Hi! Just call me
Never Too Late.
My interests are:
learning, thinking, deciding, and acting.
- Learning to respect all people and forming a society where I am respected.
- Stopping acting based on fear (which tends to loom so big), acting upon abilities and vision, instead.
- Learning to communicate and care across, what feel like, large differences among people.
- Really thinking about who we are and where we are going.
- Thinking big, noticing there is a Universe all around us!
- Realizing where we are in history and that we play a part -- so what if we ever lived?
- Noticing that other humans are inherently connected to me, despite their behavior of separation, and that we have the same basic interests.
- Stopping participation in a social system that funnels the value of our labor into the pockets of fewer and fewer people...creating alternatives.
- Stopping killing each other.
- Setting priorities and making decisions.
- For community decisions, being inclusive.
- Deciding to never again act overwhelmed, despite any such feelings (this is epidemic among well-intentioned leaders in the community).
- Being relaxed and playful with closeness and sexuality -- not relying on anything past, but being fresh.
- Making nourishment of every person the Number One priority to be able to move forward with the tasks that are needed.
Are you feeling overwhelmed?
Priorities for national attention...
Why should straights walk in the Pride Parade on June 29, 2008?
So you're having a child!
Whenever we're in touch... (becoming better friends)
Thoughts on whether to marry
My main beliefs and principles
Quotations about WORK throughout history
Massage for relaxation (tips)
Excerpts from THE AGE OF ACCESS (Jeremy Rifkin, 2000)
Loving (more than just one)
Regaining perspective
Thinking about slave reparations
9-11 and pacifism
How law-makers artificially divided blacks and whites in the U.S.
Excerpts from TURNING TO ONE ANOTHER (Margaret J. Wheatley, 2002)
What Jesus really said
The basics of co-counseling
Men, war & the military (the view of co-counselors)
E-mail me at canstartnow@yahoo.com.
I'd really love to hear from you!
Copyright © 1998-2008 NeverTooLate
All rights reserved.
You are visitor
since September 20, 1998.
Last revision 1/15/2008