Thanks for visiting the Oklahoma Koi Society, if you are in the area stop and visit in person one of our meetings.

Buck Buckner - 06/25/00 13:26:00
How did you find us?: internet
Are you a koi keeper?: yes(new, second year)
What part of the world do you live in?: Tulsa, Ok U. S. A.

I am 69 years old. A friend, Gary Lollis, got me interested in building a koi pond. I now have a 4x8 formed pond flowing over a spillway into an 8x12 pond that I dug and lined with a rubber lining. The larger pond is 18" deep at spillway down to 27" deep at lower end. I built waterfalls at each end of the combined ponds. I would be interested in meeting other pond owners here in Tulsa, and LEARNING!!!! They say we're never to old to learn. Thanks Buck

russell clark - 06/18/00 15:22:22
How did you find us?: internet search
Are you a koi keeper?: yes
What part of the world do you live in?: heavener, oklahoma

Hello, I am getting back in to water gardening after about 15 years of being out of it. I am interested in purchasing small Japenese Koi from a local source. I also own a pet store and am able to move fish through the store. I have several clients int rested in quality fish to start their water gardens. Any info would be appreciated. Also, could I get a schedule of your meetings? Thanks.

Cathy Thrasher - 01/02/00 02:00:23
How did you find us?: search on internet
Are you a koi keeper?: Starting to be
What part of the world do you live in?: Kansas
Comments: Newer photos?

My younger son and I were in Oklahoma City the summer before last and visited Koi International on north east side of city. We were impressed with setup. My son set up his first pond when he was 15. Since then my husband has developed an interest and w plan on building a bigger pond just for koi this next summer. We may make a trip to OKC to select some koi. C. Thrasher

The Santa Fe Pond Society & Koi Appreciation Club - 09/21/99 03:28:36
My URL:Http://
Are you a koi keeper?: yes!
What part of the world do you live in?: Santa Fe,NM

New url,

Gary Mercer - 09/09/99 16:45:07
How did you find us?: internet search
Are you a koi keeper?: yes
What part of the world do you live in?: Yukon, Oklahoma

We are moving to Bethany Oklahoma next month and plan to build a pond on our large back yard. Would like information about constructing a pond. We currently have three Koi and hope to find a way to relocate them with us. We are addicted.

Tommy Smith - 08/27/99 23:37:16
How did you find us?: dogpile
Are you a koi keeper?: not yet
What part of the world do you live in?: Tulsa, Okla.

i'm just getting started this year with my first pond ever. i have a fish tank indoors and figured i'd go bigger. so i got a 61 gal. preformed liner. it hasn't rained here since i put it in the ground and i was wondering does rainwater affect the chemica s. please let me know so i can do whatever i need. also i'd recommend going as large as you can on ponds cause i want to go even bigger! thanks for your time, Tom

Laura Keester - 07/17/99 01:00:23
How did you find us?: Go Network
Are you a koi keeper?: Yes
What part of the world do you live in?: Jones, Oklahoma

I am a new koi keeper with a brand new pond. I would very much like to join your organization. I would also appreciate information on upcoming events and koi education opportunities. Thanks.

Sandy Allison - 06/30/99 03:08:36
How did you find us?: Koi links
Are you a koi keeper?: Yes I have 2
What part of the world do you live in?: near Tulsa Ok
Comments: New Koi keeper

I am a new Koi keeper, I love them already, I need all the info I can get, I am thinking of bringing them in in the winter,what do I need, they are med size 6-7" Do I need to bring them in? my pond is 120gal approx 24-30"deep with two plants. Thank you fo any help, I am so happy to have found you. Sandy Allison

Marilyn Witt - 06/06/99 19:06:44
How did you find us?: computer
Are you a koi keeper?: I try
What part of the world do you live in?: USA-Oklahoma

I don't hav a lot of luck with my Koi, but I keep trying. I have man made ponds in my back yard and have mostly goldfish, but I really like Koi

Mark & Alexandra Houck - 06/05/99 02:54:54
How did you find us?: search engine
Are you a koi keeper?: yes
What part of the world do you live in?: Millersburg, Mo.


The House Of Koi - 04/19/99 00:20:59
How did you find us?: surfin
Are you a koi keeper?: dealer
What part of the world do you live in?: new jersey, usa
Comments: come visit our site

high quality koi imported from the top breeders in Japan...

10/03/98 01:41:03
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Bill - 04/30/98 12:46:40
My URL:/heartland/ranch/1773
Are you a koi keeper?: yes
What part of the world do you live in?: Shawnee

Beautiful web site, great information here. I love your club meetings!

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