, 1997 at 07:02:40 (EST)
Happy Birthday
Many happy returns...
All the best from a guy out here in west
Zach <zach@post1.com>
San Angelo, Tx USA - Monday, November 17, 1997 at 22:42:52 (EST)
Happy Birthday, May you birthday wishes come true, regardless of the number of candles on the cake
Jim <jjpfeifle@mailcity.com>
Erie, PA USA - Monday, November 17, 1997 at 22:25:49 (EST)
Happy birthday, Jona. (No, you don't know me.) Hope you have a great day!
Ciene <ciene@ameritech.net>
IL USA - Monday, November 17, 1997 at 20:06:40 (EST)
Jona!! I know u will have a great birthday since u r going to Chicago, the windy city!
Have many more to come!! STay young!! and be happy!!
Mike <mbubniak@erols.com>
Stafford, VA USA - Monday, November 17, 1997 at 14:54:50 (EST)
I know you will have a great day, and maybe before long you can buy me lunch like you have been promising....lol
Oh, I'm gonna get you the same thing you said you were going to get me for my b'day....HEHEHEHE. Luv ya Babe!
Chuck <txoilman@hotmail.com>
hometown, Texas USA - Monday, November 17, 1997 at 12:39:14 (EST)
Hey Jona Jona !!!!!!
Impressive, very impressive - but you're not a Jedi yet! Here's wishing you a super B-day. May you live long and prosper.
Dennis Cody <dcody@pdq.net>
Houston, TX USA - Monday, November 17, 1997 at 12:18:33 (EST)
Hry Jona, I hope that all of your birthday wishes come true. You are such a sweetheart!!!
Kenn Vernor <kenvern@freewwweb.com>
Seguin, Tx USA - Monday, November 17, 1997 at 12:01:13 (EST)
Have a great B-Day From Bill & Mel!!!
Bill Sanders <billsand@interl.net>
Mt. Pleasant, Ia USA - Monday, November 17, 1997 at 11:45:04 (EST)
Jona....as a good friend...i want to wish you the best on this special day!!!!
Thinking of you and all the things we do as friends!
Talk to you real soon!
Kevin (Voice) <kgboruts@arvin.com>
Toronto, Canada - Monday, November 17, 1997 at 11:31:59 (EST)
Hey Jona! Hoppy Birthday you old hag! hahaha! (kidding)
paradise <paradise@manayunk.net>
philadelphia, pa USA - Monday, November 17, 1997 at 11:30:39 (EST)
Happy Birthday Jona! Hope you get everything you wish for!
Suzanne Welch <smwelch@mindspring.com>
Birmingham, AL USA - Monday, November 17, 1997 at 11:28:44 (EST)
Happy birthday Jona!!
Morgan & Evan <rbtevans@swbell.net>
TX USA - Sunday, November 16, 1997 at 12:50:39 (EST)
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