So, you want to know about Jona huh?

Well, where to start, where to start......
I was born in Illinois on November 19, 1962. For those of you who aren’t math majors, I’m 41!!
I lived around the Chicagoland area until the age of 19 when I was transferred to Houston, Texas
(the oil boom was on!!).
After being laid off in 1986, I decided that I really didn’t want to move back to Chicago to shovel snow
so I stayed in Texas.
I’ve been here now for over 20 years so I’m a true transplant (or what Texans would refer to as a damn Yankee cause I came down here and stayed)!!
I was divorced in April of 1996 and have an adorable 11 year old son named Justin!
He is my pride and joy and I don’t know what I’d do without him (course I’m not sure what to do with him at times either! *hehe*)
I just got remarried February 11, 1999 to the most wonderful man in the world, Darrell! If you want to know about how we met and even see a few wedding pics, just click here!
As far as personal interests... I love life and laughing!!
For a while, I really got "addicted" to the chat lines
but haven't been chatting online much these days thanks to Darrell keeping me busy *grin*! I like meeting new people on the internet and eventually even some in person! 
In "real life" Darrell and I enjoy going to comedy clubs, amusement parks, festivals, movies,
dinners, etc.!
Our favorite place to visit is
, where we got married! We normally stay at the IMPERIAL PALACE because of its central location on the strip! We love playing games so we go there usually about once a year and play to our heart’s content (or as long as the money holds out! hehe)! We love to play slots, blackjack, roulette, craps and even sometimes poker with the "regulars"!!
I also enjoy my quiet time reading,
doing cross-stitch and listening to music
and of course snuggling with Darrell! We like most types of music but especially enjoy country and western right now.
Guess its one of the few that I can understand the words to and altho I don’t have a good voice or am not musically inclined, I love to sing along! Don’t be too scared tho because I normally save my singing for the privacy of my own shower or car!! Poor Darrell is the only one I subject to THAT! *LOL*
With Darrell, I believe honesty and communication are the most important things. I enjoy spending quiet times with him or going out enjoying the things that life has to offer! I feel like life is too short to take too seriously so I’m usually laughing or giggling about something (or nothing at all!)!
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