Eva's Page.

Eva says she's too busy to pose for the camera right now but she did find time to go out west to visit her brother and see her niece's RCMP graduation. Eva enjoyed her trip. Her brother's, now very grown up kids are all Mounted Police Officers. A record for one family, especially since one of them is a girl. Watch out "bad guys."

Keith, Karen, Kevin.

We have since made a trip to England and we have a few pictures for you. For more pictures go to our `England' trip.

I wonder what Eva is thinking as she studies the River Thames at Kew Bridge.

Having just returned from a trip to England Eva feels that she can relax again after being driven around on the left hand side of extremely narrow roads which she found pretty hair raising. Below is a picture of Eva with the car that we rented.

1998 Ford Escort

I just came across a picture of Eva and John on our way to Canada in 1952.

On the S.S. Maasdam.

Incidentally this ship was on it's maiden voyage when we came to Canada in 1952. Everything on the ship was brand spanking new. It is a Holland America line ship and is still in service.

Eva with Allen, John, and cousin Ken with our Morris Oxford in 1953

It's been suggested that Eva puts some recipes on her page. Well the last time we were in England a friend gave us a recipe for a Pineapple Fruit Cake. He had one there for us to sample. We couldn't believe that he had baked it because his wife always did the baking but at the time she was incapicitated. She was almost blind and deaf and could hardly walk. Anyway Les insisted that he had baked the cake and showed us the proof. We had to accept that he had done it and really liked the cake so I am putting the recipe on this page. Enjoy!

------------------------------------------Pineapple Fruit Cake.------------------------------

1 lb. mixed fruit.

4 ozs margarine.

1 teaspoon bicarb.

1 cup sugar.

8 oz crushed pineapple.

Place all ingredients in a saucepan and simmer for 3 minutes. Leave to cool and

add 2 eggs.

2 cups flour.

2 tsp baking powder.

Have ready greased, lined cake tin.

Bake approx 1 hour on middle shelf at 275 degrees.

Believe me it tastes delicious.


This year 2001 Eva got a nice new kitchen. We put on a new counter top, new tiles, new sink, and a nice stainless steel range hood. Replacing the tiles involved replacing the drywall behind them because it was not possible to remove the old tiles without damaging the walls. We bought a new refrigerator and Eva asked me to shorten a cupboard that we have beside the stove to make more room at the fridge. It was quite an operation but it turned out all right. All the drawers had to be shortened and the new moulded top had to be cut.


Eva goes bowling every Monday with a group of women. I amuse myself in other ways because I am absolutely hopeless at bowling. The two gullys at the sides of the alley attract every ball that I throw like a magnet. Here is a picture of Eva doing her stuff.

Eva has always liked collecting gadgets to use in her kitchen. She has so many of them that I had to put in an extra cupboard to hold the overflow. Her latest acquisition is a Turbo Cooker which cooks a complete meal in one pot. It uses no oil only water in the bottom of the pot and a rack to hold the veggies which are cooked by steam above the meat.

We have moved on a bit since the last entry. To the year 2005 in fact. We decided that Eva's car was getting a bit too old to spend a lot of money on to make it more reliable so we went shopping for something newer and bought a 2002 Ford Focus which she seems very happy with. It turned out to be the same colour as her old Ford Escort but has a lot more bells and whistles.

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2002 Ford Focus

This car has a twin cam 4cyl engine, power door locks with remote control, power windows, power steering, power brakes with ABS, CD player, verticle adjustment of driver's seat, fog lights etc.

Eva has been putting on mileage around the city between grocery stores and the bowling alley and her card playing friends. In the years 2007/2008 the car has been gathering dust because Eva had two knee relacements which cramped her style for a while because she couldn't get into the car because it was too painful.
Of course this is only a temporary set back and she will soon be back in circulation again.

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