Leana Joy Filocamo - born Thursday March 5th, 1997 at 1.14pm at
Manly, NSW. Weighing in at 7 lbs 12 oz (3.530kgs) and measuring 21
inches (53cm). It took 6 1/2 wonderful hours for her to arrive into
this world (10 days late). She started walking at 9 1/2 months unassisted,
and there has been no looking back since!! The name Leana was picked
because it sounded very nice and pretty just like her and Joy after her
mum's mum..
Leana & Mitchell just lounging around
Mitchell Colin Filocamo - born Thursday September 10th, 1998 at 10.44am
at Manly, NSW. Weighing in at 7 lbs 10 oz (3.460kgs) and
measuring 21 inches (53cm). It took just 2 hours for him to arrive
(5 days late). That's all about Mitchell for now until
he develops. The name Mitchell was picked because it can be shortened
(eg Mitch)
and it still sounds manly and Colin after his dad's dad.
Brother & Sisterly Love

Here we are with some of our many friends like Lucy (Vic) and Tyler
(Qld) and some of her Mother's Group playmates.
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