Welcome to Our Family Webpage

click on the picture to see more of Alex and Adam together

This is Adam and Alex playing under an apple tree at a conservation area near our home.
Alex is a wonderful big brother to Adam, they love each other very much.
Adam's birthday is February 6, 1998.

click the cake to see Adam's 1st birthday pictures

Alex's Birthday is December 2, 1991
He was 9lbs 4oz and 23 1/2inches long. Induced delivery 2 weeks late!

Adam was 6lbs 13oz and 19 inches long. He was delivered 3 weeks early because of placenta previa.

click on Adam and his bear to see Adam's MILESTONE page

Adam loves to hear stories read by Daddy

click on picture to see more of Daddy!

Enjoying the lake with Mom


Come see pictures of OUR TRIP TO ALGONQUIN 2002

Adam and Stanley!

Alex at Nana and Grandpa's beach 2002

Alex age 3 enjoying his breakfast!

Click on the sportscar to see Alex's page

Adam loves the park
click on the dozer to see more pictures of Adam playing

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