Mike's Outdoor Pursuits

A discussion of my shooting and hunting interest

By Michael Davis, Mobile, Alabama

An 8-point Tensaw River whitetail
January 1992

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Being outdoors in the wild seems to be my last-resort way of dealing with our hectic society. Getting into the woods is my therapuetic technique with which i re-energize myself. And deer hunting is as much a part of my family's history as anything else. Americans have a special place in their heart for their deer herds, the whitetail being most prolific. The american sportsman has aided in the conservation effort by his tax dollars and hunting license fees. Sportsmen are also very efficient at reporting violators and in the suppression of wildfires. We will do all we can to insure the enjoyment of the wild for ages to come.


More later

last updated on 8/01/03


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