
February 21, 1999

Well, first off, I have to say a big thank you to Ann, who has really done a lot with my web page and all entries to this journal. If it wasn't for her, none of this would be here. :o)

Another thing I'd like to touch on, is the amount of friends that I've made since joining some Nursing Web Rings. I know, that if I have a question, that the answer, or help to find the answer is one e-mail away. The most amazing thing I found out while surfing through other nursing students pages was that one of the students went to my school. A special note to her:

Kirin, you have been there for me and I will miss you so much after you are done, which is this week. You will remain an inspiration to me long after you leave. Thank you for all the help on the HOSA speech, us Gold Medal Winners have to stick together. Keep your ICQ on for me, I'll need you more than ever now. Congratulations on finishing the program and best of luck to you.

Now, lets dry our tears and visit her two web-pages and sign the guest book ( she loves that !!) The links to all my Nursing friends web-pages will be on a separate page, hopefully soon.

Landa, To my sister by way of JJ. (LOL) I am so glad I met you this year. You help me more than you know. I don't think the world of nursing is ready for the two of us together, but I'm sure Bayfront will be a better experience with you there to guide me. I think I'll need more of our Friday night get-togethers now as this program progresses. Thank you for always being there for me.........I hope I can do the same for you as our friendship grows.

Well, on with the nursing journey.....

I went to the HOSA competition and took the Gold Medal for Prepared Speech, which Kirin helped me write. I then decided to compete in Medical Terminology , by the time I was done with the 130 question test, I can tell you, I was MAKING UP names for operations, but to my surprise, I took the Bronze Medal in that competition. So now, I thought I was done, but NOOOOOO, I have to go to the State Competition in April to compete in BOTH categories. LOL Tomorrow starts our clinicals. Watch out Bayfront, here we come. This is the moment of truth. I'll check back in with you all soon......... Deb, SPN ( arghhhh)

January 23, 1999

TEST ANXIETY !!!!!!!!!! Never had it, now I do. What is it? Let's see. First off, insomnia the night before the test, and when I do sleep, I dream about what that test is on. Then I get to school, have either an hour and a half to review if I am testing at 9 am or half the day to get worse if I am testing at 1 pm. The worst test I took in terms of anxiety was the Nervous System. Kind of fits, doesn't it? Ms. Johnson ( nursing instructor) assured me that I was "blocking" everything as I handed her my completed test with shaking hand and tears in my eyes, convinced that I had failed. I think I had problems with this one due to my wonderful late husband, Wayne, who died of a brain tumor. It reminded me so much of him, all the things involved……if you can understand. Well, to make a long story short, I went out to my car, chain smoked two cigarettes, came back into the lab and there was Ms. Johnson with a smile on her face as she handed me the test. 87% !! And I got a hug too. Whew. Relief. Then, the next day, another test…………. All in all, I'm staying in the low 90's average now. We start clinicals on February 15. Bayfront Hospital, St. Petersburg, Fl. I understand that the first day we have a scavenger hunt………..I'll keep you posted. BTW, I bought the flight attendant's suitcase, smartest $40.oo I ever spent LOL Oh, one more thing, I was nominated for Secretary for our HOSA committee at school HOSA stands for Health Occupation Students of America. One more thing to add to the platter-huh? Not only that, for some reason Ms. Johnson wanted me to compete in the regional competition for prepared speech. This could be very interesting… say the least. Deb

January 6, 1999

Well, Christmas and New Years have passed. The kids and I got stuck in the Blizzard of 1999 when we visited my mom in Chicago. Glad to be back in sunny Florida. Let's see, I now know how heavy my books are and I will no longer laugh at the students who use the flight attendants rolling suitcase to carry their books, in fact, I will purchase one this weekend and be very happy about it. I've learned that every question I ask can be answered with "look it up and we will discuss it". My instructor for this rotation is an Air Force Nurse who worked her way through school with any and every obstacle in her way. In other words, she's been there, done it and you can't have it any worse than her. I actually like her way of teaching and her no-nonsense manner. My evenings are filled with the children and then the books. I think if I don't have a book in front of me or around me, the kids think some vital part of me is missing. The grades are still in the "A" range, but now, we concentrate on just passing, not getting all "A's". 80 or above is our new motto.

November 29, 1998

Well, two weeks have elapsed since my start date. I am maintaining a 100% average at this time, even with an Anatomy and Physiology exam thrown in for good measure. I really don't expect those grades to stay THAT high, but dreaming is fun. I am in competition with my wonderful son, Wayne Jr., who brought home straight A's. What a wonderful blessing that was. I'll ask him for help on the math. I'm sort of adjusting to the 5 am wake-up call to get dressed, take care of the dogs and then wake poor KellyAnne up. I dress the poor baby while she is still in bed. I like that though, no arguments over what she is wearing. She was so sleepy the first morning ( okay, so I was too) that when I sat her down with her breakfast, she was watching the business report instead of the Cartoon Network. No complaints from her though :o) !! The dogs don't like being home alone for that long either, Levon has taken to chewing up anything that he can find :o( Wayne Jr. likes the fact that I too have homework, but not when he sees how long it takes and the amount of books and papers involved. Well, I'll check in soon. Hopefully, the GPA stays in the 3.5-4.0 category !!!!

PS The uniforms are just "adorable", I'll include a picture for your viewing humor soon !!!