Hi I'm Lady Red Adept!
And I am building this page for my children! I have 4 of them ...all girls so i'm going to try and put some really great stuff here that i know they like ..some gifs and other things they have chosen..and some pics too.
My interests are:
RolePlaying on the net , learning to build home pages,music,kids, chatting online!.
A Kiss.....
for you to..
make you smile! 
These are my angels!
This is my eldest daughter Katri, at 16 she has come into her "own", in her popularity at school and her frustrating teens at home! She has learned all the right buttons to push to mke her mother insane! lol But I wouldnt trade her for the world....she is indeed a beautiful person inside and out

Katri is a Junior at Minidoka County High School and is a member of "The Spartan Singers".She plans to join the Navy when she graduates in order to persue a career in nursing.
This is her favorite pic off the net so she wanted to share it with you!You can Email her at:soccer15_5@hotmail.com
Maren is my second daughter and is 13 years old. She celebrates her birthday with the world on December 31st!

Maren is a great kid!She plays viola with the school orchestra, and is a straight A student....now if only I could get her to do her work at home with as much enthusiasm as she does her school work. :)
Kisstine is #3 and always an adventure! She is 11 years old and is doing well at learing the violin herself this year, We are very proud of her!

Karley is the baby of the family at 6 years and is the light in our day every day!

This is Karleys favorite gif she asked me to put it here so here it is!

If you have any suggestions of things you would like to see on this page i can use all the help i can get! lol.
Please come back soon and visit me again!
Adopt your own dragon baby this is Chip! And his adoption certificate! Isn't he adorable?
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