Geoffrey - 12/20/00 21:48:58
My Email:geoffrey.maher@sympatico.ca

Looks Good.....We like the plane!!

Liss Wiltse - 12/18/00 14:08:33
My Email:wiltsel@sympatico.ca

This looks wonderful & when I,m not overwhelmed with last week before Xmas chores I,m going to come back & browse thoroughly.Have a great holiday season-will be chatting in 2001. Liss

chelsea - 03/05/00 06:50:04
My Email:chelseapeters@hotmail.com

way to go grandpa!!

Fred Meldrum - 01/31/00 20:51:41
My Email:fmeldrum@home.com

Hi, Santa brought a computer so just thought we would let you know our e-mail address. Luv your web page --we haven't got that far yet. Hope everyone is well and all the best in 2000! Luv Fred, Deb, Steven & Lisa

Aimie - 11/23/99 22:17:04
My URL:http://webhome.idrect.com/~palmerbe/nara.html
My Email:nara@idirect.ca

Wow Len, I had no idea you were in the airforce, that you were from England or that you were such a talented artist =) I'm really glad you told me about your page so I could learn all this =) Your page is really informative =)

Liane Seymour - 11/05/99 00:46:43
My Email:Hippychic24@hotmail.com

hi uncle Len, wow you have some skills! I thought your site was awesome. I especially liked the paintings, i think that's were i get my artistic talents from :) keep up the good work, and i hope to see you soon. Im an internet head so email me whenever ya can k? alrighty, see ya on the net! Love Liane (great niece)

Kyle Peters - 09/27/99 00:19:07
My Email:hunchbackturkey@hotmail.com

Cool website granddad. You know what would make it even better? An entire section devoted only to ..... me. That would bring a couple thousand more hits. =) I especially liked the drawings and paintings. Well, keep playing with it. You're doing a great job.

Sarah Ryder - 09/04/99 04:11:21
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ky/SilverLab
My Email:sarahryder@hotmail.com

The web page looks great! Your van is so nicely done inside. I can certainly see why you and Eva love to travel. Keep in touch!

Dawn Kay - 07/29/99 21:42:52
My Email:dskay@Net1Plus.com

I came to check out your web site. It looks good. Thank you for the very nice letter with the pictures of Mom I just love the pictures. I did not hear the news about Hilda thanks for telling me. I am going to give Dave your web site hopefully he will e you next visitor.

- 06/06/99 14:47:22


Eleanor - 05/02/99 14:18:42

Just checking your home page. I expect to see an update while you are down East. I am going to try accessing my e-mail while I am at Ronn's. Your home page looks great.

Terry - 04/29/99 23:39:38

Great job, Dad. Keep adding more to it so I can be entertained each new visit. Time to put in a page on your grandchildren before they all get upset at being left out. bye for now

- 04/25/99 20:52:55

Hi Len, As you can see, Helen and Me checked out your web page from our home in Haverhill. If you see the comment in the guest book you can see I'm still trying to get Helen to fly. Don't worry about us let your other friends and relatives see you, I'll let you know when I've managed to persuide Helen to get onto a Jet plane Bye Harry and Helen

Harry Peters - 04/25/99 20:47:14

Hi Len, I'm still trying to get Helen to fly!

Kathy Walker - 04/24/99 01:15:13
My Email:kathyw@idirect

Hi Len and Eva, Nice job Len. You're not getting older, just smarter. Your web pages are lovely. Wait 'til you see mine! Hehehe. Nice to have you as a friend, always.

tom maher - 04/18/99 15:55:19
My Email:tom.maher@sympatico.ca

So it seems us old timers are getting snared by the 'net' one at a time, even me! Impressed by your Web Page. The Peters connection to one of the Mahers, goes back a long way, and in all that time never heard a bad word said about you, so you can't be a l bad!! Good health to you and yours. Tom.

Geoffrey Maher - 04/18/99 12:46:57
My Email:geoffrey.maher@sympatico.ca

1st: So what do you rent that motel on wheels for? Sure looks cozy.
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