Ideas for your incarcerated loved one's Christmas gifts.

From Kristi: "What we're doin, with my hubby being in jail, is making him gifts. We'll also make an ornament for the tree with his picture in it. You could also take the kids shopping for their dad, wrap the gift up, put it under the tree, and after Christmas, put it up for when he does come home. That way the kids don't feel he's completely gone. That's what we're doing. If he'll be in there a long while, Just keep all the gifts put up. It'll keep the kids' spirits up and give your b-i-l something to look forward to since he missed these Christmas'. As far as making him gifts, I mean, like drawing neat Christmas pictures with a letter or note to go along with it."

From Susan: "My favorite is to compose a family Christmas album. They should each put together ideas and compile it into a "book". Use manila folder type material for the cover or something fancier if they can. Have the kids draw pictures of the holiday. The parents and/or the kids can write short stories, poems, and such about the holiday, (What it means to me....Memories of past holidays....My favorite tradition.....etc). Design a crossword puzzle, word search or other game that can be contain word relating to the holiday. They can in all of these things express their emotions of joy, pain, hope, reflecting the past, present, and future holiday experiences. This way, despite the separation, they can do a project together. Those on the outside can compile it all together. To share with the inmate depends on where they are and the rules there. Send it in to them one page at a time(since you cannot send in books) then they can send it back out to be preserved. These are just some ideas on how to handle it. Each family can adapt it to themselves. Also this can be done for all holidays, birthdays and special events. The inmate is kept active in their lives and there is a great treasury and positive memory to have once they come home."

From Terri: "Well, since the prison Victor is in only lets you choose from a very small list of already packaged , overpriced food articles, I just send Victor a money order. Then I add to our home Christmas collection of decorations, So one day , God willing he will be able to see a home full of all the years decorations. I also send him a picture of how everything looks each Christmas so he feels he is participating. This year since I have a porch for the first time. I am stringing lights outside, and I will take a picture once again for his enjoyment."

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