Descendants of Ephriam Steaven M Porter Generation No. 1 1. Ephriam Steaven M1 Porter was born May 1852 in PA. He married Anna S L Abt. 1880. She was born July 1860 in New York. Notes for Ephriam Steaven M Porter: 1880 Pennsylvania Forest Co., Green Tp., Pg 46A Alexander CARR Self M Male W 48 PA Keeps Boarding House PA PA Susan CARR Wife M Female W 37 PA Keeps House PA PA Adda CARR Dau S Female W 13 PA At School PA PA Bertie CARR Son S Male W 11 PA At School PA PA Hardy CARR Son S Male W 5 PA PA PA Annie YARGER Other S Female W 21 PA Servant PA PA Robert BROMBAUGH Other S Male W 60 PA Works On Saw Mill PA PA Jacob HIDSINGER Other S Male W 22 PA Works On Saw Mill PA PA Edward HEWITT Other S Male W 25 PA Works On Saw Mill PA PA George CRAIG Other M Male W 28 PA Works On Saw Mill PA PA Samuel GROARER Other S Male W 23 PA Works On Saw Mill PA PA James BOYER Other S Male W 17 PA Works On Saw Mill PA PA Daniel GRAHAM Other S Male W 30 PA Works On Saw Mill PA PA Edward HERRON Other S Male W 18 PA Works On Saw Mill PA PA Miles FOSTER Other S Male W 28 PA Works On Saw Mill PA PA Ephraim PORTER Other S Male W 28 PA Works On Saw Mill PA PA J. B. MOHNEY Other S Male W 24 PA Works On Saw Mill PA PA George MONG Other S Male W 22 PA Works On Saw Mill PA PA William VANEPS Other S Male W 22 PA Works On Saw Mill PA PA Whit DAVIS Other M Male W 48 PA Sawyer On Mill PA PA ------------------------------------------------------------ June 7, 1900 Pennsylvania, Forest Co., Green Tp., Pg 17 Porter Ephriam May 1852 48 PA PA PA Carpenter Rents H Anna July 1860 39 NY NY NY George Aug 1881 18, Burtha Dec 1889 15, Mary Feb 1891 9, Elizabeth Apr 1892 7 All b PA ------------------------------------------------------------ April 29, 1910 Pennsylvania, Forest Co., Kingsley Tp., Pg 160 Porter, Steaven M 57 PA PA PA Anna S 50 m30 4,4 PA PA PA Bessie 17 PA PA PA Porter, George S 28 m8 PA PA PA ______ E 27 m8 3,2 PA PA PA Ephram 7, Leulla _? Makinze, Orval W 33 m 7 PA PA PA Bertha 25 m 7 3,2 PA PA PA Grace 6, E _____ (dau) 4 ----------------------------------------------------------- January 9, 1920 Pennsylvania Forest Co., Tionesta Boro Sh 1A ED 31Pg 72 Elm Street Porter E. M. O F 67 PA PA PA Anna L 59 NY NY NY Clara sis 71 PA PA PA Notes for Anna S L: This family was enumerated on the same page as Empraim Porter in 1880 could this Anna L be the wife of Ephraim August 9, 1860 New York Chautauqua Co., Jamestown Pg 726 Roswell J Butler 27 Blacksmith ?800, NY Eliza C 24 NY E____ A 4, Anna L 1/12 NY June 4, 1870 New York Chautauqua Co., Elliott Pg 274 Butler Roswell 37 blacksmith 1400,100 NY Lizzie 34 NY Emma 13, Anna Le 9, Julia 7, Nellie 3 NY 1880 PA Forest Co., Green Tp., Pg 46A Rosewell BUTLER Self M Male W 49 NY Blacksmith NY NY Eliza BUTLER Wife M Female W 46 NY Keeping House CT NY Annie 19, Nellie 14 , Frank 5 NY NY NY Children of Ephriam Porter and Anna L are: + 2 i. George S2 Porter, born August 1881 in PA. + 3 ii. Burtha Porter, born December 1884 in PA. 4 iii. Mary Porter, born February 1891. + 5 iv. Elizabeth Margaret Porter, born April 1892. Generation No. 2 2. George S2 Porter (Ephriam Steaven M1) was born August 1881 in PA. He married Minnie Abt. 1902. She was born in PA. Notes for George S Porter: April 29, 1910 Pennsylvania, Forest Co., Kingsley Twp Pg 160 Porter, George S 28 m8 PA PA PA Laborer saw mill R H ______ E 27 m8 3,2 PA PA PA Ephram E 7, Leulla 5 PA PA PA 1920 Porter George S 38 PA PA PA Minnie A 36 PA PA PA Ephriam R 17,Luella G 13, Margaret M 9, Phyllis E 7, Georana B 3 Children of George Porter and Minnie are: 6 i. Ephram R3 Porter, born 1903. 7 ii. Leulla G Porter, born 1905. 8 iii. Margaret M Porter, born 1911. 9 iv. Phyllis E Porter, born 1913. 10 v. Georgana B Porter, born 1917. 3. Burtha2 Porter (Ephriam Steaven M1) was born December 1884 in PA. She married Orval W McKenzie Abt. 1903. He was born 1877 in PA. Notes for Orval W McKenzie: April 29, 1910 Pennsylvania, Forest Co., Kingsley Tp., Pg 160 Porter, Steaven M 57 PA PA PA Anna S 50 m30 4,4 PA PA PA Bessie 17 PA PA PA Porter, George S 28 m8 PA PA PA ______ E 27 m8 3,2 PA PA PA Ephram 7, Leulla _? Makinze, Orval W 33 m 7 PA PA PA Bertha 25 m 7 3,2 PA PA PA Grace 6, E _____ (dau) 4 Jan 17, 1920 PA Venango 4-Wd Oil City Pg 134 1038 W Second St. McKenzie Orval W 43 PA PA PA Laborer shop Bertha 35 PA PA PA Thomalson Nelson 30 PA PA PA Laborer shop Grace 16 PA PA PA Harry 1 Children of Burtha Porter and Orval McKenzie are: 11 i. Grace3 McKenzie, born 1904. She married Nelson Thomalson Abt. 1919; born 1890 in PA. 12 ii. E McKenzie, born 1906. 13 iii. ? McKenzie. 5. Elizabeth Margaret2 Porter (Ephriam Steaven M1) was born April 1892. She married Emory Ward Barrett, son of William Barrett and Annie McCool. He was born Abt. 1893, and died June 05, 1960 in Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., OH age 67. Notes for Elizabeth Margaret Porter: there is a entry in the Social Security for Elizabeth Barrett born 28 Aug 1889 died Jul 1968 Cin., Hamilton Co., Ohio 295-52-1190 Notes for Emory Ward Barrett: Marriages From Venango County, PA Barrett, E. Ward of Oil City to Bessie Margaret Porter of Tionesta, d/o E. M. Porter, on Mar 17, 1915 at the home of the bride's parents. The couple will live in Oil City. ----------------------------------------------- January 3, 1920 Oil City, Venango Co., PA Sheet 2A 13 Smithman St. Barrett, Ward 27 PA PA PA bookkeeper Bessie 26 PA PA PA Ruth 1 1/2 PA PA PA April 23, 1930 Southwest Greensburg, Westmoreland, PA 316 Guthrie St. Barrett, Emory W 37 PA PA PA salesman Elizabeth 36 PA PA NY Ruth 12, E Ward 6 PA PA PA --------------------------------------------------- Mansfield City Directory 1932/33 Barrett, Emery W (Elizabeth M) estimator Home M. Co. 173 Bartley Ave. 1934/35 Barrett, Emery W. (Elizabeth M) Supt Home M. Co. 448 Glessner Ave. 1957 Barrett, Emory W. (Mary J) in U.S. Service 587 McPherson ---------------------------------------------------- Ohio Death Index 1958-1969 Barrett, Emory W Died Cincinnati, Hamilton County June 5, 1960 age 67 married Children of Elizabeth Porter and Emory Barrett are: 14 i. Emory Ward3 Barrett, born June 13, 1923 in Oil City, Verango Co., Pa.; died May 29, 2000 in Monday, Riverside Methodist Hosp., Columbus, Ohio. He married Mary Jane Antoinette Soehnlen Private; born 1925 in Montigny, Les Mietz, Moselle, France. Notes for Emory Ward Barrett: Columbus Ohio City Directory 1958 Barrett, Emory W Jr (Mary J) USA 2422 Deming Av 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 ofc clk Schlairet Trans 242 E Patterson Av 1965 1967 Emory Clk Bell Truck 610 Richards Mark J USA Mary E student 1968 same for all three 1969 Emory E A Schlairt Trans Mark J (Marlene) USA Mary E. Student 1970 Emory Mark J Deputy Sheriff Mary E Tchr P S Westerville, O 1971 Emory Clk Terminal Transport Mark (Marlene) Dep. Co. Sheriff 2185 Sprucefield Mary E 1972 Emory Mark 1973 Emory Mark 1974 Emory weighing & insp dept wk Mark 1975 Emory W Jr (Mary J) clk Terminal Transport 610 Richards no Mark 1976 Emory Mark ofc wkr 2185 Sprucefield 1977 Emory Mark 1978 Emory clk Am Fgt. Sys Mark 1979 Emory retired Mark & Marlene ofc wkr Fr. County Sheriff's ofc 1980 1981 E W Jr & Mary J retd 1982 1988 Mark Dep Dir Fr Cty Corrections Center II 1989 Mark Supt Fr Cty Corrections 2185 Sprucefield ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Probate Court, Columbus, Ohio case #474381 E 10 99 07/05/2000 07/05/2000 Barrett, Mary J type sub status opened closed fiduciary type[Heslin.ged.FTW] Application for Social Security Card Emory Ward Barrett name under which you work Bud Barrett address 448 Glessner Ave., Mansfield, Ohio employer Walter Lewis Burghard Jr. 156 Sherman Ave. , Mansfield, Ohio age last birthday 16 June 13, 1923 Oil City, Venango Co., Penn parents father- Emory Ward Barrett mother-Bess Porter male and race is white signed 4-29-1940 Deaths and Funerals Coulmbus Dispatch, Columbus, Ohio. Thursday June 1, 2000 Barrett, Emory Ward Jr. (Bud, Sarge, Curly) age 76, Monday May 29, 2000 at Riverside methodist Hospital. Retired in 1963 after 20 years of service in the US Army as 1st Sgt (E-8). Associated with E A Schlairet, Terminal Transport, American Freight Systems Trucking and Formitex Cabinets until his retirement in April 1985. Survived by his wife Mary Jane; daughters, Mary Eve (Richard) Corrigan and Susan (Doug) Fries: son, Mark Barrett; grandchildren, Jessica, Elizabeth and Melissa Fries Heather Barrett, Robert (Kim) and Jeffrey (Michelle) Barrett; 7 great grandchildren; brother-in-law Hubert (nicole)Soehnlen of France; sisters-in-law, Yvonne (Louis) Herque' of France and Marguerite (Clarence) Gross of Calif; many cousins, nephews and neices. Preceded in death by granddaughter Jennifer Fries. Friends may call at the Southwick-Good Funeral Chapel, 3100 N High St., Thursday 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. (Prayer service 3:30 p.m.). Mass of Christian Burial Friday 9:30 a.m. at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, 414 E. North Broadway. Msgr. Anthony Missimi, Celebrant. Interment Resurrection Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to a Memorial Chapel in his name, through The Catholic Extension Society, 150 S. Wacker Dr., 20th Floor, Chicago, Ill. 60606 More About Emory Ward Barrett: Burial: Reserrection Cem. More About Mary Jane Antoinette Soehnlen: Note: Private 15 ii. Ruth Barrett, born Abt. 1918.