Thank you for signing my guestbook!!

11/20/00 02:28:17
Name: R.J.
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice Website!

11/12/00 23:38:11
Name: Alois McRoberts Dugger
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

You have put together a great site. I understand that you have worked with Greg Taylor whom is my first counsin. I am Kevin's sister (Mcroberts' Furniture Store) of Maysville, KY Happy Tahnksgiving. Alois

10/25/00 08:55:58
Name: Candy Smothers
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi! You have a lovely site.

09/21/00 22:17:34
Name: Darlene Hedrick Sartore
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Seeking connection with others having last name of Hedrick in their ancestry... Have traced lineage back to Godtman Heyderich in Bavaria ... Johann Peter Heyderich immigrated to America in 1738... changed name to Hedrick... some use Headrich ... some use Hederich... some end in k... Peter reportedly fathered 24 children ... have identified 3 wives and 11 children... more information supplied on contact with me...

09/14/00 01:11:51
Name: Jo Ann Snyder
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I loved your book very interesting about family..I have been looking for some of my family too..My Maiden name is Green..My mother's maiden name is Shaw..If you know anything about them or anyone with those names..Please go and sign my guestbook too..Have a wonderful Day..

09/02/00 00:49:54
Name: Wilma Havens
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08/29/00 00:11:03
Name: Claude Brown
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My wife, Cinda Carol Wright, and I are from McRoberts, Ky. We find your webpage very interesting.

08/26/00 03:01:29
Name: Lora Lee Norfleet
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Was just beginning to start my genelogy and ran across your site. Very interesting! My grandfather is Henry Snedegar. He is 80 years old and lives in Bath County. His parents were James and Irene Snedegar. They passed away when my grandfather was you g. His grandmother Mary Lee Snelling raised him. I do not know who his parents were. Any clues? May we be related?

07/24/00 14:28:12
Name: Becky Jakoby
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I enjoyed your webpage. The surname BROWN caught my eye as I am searching for any information about a Martha Brown in the Carroll Co.Ky area in the late 1800s. She was mother of my grandfather(surname Brinson) born in 1879, but I cannot find any data on her.

07/03/00 01:13:02
Name: mary katz
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Enjoyed your web page. I'm connected to the Rawlings through James and Susana McRoberts Rawlings. His descendants, or at least many of them went to Ohio....Champaign Co. area.

06/30/00 14:14:23
Name: Paul Mc.Roberts
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

We live in Wales and I know my Fathers relatives come from Ireland. How did you get to Kentucky?

06/30/00 14:13:37
Name: Paul Mc.Roberts
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My Email: Email Me


06/23/00 20:40:00
Name: Paul N. Wright
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I was born in (Letcher County Kentucky) on December 01, 1938. My parents were William Ervin Wright and Nannie Berennis Johnson. My father was born Febuary 16, 1880, in McRoberts (Letcher County), Kentucky and my mother was born in Neon(Letcher County), Ke tucky. My father was married to a Mary Tolliver who passed away in 1922, then he married my mother in May of 1922. If you have any information regarding this family, please let me know. Thank You, Paul N. Wright.

06/15/00 22:43:45
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My Email: Email Me


06/11/00 01:29:35
Name: jim hedrick
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi there, dont know if were any kin or not. My family came from the London, Ky area. We have not been able to trace beyond my greatgrandfather as of yet. If it turns out that we share bloodlines its nice to hear from the family, if not you have a wonderf l site, thank you Jim Hedrick

05/31/00 19:26:02
Name: Richard Wade Call
My URL: Visit Me
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I'm just beginning my research into the Call side of my family. I've been told by another researcher that Samuel Call(married to Priscilla)is my ggggggrandfather. Do you have any other info on subsequant generations? Rick Call

05/31/00 16:05:40
Name: Connie Shields Inman
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I think you may be the answer to my most unsuccessful ancestor hunt. My g-grandmother was Louisa Snedegar. She married James Veatch (b.Woodford Co,KY) Their four children were born, and they both died in Platte County, MO. My grandmother Susan Veatch S ields was orphaned at age 10, and lived with an older sister until she married Marion Armstrong Shields. Do you have ANY information about poor lost Louisa? Hints, clues, possibilities--all are welcome! Thanks, Connie Inman Shields

05/30/00 01:59:37
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I am looking for Atchinson in S.C.

05/20/00 18:38:23
Name: Gail McGee
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I have McGee ancestors who came to the US from Ireland about 1774, married a Phebe Brush and was a Loyalist in the R.War. He died 1831 in N.B., Canada. We think he came from Antrim. Do you have roots there? Thanks for the great web page.

05/10/00 20:11:12
My URL: Visit Me


04/26/00 20:15:37
Name: Barbara Kolle
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

am looking for infor on Mildred Hedrick..Calif.I think, Married Miles Berry Robertson Jr. I think. Had 2 sons, Jack and Grant .Left family for some reason, or died...No clues..Grant was born in 1913 in Los Angeles. No one talked about her in the family...No clues..sound familiar?

04/12/00 11:22:12
Name: Laurence McCain
My URL: Visit Me
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Susannah Rawlings was my Great Grand Mother.She married Alexander McCain in IL in 1858.I have just started our genealogy.Our line is located in the Seattle area now.I have not found a connection to your line,just checking.

04/12/00 11:13:06
Name: Laurence McCain
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Susannah Rawlings was my Great Grand Mother.She married Alexander McCain in IL in 1858.I have just started our genealogy.Our line is located in the Seattle area now.

04/11/00 07:53:36
Name: Victoria Call
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

What a warm, friendly, and beautiful website you've created. My grandfather, who died in 8/65, was Lee Allen Call. He was from ARK. My father is still living, but he doesn't know the ethnic heritage of the Surname "Call". Do you have any information on this? Thanks again, Victoria

04/04/00 21:41:04
Name: Floyd B Bennett
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I have Snedegar, Trumbo, Hedrick and Atchison in my Family Tree.

04/04/00 21:38:07
Name: Floyd B. Bennett
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I have 648 pages of the ATCHISON FAMILY TREE in book form. They trace back to William #1, who d. 1698/99 in Maryland. Moses and other Snedgar family are in my records.

04/02/00 18:18:00
Name: Nancy E Stephens
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Please, I hope you can help. I have a book on the Rawlings family in Ky. you might be interested in . Specifically, Boyle and Mercer County. Please contact me if this interests you. I'm looking for my grandfather Claude Stephens, who married Nancy Eli abeth Rawlings. He died before my father was born. My grandmother remarried to Arthur Crain their is a farm to this day known as The Crain Farm in Perryville. Ky.

03/29/00 02:19:34
Name: Charles M Rawlings JR.
My Email: Email Me


03/28/00 20:35:38
Name: Jimmy Wilson
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I'm in process of looking up my family tree, who are Wilson's, fathers name was Curtis Alvin Wilson born in Carrolton, Ky. on 9-3-22, I know he has a sister Lucinda and had a Brother he always referred to as "Beany", I believe his name was actually Stanle , dad's fathers name was george, was hoping your site might give me some information.

03/27/00 10:35:12
Name: Stephanie Johnson
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

My maiden name is Havens I am beginning to do so research on my family tree am I related to you?

03/25/00 06:28:13
Name: Trisha Tribby
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi- I'm a Tribby and my surname is very hard to find. It was nice to find someone who has the Tribby name in their geneology. Could anyone give me more information about the Tribby's?

03/24/00 10:46:11
Name: Gerald Ruby
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

How about Nancy Henrietta Call from KY. Married Fredrick Walter Parish 27 Dec 1878 and had 12 children. Let me know, Jerry.

03/13/00 18:25:52
My URL: Visit Me


02/20/00 08:39:26
My URL: Visit Me


02/14/00 15:30:52
Name: Ross McGee
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

My mother was a Stewart, my father a McGee. We have Samuel McGee back to 1757 in this country and I have been to his resting place at paris Illinois. We do not know his parents or his first wife of whom I am a decendant. Ross

02/14/00 00:22:50
Name: Robert L. Harris Jr.
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I was delighted to read your tree, grear fun. I have been to Ny on many occasions and once visited the Dutch Society Library (very small) looking for any and all info on Jan. Found a book on New Amsterdam which actually had maps of the town and lo and b hold showed the lots labeled with his name, that Jan owned (2). Copied the maps and went to the very streets which still exist and the very blocks. One block is now one hi-rise, but it was so exciting to walk the very steets that our ances. walked.

02/13/00 19:07:58
Name: Sharon A. Adams
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I just got your e-mail and was surprised you had a web site. We read every bit of it and enjoyed it very much. Curley also had be to copy it and I did. Thanks for telling me about it. Sharon

02/06/00 04:48:57
Name: Stacie Rawlings
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I was interested in finding out info. about the Rawlings name

02/05/00 13:24:16
Name: Mildred Shepherd
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

liked your site wish i knew more about your bradleys mine came from elliot and olive hilland floyd george wesley bradley,1800, emily carpenter,married in 1850? had my gt grandmother madaline bradley can find no trace of. grandfather was william a bradle grandmother was elizabeth lambert from grahn oat hill any help thank you

01/30/00 22:06:44
Name: Michelle McRoberts Foote
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My Email: Email Me


01/28/00 00:44:24
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My Email: Email Me


01/18/00 20:01:49
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01/17/00 12:32:28
Name: Michael Chester Hedrick
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing through looking for my father Chester Raymond Hedrick of St.Louis MO. Born 07/10/35. Left Oregon in 1971.

12/18/99 15:33:03
Name: Carol Mc Gee Ferre
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I believe I am related to James Giles McGee (1806) but our history gets lost in the Indian Territory (Georgia). He was married to Sally or Sarah Davis. Do you have any genealogy that would tie your James McGee ancestry with this same James Giles, father was Henry McGee, 1772; mother, Mary Kilburn?

12/17/99 15:50:43
Name: Christen
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice site. I had a grand visit. Please return the visit. My site covers the Haworth/Beeson/Grubb lines and from Liberty to Bardstown in Kentucky

12/10/99 16:22:47
Name: Eleanor Snedegar Smith (Ellie)
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

thanx for this ino

11/28/99 01:55:48
Name: Mike Hembrey
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

found your site while looking for links to my grandfather, Price Lee Bradley. died in Harrison County, Indiana. He once told me he worked on the L&N (??) railroad line through Shelbyville, Ky. If you ran across his name during your research, please let me know. We keep hitting blind leads. Thanks!

11/26/99 12:56:08
Name: Portia Call
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Had to read your Kentucky ancestors as I have an interest in genealogy too. My father was Cyril Alfred Call, son of Anson V. Call. There has to be a shirttail there somewhere!

11/25/99 22:42:45
Name: Kaye ANNAS Ohlendorf
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi, what a lovely web page. I need info on my MCGEE line. My grandmother was Viola May MCGEE, her father was Erastus Clinton MCGEE, and his father was John MCGEE. I have him in Pike Co., Ohio but think he probably came from KY. E.C. had a brother, Jam s, who died in TN. If you have anything for me, I would be thrilled. Thank you so much for this opportunity to "talk" with you. Kaye

11/20/99 03:20:48
Name: Connie Shields Inman
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

HI, again. I reread your website. Even without your checking further, I am sure we are connected to the same Snedegar back there somewhere. I am sooo glad to have Louise Snedegar's name right. I've been looking for Lou Swedger! Looking forward to hea ing from you, cuz. Connie

11/19/99 06:02:46
Name: John Wright
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

truely a lovely record. You must be proud Regards John Wright

11/09/99 02:25:26
Name: Ann Greear Bacon
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Found your page while searching for Wright line. My great-grandmother was Rebecca Jane Wright d/o Micajah Linch Wright s/o Charles Wright s/o Jarrett Wright s/o Joseph Wright. Do you have any info on any of these people that you are willing to share? An

11/02/99 22:32:59
Name: Charles McRoberts
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice work Sandy. We are adding to the McRoberts' as I have four children Amanda, Austin, Leanne and Sarah. Dad was William S. and Granddad was Evertt O. McRoberts. Charles McRoberts

10/30/99 16:30:01
Name: Jan Meredith
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I don't believe I am related to you, but I am related to Emma Ash Calemer who you have listed as married to James Callerman. Could you let me know where you got your info as I got mine from the 1860 Illinois census and it has Emma Ash b.1837 married to Ja es Calemer b.1828. I am sure she was my gt grandfather's sister, so I need to get this stright. Thanks, You've really been busy with this. Isn't it fun?

10/19/99 23:53:40
Name: Jill Spencer Milligan
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice work! I came across your page when researching my great grandfather's parentage. Samuel A. Bradley. He was born in Louisville, KY on Sept. 4, 1867, and died on November 27, 1937, and is buried in St. Louis Cemetary in Louisville. He had 2 brothers named Robert and Patrick - I don't know what ever happened to them either! Keep up th good work, and if you have ever heard of my branch of the Bradley family e - mail me! Jill Milligan

10/13/99 20:51:06
Name: Loretta Johnson
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Thank you for sharing your web page.. I too have McGee ancestry and was led to your page thru submitting one of my McGee ancestors names... Will be back here to look further into your research to see if we are related... Enjoyed learning more about you an your kin...

09/26/99 04:02:50
Name: Charles R. Taliaferro
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Great web site! Most informative! Learned a lot about your heritage!

08/14/99 01:35:06
Name: Dennis Snedegar
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


08/10/99 07:06:27
My URL: Visit Me

loved your flowers and the way you put things, easy to read.

07/28/99 01:57:43
Name: John Callarman
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I'm overwhelmed. To think I had a part in stimulating your interest in genealogy! Nice work!

07/09/99 01:57:14
Name: Virginia Blalock
My URL: Visit Me


07/08/99 23:47:05
Name: Charles D. Rawlins
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing by and found your site. You have done a great job. To maybe find more Rawlin(g)s you might check Ron's Rawlings page at

06/23/99 23:46:10
Name: Eric Stewart
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


01/18/99 04:02:31
Name: Bobbi Savey
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Happy to be here, nice to here from you.

01/12/99 05:59:05
Name: Joanna
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

You have created a beautiful page! I enjoyed my vist.

12/26/98 19:29:19
Name: Mrs. Marlyn Riter
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hello: Your page is a great incentive for us to do the same for our family. We're new to the internet and learning! My STENNETT families were from Washington Co, Kentucky and I have alot to search there. Thank you and Happy New Year! mmr

12/26/98 19:29:18
Name: Mrs. Marlyn Riter
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hello: Your page is a great incentive for us to do the same for our family. We're new to the internet and learning! My STENNETT families were from Washington Co, Kentucky and I have alot to search there. Thank you and Happy New Year! mmr

10/07/98 02:36:02
Name: Keith SNEDEGAR
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Keith, son of Kenneth, son of Thomas, son of Moses, son of Whitman Snedegar, who, I believe, was the son of the Moses who migrated to Kentucky. On account of my Dad's move to Michigan in the 1950s, I've grown up entirely away from the Snedegar heartland. Someday I must visit Bath County! Thanks very much for your website. With every good wish, Keith

10/03/98 01:44:01
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

09/20/98 01:13:03
Name: Elizabeth Smith
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Very interesting. I have lots of relatives from Fleming Co. My grandfather was born and grew up in Sherburne. Don't worry about being related to yourself. I'm my own cousin several times over, as I suspect most of us are.

08/16/98 12:03:50
Name: Joyce Howard
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Enjoyed visiting your website. I grew up in Cincinnati, OH and my Dad was born in Ashland, KY. I have an Alexander Stewart/Stuart B: 1685 Scotland, married and died in Chester Co. PA. Any connection?

08/11/98 20:35:34
Name: James R. Bradley
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

always on the look out for Bradley's

08/04/98 19:57:13
Name: Dr. Roy W. Black
My Email: Email Me

Your home page is beyond doubt the most beautiful one I have seen! I came across it looking for my ancestors who were in Botetourt County,VA and then moved to Breckinridge,CO,Ky The two oldest one were both named Frederick Black. I did not find a connecti n here but surely enjoyed your page.

08/04/98 01:57:42
Name: Bette Butcher Topp
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Sandra - I love your graphics of the flowers and the welcome sign. Looks great. Good job! I have Stewarts also. William 1727 poss. in Co.Cork, Ireland. He m. Elizabeth Givens ca 1750 Lancaster Co.,PA, and he d. 10 Feb 1811 near Stewarttown, Monongalia Co.,(W)VA. I know he had a brother, Charles. Do you have any knowledge of this f mily? Keep up the good work Bette

08/01/98 00:09:31
Name: Christine J. Roberts
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I just thought that I would visit. I love your page. I hope to get one of my own soon. I will e-mail my snail mail address to you on Sunday. Hope to hear from you again.

07/27/98 03:34:51
Name: Sandy MCROBERTS Savey
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Wanted to say "THANK YOU" to all those that have visited my site "MY KENTUCKY ANCETORS" and signed this, my guestbook. If you think you may have a connection to my family lines, PLEASE, contact me. I have a lot of information on my family lines that are not on this site. I would be happy to share information and meet knew cousins. Finding ones family is a never ending quest. We all need all the help and resources we can find. Again THANKS, and visit often. Sandy - in - Ky.

07/26/98 10:45:31
Name: Jim Jones
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi Sandy. Very nice web page. certainly come a long way with the computer! Jim.

07/20/98 17:43:08
Name: Barbara
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Sandy, I enjoyed reading your web page. You did a great job.

07/15/98 17:41:49
My URL: Visit Me


06/25/98 04:11:02
Name: Betty Vanlandingham
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

It is great!!!!

06/24/98 03:23:14
Name: Lauretta barnett
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Sandy, you have done a great job and I enjoyed reading all about your family

06/24/98 02:44:43
Name: Cyndi Steinberger
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Sandy, I read through your site and I think it is very neat! Love the flowers and the way you explained the family history. Was enjoyable to read!

06/23/98 23:25:48
Name: Vearl Stewart
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Very interesting. Vearl

06/23/98 14:31:41
Name: Pete Bailey
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Very interesting page. We have some connections, at least by marriage. One of my g-g-g-g grandmothers was Mary Trumbo(married James Robbins). My great aunt (Lillian Bailey) married Carl Snedigar. My aunt (Lottie Bailey) married Wallace Wright. My aun (Lillian Bailey) married Adrian VanLandingham. We were distantly related someway to Willie "Red" Rawlings. Pete

06/23/98 11:50:21
Name: Carol Howell McGlothen
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Great Site! Researching Swartz, McGlothen, Ballard, and Carpenter in Bath Co Will be back often

06/23/98 11:02:31
Name: CJ Waller
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I was interested especially in the Stewarts as I have a William Stewart b KY 4-24-1794 m Rhoda Burks b abt 1806 KY. They moved to Jefferson Twp Boone Co, IN and died there. Rhoda is second wife of Williams unkn first. Their children all born in Indiana. ancy, George,Mary,Daniel,Anna Marie,Minerva,Samuel,Thomas,James..We think our William Stewart's parents were Robert Stewart and Margaret McCallen. and have been told that this Stewart family if from a military family of KY. WE believe our William left KY omewhere around 1825. Do you think he could be a brother to your Elizabeth ?

06/23/98 04:44:21
Name: Amanda McRoberts
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Great work Sandy. This is one beautiful page you have put together. Good luck, and I will be sure and add a link to your page. Your cousin, Amanda

06/16/98 00:30:11
Name: lisa simoneit
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

why am i not mentioned aunt sandy? i'm part of your family too!!!

06/15/98 03:39:40
Name: Fran
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

hope you like the new stuff I added. Let me know what you think. *hugs*

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