This banner was created by JULES.
Go see her "Aussie" homepage!


Photo - Skyline

This is what I REALLY look like in the morning! *hehe*

So, you want to know more about this
"Yankee-gone-Texan" Lady?

The most adorable
young man

I know.

Check out


Click on the angel to see my page dedicated to some

Click on the balloons for some

Or sign up for daily humor!

Wanna play some Spades or Hearts with me?
Go to the Zone.

I'm addicted to playing
Go ahead, I dare ya to download it! :-)

Here's a terrific
Birthday Card
my friend James made for me.

Enjoy a few of my favorite

If you want to talk to me, give me a holler at my
ICQ page.
Personal ICQ #849053

Hope this page makes you feel like you were hugged!

Check out this page for a smile!

Click here and PLEASE don't forget to sign my guestbook!

Check out ALICIA'S totally adorable homepage!
My buddy GAELENE is a real sweetie, on and off the net!
Go to my pal DOUG'S "home" for some laughs!
This is my favorite "Cybro" (Cyber brother), ROB'S Place!
My friend SUGAR is really sweet!

I LOVE getting mail so ...just do it!

Daremore Quotes