Wesley's World

Welcome to TWesleyDavis.com

Hi! I'm Wes Davis. Welcome to my webpage. I'm a homeschooler with many interest. I like to hunt and fish and enjoy the outdoors. I'm Welsh, Irish, French and Native American. I am a "Member by blood" of The Wolf Creek Cherokee Tribe in Alabama. I enjoy playing the guitar and bass and do so in a praise and worship band. I attend the Rabun Church Of God.This was last updated 5/06. IN GOD WE TRUST,
Visit our Family's ministry site at

I enjoy music and playing in the band..


...A Praise and Worship Band!.

Josh and Josh, Anna, Daniel, P.J., Rob and Wes.

These kids really love the Lord and are committed to Him--

You see- the band is composed of many cultural backgrounds: Filipina, Native American, Welsh, Irish, Scott,etc., but they remain "FACELESS", because only Jesus really matters.

We choose to serve Jesus instead of fitting into your worldly mold.

Generation "Next", Preparing for the Lord's Appearing!

Jos P, Daniel and Wesley-Mininistering to the crowd at Mayfest- Atmore, Alabama

Wide angle of the Band playing at Atmore, Alabama. P.J. and Josh (brothers)hitting a vocal.

Anna(Mega Drummer Chick) prays over the secular crowd, binds hindering spirits and releases the spirit of conviction!

Video Clips

Practice="I am a friend of God"(15MB)

Practice="Blessed be the Name"(4.98MB)

May Fest 2005 Video Clip(5.86MB)

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email me at t.w.davis@juno.com