Birds from our deck

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Since the Beginning of August (1998)

Each bird is presented as a link. Click on the bird (some words are camouflaged and hard to see!) and you'll see a picture and sometimes more about the bird. Hit your browser Back button to come back here. If you click on Call, you'll hear that bird's sound. (Be patient while the .WAV file loads)

American Crow
American Robin. Twice the size of the English one. (Everything's bigger in Amerrrca)
Black-capped Chickadee. CALL
Brown Creeper
Canada Goose. We see them through the trees, flying above.
Common Raven.The big, black trickster.
Chipping Sparrow. Looks like a little executioner.
Dark-eyed Junco.
Downy Woodpecker.PECKING/CALL
Evening Grosbeak. They really do have a gros, i.e. large, beak.
Fox Sparrow. No, it doesn't hunt foxes; just looks a bit like one.
Golden-crowned Sparrow.
Gray Jay. Also known as "Camp Robber" and "Whiskey Jack"
Hairy Woodpecker. They like my suet.
House Finch CALL
House Sparrow.
Northern Flicker. Another woodpecker.
Pileated Woodpecker. This is the original Woody Woodpecker
Pine Siskin. MATING CALL
Red-breasted Nuthatch CALL
Red-winged Blackbird. CALL
Ruffed Grouse.
Rufous Hummingbird. CALL
Sandhill Crane
Song Sparrow
Stellar's Jay. CALL
Varied Thrush
Western Tanager
White-crowned Sparrow
Wilson's Warbler CALL

A local bird link: Local birding. A good place for the birds.

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