

Len And Eva's Homepage!

(A Travelling Couple.)

We thought this would be a good way to let family and friends know what we have been up to over the years.


This is where we live most of the time.........and this is where we live when we travel.

Inside our van looking forward...................... Inside looking back.

We are completely self contained right down to the microwave oven.

Len and Eva in 1945.........................................Here we are in 1998 Still going strong!

And again in the year 2000

Hi All, and thanks for visiting our site.

We hope to have some interesting things to show you in the next little while. We hope you will come along with us on some of our trips. We have our trips separated under different titles so all you have to do is click on the links to see what we have for you. We hope you will enjoy travelling with us.

Please feel free to E-mail us below or sign our guestbook and tell us what you think of our trips.
Please come back soon and visit us. From time to time we are adding new items for your interest.

Change of plans.

We have decided that our van is getting a bit too old like us (14 years old, the van, not us, I wish!) so we have traded it in on a 2001 Dodge Caravan. We are going to miss all the conveniences of the Roadtrek camper van but we can still take trips. The only thing is that we will have to use motels instead of campgrounds. Here is a picture of our new mode of transport. It is our first new vehicle. It is so nice to have a vehicle where everything is brand spanking new. No rust and nothing needing repairs.
The Saskatchewan link is the first trip we have taken with the new van.
We have since made a trip to the East coast and took in Kyle and Emily's wedding in St John New Brunswick.
We have also taken another trip East (2005) to attend Adam and Cheryl's wedding which was held on the campus of the Acadia University.

Our new mode of transport.

I have had to install a new Guestbook because my guestbook was an old version. I have put a link to my old guestbook on my web page so that you can still view it.

I have added a page for my grandchildren (at Terry's request).
We have a request for pictures from our 60th wedding anniversary. I'll see what I can do! Look below for a link.
We are beginning to think that it is time to give up long distance trips. Fortunately we have lots of photos and video of past trips to enjoy.

Here is a picture taken at our 60th wedding anniversary party 2005

I haven't done much updating lately. Would you believe that I have been too busy? Retirement is supposed to give you lots of time to relax,
but after 27 years of retirement there are still not enough hours in the day for me.

Check out the links below to see some of our great trips.

  • Go to Len's Special Page.
  • Go to Eva's Special Page.
  • Go to Our Trip to Alaska.
  • Go to Our trips to England.
  • Go to My three sons.
  • Go to California.
  • Go to EastCoast
  • Go to Saskatchewan
  • Go to My grandchildren.
  • Go to Our 60th Anniversary.

    View new Guestbook

    Sign Guestbook

    View my old guestbook

    Sign Guestbook

  • Go to Guestbook Archive.

    This is in memory of all the people that lost their lives so horribly as a result of the terrorists attacks in the U.S.A.

  • Links to other sites on the Web

    A friend of my son John's - who is still into motorcycles among other things.

    © 1997

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