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Jeffrey Newman

Where shall WE go today?

No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings. - William Blake

Me in winter working mode.

Maddi and I have recently celebrated our eleventh wedding anniversary. Shadow was born eight years ago in South Africa and travelled with us when we moved back to Canada in 1993. Our home is in central British Columbia, an area of trees, lakes and rolling hills called The Cariboo. One of the characteristic wild sounds, heard across the lakes, is the call of the loon. However, part of me will always be connected with Africa, the continent of my birth. One way this shows is through the special connection I feel with the elephant.

Until recently, much of my work has involved growing things: landscaping, running a three-acre vegetable garden, running a hydroponic lettuce greenhouse, and tending our own vegetable plot. I've been doing more caring for and fixing things since I ended my rental arrangement on the hydroponic lettuce greenhouse. I now concentrate most of my "growing" energy on the land around our house which, along with its bird-life, is already proving very responsive. More recently, especially with possible "Millenium Bug" disruptions around the turn of the century, I've made a point of getting to know and participate more in our new community of 108 Mile Ranch.

Everyone enjoys a story - funny or otherwise. I plan to put one or two of my favourites here from time to time. To see the current one, click here. You will also be able to get to previous stories from this page. For something a little more serious - some thoughts that have inspired me in recent days - click here. If you like surprises, click here (and wait a little while) for something unexpected.

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This is a relatively new site and my first. Your ideas and comments are welcome. (The ads with every page are the "price" of having a free site.) Let me know you were here by leaving a message in the Guest Book, sending me an E-Mail ( or a message on ICQ (see below). Drop in again soon. Meanwhile, enter your E-mail address in the box at the bottom of this page to be notified when I make changes to this site.

Sites for more background and your enjoyment:

108 Mile Ranch. - our neighbourhood
100 Mile House. Our town - Slideshow, aerial photos...
Twin Valleys Community. I lived here in '74 and '80
The Simple Living Network
The pet products I sell - to anywhere in Canada.
Cricket - the sport. A delight to those who know it, a mystery to those who don't.
The South Cariboo - map
ManKind Project Sparked by the New Warrior Training Adventure which I did in '94

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View Guestbook - visitors from Canada, USA, England, South Africa, New Zealand, China, Switzerland, Singapore, Argentina, Poland and Brasil.
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This site has been accessed several times since April 16, 1998.

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© 1998, 1999 Jeffrey Newman

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