<BGSOUND SRC="/kc5lei/saucer.wav">
Marvin's Education Ministry Resume
Visit my Christianity & Apologetics Page
Visit my SELENOLOGY Page; (Lunar Astronomy)
God and Astronomers ?
Marvin's Universe
"Sometimes when I am alone under the Stars, I look out into space and wonder if our works look as small to God as his looks great to us..."Herbert C. Carroll, 1902-1965, Amateur Astronomer & Telescope-maker (My Grandfather),  April 6, 1937.
HUDDLESTON Geneology Research Page
Is it OK For A Christian to___?
Ancient Coin Collection Links
My Favorite Astronomy Links
My Favorite Quote
Saturn image 12/24/2003 with my 18" Starmaster & Meade LPI
Marvin & Robin celebrate their 25th Anniversary
I hardly knew my Grandfather (I nicknamed him "Bigdaddy"), he died when I was very young and I only saw him a couple of times.  He lived in Hawaii and seldom made it stateside to visit.  He must have made quite an impression on me though, because I trace my interest in Astronomy to him.  I recall his telling me about the stars and that oneday he would build me a telescope.  Well, he died before making good on that promise, but he left me with a legacy and love for the universe above.  He planted a seed within me, which was nurtured by my Mother (she was always very supportive of my interests and was the one that made my dream of owning my first  telescope come true) that grew into my insationable interest in Astronomy.

More about me...I am a Graduate of
Dallas Baptist University with a Bachelor of Arts and Sciences Degree (with majors in Business Administration  and Christian Ministries).  I have done Graduate work in Old and New Testament Theology at Criswell College, and I recently graduated from the School of Educational Ministries at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, with the Master of Arts Degree in Christian Education.  I am married to my lovely (and Astronomically supportive) wife Robin, she is the love of my life and was my high school sweetheart.  I am the Father of three sons and Papa to one precious granddaughter.

I dedicate this page in the memory of
Bigdaddy, Herbert C. Carroll, and to my dad, Darrah E. Huddleston, (1919-1999).
This page was created 4/5/1998.View my original guestbook
Page last updated 5/23/2005