Thanks to these special people for leaving me their thoughts.

Desiree Roy - 11/24/00 18:17:43
How did you find me?: yahoo search
What state are you from?: New York

I find this site to be very informative. I to am a survivor. On September 6, 2000, my 14 month son Justin Aaron was scalded to death in hot water by his father. I am hurting, confused, and very angry, and I am reaching out to the community trying to find some type of support and information on how to survive the lost of a child.

Chad - 10/21/00 03:15:07
Name of your homepage: Mr Weirdo
How did you find me?: just surfed on in
What state are you from?: PA

Comments: a very tear jerking story.....I want you to know that I will pray for you. And I wish you Gods strength. Goodbye.

Anita - 10/07/00 21:32:15
Name of your homepage: My First Webpage A Dedication To My Sister
How did you find me?: Webring
What state are you from?: AL.


Random Acts of Kindness
My sister was also murdered its been so hard for all of us. But the pain my mom goes through no one can amagine unless you are a mother. God Bless

Anita - 10/07/00 21:24:39
Name of your homepage: My First Webpage A Dedication To My Sister
How did you find me?: webring
What state are you from?: Alabama


You are doing a great job. Please check this group out. God Bless

debby - 04/04/00 00:50:56
Name of your homepage: In Memory of Carl Walter Pueschel
How did you find me?: POMC
What state are you from?: california

What tragedy! I cannot believe that humans can possibly do these horrible things to our children. I cannot EVEN understand your pain of what you went through. The death of our children is the worst nightmare of all! Thanks for sharing your broken hear .

Ron Ringleka - 02/08/00 01:51:44
How did you find me?: Search the net
What state are you from?: MICHIGAN

Soooo sorry to hear of your loss of Betty. I was searching the web in an effort to find the words to present at trial of the person(s) responsible for murdering my brother in his home with an ax. I hope you can find peace... A prison term without at very least natural life is a crime in itelf.

RLouis - 01/27/00 10:12:49

I so feel for you and your pain. My daughter was murdered by her husband two weeks ago and the pain is unbearable. God bless you.

DonnaTheisen - 01/09/00 04:05:53
How did you find me?: link
What state are you from?: Florida

I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter. I lost my son Michael in Jan 98.I am a published author and would like to talk to you about a book I am writing about losing a child. Please email me.I would like to include your daughter. Peace

Rev. Charles Lee - 12/30/99 16:20:28
Name of your homepage: Ministry of The Sacred Winds
How did you find me?: Fate I guess. just surfing the web
What state are you from?: PA

Just terribly saddened by your story and what happened to your daughter. It is so incomprehensible how some people can be so cruel and inhumane. Some times we ask God why. Why her, why me, why this? I dont presume to have an answer. I just pray deeply and fervently for your healing. I am sure you daughter is in a wonderful place now where she will never be hurt by anyone again. I am sure she is praying for you to heal also. I am sure that she wants you to live your life to the fullest and not let bitternes obstruct the good you can do in this world. Love can end such atrocities. I pray - you precious child of God - that you be a force for love. And that the winds of love blow the sorrow and bitterness from your heart and that you sense the incredible love hat is being sent to you. Share that love, in this is your healing. Hope this helped.

Beth - 11/10/99 19:11:28
What state are you from?: California

I am so sorry for your loss. Your story touched my heart and I thank God everyday for bringing my girls home safe. I hope that monster never reaches the streets to hurt anyone.

Toni Plank - 09/23/99 18:01:59
Name of your homepage: An Angel Named Kim
How did you find me?: Survivors of Homicide
What state are you from?: Il.

I am so sorry for what happened to your beutiful daughter. That man is a monster and so is his girl friend. He will never get the punishment he deserves. I cant think of any amount of suffering that would be too much for him. I can really understand your ain and sadness. I hope that one day you will find some peace. Toni

Erin - 09/16/99 01:04:37
Name of your homepage: For Mom
How did you find me?: Webring
What state are you from?: PA

i'm so deeply sorry for your loss. the story is horrible and no one should have to go through that. i don't know what to say to comfort you. i just hope you keep your spirits up and your daughter in your heart.

Cheri - 09/14/99 11:59:52

You have beautifully done page with a sad, sad story and my heart goes out to you. I pray that in time you will find peace.

Kelly - 08/08/99 17:09:43
Name of your homepage: Larry's Memorial
How did you find me?: From the PEACE page

Lucille ~ I am so sorry for what you and your family are going through. You have created a beautiful, loving tribute to you lovely daughter. She sounds like the light of your life. I can honestly say I do know the road you are traveling. In August of 1997 my husban and I (we were both 26 at the time) were victims of a home invasion. I was beaten, shot once in the back, and twice in the head (which I still pay for to this day). Actually I was lucky. Larry was shot numerous times at point blank range and beaten sever ly while he was dying. The visions are still crystal clear. I didn't even know he had died until a day and a half later and the hospital wouldn't even release me to go to his funeral. For other reasons I never got to to back to the trailer we'd been renti g. I don't know what it's like to lost a child, and to this day I can't fathom what my Mom and Dad-In-Law are going through. But, I do know what it's like to be present when it happens and to lose a husband ~ he was my everything. Please feel free to e-ma l me and know that I'm thinking of you. May you feel the gentle brush of angels wings all around you, Lucille.

Alice - 06/18/99 21:56:45
Name of your homepage: I Will Remember You
How did you find me?: geosearch
What state are you from?: i'm from Canada :)

my heart aches for you. i admire you so much for the hell you must have been put through. reading your daughter's story brought tears to my eyes. may i please light a candle for Betty on my page and help you tell her story? take care, and God bless - Alic

lucille - 06/13/99 06:31:08

Just checking

Norma Addison - 03/13/99 19:14:06
Name of your homepage: ourlostangel
What state are you from?: Texas

I am very sorry for your loss. MY gandughter Desiree" Morgan , ourlostangl, was killed 1-4-99. Norma

Lisa Almestic - 03/13/99 17:46:39
My Email:conchaleva@aol
Name of your homepage: Conchaleva
How did you find me?: geocsites
What state are you from?: Florida

very very very sad ..story. but even bety died in such a terrible way I know she is sitting next to God....that monster I hope he remains in jail and some other immate take care of him... I am a mother too and I share your sorrow. God bless your beatuful aughter...very nice page and very emotive..

Donna - 02/13/99 06:13:39
What state are you from?: florida

I lost my son Michael so I feel your pain. I am a published author writing a book about losing a child. I would like to include your daughter in the book. Please email me. hugs peace and think butterflies Donna

Dan & Jan Wigginton - 01/26/99 05:43:24
How did you find me?: homicide survivors
What state are you from?: Washington

I really enjoyed your web page about Betty. You may remember us, and we met at the Village Restaurant in Marysville with Nancy Stensrud and Bobbi Costa. Our son Shane was also murdered. We are still involved in the special inquiry proceedings but are look ng forward to closure very soon. At least the M. E. has overturned his case from a suicide to the homicide that we knew it was, due to evidence Jim Townsend has obtained from witness. E-Mail or call if you get the chance 360-6532151. God Bless, Dan & Jan< r>
Donna theisen - 01/17/99 02:46:56
How did you find me?: surfing
What state are you from?: Florida

I am so sorry about the loss of your beautiful daughter. I lost my only son to a car accident in Jan 98. I am a published author writing a book about losing a child. I would like to include your daughter in my new book. Please email me. hugs peace and thi k butterflies Donna

Kathalise Martin - 01/12/99 06:53:28
Name of your homepage: The Martin's Home Page
How did you find me?: Webring
What state are you from?: Ky

Lucille, I am sitting here in a daze. How in the world, what do you say. I am sorry is no good. I can't say I know how you feel I don't/ My heart breaks for you and your family. Betty is such a pretty girl. How I wish there was something I could say to er se your pain. God Bless and Keep You.I pray you find some peace.

Elsangel - 01/02/99 20:52:33
Name of your homepage: Elsangel's Memorial Garden of the Littlest Angels
How did you find me?: Web Ring
What state are you from?: Massachusetts

I read your story and as a mother, I am horrified that anyone could treat another like that. I am glad you had the courage to tell it though so others may learn and someday it might save someone from the tragedy your daughter suffered.

Judi - 12/26/98 16:25:26
Name of your homepage: Shane's Page
How did you find me?: Survivors of Homicide Webring
What state are you from?: Louisiana

I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter Betty. Her death was so senseless and tragic. As I read your story, my heart broke for you. I too know the pain of losing my child by the hands of another. This is a long hard road we walk. This site i a beautiful tribute to Betty and her memory. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Judi - 12/26/98 16:23:03
Name of your homepage: Shane's Page
How did you find me?: Survivors of Homicide Webring
What state are you from?: Louisiana

I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter Betty. Her death was so senseless and tragic. As I read your story, my heart broke for you. I too know the pain of losing my child by the hands of another. This is a long hard road we walk. This site i a beautiful tribute to Betty and her memory. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

TRISH - 12/14/98 23:11:41
Name of your homepage: N/A
How did you find me?: WARLOK(MIKE)
What state are you from?: ALABAMA

My heart grieves for you, there are no words I can say that will help you with the void you feel.I can only reach out a helping hand.

Emily Nghiem - 12/08/98 07:11:24
Name of your homepage:
How did you find me?: Justice For All/Victims Voices
What state are you from?: Texas

God Bless you for holding on, given all that you have suffered. I was touched by your poetry and your honesty, and I grieve for your loss and the horror that you experienced and miraculously survived, for which I applaud your strength and your faith to g on. I send you my love and will pray for you and your dear Betty, that the divine love you share in Christ Jesus overpower any worldly force of evil, terror, grief, or violence that would dare try to separate you as the ultimate blasphemy against the Ho y Spirit -- the one sin not forgiven in this world or the next. May the love of all mothers and daughters be with you in your journey ahead, as I know that God must mean for you to carry the torch for others to light theirs by. God Bless you and Keep yo , and heal your heart of all suffering and pain inflicted thereon that does *not* belong there but on the conscience of the evil who caused it, which Jesus *shall* cast out to burn away in the lake of fire. Let the suffering belong to those who cause it, nd leave you in peace, where you and Betty are joined in God forever and can never be separated by man. Love always, Emily

Magge - 12/04/98 03:30:24
Name of your homepage: Our Hearts are Forever Broken
How did you find me?: webring
What state are you from?: Indiana

God bless you. I know your pain! My beloved grandson was murdered July 1, 1998. He lived with me for the first 6 years of his life. He was my sun, my moon, my stars. He was my everything. Only those of us who have felt this terrible pain can possibl understand the turmoil. Betty is beautiful, no one deserves such a terrible death. We can believe that the day will come and we will hug our babies again. Sincerely, Magge

Linda - 10/05/98 15:23:37
Name of your homepage: none
How did you find me?: surfing
What state are you from?: ontario canada

Your story of your daughters horrible&sensless death is heart rending.God bless you for having the courage to write and share it with others. My daughter suffered a death of a different kind, a death of her soul. She was brutaly raped and sodomized by monster she thought was a friend he tied her up sodomized her with a carrot, raped and beat her and told her while he was raping her that her h d seen photos of her son and that he would rape him too and force her to watch. She some-how got free and when she did she killed him. She was arrested by the police charged with murder and given 7 yrs in a canadian prison for women.(the prosecution sugessted to the jury that she had consensual sex with him) After serving 4yrs her conviction was appealed and over-turned,one reason being hat the judge misled the jury. This has destroyed my daughter in more ways than one she has cut herself so her arms are nothing but scars is manic, deppresive,and suffers from chronic post traumatic stress syndrome she will never be the same. At the time Tina-Marie had 3 children,1 who now lives with me and my hubby and 2 with her sister. She is not and probaly never will be emotionaly able to be their mommy again. Such is the Canadian judical system Linda McNeill Ontario Canada

- 10/05/98 15:21:34

Your story of your daughters horrible&sensless death is heart rending.God bless you for having the courage to write and share it with others. My daughter suffered a death of a different kind, a death of her soul. She was brutaly raped and sodomized by monster she thought was a friend he tied her up sodomized her with a carrot, raped and beat her and told her while he was raping her that her h d seen photos of her son and that he would rape him too and force her to watch. She some-how got free and when she did she killed him. She was arrested by the poleice charged with murder and given 7 yrs in a canadian prison for women.(the prosecution sugessted to the jury that she had consensual sex with him) After serving 4yrs her conviction was appealed and over-turned,one reason being that the judge misled the jury. This has destroyed my daughter in more ways than one she has cut herself so her arms are nothing but scars is manic, deppresive,and suffers from chronic post traumatic stress syndrome she will never be the same. At the tim Tina-Marie had 3 children,1 who now lives with me and my hubby and 2 with her sister. She is not and probaly never will be emotionaly able to be their mommy again. Such is the Canadian judical system Linda McNeill Ontario Canada

10/03/98 01:42:27
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Kathy - 09/08/98 00:07:52
My Email:BlkNkiss
Name of your homepage: none
How did you find me?: Pomc
What state are you from?: New Jersey

Im So very Sorry for your loss My heart goes out to you .. I also have lost my girl to Violence and it turly does hurt.. My Daughter was 16 Found beatn to death in School And reading your story of your precious darling just makes me realize im not alone You to any more others like us are going in number day by day .. I cry all the time and im greiving her more and more as time goes by .. I know you are doing the same .. Please write to me and let me know how you did your web page Idont know anything a out it.. May God Bless and Keep you : The Horror you have gone though is unbelieveable. The acts that were commited against your precious daughter is unforgivable he should have Been treated in the same fashion thats what i think . The way a assailient takes the life off someone the same should be done to them .. I hope that doest sound to harsh but i in such pain loosing my Girl the way I did also .. And its just as you said its emotionally devastating and Finicially draining and leaves you as a parent feeling like someone has Robbed you of your most precious Possision And thats exactly what has happened I stoped working living and still am trying to cop.. Trial has still not taken place.. Again May God Bless and Keep you Kathryn Mason

Janice Flint - 09/03/98 15:35:15
My Email:janice07
What state are you from?: ILLINOIS

I'm to shocked to quite know what to say. To say I'm sorry for you loss just doesn't seem to be enough. From meeting you however, I know your a very strong woman and you will persevere. God Bless You Jan

Theresa A. Niksick - 08/27/98 05:11:42
Name of your homepage: The Andrew R. Niksick Homicide Prevention Foundation
How did you find me?: Survivors of homicide web ring
What state are you from?: Ohio

I am so sorry to hear about your terrible loss. It is such a horrible thing to have to go through. I have been feeling the pain for 16 years now over the murder of my father, it still feels like yesterday it happened. The police know who his killer is but the man is free because of a technicality. I have created a web site for people like us. I have message boards and chat, lord knows there is not enough support groups anywhere so I decided to start my own. I would also be honored to add your loved one to y memorial page. Please check out my site. Together I believe we all can make a difference! Hugs and you are in my prayers, Theresa A. Niksick

- 08/20/98 17:19:54


Wendy Bailey - 08/16/98 16:33:15
Name of your homepage: Murder in Arkansas - The Real Story
How did you find me?: Web Ring
What state are you from?: OH/KY

Your story touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes. Your poems flooded my soul with emotions. I will return very soon and often.

Kimberley - 08/15/98 03:38:43
Name of your homepage: none
How did you find me?: surfing
What state are you from?: Nevada

Hi, I just wanted you to know how moved I was by your poems and journals. You have put into words what I have not yet been able to define. My daughter was murdered on 2/26/96, by her babysitter. I know exactly the feelings you have been able to put so loquently into words. Thank you so much for sharing them with me. God bless and take care. Kimberley

Ken & Michelle Ketcherside - 08/08/98 05:26:25
How did you find me?: Personal friend
What state are you from?: Hawaii

Enjoyed working with you all and look forward to seeing you again.

- 08/03/98 01:42:36


candi965 - 08/03/98 01:34:47
My Email:candi965
How did you find me?: mike
What state are you from?: il.

i feel for you so much

rich and Kay yanketis - 08/02/98 20:47:37
My Email:warlok463
How did you find me?: mikes friends
What state are you from?: il

we are so sorry about the tragedy you have experienced you will be kept in our prayers and god bless the both of you

rich and Kay yanketis - 08/02/98 20:47:32
My Email:warlok463
How did you find me?: mikes friends
What state are you from?: il

we are so sorry about the tragedy you have experienced you will be kept in our prayers and god bless the both of you

mike christensen - 08/02/98 20:35:44
My Email:warlok463
How did you find me?: worked with ya
What state are you from?: il

Lucy i am so sorry

Clarissa Stuart - 07/09/98 14:32:32
Name of your homepage: LOVING MEMORIES
How did you find me?: via link sent in e-mail from YOU!
What state are you from?: Oregon

Lucille, Are you a member of POMC (Parents of Murdered Children)? We have a chapter right here online. I have taken the liberty of forwarding your link to our group moderator. You should be hearing from her soon. Girl, you need POMC. It's a life-saver. Hope o hear from you soon. Love and Peace, Clarissa

Clarissa Stuart - 07/09/98 14:30:51
Name of your homepage: LOVING MEMORIES
How did you find me?: via link sent in e-mail from YOU!
What state are you from?: Oregon

Lucille, Are you a member of POMC (Parents of Murdered Children)? We have a chapter right here online. I have taken the liberty of forwarding your link to our group moderator. You should be hearing from her soon. Girl, you need POMC. It's a life-saver. Hope o hear from you soon. Love and Peace, Clarissa

Ross Warnek - 07/08/98 06:08:19

L. You know Betty Linda and were friends in our own way and what happened hurts a lot. Can't change things and can't forget either. On Dec 17 i was on my way to Texas to spend Xmas with Chris and when i returned the answering machine had malfunctioned and i had no messages on it. no one lived in the house that winter.

Aaron - 05/31/98 21:38:28
Name of your homepage: Aaron's Homepage
How did you find me?: followed a link
What state are you from?: Colorado

I'm deeply saddened by your loss. A person like the man who killed your daughter shouldn't be allowed to live himself. I'm very sorry for you. I pray you will have the courage and strength to survive your loss.

Sheri Gibson - 05/27/98 22:00:17
Name of your homepage: Sheri's Place
How did you find me?: Followed a link
What state are you from?: Texas

Hi, as I read through your story, my heart is crying for you. I have 3 young daughters and it is so sad that the world is full of monsters! It is even sader that the monster that murdered your Betty will be out walking the streets again. UNJUST! My though s are with you. If you need someone to "talk" to... email me. {{{HUG}}}

Pam Perreault - 05/13/98 14:47:43
Name of your homepage: Pam's Way
How did you find me?: friendship
What state are you from?: Nevada/formerly WA

What a loving beautiful tribute to your lovely daughter. My heart can feel your pain. Your poems touched my heart. Bless you Lucille!
May peace, love and light be yours - Pam

Kathy - 05/10/98 18:05:15
Name of your homepage: Kathy's Koffee Cafe'
How did you find me?: Suvivors of Homicide Webring
What state are you from?: Texas

Thank you for sharing your suvivor's story. I know how painful it is to open up like that. What a wonderful memorial to your daughter.

Leigh-Ann Peters - 04/22/98 01:22:24
Name of your homepage: Rott's Domestic Violence
How did you find me?: Survivor of Homicide Webring
What state are you from?: Washington

Very Beautiful

Lee - 04/19/98 16:09:30
My Email:Wolvenmane
How did you find me?: url
What state are you from?: Fl

It is very nice Lucille

Darlene Thiesfeld - 04/16/98 15:14:38
How did you find me?: From address from e-mail
What state are you from?: Washington

Your poem was very touching.

Ann - 04/13/98 14:49:48
My Email:An22370
How did you find me?: links
What state are you from?: Missouri

May you find comfort in knowing that others care about you and are thinking of you.

Kim J - 04/05/98 15:52:05
Name of your homepage: The Jones' Zone
How did you find me?: you found me!
What state are you from?: GA

Hi Lucille, I'm glad that I'm the first one to sign your guestbook. I'm so happy that you like the design and it's the way you wanted it to look.

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