Davis Family Genealogy

My Family History Michael Douglas Davis 2006

Private in nature

My Davis Family history begins in Wales, as my people were Welsh Quakers. They arrived in this country about 1607 into Jamestowne and about 1684 into Philadelphia. From there, branches of my family migrated into Delaware-then into South Carolina and Virginia.

John Davis was in North Carolina or Virginia about 1724. Son, George was born 25 April 1774 in North Carolina. George married Elizabeth Lanier in Georgia. They move west and were in Mobile for a short time when it was part of British West Florida. This was 1811-1812 before the war. After the war of 1812, this area became the Mississippi Territory. George move west to the banks of cedar creek in what would become Jackson County, Mississippi Territory. He was elected Justice of Jackson County when it was formed in 1813, near Americus Community (this was near the present Jackson and George County, MS lines).

Son, Samuel was born 11 April 1795 in Georgia. The first of 10 Children, he fell heir to his father's political standing. He was Court Clerk for many years, was Postmaster at Americus and then was elected Probate Judge of Jackson County, MS in the 1850-60's. He helped to establish Salem Methodist Campground were summer campmeeting has been held most continuously since then. (1826).

James Davis was born in 1824. He married Nancy Abigail Pierce, whose family lived closer to Mobile. She was daughter of Jeremiah Pierce of NC. We believe the Pierce Family is related to Chief Bowles of the Western Cherokee. Many of this Pierce Family migrated to Texas in the mid 1800's. Jeremiah's property now contains the present day site of the Mobile Municipal Airport. James Davis, later, married a Ms. Nancy White. He apparently left her and went to Texas by boat, entering Galveston. He died there.

Son, Seymore Lawrence Davis (1856) ran away at about age 13(about the time of his fathers leaving)--he is listed, but missing in the 1870 Census. Not happy with family life, he ended up in the Bromley community near Byrne's lake. Various families assisted him. He obtained a Land Grant in the late 1870's.He married Margaret Eva Vines, daughter of William A. J. Vines a CSA soldier, (died in service).

Seymour Hance Davis (1886), my great-grandfather was born near Bromley. He was for many years involved in "stumpwooding" and the turpentine gathering. He married Henrietta Bankester, also of Bromley. She is descended from native blood( George Washington Bankester).

My grandfather, Rev. Woodrow Douglas Davis (1937 Summerdale, Al) was a carpenter, by trade, but was later in the ministry, full time. In the late 1940's, he was responsible for four locations of the Congregational Holiness Church and had to "ride the circuit" each week to meet one of them. Douglas married Rosa Inez Dupree from Ellijay, Gilmer County, Georgia. I suspect Cherokee blood among her relatives--Dupree, Stephens, Bottoms and Roberts. The racial climate was such that those who were not removed, have not discussed this for more than 150 years.

My father, Floyd Woodrow Davis, was born in Rome, Georgia in 1937. It was Grandma's habit to go home to relatives when she got ready to deliver. Floyd was trained as a Forester and worked for the U.S.Forest Service, a private Company in NC where he met mom (Patricia Coltrain) and then 33 years with Scott Paper Company in Mobile, AL.

Honorable Samuel Davis(born 1795)--m--Sussanah Goff (Gauff)

He was Postmaster and Probate Judge of Jackson County, MS for many years when the courthouse of the same was at Americus community. He helped to start the "Salem Methodist Campground". He was a man of some influence and means, but most written records of his business dealings have been victim to the fire which damaged the original court house building. He is buried near Salem Campground--Old Carter Cemetary.

1822 Martha-m- Francis Cunningham

1823 Mary-m-W. Francis Avara

1824 James-m-Nancy Pierce

1827 Nancy-m-

1829 William B.-m-Elizabeth

1831 Sabra-m-William Ramsay, SR.

1837 Cassandra-m

1840 Alice

1845 Samuel H.---missing CSA

James Davis(born 1824)--m--Nancy A. Pierce

Not much is known of this man. He is not mentioned in the 1870 census and the family appears in the households of others. Civil war service records are unclear concerning his service and there is little verbal history handed down about him. Relatives from Texas state that he left his 2nd wife, Nancy White, and went by boat into Galveston where he lived until his death.

1854 Wylie E.-m-Mary

1846 Emily A.-m- Lowery

1847 Edward William-m-Lucy Tanner

1849 Alfred-m-Alice Ann Ely

1851 Mary A.-m-

1853 James Clayton-m-

1854 Franklin Goff-m-

1856 Seymore Lawrence-m-Margaret Eva Vines

1861 Martha (Patsy)

1863 Lucy

Seymore Lawrence Davis(born 1856)--m-Margaret Eva Vines

Seymore was born at Americus, but ran away sometime before 1870 and ended up in the Bromley Community of Baldwin county Alabama near old Blakely. He would never discuss where his family was or anything about them. This has caused further questions as to what his father had done or his whereabouts. Seymore was mainly a subsistense farmer and worked in turpentine and stumpwooding. He continued to attend Methodist Meeting.

1879 Simeon James(sim)-m-Valula Rider

1883 Wiley Lawrence-m-Agnes Celeste Wallace

1886 Seymore Hance(ball)-m-Henrietta Bankester

1888 Nolia Eva-m-Louis N. Brown

1890 Simon Peter(si)-m-Elizabeth Thomley

1893 John Edward-m-Susan Alma Durant

1896 Magdalene(mag)-m-Robert Quinley

1899 Pleadas-m-Edward Crenshaw

1902 Mary Louise-m-Robert Wallace

1906 Alfred Edison-m-Mary Viola Cook

Seymore Hance Davis(1886)--m--1. Henrietta Bankester (her children listed)

1907 Rev. Ester Lee-m-Davis Gagner

1907 Ethel M.-m-John Hammond

1909 Seymore Henry-m-Nellie Duck

1913 Rev. Woodrow Douglas-m-Rosa Inez Dupree

1920 Rev. Davis Hance-m-Elma Lee Moore

Rev. Woodrow Douglas Davis(born 1912)--m- Rosa Inez Dupree

Floyd Woodrow-m-Patricia A. Coltrain

Doyle Eugene-m-Jean Lewis

Mary Delois-m-Gerald Overstreet

Martha Joyce-m- (1)Robert Warr(deceased)(2)Norris Rester

Thomas Emory-m-June Hale

Floyd Woodrow Davis(born 1937)-m- Patricia Anne Coltrain

Rev.(Chaplain) & Police Sgt. Michael Douglas-m- Bonnie Lynn Hart

Cheryl Leigh-m- Rev. Ronald Eugene White