Sandie's Favorite Links

Because I have a wide variety of interests, I also have a wide variety of links.

My favorite genealogy indexes

A Barrel of Genealogy Links

Ancestry-The Genealogy Research Home Town

Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites

GENDEX--Index of Surnames

US GenWeb

World/Translate This site is great when you need to translate information from foreign locations.

My favorite craft pages

Welcome to Michael's Crafts

Welcome to DMC

The Scrapbooking Idea Network

Creating Keepsakes Magazine Online

I love to do Chicken Scratch Embroidery. Here are some of my favorite links:

Chicken Scratch Embroidery Simple explanation of Chicken Scratch and Information on ordering booklets

Craftown Crafters Resource Center Basic instruction and 2 patterns

Pegasus Originals, Inc. presents Chicken Scratch Basic instructions and some booklets that are available

If you are interested in Chicken Scratch, I run a yahoogroup for people who would like to share patterns and tips. Please contact me.

My Other Interests

Grandma Remembers

My favorite Graphics pages

The Mouse Pad Genealogy Graphics

Cherished Memories/CS Designs-Chris Stern

LDS Links

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Family Search This is a very good source of family information.

The Book of Mormon

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Last Updated 30 Dec 2003 by Sandie Huffstutler