Soldier's Pay In The American Civil War

Union privates were paid $13 per month until after the final raise of 20 June '64, when they got $16. In the infantry and artillery, officer was as follows at the start of the war: colonels, $212; lieutenant colonels, $181; majors, $169; captains, $115.50; first lieutenants, $105.50; and second lieutenants, $105.50. Other line and staff officers drew an average of about $15 per month more. Pay for one, two, and three star generals was $315, $457, and $758, respectively.
The Confederate pay structure was modeled after that of the US Army. Privates continued to be paid at the prewar rate of $11 per month until June '64, when the pay of all enlisted men was raised $7 per month. Confederate officer's pay was a few dollars lower than that of the their Union counterparts. A Southern B.G for example, drew $301 instead of $315 per month; Confederate colonels of the infantry received $195, and those of artillery, engineers, and cavalry go $210. While the inflation of Confederate Money reduced the actual value of a Southerner's military pay, this was somewhat counterbalanced by the fact that promotion policies in the South were more liberal.
As for the pay of noncommissioned officers, when Southern privates were making $11 per month, corporals were making $13, "buck" sergeants $17, first sergeants $20, and engineer sergeants were drawing $34. About the same ratio existed in the Northern army between the pay of privates and noncommissioned officers.
Soldiers were supposed to be paid every two months in the field, but they were fortunate if they got their pay at four-month intervals (in the Union Army) and authentic instances are recorded where they went six and eight months. Payment in the Confederate Army was even slower and less regular. Source: "The Civil War Dictionary" by Mark M. Boatner

Company H 126th OVI Roster

McCready, Jonathan S. H Captain Captain
Name: Jonathan I. McCready
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Captain Rank - Discharge: Captain
Allegiance: Union

Smith, Thomas H. H First Lieutenant First Lieutenant

Nargney, William H. H Second Lieutenant Second Lieutenant

Grove, Frank P. H Corporal Sergeant
Name: Frank P. Grove
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Corporal Rank - Discharge: Sergeant
Allegiance: Union

Bricker, John J. H Corporal Sergeant

Brown, Alvin M. H Corporal Sergeant
Alvin M. Brown
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Corporal Rank - Discharge: Sergeant
Allegiance: Union Notes: Brough Alvin M.

Fierbaugh, Joseph J. H Corporal Corporal
Joseph J. Fierbaugh
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Corporal Rank - Discharge: Corporal
Allegiance: Union Notes: 118 U. S. C. J.

Haverfield, John C. H Corporal Corporal

McLean, Joseph W. H Corporal Corporal McClean,Joseph W. H Corporal Corporal
Name: Joseph W. McClean
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Corporal Rank - Discharge: Corporal
Allegiance: Union Notes: McLean, Joseph W.

Oglevee, James W. H Corporal Private

Wilkin, Robert F. H Corporal Corporal Wilkins,Robert F. H Corporal Corporal

Huffman, B.W. H Sergeant Sergeant
Name: B. W. Huffman
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Sergeant Rank - Discharge: Sergeant
Allegiance: Union Notes: Huffman Barnett W

Name: Thomas W. McKinney
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Sergeant Rank - Discharge: Lieutenant Colonel
Allegiance: Union Notes: McKinne Thoams W Or T. W.

Waddle, Benjamin N. H Sergeant First Sergeant

Conaway, Moses H Sergeant Sergeant

Mitchell, John L. H Sergeant Sergeant

Lamasney, T. H Drummer Musician
Lemasney, Timothy H Drummer Musician
T. Lamasney
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Drummer Rank - Discharge: Musician
Allegiance: Union Notes: Lemasney, Timothy or T.

Benedick, John H Teamster Wagoner

Amens, Nathan H Private Private Amons, Nathan H Private Private
Nathan Amens ,
Enlistment Date: 21 Aug 1862
Side Served: Union State Served: Ohio
Service Record: Exchanged
Enlisted as a Private on 21 August 1862 at the age of 25
Enlisted in Company H, 126th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 05 September 1862.
POW on 09 July 1864 at Monocacy, MD (Paroled)
Returned on 03 June 1865
Mustered out Company H, 126th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 25 June 1865 in Washington, DC

Arben, Peter H Private Private
Peter Arben ,
Enlistment Date: 18 May 1864
Side Served: Union State Served: Ohio
Service Record: Exchanged
Enlisted as a Private on 18 May 1864 at the age of 32
Substitute in Company H, 126th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 18 May 1864.
POW on 09 July 1864 at Monocacy, MD (Paroled)
Returned on 23 April 1865
Mustered out Company H, 126th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 25 June 1865 in Washington, DC
1890 Veterans
232 246 Arben Peter Private Company H Ohio Inf 12 May 1864 1 Jan 1865

Arnold, Gashem H Private Private
Gashem Arnold ,
Enlistment Date: 21 Aug 1862
Side Served: Union State Served: Ohio
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 21 August 1862 at the age of 18
Enlisted in Company H, 126th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 05 September 1862.
Killed Company H, 126th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 12 May 1864 in Spotsylvania Court House, VA

Askins, Henry H Private Private

Baldman, John H Private Private
John Baldman
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Private Rank - Discharge: Private
Allegiance: Union Notes: Boldman John Or J

Barricklow, Henry H Private Private
1890 Ohio Harrison Co., New Athens
17 17 Rebecca J widow of Barricklow Henry

Basilero, Clephas H Private Private Basilier, Cleophace Basiliere, Cleophas

Bebinger, Frederick H Private Private

Belknap, T. Charles H Private Corporal Belknap, Thomas C. H Private Corporal
Name: T. C. Belknap
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Private Rank - Discharge: Corporal
Allegiance: Union Notes: Belknap Thomnas C. T. C.

Berbinger, Frederick H Private Private
Name: Frederick Berbiger
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Private Rank - Discharge: Private
Allegiance: Union Notes: Bebinger Frederick

Betts, William H Private Corporal

Bolten, Harman H Private Private Bolton,Harman Bolton,Herman H Private Private
Name: Harman Bolton
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Corporal Rank - Discharge: Sergeant
Allegiance: Union Notes: Balton Heman
1890 Ohio Ottawa Co., Danbury
22 22 Harman Bolton Private Co. H 126 12 May 1864 28 Jul 1865 1y 2m 16d

Bricker, Henry H Private Private

Brown, Frank J. H Private Private Brown, J. Frank Brown, James F. H Private Private
Name: James F. Brown
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Private Rank - Discharge: Private
Allegiance: Union Notes: Brow Frank J

Byers, Abraham H Private Private
1890 Ohio Wood Co., Plain Tp.,
487 503 Byers Abraham Private Co. H 126 Ohio Inf 28 May 1864 Weston OH Post office

Calderhead, William A. H Private Private
Name: William Calderhead
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Private Rank - Discharge: Private
Allegiance: Union Notes: V. R. C.

Campbell, Lillburn H Private Private

Carpenter, John H Private Private

Carrach, Aaron H Private Private

Clay, Jeremiah H Private Private
1890 Ohio Tuscarawas Co., Dover
131 147 Ailong Peafora former widow of
Jeremiah Clay Private Co. H 126 Ohio Inf 22 Aug 1862 25 June 1865 2y 10m 3d

Coburn, William T. H Private Private

Cook, William H Private Private

Cox, Hugh H Private Private
Name: Hugh M. Cox
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Private Rank - Discharge: Private
Allegiance: Union Notes: 15 Ohio Inf.

Crouse, Emanuel H Private Private

Dennis, George H. H Private Private
Name: George H. Dennis
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Sergeant Rank - Discharge: Sergeant
Allegiance: Union

Deyarmond, Joseph H Private Private
Name: Joseph Deyarmond
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Sergeant Rank - Discharge: Sergeant
Allegiance: Union

Dye, Elam H Private Private
Name: Elam Dye
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Sergeant Rank - Discharge: Sergeant
Allegiance: Union
7-20-1860 Ohio Monroe Co., Perry Tp., Pg 24
Ary Dye 55 Domestic 3000,100 OH
Elam 19, Mahlon 15 OH
Margaret A Stins? 13
July 11, 1860 Ohio Monroe Co., Washington Tp., Pg 293
John Dye 24 OH
Mary 29 OH
Ann E 5

Dye, John H Private Private
Name: John Dye
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Sergeant Rank - Discharge: Sergeant
Allegiance: Union

Fierbaugh, Robert H Private Private
Name: Robert Fierbaugh
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Private Rank - Discharge: Private
Allegiance: Union Notes: Vet. Res. Corps.

Ford, William H Private Private
Name: William Ford
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Private Rank - Discharge: Private
Allegiance: Union Notes: Ves Res Corps

Gibbons, John H Private Private

Given, Obadiah G. H Private Private

Good, Lewis H Private Private
1890 ohio Pickaway Co., Circleville
only info is that he was a private

Grass, George H Private Private

Gray, Silas H Private Private Grey,Silas H Private Private
Name: Silas Grey
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Private Rank - Discharge: Private
Allegiance: Union Notes: U. R. C.
1890 Ohio Tuscarawas Co., Perry Tp.
90 93 Gray Silas Private Co. H 126 Ohio Inf Sept 1862 15 July 1865 2y 10m

Gruss, George H Private Private
Name: George Gruss
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Private Rank - Discharge: Private
Allegiance: Union Notes: Grass George

Haintz, Daniel H Private Private
Name: Daniel Haintz
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Private Rank - Discharge: Private
Allegiance: Union Notes: Heintz, Daniel

Hamilton, Isaac J. H Private Private

Hanna, Archy N. H Private Private

Hargrave, Elisha L H Private Sergeant
1890 Ohio Harrison Co., Cadiz
Elisha L Hargrave P H 126 Reg OVI 08-22-1862 06-25-1865 2y10m8d

Harper, William W. H Private Private

1890 Harrison Co., Cadiz
Susan Harrison widow of
Albert Harrison __Lieut Co. H 126 Reg OVI 18 Aug 1862 -- 1865 2y10m

Haverfield, G. A. H Private Sergeant Haverfield, G. N. Haverfield, George
Name: G. W. Haverfield
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Private Rank - Discharge: Sergeant
Allegiance: Union Notes: Haverfield George

Heaston, John N. H Private Private

Hedge, Smith H Private Private Hedges, Smith H Private Private

Heintz, Daniel H Private Private

Hervey, Thomas M. H Private Private Hervey, Thomas N. H Private Private
Name: Thomas N. Hervey
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Private Rank - Discharge: Private
Allegiance: Union Notes: Hervey Thomas M.

Hervey, William M. H Private Private
Name: William M. Hervey
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Private Rank - Discharge: Private
Allegiance: Union Notes: Segnal Corps.

Hevelen, Theodore H Private Private Hevelew,Theodore
Hevelin, Theodore H Private Private Hevelow,Theodore

Hooper, John B. H Private Private

Hynes, Enoch F. H Private Private

John, George W. H Private Private
Name: George W. John
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Private Rank - Discharge: Private
Allegiance: Union Notes: Johns George N.

John, Jasper H Private Private

Jones, George H Private Private

Junk, H. C. H Private Private Junk, Henry C.
Name: H. C. Junk
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Private Rank - Discharge: Private
Allegiance: Union Notes: Junk Henry C.

Kearns, Benjamin F. H Private Private Kernes,Benjamin F.

Labrie, Octave H Private Private

Lacey, Elijah H Private Private Lacy, Elijah H Private Private

Lawrence, James M. H Private Private

Little, Solomon H Private Private

Love, James H Private Corporal

Love, Samuel H Private Private

Maroney, John H Private Private
Name: John Maroney
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Private Rank - Discharge: Private
Allegiance: Union Notes: Moroney John

Martin, Albert H Private Private

McGinnis, George H Private Private

McNary, Frank G. H Private Private

McVey, William H Private Private

Merrel, Joseph S. H Private Private Merrill,Joseph S.Murrel,Joseph S.

Middleton, Joseph C. H Private Private

Miller, John H Private Private

Moore, Henry H Private Corporal

Moore, J. Beatty H Private Private Moore,John B. H Private
Name: John B. Moore
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Private Rank - Discharge: Private
Allegiance: Union Notes: Moore, J. Beatty

Moore, Thomas Lee H Private Private

Moroney, John H Private Private

Munson, James H Private Private

Myers, David H. H Private Private

Newlin, William A H Private Private

Oglevee, Hugh H Private Private
1890 Ohio Harrison Co., New Athens
177 177 Oglevee Hugh Private H 126 Ohio Inft 16 Aug 1862 4 Jul 1865 2y 10m 18d Gunshot wound of left hip

Ong, Findley H Private Private

Overhault, Jacob H Private Private Overholt,Jacob
Name: Jacob Overholt
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Private Rank - Discharge: Private
Allegiance: Union Notes: Overhault, Jacob

Paxson, George W. H Private Private

Perry, Henry H Private Private

Pollock, Abram M. H Private Private

Prescott, Henry H Private Private

Rian, Nathan H Private Private Rine,Nathan

Russell, J. H Private Private

Ryan, Martin H Private Private

Ryan, Nathan H Private Private

Sheeley, Daniel H Private Private Sheely, Daniel
Name: Daniel Sheely
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Private Rank - Discharge: Private
Allegiance: Union Notes: Sheeley, Daniel

Sheib, John H Private Private Shibe, John

Shuster, John H Private Private

Slemmons, John P. H Private Private

Stewart, James H Private Private

Stocker, Hiram H Private Private Stucker, Hiram

Stocker, Samuel H Private Private Stucker, Samuel

Stonebrook, John H Private Private

Sullivan, Patrick H Private Private

Taylor, Joseph H Private Private

Thompson, Hugh R. H Private Corporal
Name: Hugh R. Thompson
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Private Rank - Discharge: Chaplain
Allegiance: Union

Thornton, William H Private Private

Tidrick, Daniel C. H Private Private
Name: Daniel C. Tidrick
Company: H Unit: 126 Ohio Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Private Rank - Discharge: Private
Allegiance: Union Notes: V. R. C.

Trail, Noah S. H Private Private
1890 Ohio Henry Co., Liberty Tp.
68 69 Mary widow of Traill Noah S Private Co H 126 O Inf 27 May1864 15Jul1864
P O Liberty Center Henry Co., Ohio shot through Bowels Died from effect

Turney, Jacob H Private Private

Walder, John H Private Private Walter,John

Weaver, Jeremiah H Private Private

West, Melvin O. H Private Private