In Memory

Private William Andrew James Vines(GGGGranfather)

21st Alabama Infantry,CSA

Shiloh, Corinth and Farmington

Service--13 Oct 1861 to 21 Nov 1862--"He has crossed the River and waits for those of us to follow. He carried his banner, well, and loved not, his own life in view of The Cause."

View his record

Jefferson Davis(cousin)

President, Confederate States of America


Private James Davis

Mississippi Infantry

(pictured at left)

Private Noel Bottoms

"Gilmer Boys"

Georgia Volunteers

The Bankester, Davis, Goff, Tanner, Carter, Johnson, Wallace, Relatives who served from Mississippi and south Alabama.

And to all those white european, those of african, hispanic and indian decent of all races, financial and social classes, who served this flag in the cause of state's rights and personal freedoms, according to the historical facts known by true Southerners. To you we tip our hat and proclaim your memory!

To the Glorious Army of the Republic

To you, we hang our head and turn away, for we know the truth of your arsonist crimes against your own countrymen. I know of your burning of plantation homes and barns. I know of your casting the women and children, white and black into the highway. I know of your "fighting" against Atlanta, Florence and Selma in which they received the torch. And what of your Desecration and destruction of southern churchs and cemetaries? The University of Alabama--was it, too, a great military target--it's timbers lit up the night sky. Yes, you fought a glorious war, often while southern men were far north of you. The outcome was often quite different when you faced the front-end of a southern squirrel-rifle. You basically broke the back of the southern centers of commerce and economy which was the real reason for your envy of things, southern. Then, your hellish carpetbagging creditors seized the last tread of familiy properties

.The funny thing is, that it is happening all over again. Liberals are trying to build bigger government through increasing taxes and laws. Others are raising our children in daycares while our women are required to work in order to pay taxes. Families are penalized while broken fragmented "shackings" are provided special treatment. As are Biblically incorrect sodomite relationships. You are telling us what we must teach in school, where we must live, when we can pray and what is politically correct. You have left the original intent of our constitution and are actively trying to make this a dictatorial, socialistic government(of which all of them were anti-God and have fallen). But who am I but a little red-neck nobody......

Well, My family stands on several basic premises:

1)This is a christian nation bringing itself under the submission of God

2)The Holy Spirit is our only "spirit guide". He is the one who "understands" #3

3)We stand for the whole Bible, rightly divided

4)The New Testament to be God's standard for living

5)That Jesus(Yeshua) is God and Messiah and the only bridge to fallen man

6)Without Holiness, no man shall see God

7)Sin will receive a just recompense of reward

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