DAR Insignia

Hightower Trail Chapter

Daughters of the American Revolution

Canton, Georgia

The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution

National Motto: "God, Home and Country"

DAR is a service organization, founded in 1890. The objectives and activities are Historical, Educational and Patriotic. The members are women, at least 18 years of age, who have proven lineal descent from Revolutionary War Soldiers or Patriots.

The Hightower Trail Chapter

The Hightower Trail Chapter was organized on February 1, 1985. Its members reside primarily in Cherokee County with a few members residing in other parts of the North Metro area of Atlanta, Georgia.

The primary projects of the Hightower Trail Chapter are:

Star Providing American Flags for every classroom in three counties
Star Annual American History Essay Contest in grades 5-8
Star Georgia Day Luncheon in February
Star Memorial Day program with American Legion
Star Support of DAR Schools
Star Community involvement in Historical, Educational and Patriotic projects

The chapter is named for the Hightower Trail, one of the most distinctive trail names in Georgia. As early as 1750 Indian traders from Augusta used this route. Recognized as a former boundary between Cherokee and Creek lands, this trail brought many early settlers into what is now Cherokee County. The trail is not named for a person. The name is a corruption of the Indian word "itawa", which the early white settlers also turned into the name Etowah.

Send email to this chapter by clicking here: hightrldar@aol.com

For information on other chapters in Georgia,
click here Georgia State Society DAR

Georgia Sampler

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For information on the National Society, its work, its eligibility requirements, etc.,
click here National Society DAR

DAR Statue

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This page was created by
Organizing Regent, Phyllis Porter.
Last updated 8/20/06.


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