I eventually graduated to a 1929 Triumph car.
When I was in the R.A.F during the war I took up sketching as a pastime and after the war I taught myself how to paint in oils. I would like to show you a few of my efforts.
Here is a picture that I painted of the Queen. This picture was copied from a picture that was published by the Toronto Star back in the fifties.
When I find a way out of this box I will scan some more pictures for you. There has to be a door somewhere. If only I could remember how I got in here. I have some more pencil sketches to show you. Sketching was a life saver for me during the war, especially when I was in India. It helped me to keep my sanity.
Oops!! I think I am out! Now where is my scanner?
I have some more pictures to add to this page.I will try to have them here by the time you call back.
In the meantime feast your eyes on my new desk and my new computer.
I have just celebrated my 80th birthday and Eva put on a party for me.
I bought a digital camera. After researching them all on the 'net I finally settled for the Kodak DC280 and I am really happy with it. I like the idea of having instant pictures. It took me a while to figure out how to get the best pictures and the best paper to print on etc but I get excellent results by using the highest resolution for taking the pictures and I print them on glossy photo paper using 'Best' quality printing.
I decided to get my oil paints out again before they all went hard in the tubes and also to prove to myself that I could still paint.
Anyway I decided to paint the Horshoe Falls at Niagara. Here is the result.
April 2003: I have been painting a picture of an English Barrow Boy with his cart full of fruit in a crowded market place. It's been a real challenge to paint all those people (22 I believe) and all the fruit. I am also making a frame for it. The frame is made from a piece of door casing. I had to glue a board on the back to make it thick enough. The rest is done with a router and a punch to put on the pattern. I finally got it finished and have added it to my collection of pictures on this page. I think it has turned out ok but will be looking for comments from you when you see it.
If any of you have been to England this will be a familiar sight.
This is the year 2005 and lately I seem to have painted a picture once every year. It is a great winter project and Canadian winters can be so long. This year I have been working on an oil painting of Kew Bridge over the river Thames in England.I have had to use photograghs for my inspiration. The picture is in it's final stages and I have to make a frame for it. Then I will show you a picture of it on this page. Keep watching for it. If you want a preview go to Eva's page and you will find a snapshot of the picture I am painting.
Well you don't need to bother with that now because I have finished the painting and posted it here. When my son John saw it he said "It needs some swans!" He was right because you always see swans on the river Thames at any time. Anyway I painted a couple of swans and they certainly do look as though they belong. In fact they look more at home than the Canada goose I am running out of wall space to hang my creations. I have lots of friends both here in Canada and in England that want me to let them have one but after labouring on them for so long I become attached to them and don't want to part with any of them.
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