2. Order a devotional (like "The Daily Bread")...one for you and one for him....read the same passage each day......discuss the passages that you read.
3. Throw him a birthday party! Buy a birthday cake/ice cream etc. and invite family and friends. Have your loved one call at that time. When he calls, have everyone sing Happy Birthday to him. Take pictures of his party and send them to him!
4. Take pictures of new things happening around his home town. Take pictures of your yard/flowers, things that you have bought for your house. Send the pictures to him!
5. Put your perfume on ALL of his letters. He will feel like you are right there with him!
6. Send your loved one cards on EVERY holiday such as Sweetest Day, Earth Day, Ground Hog Day and April Fool's Day. Let him know that you are always thinking of him!
7. Cut out newspaper articles that your loved one would be interested in. Find articles from his hometown paper.
8. For Christmas or on his birthday....order him a subscription to their hometown newspaper.
9. Play tic tac toe, chess, checkers or another game through the mail.....keep sending it back and forth until someone wins!!
10. Make a calendar for your loved one. List all pertinent dates on it!
11. When sending packages, get 2 copies of a book...one for your loved one and one for you. Agree on the number of pages to read and later discuss what you read/thoughts, etc.
12. Have a writing "marathon". See who can write the longest letter to the other!
13. Pick a topic (such as a news item, etc.) and a night, and each discusses it in their letter for that night.
14. Find a crossword puzzle, make a copy of it and send one to your loved one. See who can fill them up more or get them finished first!
15. Send pictures to him of places you want to visit, live, etc. when they get out.
16. If they have a tv, pick out a program that you both want to watch and then know that you are watching it together...as a family!
17. Do you both love to write? Decide to write a book! One of you write a chapter send it to the other one and then back and forth until it is finished. Or what about writing "our" story. Each of you write a chapter like the first one was "the introduction" and then send it to the other person. It will be great to hear the other person's side, what they were doing before or after the date, what they thought at first, if they were nervous or not, etc.
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