- Set Up Your UB UNIX Account for Webpages
- Crosswinds, Geocities, Tripod, Xoom,--these are all free homepage services you can use if you don't want to (or can't) use UB UNIX. Each has their own advantages and disadvantages (they are supported by different kinds of advertising), so you'll just have to decide which you like best.
- Download a free copy of WS_FTP (This software allows you to upload HTML files to your webspace. It is free for non-commercial use.)
- Stone's Throw Quick and Easy HTML--a free online textbook for HTML beginners
- ColorCenter (Find the six-digit codes for colors; if you write your own HTML, you'll use these color codes for fonts and backgrounds, etc.)
- Free Yahoo Email (You'll want to set up a "junk" email account that you don't mind having advertising mailed to. Virtually any free service that will make your website snazzier will ask for your email address, and then mail you advertising each week--that's how the service stays free).
- CJB.NET (Free forwarding! Change some really long address to something shorter like http://yourname.cjb.net--you set it up to forward to your webpage automatically.)
- Free Stuff Factory (Free counters, message boards, poll services, chatrooms, etc. for your site. Remember: Before you sign up for free services like free counters, free guestbooks, free message boards, etc., remember to get yourself a junk email address. Virtually all free services will require an email address, and many will use that address to send you weekly advertising.)
- Click Here to Download Your Sample Webpage--This is a sample webpage that you can easily modify.
Graduate Study in Psychology
Social Work Graduate School: How to Get In
Pizza-pedia: An Encyclopedia of Pizza
Free Clicks for Charity
Stampede Links 1
Stampede Links 2
Psi Chi, Psychology, Lizards and Bobo Dolls
Miscellany Index
Something About Academic Life and Bobo Dolls
Who Needs Psychology?
Links: World Wildlife Fund, etc.
Survey Portal