<center><ul><font color=blue><Grandchildren.></ul>


We have six grandchildren. Owing to the fact that they are spread from one side of Canada to the other we don't see them too often.We have seen them often enough to watch them grow up though. It involved a lot of driving across the country.
Terry and Helen have two girls and live in Vancouver. British Columbia.


.....................................................Here are a couple of more recent pictures.

Next is Allen and Brenda's family. They have two boys and a girl and live in Truro. Nova Scotia.


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More recently.

Last but not least is John and Barbara's son Braeden and they live in Barrie. Ontario.


Chelsea and Casey have recently returned from a backpacking adventure around Asia. By the use of Internet Cafes they kept us very well informed of their activities by e-mail. Casey went with her boy friend Seth and they were only away for a few weeks. Chelsea went alone but visited friends along the way and made lots of new travelling companions as she went along. Apart from the Asian continent Chelsea toured around Australia with a friend that she met out there. They had an old car given to them which they travelled in for a while until the engine gave up the ghost. Then they dumped it and relied on buses and their thumbs.
Crossing to the East coast of Canada our grandson Adam graduated this year from a computer science course at Acadia University. Now he is searching for employment.
Meanwhile his brother Kyle sent us an invitation to go to his wedding. That came as a surprise since he is only 19 years old. Anyway we accepted the invitation and drove down to St.John. New Brunswick where the bride Emily lived and where the wedding was to be. Kyle had booked rooms at a nice hotel for us, and the other out of town guests. We got there early enough to go to the wedding rehearsal where we met Emily. She seems to be a lovely girl and her family are all very nice. Kyle should fit in there very well.
After the rehearsal we went to Emily's home where her parents had put on a garden party for everyone which turned out to be very nice. Everybody was invited to use the swimming pool at a neighbour's house afterwards but we opted to go back to the hotel and rest.
The following day the wedding went off without a hitch, well except for the obvious one. There was a reception at a men's club that Emily's father is a member of.

Adam and Cheryl


The next grandchild to get married was Adam and we have a few pictures of Adam and Cheryl's wedding.

Cheryl's girlfriends did a great job of decorating the hall.

Opening the gifts.

Moving back a bit to 2006 Emily and Kyle made us 'great grandparents' to a baby girl which they named Jane Evelyn.
Not to be outdone Cheryl and Adam made us 'great grandparents' to a baby girl also in 2007. They named her Lauren Daniel. Now I will find some pictures to post.

-----------------------------------------------Emily Kyle and Jane

Now I will show you the other great granddaughter Lauren.

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