Darkness and Shadow
My Shadow
Moments in Time
Heart's Desire
Question of Love
Love's Strength
Celestial Love
The Hand
The Tree of Life
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
A couple special poems from events that needed them..
The survivors
Wedding Poem
In My Dreams
A night passes,
Alone in my dreams.
Longing for a heart,
To come in my dreams.
A lifetime of joy,
With you in my dreams.
A smile on your face,
True beauty in my dreams.
A sweet caress,
Her soul in my dreams.
But for now I wait,
Alone in my dreams.
And My Heart Beats Faster
One glint of her eyes
My heart beats faster
One wisp of a smile
And my heart beats faster
A flip of the hair, a laugh from her lips
And my heart beats faster.
But a mere touch of her hand
Still faster it beats.
With a single embrace,
And still faster it beats
Just one single kiss,
And my heart beats no more.
Sweet extasy to fade in her arms....
Have you ever seen the night?
Let me show you the stars.
Have you ever danced in the moonlight?
Let me glide into your life.
Have you longed for the past?
Let me wait in your future.
Have you ever loved forever?
Let me show you the way.
In all the world,
Through the years
I longed for a love I can call my own
Someone who can calm my fears
Yesterdays past
Only time will tell
Under nighttime skies
In sunny days
When storms are blowing
And lighting flashing
Never did I dream
That it would be you
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