Hi! Just call me

Never Too Late.

My interests are:
learning, thinking, deciding, and acting.

(click) What's really important to me, that I really care about? ( click to enlarge list )

(click)I find these are valuable guides... ( click )

(click)Are you feeling overwhelmed?

(click)Priorities for national attention...

(click)Why should straights walk in the Pride Parade on June 29, 2008?

(click)So you're having a child!

(click)Whenever we're in touch... (becoming better friends)

(click)Thoughts on whether to marry

(click)My main beliefs and principles

(click)Quotations about WORK throughout history

(click)Massage for relaxation (tips)

(click)Excerpts from THE AGE OF ACCESS (Jeremy Rifkin, 2000)

(click)Loving (more than just one)

(click)Regaining perspective

(click)Thinking about slave reparations

(click)9-11 and pacifism

(click)How law-makers artificially divided blacks and whites in the U.S.

(click)Excerpts from TURNING TO ONE ANOTHER (Margaret J. Wheatley, 2002)

(click)What Jesus really said

(click)The basics of co-counseling

(click)Men, war & the military  (the view of co-counselors)

E-mail me at canstartnow@yahoo.com.
I'd really love to hear from you!

Copyright © 1998-2008 NeverTooLate
All rights reserved.

You are visitor since September 20, 1998.

Last revision 1/15/2008