Generation No. 1 1. William1 Pair was born Abt. 1693, and died April 15, 1757 in Will, Sussex Co., Virginia. He married Rebecca Bethel Abt. 1718 in of, Sussex, Virginia, daughter of Thomas Bethel and Rebecca ?. She was born in England. Children of William Pair and Rebecca Bethel are: + 2 i. Thomas2 Pair, born Abt. 1731 in of Sussex Co., Virginia; died Abt. 1797 in of, Mecklenberg Co., North Carolina. 3 ii. Bethel Pare, born Abt. 1719 in Virginia; died 1811 in Halifax Co., North Carolina. 4 iii. John Pair, born Abt. 1721 in of Sussex Co., Virginia; died Aft. 1800 in of Mack's Creek, Raleigh, Wake Co., Nc. 5 iv. Mary Pair, born Abt. 1723 in Virginia. 6 v. Elizabeth Pair, born Abt. 1725 in Virginia. 7 vi. Rebecca Pair, born Abt. 1727 in Virginia. 8 vii. Martha Pair, born Abt. 1729 in Virginia. 9 viii. William Pair, born Abt. 1733 in Virginia; died Aft. April 15, 1757 in of, Sussex Co., Virginia. 10 ix. Anne Pair, born Abt. 1735 in Virginia; died Aft. April 15, 1757 in Will Date, Sussex, Virginia. 11 x. Agnes Pair, born Abt. 1737 in Virginia. 12 xi. William Pair, born Abt. 1719. Generation No. 2 2. Thomas2 Pair (William1) was born Abt. 1731 in of Sussex Co., Virginia, and died Abt. 1797 in of, Mecklenberg Co., North Carolina. He married Mary (unknown) Bef. 1761. She was born Bef. 1761. Copied from info from Sherry Osburn ID: I239 Name: Thomas PARR 1 Sex: M Birth: ABT. 1730 in Virginia Death: ABT. 1797 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Reference Number: 7510 Note: Information from Neil Wheeler: A history of Union County, South Carolina estimates that Thomas Parr,Senior was born about 1730 in Virginia, and that he passed away in 1797in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. He married Mary ___________. She undoubtedly passed away inMecklenburg County, North Carolina. Thomas Parr, Senior resided in Mecklenburg County, North Carolinaduring the latter part of the eighteenth century. The first evidence ofhis presence in Mecklenburg County are two land purchases from DanielCarnes in 1789. It is highly likely that they mark his entrance into Mecklenburg County, as there are no Parr marriages filed in the Countyduring that early period. The deeds follow: Deed Book 13, page 704 This indenture made the 6th day of July Anno Dom. 1789 between Daniel Carnes of the one part and Thomas Pair of the other part, both of Mecklenburg County in the State of North Carolina. Witnesseth that the said Daniel Carnes for & in consideration of the sum of One hundred pounds specie to him in hand paid by the said Thomas Pair, the receipt whereof he the said Daniel Carnes doth hereby acknowledge, he, the said Daniel Carnes hath granted, bargained and sold and confirmed and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, alein and confirm unto him the said Thomas Pair his heirs and assigns forever a tract of land containing 100 acres be it more or less in the County & State aforesaid on the northside of the Waxaw Creek. Beginning at a new line on McCamies line thenalong McCamies line to Hamilton's corner hickory, then with his line north to a Corner Black Oak, near his other corner, thence to a corner on three Black Jacks, then west to a small White Oak on Ford's line then with said line South to a corner B . O. on Ford's line near the springbranch, then down the branch to the cane branch, down the cane branch to a new corner B. O., then west on a line of new marked trees to the beginning . And also the reversion & reversions, remainder & remainders,rents and services of the sai d premises & of every part thereof, and allthe estates right title interest claim & demand wh atsoever of him thesaid Daniel Carnes of in and to the said the said premises & every partthe reof to have and to hold the said messauge or tract of land and all & singular the premises unto the said Thomas Pair, his heirs, executors,administrators & assigns the said messauge or t ract of land & premises &every part thereof against him & his heirs & against all and every o therperson and persons whatsoever to the said Thomas Pair his assigns shall& will warran t & forever defend by these presents according to the trueintent & meaning of these present s unto & for no other use intent orpurpose whatsoever. In witness whereof the said Daniel Carnes hathhereunto set his hand & seal the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presents of us Daniel Carnes {SEAL} Wm Sharpe & Jas Avant Mecklenburg County October Court 1789 Then was the execution of thewithin deed proven in open court by the oath of James Avent as evidencethereto in order to be registered. Test Sam Martin CMC Jno Rodgers Deed Book 13, Page 706 This indenture made the 11th day of October 1789 between Daniel Carnesof the one part and Thomas Pair of the other part, both of Mecklenburg County in the State of North Carolina. Witnesseth that the said Daniel Carnes for & in consideration of the sum of 110 pounds Virginia mon ey tohim in hand paid by the said Thomas Pair, the receipt whereof he thesaid Daniel Carne s doth hereby acknowledge, he, the said Daniel Carneshath granted, bargained and sold and co nfirmed and by these presents dothgrant, bargain, sell, alein and confirm unto him the said T homas Pair hisheirs and assigns forever a tract of land containing 320 acres in theCounty & S tate being part of Wm King's tract of 640 acres on the northside of the Waxaw Creek beginnin g at a Black Jack by Jno Crockett's line& runs N25E270 poles to a red oak then with Samuel L esleys line, fromthence to a hickory sapling corner, then S50E 80 poles to a white oakthen so uth 100 poles to a B. O. and then to the beginning. Notice thatthere is 125 acres taken of t he within deed. And also the reversion andreversions, remainder & remainders, rents & servic es of the said premisesand of every part thereof & all the estates rights, title, interest, claim and demand whatso every of him the said Daniel Carnes of, in and to the said premises and e very part thereof. To have and to hold the said messauge or tract of land and all & singula r the premises above mentionedand every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances unto t he saidThomas Pair, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns the saidmessauge or trac t of land & premises and every part thereof against himand his heirs and against all & ever y other person & persons whatsoeverto the said Thomas Pair his heirs & shall & will warrant a nd foreverdefend by these presents the quit rents growing due from the said ThomasPair his he irs, executors & administrators & from the date of thesepresents according to the true inten t and meaning of these presents unto& for no other use intent or purpose whatsoever. In witn ess whereof thesaid Daniel Carnes hath set his hand & seal the day & year first above written Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence ofDaniel Carnes {SEAL} James Avent, Robt Ivey Mecklenburg County October Court 1789 Then was the execution of thewithin deed proven in open court by the oath of James Avent an evidencethereto in order to be registered. Test Sam Martin CMC Jno Rodgers Other land transactions which could be either Thomas Parr, Senior orThomas Parr, Junior, were as follows (Deed Book 14, p. 137): This indenture made this thirteenth day of January in the year ofour Lord 1792 by & between Wm Rodgers of Mecklenburg of state of NorthCarolina of the one part & Thomas Pair of the State & county aforesaid of the other part witnesseth that the said Wm. Rodgers for & inconsideration of the sum of one hundred pounds to him in hand paid beforethe sealing & delivery o f these presents the receipt whereof the said Wm Rodgers doth hereby acknowledge that he hath granted bargained sold and made over unto the said Thomas Pair, his heirs and assigns one certain tract or parcel of land situated and lying & being in Mecklenburg County aforesaid containing two hundred and fifty acres be the same more or lesson the north side of the Waxhaw River beginning at a W. O. Robert Courtesold corner & runs with his line S32W 170 poles to a W . & B. O. on a hilby a branch thence N72W 60 poles to a B. O. on McCleland's line thencewith the said McCleland's N25E(?) 89(?) poles to a pine stump thence N55W 120 poles thence N35 E 320 poles to a hickory thence to the beginning containing as above 250 acres. To have and to hold the aforesaid granted land with all & singular the rights & benefits & privileges appurtenances & improvements to the same belonging to the said Thomas pair his heirs & assigns forever & the said Wm Rodgers doth by these presents warrant & will forever defend the just right & title & him the aforesaid Wm Rodgers his heirs & in the aforesaid granted & bargained premises unto the said Thomas parr his heirs and assigns forever & from all manner of encumbrances whatsoever. In witness whereof the said Wm Rodgers have hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year above written. Signed sealed & delivered in presence of Bridges (X) PairWm Rodgers {SEAL} Henry Massey Owen McCorkle Mecklenburg County October session 1792 the deed was proven in opencourt by Bridges Pair and admitted to record in order to be registered. Deed Book 16, Page 17 (Abstract): On 8 January 1795, Thomas Pair of Mecklenburg County, State of North Carolina sold to James Sprayberry of said County and state, fifty acreson the north side of the Waxhaw Creek, beginning at a Red oak on DanielCarnes line, thence east to Millan's line to a small pine, thenc e northto a corner on three black oaks, thence west to a small White Oak onFord's line, thenc e with said line south to a corner black oak on saidline near the spring branch, thence wes t to the beginning. Witnesseswere John Carnes, Claborn Pair and Thomas Crawford. It was signed Thomas(X) Pair. As indicated above, Thomas Parr, Senior made a series of land transactions in Mecklenberg County, North Carolina in the decades whichconcluded the eighteenth century, in which he eitherbought land from, orsold land to a number of Parr men. Many of these deeds were also witnessed by Parr men. The Parr families in Mecklenburg County includedat least the following , Of whom,only Jacob did not take part in a deed involving any of the other Parr men: Thomas and Mary Pair (Pear) Thomas Pair, Jr. (Pier, Pear) Thomas & Darcas, (Dorcas, Darkas) his wife Pair Bridges Pier (Pear, Pair, Pare) Allen Pear John & Elizabeth , his wife, Pair (Parr, Pear) Cleborn (Claborn, Caben, Claburn, Clayburn) Pair (Pear ) Jacob Pair Thomas Pair of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina bought a twenty acre parcel of land in Lancaster District, South Carolina, 31 January1804 from Jane Avent for $55.00. I do not know whether Thomas Pair,Senior or Junior bought the land in question, however the name James Aventappears as a witness to the two deeds above. (Lancaster Co, SC,Deed Book F, p. 233) There are no relationships mentioned in any of the wills, with theexception that Thomas Pair, Jr. Is so designated, and John Pair statesthat Thomas Pair is his father in a deed o f 3 June 1801 (Deed Book 17, p.796). An obvious inclination is to assume that all of thes e families are related, and further are perhaps sons of Thomas Pair, Senior, anassumption that is supported in the case of Thomas Pair, Junior, and John Pair. The sale of fifty acres by Thomas Pair (Pear) to Allen Pair(Pear), that was witnessed by both Thomas (Junior) and Brid ges, 20 August 1791, for the nominal sum of five shillings would seem to be indicativeof familial bond. On the same day, Thomas Pair sold fifty acres of landin Mecklenburg County to Claborn Pair for the same nominal sum of five shillings, a transaction that was also witnessed by Bridges Pair (Pier)and Thomas Pair (Pier, Junior). Following are two lists. The first is a list of when each Pair isfirst and last mention ed in county deeds, and the second is a list showing which Pair families appear in the same deeds. The role of the person in the horizontal column is indicated. Witnesses to deeds will appear only in the horizontal listing. Of each individual. Jacob Pair appears only in a document whichdoes not contain any other Parr family members. LIST ONE NAME FIRST MENTIONED LASTMENTIONED Thomas Pair (Senior) 6 Jul 1789 17 Jan 1812 Claborn Pair 20 Aug 1791 20 Jan 1812 Thomas Pair (Junior) 20 Aug 1791 12 Sep 1808 Bridges Pair 20 Aug 1791 22 Jan 1805 Allen Pair 20 Aug 1791 7 Mar 1793 John Pair 26 Jul 1792 11 Sep 1810 Jacob Pair 16 ___ 1802- LIST TWO Thomas Claborn ThomasBridges Allen Joh n Jacob Thomas Pair X Grantee Witness WitnessGrantee Grantee Witness WitnessWitness Witness * Witness Grantee Witness*Witness Granto r Witness* GranteeWitness Grante e GranteeGrantee Witness Claborn Pair Grantor X WitnessWitness Co-Gr'or Witness GranteeWitness Grantor Grantor Witness Thomas Pair Witness* XWitness Grantee Bridges Pair GrantorX Witness Grantee Allen Pair Grantor Co Gr'or WitnessWitness X Witness Grantee John Pair Grantor Grantee GrantorGranto r X Witness Witness Grantor Suzie Morris Ball has done research on the family of William Pare and Rebecca Bethel who are at least candidates to be the parents of Thomas Parr. She wrote thefollowing: "I am descended from William Pare and Rebecca Bethel. William diedin 1757 in Sussex County, Virginia and named the following children: Bethel, who married Ann; John, who married Susanna, Thomas, who married May (could have been Mary-I got this fromAlbemarle Parish records); William who married Jane; Mary, who married John Pennington;Rebecca, who married Thomas Pennington; Martha, who married Thomas Pennington; Elizabeth, who married Benjamin Shews; Ann; and Aggie. "The Albemarle Parish records (I am reading a transcript, not anoriginal) state that Tho mas and May (but probably Mary) had a child named Lotta who was born in1752. There are no other children named for this couple, although other brothers and sisters havemany children listed as late as 1771. Thomas had probably moved. "Thomas was probably named for his grandfather. Rebecca Bethel, hismother was the daughter of Thomas and Rebecca Bethel, who were born in England and cameto Jamestown in 1698 when their child, Rebecca was six months old. "The earliest record that I have found of William Pare (Pear in therecord) is on 19 November 1712 in Surry County. He is a jury member. Another record (SurryCounty Deed Book 4, p. 15) 16 June 1742) William Pear and wife, Rebecca Pear, to John Hunt for 25pounds current money 150 acres on east side of Anderson's Branch swamp in AlbemarleParish and bounded by Harrison, Clement Handcock and said William Pear (being 440 acresgranted said Pear on 22 July 1738). "I feel that Rebecca and William were married by about 1716, becauseThomas and Rebecca Pennington had a daughter in 1734. "Bethel moved to Halifax County, North Carolina. I am beginning totrack this family." Sources:Title: Wheeler, Phill (1998) Note: ABBR Wheeler, Phill (1998) Note: Source Media Type: Book Repository: Note: Children of Thomas Pair and Mary (unknown) are: 14 i. Lotta3 Parr, born December 20, 1752. + 15 ii. Claiborn Parr, born 1766; died Bef. August 21, 1839 in Union Co., SC. + 16 iii. John Parr, born 1767; died Bef. 1827. + 17 iv. Thomas Parr, born 1771; died Bet. 1840 - 1850 in Union Co., SC. + 18 v. Allen Parr, born 1781; died Bef. March 13, 1849 in Union Co., SC. + 19 vi. Bridges Paire, born Bet. 1760 - 1770; died Bef. January 1839 in Butts Co., Georgia. 20 vii. (a daughter) Parr, born Aft. 1790; died Bef. 1850. She married David Nicholas. Generation No. 3 15. Claiborn3 Parr (Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born 1766, and died Bef. August 21, 1839 in Union Co., SC. He married Martha Ivey Abt. 1793 in SC. Children of Claiborn Parr and Martha Ivey are: + 22 i. John4 Parr, born Abt. 1794; died Aft. 1860 in Cherokee Co., AL. + 23 ii. James Parr, born Abt. 1796; died November 27, 1864 in Union Co., SC. 24 iii. Elizabeth Parr, born March 15, 1797 in NC; died Abt. 1849 in Union Co., SC. She married Thomas Nance. 25 iv. Rebecca Parr, born Abt. 1799; died Abt. 1850. She married Isom Vaughn. 26 v. Jesse Parr, born Abt. 1802. He married Nancy Scales. Notes for Jesse Parr: ID: I254 Name: Jesse PARR 1 Sex: M Birth: ABT. 1802 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Death: UNKNOWN Reference Number: 7525 Note: information from Neil Wheeler: Jesse Parr was reportedly born about 1800, undoubtedly in MecklenburgCounty, North Carolina the reported son of Clabourne and Martha Parr.He married Nancy Scales. He may have married a second time. He first appeared in the Union County census in 1840 as follows: 1840 FEDERAL CENSUS, UNION COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA Jesse Parr Free White Males U5 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 00 Free White Females U5 5-9 10-14 15-20 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 00 In the 1840 census, he was aged 40-50, and his wife was aged 30-40.He was probably close to 40 (born 1800). It is puzzling that not only was he not a head ofhousehold in 1830, but no Parr household in Union County listed any dependant male over 15-20. The onlytwo males 15-20 not otherwise accounted for (Allen, Senior had one) are two males of that agein the household of Clabourne Parr. He may have been born closer to 1810. However, the maleage 10-14 in his household in 1840 may indicate that he was either missed by the census enumerator or was in another locality at that time.. 1850 FEDERAL CENSUS, UNION COUNTY, SOUTHCAROLINA Page 113B;#388/388 Lavinia Parr W F 40$200 SC Roland 8 SC Emily 6 SC Debra 3 SC 1860 FEDERAL CENSUS, UNION COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA Page 219B; #583/511 Levina Pare W F 49 Farmer $200$50 SC Emily " W F 16SC Nolen " W M 17SC Debra " W F 13SC It must be stressed that there is no evidence which connects Lavinia to Jesse. In fact the ages of her children suggest that she may have married after 1840.Additionally, Andrew Parr also disappear from the census between 1840 and 1850. He may have movedwest, probably into Alabama or Georgia where a number of related Parr families resided. Marriage 1 Nancy SCALES Sources: Title: Wheeler, Phill (1998) Note: ABBR Wheeler, Phill (1998) Note: Source Media Type: Book Repository: Note: + 27 vi. Allen Parr, born Abt. 1804. + 28 vii. Sarah Parr, born Abt. 1805 in SC; died Aft. 1880 in Jefferson Co., AL. 29 viii. Thomas Parr, born Abt. 1806 in SC. + 30 ix. Mary Parr, born Abt. 1809 in SC; died Abt. 1892. 31 x. Charlotte Parr, born Abt. 1811 in SC. She married William Scales. 16. John3 Parr (Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born 1767, and died Bef. 1827. He married Elizabeth Hobbs. She was born 1774. Notes for John Parr: copied from info from Sherry Osburn ID: I242 Name: John PARR 1 Sex: M Birth: BET. 1766 - 1774 in North/South Carolina Death: BEF. NOV 1827 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Reference Number: 7513 Note: JOHN PARR (1770-1827) John Parr was born between 1766 and 1774, probably in theCarolinas, the son of Thomas and Mary Parr, as indicated in a deed. He was the only son of Thomas Parr who stayed in Mecklenburg County which would make one suspect that he was oldest, and inherited the bulk of the land, but land deeds show that each of the children of Thomas Parr,Senior received and then sold land. He married Elizabeth Hobbs, daughter of Robert Hobbs. Following isa transaction that virtually proves that relationship. (Abstract-Bill of Sale-No land) S eptember 11, 1810, this day received of William Rives, Administrator of all the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Robert Hobbs, late of Chatham County, deceased, the following Negroes, viz a Negro woman called Aggy with her children, called Charles, Isaac, Aggy and Minney, in full satisfaction of our distributive share respect fully of the estate of the said Robert Hobbs deceased and also in full satisfaction and discharge on our part respectively of a certain bond or obligation entered into by Elsey Rives, wife of William Rives and formerly Elsey Hobbs, bearing date Nov AD 1784 and signed Elizabeth Hobbs, James Avent, Eliza Hobbs and the said Elsey Hobbs, now wife of William Rives. It was signed John (X) Pair and James (X) Avent, and registered July 20, 1811. John bought land from Thomas Parr, Senior, 26 July 1792, as follows (Deed Book 15, p. 154 ): (Abstract) Thos Pair of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina sold to John Pair of Mecklenburg County, North carolina, for 100 pounds, 100 acres of land more or less onthe north side of Waxhaw Creek, beginning _____ ______ on Daniel Carnes then and runs N95E(or N25E?) 270 poles to a T(?) O., then with Sam Leslie's line to a W.O. thence ____________ ______ ______ Hickory, from thence along a line of new marked trees to a pine, from thence along a line of new marked trees to a corner W. B. on my line,thence to the beginning. Witnesses included Jas Avent, Daniel Carnes and Clabourn (X) Pair. It was signed Thos (backwards P) Pair and Mary Pair. Mary Cowsart sold land to John Parr 29 February 1796 as follows(Deed Book 16, page 18): (Abstract) Mary Cowsart of Lancaster County, South Carolina sold toJohn Pair of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina for ten pounds sterling,twelve acres in the County of Mecklenburg, being part of Cowsart's landson the north side of the Waxhaw Creek beginning at a pine & corner tree,from thence to a white oak corner, from thence to a black oak corner, andfrom thence to the beginning. Witnesses James Avent, James Cousart, andThomas (T on its right side) Pair. Signed Mary Cousart and William Cusart. John Parr bought land from John Crockett, 18 February 1797, asfollows (Deed Book 15, p . 334): (Abstract) Jno Crockett of Lonmeyer (?) County, South carooina soldto John Parr of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina for 70 pounds all thattract or parcel of land lying on the Waxhaw Creek joining AlexanderCarnes and Jas. Leslie's land now occupied by William Crockett have such shape and form as the patent directs, beginning at a white oak on thewest side of the Creek Wm---Nuts corner (at present Alexander Carnesland) runs with his line S45E 90 poles cross the creek to a W. O., thence with his others line N26E 70 poles to a sassafras on Robert caldwell's line, thence along said line which is James Leslley's land N43W 120 polesto a B. O., thence with Wm King's line S25W 270 poles to a B Jack at anold lick thence s65E 26 poles to a stake on Wm Mutt's land thence with WmNutt's line to the beginning, containing 86 acres . Witnesses wereWilliam Crockett, Thomas (T tipped on it's right side) Parr and William(W) V aughn. Signed Jon Crockett {SEAL}. John received another parcel of land from his father, Thomas Parr as follows (Deed Book 1 7, p. 796): Mecklenburg County North Carolina Know all men by these presents that IJohn Pair of the Count y & State aforesaid have bargained & do bargainwith Thos Pair my father a certain tract or pa rcel of land where the saidThos Pair now lives containing 10 acres which I the said John Pai r dothbind myself, my heirs & assigns in the final sum of 100 dollars to berecorded in any co urt of Justice in the state if the said Thos Pair isdisposed of the said 10 acres of land s o long as he shall live but athis death the said land & all the improvements made thereon ?? ? the saidJohn Pair & I the said Thos pair in consideration of the use of saidlands and othe r helps I do freely give and bequeath all and singular mypersonal property unto my son Jno Pa ir consisting of cattle, hogs &household furniture to be his real property from the date of t hesepresents. As witness our hands this 3rd of June 1801 & 25 years of American Republic. In presence of us Wm Dobie Jno CookThos (Script E) Pair Jno Sheirling Isom ShierlingJno (X) Pair Mecklenburg County Jany term 180. The execution of this deed & gift wasproven in open court and admitted to record. Mar 4, 1803 Isaac Alexander John Parr sold land to Isham Sherling 22 March 1802 as follows (DeedBook 17, p. 788): (Abstract) John Pair of mecklenburg County and State of North Carolina,sold to Isham Sherling of said County and State for 225 pounds lawfulmoney of said state 78 acres of land in Mecklenburg County, bounded asfollows, viz, beginning at a branch on a sassafras, runs N38E 16 cha insalong Cousard line to a black oak, then S57 (51?)E 57 (51?) chains 50links across the cree k to a sweet gum, then S21W 15 chains 50 links alongAlan Carnes line to a dead black oak on the bank of a branch, then up thevarious courses of said branch to the beginning. Witnesses w ere Jer'hCureton, Henry Massey and Edmond Clark. Signed John (X) Pair. John Parr also sold land to Robert Walhoop 24 June 1808 as follows(Deed Book 19, p. 510) : John Pear of Mecklenburg County, North carolina sold to Robert Walhoop ofthe same place, for $155 a certain tract of land in said county on thewaters of the Waxhaw Creek containing 125 acres more or less bounded asfollows, beginning at a Spanish Oak on a branch thence southwest to ablack oak and white oak by a branch, N72W 60 poles to a black oak onMcCo(llom's) line, thence with this line N25E 34 poles to a pine stump,then N55W 120 poles to a black & white oak, then N35E --- to a hickoryand black oak, thence a line of new marked trees to a branch, thence downto a branch of the first station. Witnesses were Joseph Walkup, and JohnOrmond. Signed John (X) Pear. John Parr deeded land to Claiborn Parr 19 July 1800 as follows(Deed Book 18, p. 373): (Abstract) John Parr and his wife Elizabeth of Mecklenburg County inNorth Carolina, sold for $120, to Clabon Parr of said county and state, a parcel of land lying onWaxaw and 12 mile Creeks joining David Nicholas and John Cook's lines having such shape andform as the patent epresents, beginning at a Hickory on Henry Messey's line, N60E 60 polesto a pine, then N22W 220 poles to Hickory on John Cook's line to the beginning, containing 110acres. Witnesses included Thomas (T) Pair and Benjamin Spray. John (X) Pair and Elizabeth(X) Pair signed by mark John Parr bought the remaining Mecklenburg property of his brotherBridges Parr on 22 January 1805, Following is an abstract (MecklenburgCo, NC, Deed Book 18, p. 145): This indenture made this 22 day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and five between Bridges Parr of the State of South Carolina and District of Lancaster o f the one part and John Parr ofthe State of North Carolina and County of Mecklenburg of the o ther part,witnesseth that the said Bridges Parr for and in consideration of the sumof one hundred dollars to him in hand paid by said John Parr the receiptthereof the said Bridges Parr doth hereby acknowledge himself herewith?, and bargain and sold and by these presents do give, grant, bargain, selland convey and confirm unto the said John Pare a certain tract of land situated in the county of Mecklenburg on the waters of the Waxhaw Creekcontaining by estimation one hundred and twenty five acres and de scribedas follows, viz, beginning at a Spanish oak on a branch, thence southwestto a black an d white oak, thenceN72W 60 poles to a black oak, onMcCollum's line, thence with this line N51 E 84 poles to a pine stump,thence N55W 120 poles (ink blot) to a black & white oak, thence N3 5E to ahickory and black oak, thence a line of (torn page) new marked trees tothe branch, th e down (ink Blot) the said branch to the first station, tohave and to hold the said tract o f one hundred and (ink blot) twenty fiveacres of __________ to the same more or less with al l and singular (tornpage) the privileges, rights, titles, profits, hereditaments andappurtena nces whatsoever unto the said premises belonging (torn page) orany way pertaining unto the sa id John Pare, his heirs and assigns and the aid Bridges Pare, his heirs, executors and assign s by these presents will warrant and forever defend the said premises against the claim or(tor n page) of any person or persons whatever. Iin witness thereof thesaid Bridges pare hath he reunto subscribed his name and affixed his sealthe day and year above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence ofBridges (X) Pare {SEAL} Robert Canton, John Cook, Winyfrid (X) CaretonMecklenburg County for Jany term 1805 the execution of this deed was proven in court and recorded Isaac Alexander Thomas and Dorcas Parr sold property to John Parr 19 October 1808,undoubtedly marking their departure from the county (Deed Book 19, p.464-Abstract): Thomas Pair and Dorcas his wife of Mecklenburg County, State ofNorth Carolina sold fo r $150 to John Pair of the same place a tract ofland lying near the Waxaw Creek joining Alexander and John Cairnes, landnow occupied by the said Thomas Pair having such shape and form as thepatent directs, beginning at a sweet gum and going S80W 11 chains alongAlex Cairnes to a Mulberry then N2W 21 chains and 8 links along John Cairnes to a sassafras on Mary Corisass line, then with said Cowssersline N89E 14 chains to a Hickory corner, then S5W 20 chains along said John Pair line to the beginning containing 50 acres more or less.Witnesses were Jesse ?, John Sherling and Wm Spurling. It was signedThomas (X) Parr and Doracas (X) Pair. He wrote a will, 13 September 1820, an abstract of which discloses,"Considering theuncertainty of this mortal life, I give to my wife Elizabeth Pair a bedand furniture, her clothes,$900 in notes, $200 of which she has already received in cash, and thebalance to be paid ininstallments, as well as the Negro Sylvia valued at $500, a (spinning)wheel, cards, saddle,chest and all the profits therefrom for her natural life. At the death ofdecease of my wife, I give to my daughter Polly Spray the above described property. Said property is inrecompense for her dower, and the third she can claim out of my estate. I give to mydaughters Winna Ivy and Elizabeth Mitchell all my lands, money, notes, wagons, horses, cattle and hogs, farming utensils, and all other property. My Negro girl "hat" (Hattie?) is to be set freeafter my death and is to receive sufficient during her life on my plantation, a house to live in and land sufficient to work. This freedom and maintenance is to reward her fruitful and meritorious service during my life. Executors: William Craig and James Drury. Witnesses: Wm. Nesbitt, Jr.,James D. Rodgers and James Walkup. (From: Mecklenburg County Will Abstracts, 1791-1868, Books A-J, by HermanFerguson) 1800 FEDERAL CENSUS, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA John Parr Free White MalesFree White Females U10 10-15 16-25 26-44 45+U10 10-15 16-25 26-44 45+ 0 0 0 1 03 0 0 1 0 1810 FEDERAL CENSUS, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Jno Pear Free White MalesFree White Females U10 10-15 16-25 26-44 45+U10 10-15 16-25 26-44 45+ 0 0 0 0 11 0 2 0 1 1820 FEDERAL CENSUS, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA John Parr Free White MalesFree White Females U10 10-15 16-18 19-25 26-44 45+U10 10-15 16-25 26-44 45+ 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 He passed away in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina in about 1827,and his will was probated in Court, November 1827. His known family was as follows: Elizabeth Parr born died md. _________ Mitchell Wina Parr md. _________ Ivy Polly Parr md. _________ Spray Sources:Title: Wheeler, Phill (1998) Note: ABBR Wheeler, Phill (1998) Note: Source Media Type: Book Repository: Note: Children of John Parr and Elizabeth Hobbs are: 32 i. Elizabeth4 Parr, born Abt. 1796. She married (1) ? Mitchell. She married (2) ? Mitchell. 33 ii. Wina Parr, born Abt. 1798. She married ? Ivy. 34 iii. Polly Parr, born Abt. 1800. She married ? Spray. 17. Thomas3 Parr (Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born 1771, and died Bet. 1840 - 1850 in Union Co., SC. He married Dorcas (unknown) May 30, 1845 in Union Co., SC. She died September 06, 1848 in Union Co., SC. Notes for Thomas Parr: Copied from info from Sherry Osburn ID: I243 Name: Jr. Parr THOMAS 1 Sex: M Birth: BET. 1770 - 1773 in North/South Carolina Death: 30 MAY 1845 in Union County, South Carolina Reference Number: 7514 Note: THOMAS PARR, JUNIOR (1772-1845) Thomas Parr, Junior was born between 1770 and 1773, probably in theCarolinas, the son of Thomas and Mary Parr. He married Dorcas _____________. He resided in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, then moved to UnionCounty, South Carolina by the enumeration of the 1820 census. The followingMecklenburg County deeds were made by him, and he may have been involved in one of several deeds whichI have included under the biographical sketch of Thomas Parr, Senior which give noobvious clue as to which Thomas Parr was involved. (Deed Book 14, p. 137): This indenture made this thirteenth day of January in the year of our Lord 1792 by & between Wm Rodgers of Mecklenburg of state of NorthCarolina of the one part & Thomas Pair of the State & county aforesaid of the other part witnesseth that the said Wm Rodgers for & inconsideration of the sum of one hundred pounds to him in hand paid before the sealing & delivery of these presents the receipt whereof the said Wm Rodgers doth hereby acknowledge that he hath granted bargain ed sold and made over unto the said Thomas Pair, his heirs and assigns one certaintract or par cel of land situated and lying & being in Mecklenburg County aforesaid containing two hundred and fifty acres be the same more or lesson the north side of the Waxhaw River beginning a t a W. O. Robert Courtesold corner & runs with his line S32W 170 poles to a W. & B. O. on a hill by a branch thence N72W 60 poles to a B. O. on McCleland's line thencewith the said McClel and's N25E(?) 89(?) poles to a pine stump thence N55W 120 poles thence N35E 320 poles to a hi ckory thence to the beginning containing as above 250 acres. To have and to hold the aforesai d granted land with all & singular the rights & benefits & privileges appurtenances & improvements to the same belonging to the said Thomas pair his heirs &assigns forever & the said Wm Rodgers doth by these presents warrant &will forever defend the just right & title & him the aforesaid Wm Rodgers his heirs & in the aforesaid granted & bargained premises unto the said Thomas parr his heirs and assigns forever & from all manner of encumbrances whatsoever. In witnes s whereof the said Wm Rodgers have here unto set his hand and seal the day and year above written. Signed sealed & delivered in presence of Bridges (X) Pair Wm Rodgers {SEAL} Henry Massey Owen McCorkle Mecklenburg County October session 1792 the deed was proven in opencourt by Bridges Pair and admitted to record in order to be registered. Deed Book 17, page 532 (28 April 1796, abstract): Thomas Pair & Dorcas Pair his wife of the State of North Carolinaand County of Mecklenburg, sold to Isham Sherling of the State and County aforesaid,for 100 pounds good and lawful money of the state aforesaid, 125 acres, it being part of atract of land first laid out to James Gilmore on the north side of the Waxhaw Creek, beginning at a blackoak, running S32W to a branch, up the said branch to a Hickory & black oak corner at thehead of said branch, running N35E to a Hickory corner, thence to the beginning. Granted by his excellency & chief Governor & Commander in & over the said state, grant bearing date in 15th(16th?) year of our reign 1774 & conveyed by the said Gilmore to W. Rogers then conveyed bysaid Rogers to the said Thomas Pair by a deed bearing daye 30th of January 1791, said deed recorded in Mecklenburg County. Witnesses were Jas. Avent, John (X) Pair, James Johnston and David Crenshaw. It was signed Thomas (+) Pair and Darcas (X) Pair. Deed Book 17, p. 527, 31 December 1798, Abstract): Thomas Pair of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina sold to John Shurlin ofthe County and State aforesaid for 100 pounds, 60 acres in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina on the north side of the Waxhaw Creek beginning at a stone in my spring, from thence to a willow, a marked tree, from thence by a house that John Shurlin now lives in by a MulberryTree and past a walnut tree in my field and to John Pair's line to a sweet gum a corner with Pair's line to a corner white oak on Daniel Carnes line & thence along Carnes line across the branch to a corner on James Avent's line a Red oak, from thence along a line of new marked trees to a black jack, from thence to the branch and up the branch to the beginning. Witnesses were James Avent, John Philips, David Cranshaw and ????? (A) Adam. It was signed Thomas (T)Pair. Deed Book 19, page 512 (abstract) On 12 September 1808, Thomas and Dorcas Pair his wife of MecklenburgCounty, State of North Carolina sold to John Carnes of South Carolina and District of Lancaster,for $150, a certain tract of land in said county on Waxhaw Creek waters with the following marksand boundings, viz, beginning at a Mulberry tree, thence N2W 21 chains, 20 links, to asassafras, thence S89W 17=70 to a P.O. sapling on the Waggon Road, then along said roadS29W8=80 to a P.O. sapling on said road, then S2W 14 90 (19=90?) to a black oak stump,thence S13=50 to a black oak, thence due east 8=50 to a corner in a branch, thence 11=50 up thevarious courses of the branch to a spring, thence to the beginning, 66 acres more or less. Witnesses were Henry Massey, Allen Carnes and Noah Anderson. Signed Thomas (T) pair andDarkas (X) Pair. Thomas and Dorcas Parr sold property to John Parr 19 October 1808,undoubtedly marking their departure from the county (Deed Book 19, p.464-Abstract): Thomas Pair and Dorcas his wife of Mecklenburg County, State of NorthCarolina sold for $150 to John Pair of the same place a tract of land lying near the Waxaw Creekjoining Alexander and John Cairnes, land now occupied by the said Thomas Pair having such shapeand form as the patent directs, beginning at a sweet gum and going S80W 11 chains alongAlex Cairnes to a Mulberry then N2W 21 chains and 8 links along John Cairnes to a sassafrason Mary Corisass line, then with said Cowssers line N89E 14 chains to a Hickory corner,then S5W 20 chains along said John Pair line to the beginning containing 50 acres more or less.Witnesses were Jesse ?, John Sherling and Wm Spurling. It was signed Thomas (X) Parr and Doracas(X) P air. Thomas Parr passed away 30 May 1845, in Union County, South Carolina. Hepredeceased his wife, and she left a will dated 5 August 1846, and signed by her mark.She passed away 6 September 1848 in Union County, South Carolina. Her will was probatedin 1849. An abstract of the probate of Dorcas Parr (Box 35, pkg. 33) follows: She named her daughter Margaret Ivey, wife of Absolem Ivey all herpersoanl property including one Negro woman named Chaney, beds, trunks, dishes, a teakettle, oneclock and her claim to five Negroes, "now in the State of Mississippi, taken from me without myconsent by my two sons Richard Parr and Henry Parr. At Margaret's death, her property was to goto her heirs. Witnesses to the will were James Robinson, Giles Sharp and J. Giles. The will was proved by Giles Sharp before J. J. Pratt, Ordinary, 28 September 1849. Absolem Ivy applied for letters of administration with will annexed on 28September 1849, stating that Mrs. Dorcas Parr died 6 September, instant, leaving a will without appointing an executor, and stated that she left no natural sons in this (SC) state, but 2 or three daughters, one of whom the petitioner had married before the death of his mother-in-law. A citation on the estate was issued the same day. On 15 October 1849, Absolem Ivy as administrator, James Parr and Jesse (X) Pair signed bond for $1000, with William G. Hughes as witness. Appraisers appointed were James Sinclair, James Pair and W.A. H. Bevill, who were sworn in by Robert V. Harris, magistrate on 30 November 1849. Inventoryincluded only household furniture and household equipment and was dated the same day. They were enumerated in the census as follows: 1800 FEDERAL CENSUS, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Thomas Parr Free White MalesFree White Females U10 10-15 16-25 26-44 45+U10 10-15 16-25 26-44 45+ 1 1 0 1 01 1 0 1 0 1820 FEDERAL CENSUS, UNION COUNTY, SOUTHCAROLINA ThomasParr Free White MalesFree White Females U10 10-15 16-18 19-25 26-44 45+U10 10-15 16-25 26-44 45+ 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1830 FEDERAL CENSUS, UNION COUNTY, SOUTHCAROLINA ThomasParr Free White Males U5 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 Free White Females U5 5-9 10-14 15-20 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 00 1840 FEDERAL CENSUS, UNION COUNTY, SOUTHCAROLINA Thomas Parr Free White Males U5 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Free White Females U5 5-9 10-14 15-20 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 Thomas Parr witnessed, with others, the will of Randolph Vaughn, 19February 1830, and , with others, proved it 30 March 1830. He passed away between 1840 and1850. The known children of Thomas and Dorcas Parr were: Tabitha Parr born abt 1799 diedmd. John Harris Rebecca Parr md. William Sherland Richard Parr abt 1793 1853 md. Judith Smarr Henry Parr abt 1787 1856 md. Mary "Polly" Smarr Margaret Parr abt 1787 9Jul 1878 md. Absole m Ivy Sarah Parrbef 1847 md. John Haney Sources:Title: Wheeler, Phill (1998) Note: ABBR Wheeler, Phill (1998) Note: Source Media Type: Book Repository: Note: Children of Thomas Parr and Dorcas (unknown) are: 35 i. Henry4 Parr, born Abt. 1787 in VA; died Abt. 1866 in "Missing Place" no. 8766. He married Mary Smarr. 36 ii. Rebecca Parr. She married William Sherland. 37 iii. Sarah Parr. She married John Haney. 38 iv. Margaret Parr, born Abt. 1787 in VA; died July 09, 1878 in Union Co., SC. She married Absolom Ivey Abt. 1803 in Union Co., SC; born Abt. 1782; died April 30, 1866 in Union Co., SC. 39 v. Richard Parr, born Abt. 1793; died Abt. 1853. He married Judith Smarr. 40 vi. Tabitha Parr, born Abt. 1799 in VA. She married John Harris. 18. Allen3 Parr (Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born 1781, and died Bef. March 13, 1849 in Union Co., SC. He married (unknown). She was born Abt. 1775. Notes for Allen Parr:Copied from Ancestry.cominfo from Sherry Osburn ID: I244 Name: Allen PARR 1 Sex: M Birth: BET. 1780 - 1783 in North/South Carolina Death: BEF. 13 MAR 1849 in Union County, South Carolina Reference Number: 7515 Note: ALLEN PARR (1780-1849) Allen Parr was born between 1780 and 1783, probably in theCarolinas, and probably the s on of Thomas and Mary Parr. His wife is unknown to this writer. He received a parcel of land from his father, Thomas Parr, Senior 20 August 1791 as follows : (Deed Book 14, p. 131): This indenture made this 20th day of August 1791 between Thomas Pear,Sen'r of the State of North Carolina and Mecklenburg County of the one part and Allen Pear ofthe said place of the other part witnesseth that the said Thomas Pear for and in considerationof the sum of five shillings currency to him in hand paid bt the said Allen Pear, thereceipt whereof the said Thomas Pair doth hereby acknowledge & himself fully satisfied hathbargained & sold & by these presents bargain and sell unto the said Allen Pear a plantation or pieceof land containing by computation fifty acres more or less lying & being in the above mentionedCounty on the north side of the Waxhaw Creek. Beginning on Daniel carnes line on the springbranch and running down said Carnes' line to his corner W. O. sapling on said Pear's linethence along a new line to a corner pine on said T. Pear's line thence along a new line of said T.Pear's to a W. O. thence through Thomas Pear's plantations to a W.O. thence to the beginning whichbounds is wel known if disputes should arise, with all buildings, fields, orchards,timbers & timber trees, profits,commodities, hereditaments & appurtenances whatsoever of him the said Thomas Pear, of in or to the said premises & all deeds, evidences, writings, touchings or in any wise concerning the same to have & to hold the said fifty acres of land and premises hereby granted unto the said Allen Pair, his heirs & assigns forever and the said Thomas Pear, forhimself & his heirs did covenant, promise & grant & with the said Allen Pair his heirs andassigns by these presents that he the said Thomas pair hath full power & lawful authority to grant & convey the same to the said Allen Pair in manner and form aforesaid & that the said premises forevershall remain clear & free from all former & other gifts grants or encumberances whatsoevermade, done or suffered by the said Thomas Pair his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof the said Thomas Pair hath hereunto set his hand & seal the day & year above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Thomas (X) PearThomas Pear {SEAL} Bridges (X) Pear Mecklenburg County, October Session 1792 Then was the execution of thewithin deed proven in open court by Thomas Pear & Bridges Pear & admitted to record in orderto be registered. Test Isaac Alexander CMC The following year, he and Claiborn Parr sold land to their parents,Thomas and Mary Parr. (7 March 1793, Deed Book 16, Page 12): (Abstract) Cleborn Pair and Allen Pair of Mecklenburg County, NorthCarolina sold to Thomas Pair of the same place for 50 Pounds Sterling, 100 acres on the Northside of Waxhaw Creek, beginning at a White Oak, on Daniel Carnes line of new marked trees to afence, thence to a Hickory on Causer's line, from thence to a Black Gum near the Waggon Road, from thence to a Black Oak, from thence to a Red Oak, from thence to the first stationcontaining 100 acres more or less. Witnesses were Jas Avent, John (X) Pair, James (X) Sprayberry and Bridges (X) Pair. It was signed Allen (X) Pair, Thomas (e) Pair, Mary (X) Pair and leborn(X) Pair. The signatur e of Mary Pair on the document establishes this as a deed to Thomas Pair,Senior rather than Thomas Parr, Junior. A partition of the land of Allen Parr was made in 1870 as abstractedbelow: "Ferdinand R. Cudd and Texann Cudd his wife, vs. William Henry Bevill andMary Bevill, his wife. The summons was filed in Probate Court, 25 July 1870. Thepetition filed by the Cudds states, "that our fat her Allen Parr had deeded 198 acres to his daughters Texann Parr and Mary Parr (now Texann Cudd and Mary Bevell). By deed dated 25 September 1866,and recorded He appeared in the census as follows: 1810 FEDERAL CENSUS, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Allen Pear Free White MalesFree White Females U10 10-15 16-25 26-44 45+U10 10-15 16-25 26-44 45+ 1 0 0 1 00 0 1 0 0 1820 FEDERAL CENSUS, UNION COUNTY, SOUTHCAROLINA AllenParr Free White MalesFree White Females U10 10-15 16-18 19-25 26-44 45+U10 10-15 16-25 26-44 45+ 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1830 FEDERAL CENSUS, UNION COUNTY, SOUTHCAROLINA Allen Parr Free White Males U5 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 00 Free White Females U5 5-9 10-14 15-20 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 00 1840 FEDERAL CENSUS, UNION COUNTY, SOUTHCAROLINA AllenParr, Senior Free White Males U5 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 Free White Females U5 5-9 10-14 15-20 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 00 Allen Parr wrote his will 14 February 1849. He mentioned hisdaughter Viney, and the "attractive land whereon I live." He named his friend Robert V. Harris as executor. Witnesses were W. A. H. Bevill, F. J. Bevill and James (X) Sinclair. Allen signed Allen X Pair with his mark. The will was proved 13 March 1849 by W. A. H. Bevill, which means that Allen Parr passed away between 14 February 1849 and 13 March 1849. (Union County WillAbstracts, 1787-1849, By Brent Holcomb). Robert V. Harris concluded not to act as executor and signed arenunciation on 13 March 1849. Robert Ivey applied for letters of administration with the willannexed 13 March 1849. Robert Ivey's petition stated that the heirs of Allen Pair were Andrew Pair, not in this state; Roland Pair, also out of this state; John Pair, out of state; David Mitchell and wife Betsey, out of state; Viney Pair and the petitioner Robert Ivey and Mary his wife. Sources:Title: Wheeler, Phill (1998) Note: ABBR Wheeler, Phill (1998) Note: Source Media Type: Book Repository: Note: Children of Allen Parr and (unknown) are: 41 i. John4 Parr, born Bef. 1800. 42 ii. Betsey Parr, born Abt. 1805. She married (1) David Mitchell. She married (2) David Mitchell. 43 iii. Andrew Parr, born June 03, 1813. 44 iv. Viney Parr, born Abt. 1815. 45 v. Roland Parr, born Abt. 1820. He married Letha A. ?. 46 vi. ? Parr, born Abt. 1823. 47 vii. Mary A Parr, born Abt. 1826; died October 1885. She married Robery Ivey. 19. Bridges3 Paire (Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born Bet. 1760 - 1770, and died Bef. January 1839 in Butts Co., Georgia. He married Penelope Howze Abt. 1800, daughter of James Howze and Mildred Morris. She was born 1778 in Granville Co., NC, and died Abt. 1830 in Butts Co., Georgia. Children of Bridges Paire and Penelope Howze are: + 48 i. dau.4 Paire, born Bet. 1790 - 1800. + 49 ii. Lucy Paire, born Abt. 1796 in SC. 50 iii. son Paire, born Bet. 1790 - 1800. 51 iv. Penelope Paire, born Abt. 1792. + 52 v. Littleton Paire, born 1795. 53 vi. Louisa Paire, born Abt. 1800. + 54 vii. Jenny Paire, born 1803. + 55 viii. Bridges Paire, born 1806 in Georgia; died October 16, 1863 in Knoxville, Tennessee. Generation No. 4 22. John4 Parr (Claiborn3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born Abt. 1794, and died Aft. 1860 in Cherokee Co., AL. He married (1) Malinda (unknown) Bef. 1816 in Union Co., SC. He married (2) Mary (unknown) July 16, 1859 in Cherokee Co., AL. She was born in PA. Children of John Parr and Malinda (unknown) are: 56 i. Elizabeth5 Parr, born December 31, 1816 in Union Co., SC. She married Daniel Naugher. 57 ii. Elmina Parr, born January 01, 1817 in Union Co., SC. She married John Naugher. 58 iii. Mary Parr, born February 10, 1819 in Union Co., SC. 59 iv. Caroline Parr, born Abt. 1822 in Union Co., SC. She married Travis Ivey. 60 v. Eliza Jane Parr, born April 15, 1826 in Union Co., SC; died December 10, 1901. She married (1) Levi Franklin Mitchell. She married (2) Levi Franklin Mitchell. 61 vi. Vera Parr, born Abt. 1830 in Union Co., SC. 62 vii. Dudley Leonard Parr, born Abt. 1833 in Union Co., SC; died Aft. 1880 in AL. He married Amanda (unknown). 63 viii. Cornelia Parr, born Abt. 1835 in Union Co., SC. She married Reddick P. Ennis. 23. James4 Parr (Claiborn3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born Abt. 1796, and died November 27, 1864 in Union Co., SC. He married (1) Nancy ?. She was born 1804 in SC. He married (2) Nancy (unknown). Notes for James Parr: Copied from info from Sherry Osburn ID: I251 Name: James PARR 1 Sex: M Birth: ABT. 1796 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Death: 27 NOV 1864 in Union County, South Carolina Reference Number: 7522 Note: James Parr was born about 1796, probably in Mecklenburg County, NorthCarolina, the son of Claiborne and Martha Parr. His father left him ahorse in his will, as well as his distributive share when he reachedlegal age. He married Nancy __________. She was born about 1804, in SouthCarolina. They were enumerated in several census records as follows: 1830 FEDERAL CENSUS, UNION COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA James Parr Free White Males U5 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 00 Free White Females U5 5-9 10-14 15-20 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 00 1840 FEDERAL CENSUS, UNION COUNTY, SOUTHCAROLINA James Parr Free White Males U5 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 00 Free White Females U5 5-9 10-14 15-20 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 00 1850 , UNION COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA Sheet110B, 333/333 James Parr W M 54 Planter$150 0 SC Nancy " W F 46SC William " W M 24SC Amanda " W F 21SC Daniel " W M 3SC 1860 , UNION COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA Sheet 220A, 588/515 James Parr W M 64 Farmer$2000 $300 0 NC Nancy " W F 54SC A. Jenkins W F 17SC Nancy could be the Nancy Parr, age 59 who was residing with VelbrayParr in the 1870 cens us: 1870 , UNION COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA Page 442, #346/370, Gondysville Twp Velbray Parr W M 23 Farmer (Married inAugust) SC Mary " W F 17SC Nancy " W F 59SC . The will of James Parr was dated 31 May 1857 and witnessed by W.A.H.Bevell, C. Brandon and J. Mitchell (or I. Mitchell). He passed away 27 November 1864 inUnion County, South Carolina. The will was proved by Brandon, 5 December 1864, beforeColumbus Gage, Ordinary. It names his wife Nancy, his son William P. Parr and his fivedaughters, Mary M. Siegler, wife of Benj. Seidler; Martha Ivy, wife of Wiley Ivy; AmandaSavage (a widow); Anne Nance, wife of Andrew Nance and Sally Robinson, wife of James Robinson.(Box 46, Package 27) A paper sent to me by Nonie Kenney and written by a person unknown to meincludes the following: "I can tell you a little about William P. Parr from the otherresearch that I have don e on the family of his wife Jane P. Parr. He died at about the same time that his father, James Parr died he could have been killed in the Civil War, but I don't know that forsure. William's widow Jane P. was the guardian of their one child, a son James, and Jane claimeddower rights and her son's inheritance from his grandfather's estate Jane was a Page beforeher marriage, the daughter of Nathaniel Page who died in Union County about the same timeand who stated in the 1850 census he was born in Virginia. Thomas Parr's sister (name unknown)was the wife of David Nicholas who also lived in Union County,m age 90 in the 1850census, born in Virginia, a Revolutionary War soldier." Sources: Title: Wheeler, Phill (1998) Note: ABBR Wheeler, Phill (1998) Note: Source Media Type: Book Repository: Note: Children of James Parr and Nancy ? are: 64 i. William P5 Parr, born November 04, 1826. He married Jane P Page. 65 ii. Mary M Parr. She married Benjamin Sinclair. 66 iii. Martha Parr, born Abt. 1830. She married Wiley Ivey. 67 iv. Amanda Parr. She married ? Savage. 68 v. Anne Parr. She married Andrew Nance. 69 vi. Sally Parr. She married James Robinson. 27. Allen4 Parr (Claiborn3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born Abt. 1804. He married ? Scales. She died Abt. 1849. Notes for Allen Parr: Copied from info from Sherry Osburn ID: I255 Name: Allen PARR 1 Sex: M Birth: ABT. 1804 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Death: UNKNOWN Reference Number: 7526 Note: 13. ALLEN PARR (1804- ) Allen Parr was born about 1804, probably in Mecklenburg County,North Carolina, the son of Claibourne and Martha Parr. Though he was listed as Allen Parr, Juniorin 1840, Allen Parr, Senior did not have a son named Allen who was alive at the death of hiswife in 1849. He married _______ Scales. She passed away about 1849, as shehad passed away by the numeration of the 1850 census, but had left a daughter-Mary-who was bornabout 1849. Allen was still alive in the 1870 census (age 67), but may have diedshortly thereafter as a partition of the land of Allen Parr was made in 1870 as abstracted below: "Ferdinand R. Cudd and Texann Cudd his wife, vs. William Henry Bevill andMary Bevill, his wife. The summons was filed in Probate Court, 25 July 1870. Thepetition filed by the Cudds states, "that our father Allen Parr had deeded 198 acres to hisdaughtersTexann Parr and Mary Parr (now Texann Cudd and Mary Bevell). By deed dated 25 September 1866,and recorded in Deed Book A-19, pp. 240-241. A copy of the deed is in the file. Thedaughters owned the land as joint tenants. Each had an estate of inheritance of one undividedhalf thereof. The land was bounded by Brown's Creek, Allen Parr's land, W. A. H. Bevill's land, andJames Sinclair's land . A plat made by James W. Vinson on 18 May 1871 is included. The Cuddspetitioned either that the land be divided into two equal parts or sold and the money divided.The court appointed E. F. Vaughn, J. Glover Mitchell, Newell Smith, Pleasant Harris and W.H.S.Harris commissioner to decide the division. On 31 May 1871, Richard Parr filed suit in circuit court to stop thesale of the land. On 9 June 1875, the suit by Richard Parr was discontinued , and the Judgeordered the land sold by Sheriff MacBeth on 1 November 1975. 1840 FEDERAL CENSUS, UNION COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA AllenParr, Jun'r Free White Males U5 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 00 Free White Females U5 5-9 10-14 15-20 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 00 1850 , UNION COUNTY, SOUTHCAROLINA Page 110A;#327/327 Allen Parr W M 46 Planter$100 0 SC Elizabeth W F 13SC Jane W F 11SC James W M 8SC Richard W M 6SC Texana W F 3SC Mary W F 1SC 1860 , UNION COUNTY, SOUTHCAROLINA Page 219A; Post OfficeUnionville; #578/506 Alen Pare W M 54 Farmer$2320 $50 0 SC Elizabeth W F 25SC Jane W F 17SC James W M 17 Farm LaborSC Richard W M 16SC Texan W F 14SC Mary W F 12SC 1870 , UNION COUNTY, SOUTHCAROLINA Allen Parr W M 67 Farmer$1434 $40 0 SC Elizabeth W F 30SC Gondysville Twp; Unionville PostOffice; Page 442; #346/570 1870 , UNION COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA Pinkney District; p. 510;#454/558-9 Richard Parr W M 25 Farmer$2800 $70 0 SC Eliza " W F 28SC James " W M 3SC Sarah Jane Faucitt W F 6SC Charles Gault W M 12SC Louise Sprouse W F 16SC Agnes Whitlock W F 65SC 1870 , UNION COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA Pinkney District; Page506; 395/483 B. R. Cudd W M 26 Farmer $400SC Texanna " W F 22SC Martha " W F 3SC John " W M 1SC Children of Allen Parr and ? Scales are: 70 i. Elizabeth5 Parr, born 1837. 71 ii. Jane Parr, born 1839; died May 23, 1927. She married Joseph W Vaughn. 72 iii. James Parr, born 1842; died Abt. 1870. 73 iv. Richard Parr, born 1846; died January 04, 1887. He married Eliza Sprouze Faucett. + 74 v. Texann Parr, born 1847; died August 23, 1903. 75 vi. Mary Parr, born Abt. 1849. She married William Henry Bevill. 28. Sarah4 Parr (Claiborn3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born Abt. 1805 in SC, and died Aft. 1880 in Jefferson Co., AL. She married William Motte Abt. 1826 in SC. He was born Abt. 1800 in SC, and died Bef. 1880 in Jefferson Co., AL. Children of Sarah Parr and William Motte are: + 76 i. Franklin5 Mote, born Abt. 1827 in Union Co., SC; died Aft. 1862. + 77 ii. Richard Motte, born January 22, 1833 in Union Co., SC; died May 18, 1922 in Jefferson Co., AL. 78 iii. Martha Mote, born Abt. 1835 in Union Co., SC. + 79 iv. Nancy A. Mote, born Abt. 1838 in Union Co., SC; died 1886 in Jefferson Co., AL. + 80 v. Thomas Mote, born May 1839 in Benton Co., AL. 81 vi. John Ruben Mote, born Abt. 1843 in Benton Co., AL. + 82 vii. Sarah Jane Rebecca Mote, born 1845 in Benton Co., AL. + 83 viii. James C. Mote, born December 1848 in Benton Co., AL. + 84 ix. Joseph DeMancil Motte, born October 1850 in Cherokee Co., AL; died 1926 in Jefferson Co., AL. 30. Mary4 Parr (Claiborn3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born Abt. 1809 in SC, and died Abt. 1892. She married Joel Ivey Adams Abt. 1829 in Union Co., SC, son of Charner Adams and (unknown). He was born 1808 in Union Co., SC. Children of Mary Parr and Joel Adams are: 85 i. Robert5 Adams, born December 13, 1830. 86 ii. Ceceilia Ann Adams, born March 06, 1834. 87 iii. Chamer Thomas Adams, born August 11, 1837. 88 iv. Martha Jane Adams, born May 21, 1839. 89 v. Ambrose Ray Adams, born September 17, 1840. 90 vi. Adolphus Allen Adams, born March 06, 1842. 91 vii. Telitha Adams, born April 12, 1844. 92 viii. David Adams, born May 17, 1847. 93 ix. Matilda Adams, born November 24, 1848. 94 x. John Oliver Adams, born November 26, 1851. 48. dau.4 Paire (Bridges3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born Bet. 1790 - 1800. She married Thomas Johnson 1813 in Jasper County, Georgia. He was born Bet. 1780 - 1790. Children of dau. Paire and Thomas Johnson are: 95 i. dau.5 Johnson, born Bet. 1825 - 1830. 96 ii. dau. Johnson, born Bet. 1825 - 1830. 97 iii. dau. Johnson, born Bet. 1825 - 1830. 98 iv. son Johnson, born Bet. 1825 - 1830. 99 v. dau. Johnson, born Bet. 1830 - 1835. 100 vi. dau. Johnson, born Bet. 1830 - 1835. 101 vii. dau. Johnson, born Bet. 1830 - 1835. 102 viii. dau. Johnson, born Bet. 1830 - 1835. 49. Lucy4 Paire (Bridges3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born Abt. 1796 in SC. She married James Beard June 12, 1814 in Jasper County, Georgia. He was born 1792 in Lancaster Co., SC. Notes for James Beard: Note: According to census records (1830, Georgia, Walton, image 51; and 1840, Georgia, Monroe, District 573, image 1) there were at least 4 and possibly 5 more children born to this family and as yet not identified. Children of Lucy Paire and James Beard are: + 103 i. Rebecca5 Beard, born May 26, 1824 in Walton Co., GA; died January 21, 1904 in Cobb Co., GA. + 104 ii. Lucinda Beard, born March 16, 1826 in Walton Co., GA; died September 06, 1905. 52. Littleton4 Paire (Bridges3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born 1795. He married Jane ?. She was born 1805 in North Carolina. Notes for Littleton Paire: ID: I278 Name: Littleton PARR Sex: M Death: UNKNOWN Reference Number: 7551 Note: Pike County, Alabama (Deed Book F, Page 330) This indenture made this twelfth day of June one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine and in the sixty third year of the Independence of the United States of America between Little ton Parr of the one partand John Goodman of the State of Georgia and County of Butts and Stat eaforesaid of the other part witnesseth that the said Littleton Parr for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred dollars to him in handpaid at and before the sealing and deliver y of these presents the receiptwhereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted, bargained and sold, alieved,conveyed and confirmed and by these presents do grant , bargain, sell,alien, conve y and confirm unto the said John Goodman his heirs andassigns all that tract or lot of land s ituated lying and being in thethird District of Monroe when surveyed, now Butts County contai ningforty-five acres more or less it being my distributive. Those of all the land of the estate of Bridges Parr of Butts County, deceased it being part of No. 50 & 149, to have and to hol d the said tract or parcel ofland with all and singular the rights, members and oppurtinance s thereofwhatsoever to the premises being belonging or in any wise appertaining with the remainder and remainders, revision and revisions unto issues andprofits thereof to the only prope r use benefit and behoof him the said John Goodman his heirs executors and administrators in f ee simple and thesaid Littleton Parr and his heirs executors and administrators the saidbarg ained premises unto the said John Goodman his heirs executors andadministrators against the s aid Littleton Parr and his executors and alland every person or persons shall and will warran t forever defend byvirtue of these presents in witness whereof the said Littleton Parr hathhe reunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year first abovewritten. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Tilmind Barnett His Hail TalbottLittleton X Parr Mark SEAL Recorded 17th June 1847 Children of Littleton Paire and Jane ? are: 105 i. son5 Paire, born Bet. 1825 - 1830. 106 ii. James Paire, born 1831. 107 iii. Andrew Paire, born 1833. 108 iv. Lucian Paire, born 1839. 109 v. John Paire, born 1841. 110 vi. Eliza Paire, born 1842. 111 vii. Francis M. Paire, born 1846. 112 viii. Emily Paire, born 1849. 113 ix. dau. Paire, born Bet. 1820 - 1825. 114 x. son Paire, born Bet. 1825 - 1830. 54. Jenny4 Paire (Bridges3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born 1803. She married Henry W. Hodnett December 20, 1821 in Jasper County, Georgia, son of Benjamin Hodnett and Elizabeth Collier. He was born 1800 in VA, and died December 12, 1867 in Oktibbeha Co., MS. Notes for Henry W. Hodnett: 1850 Alabama Bibb Co., pg 7A 1860 July 10, 1870 Mississippi Oktibbeha Co., Starkville Pg 16 Henry Hodnet 58 farmer 2800,6000 VA Elizabeth 45 SC John 16, Samuel 14,Lambreth 12 son,Susan 10,Michael 9, b Alabama Williard 8, Eras--ne 6,Thomas 4,Charles 3 born Mississippi Henry Copeland 18 farm laborer Mississippi HENRY W. HODNETT Henry W. Hodnett's middle name may have been "William" as stated by some sources. Have seen no official documentation of this as yet. Henry was born in 1799 or early 1800 in Prince Edward County, Virginia, and then moved with his parents, Benjamin and Betsy Collier Hodnett, to Oglethorpe County, Georgia, soon after his birth. He was the eleventh child of their fifteen children who achieved adulthood. Henry W. Hodnett was married twice (documented), and it seems that he fathered as many as 23 children. He has been a difficult person to track because of his many travels and movements back and forth across the state of Alabama and into Mississippi. He was "a man on wheels" but a sketchy account of his life can be derived from various records that have survived. Henry W. Hodnett, John's Militia District, Jasper County, GA, drew LL 99, Section 2, Henry County, GA, in the 1821 Land Lottery. Henry first married Jenny PARE on 20 December 1821 in Jasper County, Georgia. For many years, genealogists and various written accounts listed Henry's first wife as Jenny Pace, Jenny Pase, Jenny Pou, and other spellings. This error is understandable when the INDEX to marriages in Jasper County are examined. However, when one examines the actual document, not the index, Jenny's name is PARE. In 1823, Henry W. Hodnett of Newton County, GA, sold 202 1/2 acres of land (2nd precinct, LL99, in Henry County, GA, to James McCawley for $700. This is just one of the several land deals listed in the GA counties of Newton and Jasper for Henry W. Hodnett. There are also other legal actions in which Henry was involved during the 1820's and 1830's. In 1830, Henry is listed on the Newton County, Georgia, Census. He is between 20-30 years of age and his wife is also 20-30. They apparently have two boys under 10, and two girls under 10. Another boy is listed but he is between 15-20 and not likely to be a son. The families of Thomas Hodnett and John Hodnett are living nearby in 1830. In 1836, and through December 1837, Henry W. Hodnett bought quite a bit of land in Chambers County, Alabama, several large parcels. The Tallapoosa River flowed through the middle of three of these large parcels. Others were in the area of "Frog Eye", but still near the other land. Some of the land also went over into Tallapoosa County. His brothers, James and Thomas, bought land in the area, too, with brother James purchasing the most. (James remained in the area, becoming a fairly large land and slave owner.) Henry apparently sold the land in Chambers County fairly quickly and moved to Mississippi and a son was born to Henry there in 1838. Some believe Henry had a daughter Nancy who married David W. Duke in December 1839 in Meriwether Co., GA. If so, it is quite possible that Henry (and his wife?) made the trip back to Meriwether Co., Georgia, for Nancy's marriage. A son was born in Chambers Co., AL in September 1840, although Henry W. is listed in the 1840 Newton County, Mississippi Census. On the census is: Henry Hodnett (30-40), his wife (who is again listed as 20-30 just like the 1830 census, same wife?), and three boys under 15, three girls under 15. Of course, older children are not listed since they had either married in GA, or had left home, or died. About 1841, another son was born in Newton County, Mississippi. By 1843, Henry W. Hodnett was back in Alabama where son John Foster Hodnett was born in Perry County. Another son, Samuel, was then born in Bibb County on August 13, 1844. Henry W. then married Elizabeth "Caroline" Hopkins in Bibb County, AL, on 27 March 1845 when his youngest child, Samuel, was only 7 months old. It would appear that Samuel's mother, Henry's first wife (or 2nd?), may have died sometime during those 7 months. One account says that Jenny Pare died in 1845. Another child, Lambeth, was born about 1846 in Bibb County, AL. In February 1846, Henry W. Hodnett was ordained a deacon in Union Baptist Church in Bibb County (now an inactive church, it was located 16 miles west of Centreville, in the Okmulgee District of the Talladega National Forest, 3 miles east of the Hale County line.) (Church records from John Lindsey) Henry W. Hodnett is mentioned at various times in the minutes of Union Baptist Church in Bibb County, serving on different committees, etc. Two of his sons were accepted into the church, Jefferson Hartwell Hodnett, and Benjamin F. Hodnett. Henry attended this church in Bibb Co., AL, at least through July 1850, probably longer. His wife Caroline and daughter Sarah were also charter members of this church. (Church records from John Lindsey) Henry bought 40.2 acres in Bibb County on 7 Oct. 1850. He also paid taxes on nine parcels of land in 1851 in Bibb County, AL. (Land records from John Lindsey) The 1850 Bibb County, AL, Census lists Henry W. Hodnett, farmer, 46, Caroline, 26, and names eight children ages 2-19 in the household. Again, older children would not be listed since they had left home, married, or died. In 1860, the family was in Oktibbeha County, Mississippi, on the census. It listed Henry, farmer, 58, Elizabeth, 45, and nine children, ages 3-16. An 18-year-old named Henry Copeland was also listed as living with them. It is definitely the same family as was in Bibb Co., AL, in 1850. According to his tombstone, Henry W. Hodnett died at age 67 on 17 February 1867 in Oktibbeha County, Mississippi. The estate of H.W. Hodnett was administered in Bibb County, AL, by W.J. Greathouse (it was begun in January 1870). Only his younger children are listed on his estate papers. Henry W. Hodnett is buried at Sand Creek Cemetery, Oktibbeha County, Mississippi, and is in abandoned condition. Caroline Hopkins Hodnett is also buried there. Children of Jenny Paire and Henry Hodnett are: 115 i. ?5 Hodnett, born Abt. 1822. 116 ii. Nancy Hodnett, born Abt. 1824 in ???Newton Co., GA; died Aft. 1860 in ????Tallaha, MS. She married David W. Duke December 26, 1839 in Meriwether., GA. + 117 iii. Jefferson Hartwell Hodnett, born Abt. 1826 in Probably Newton Co., GA; died January 20, 1887 in Sneads, Jackson Co., FL. 118 iv. Sarah Hodnett. She married James C Brown 1848 in Bibb Co., AL. 119 v. Benjamin Hodnett, born 1831 in GA. 120 vi. ? Hodnett, born 1833 in Al?. 121 vii. ? Hodnett, born Abt. 1835 in Alabama. 122 viii. William H Hodnett, born 1838 in MISS; died March 04, 1894 in Oktibbeha Co., MS. He married Rebecca I Pulliam December 03, 1861 in Oktibbeha Co., MIS; born August 02, 1844 in Mississippi. + 123 ix. Henry Hodnett, born September 16, 1840 in LaFayette, Clay Co., Alabama; died March 13, 1928 in Wadley, Clay Co., AL. 124 x. James Wesley Hodnett, born 1841 in MISS/AL; died Abt. 1870 in MS. He married Lydia Elizabeth Johnson December 26, 1864 in Oktibbeha Co., MIS. + 125 xi. John Foster Hodnett, born April 09, 1843 in Perry Co., AL; died January 06, 1912 in Near Mt. Vernon, Franklin Co., TX. 126 xii. Samuel Scott Hodnett, born August 13, 1844 in ?Bibb Co., AL; died March 04, 1914 in Clay Co., MS. He married Margaret Emma Johnson June 13, 1866 in Oktibbeha Co., MIS. 55. Bridges4 Paire (Bridges3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born 1806 in Georgia, and died October 16, 1863 in Knoxville, Tennessee. He married Penny M Hand 1824 in Henry County, Georgia. She was born 1805 in South Carolina, and died 1899 in Alabama. Notes for Bridges Paire:Copied from Ancestry .com Info from Sherry Osburn ID: I280 Name: Jr. Parr BRIDGES 1 Sex: M Birth: 1805 in Georgia Death: 16 OCT 1863 Reference Number: 7553 Note: information from Neil Wheeler BRIDGES PARR, JR. (1805-1863) Bridges Parr, Jr. Was born about 1805, in Georgia, son of Bridges and Penelope (Howze)Parr. He married Penny _____________ . She was born in 1804, and passed away about 1899, in her ninety-fifth year. During the Civil War, Bridges Parr served in the Confederate Army,as a Private in Company , 46th Alabama Infantry Volunteer regiment. He died 16 October 1863,from "disease contracted while in the service of the Confederate States , and that his death occurred during the late war. Penny did not remarry. She applied first, 5 August 1887, in MarshallCounty, Alabama, then a second time 18 July 1895 in Etowah County, Alabama, a third time 2 April1896 in Cullman County, Alabama. She also applied 15 April 1897, 27 April 1898 and in1899, all in Cullman County. In 1896, her address was listed at Etha, Cullman County, and in1897 and 1898, as Fall Creek, Alabama. Her 1899 application states the following: "P.S. thisapplicant is in her 95th year (and) cannot come before the honorable board for examiners and assuch she asks to be placed on the rolls." She did finally receive her pension "in class four under the act of the February 10, 1899, this 13th day of July 1899." It was signed by the members of the Pension Board. James W. Roister solemnly swore that he was "personally acquainted with Briges Paire, whose widows name is signed to the foregoing application, and that I know of my own knowledge that the service set forth in the application was rendered by said Briges Paire and that he did not desert the service of the Confederate States or the State of Alabama."This affidavit was not dated. 1830 FEDERAL CENSUS, BUTTS COUNTY, GEORGIA Bridges Parr, Junr. Free White Males U5 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Free White Females U5 5-9 10-14 15-20 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1840 FEDERAL CENSUS, MERIWETHER COUNTY, GEORGIA BridgesParr Free White Males U5 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Free White Females U5 5-9 10-14 15-20 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1850 FEDERAL CENSUS, CHAMBERS COUNTY, ALABAMA Page 335; 19th District; #990/990 Brigges Parr W M 44 Farmer$200 GA Wenny " W F 44NC Ellen 19,Frances 14,Brigges 11,James H. 9,Lucy A. 7,Alexander 4,Richmond 2 all b GA October 2, 1860 Alabama Randolph Co., Almond P.O. Pg 854 Bridges Pair 55 Farmer 400,75 GA Penny 56 SC James A 20 GA,Alexander Z 14,Richmond H 12,Samantha 11 these three born ALA Wade Griffey 30 ,25 SC Frances 25 GA Mary 4, Elizabeth 2/12 ALA James Royster 22 Farmer 100,100 ALA Lucy A 20 GA Mary ?9/12 ALA Aug 6,1870 Alabama, Tallapoosa Daviston BT pg 218 312,312 Day Thomas Nelly 313 313 Royster, James 37 Farmer Alabama Susan 27 Georgia Mary 11,Redick 9,George 7,Emeline 4,Richmond 2 ALA 314 314 Par, Penny 65 North Carolina Richmond 22,Samantha 17 Alabama 315 315 Griffith, Francis 30 Georgia Mary 12 Alabama ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1880 Alabama, Tallapoosa, Poplar Springs pg 332A Sarah PEARS Self Female W 70 ALA. Keeping House NOT GIVEN NOT GIVEN Fanny PEARS Dau S Female W 40 ALA. NOT GIVEN NOT GIVEN Samantha PEARS Dau S Female W 23 ALA. NOT GIVEN NOT GIVEN Reddisk ROYSTER Other S Male W 20 ALA. Laborer NOT GIVEN NOT GIVEN More About Penny M Hand:Burial: Welcome Cem. Children of Bridges Paire and Penny Hand are: 127 i. W C5 Paire, born 1825. 128 ii. boy Paire, born Bet. 1825 - 1830. 129 iii. dau. Paire, born Bet. 1825 - 1830. + 130 iv. Martha Paire, born December 1828; died 1914. 131 v. William F. Paire, born Bet. 1830 - 1835. He married Bethena McKinney January 15, 1854 in Chambers County, Alabama. + 132 vi. Penelope Ellen Paire, born 1831 in Georgia; died Aft. 1910 in Oklahoma. + 133 vii. Mary Frances Paire, born 1836 in Butts or Meriwether Co., GA. + 134 viii. James H. Paire, born February 1838. + 135 ix. Bridges Paire, born 1839 in Georgia; died March 1870 in Hood County, Texas. + 136 x. Lucy Ann Paire, born 1843 in Meriwether Co., GA. 137 xi. Alexander Paire, born 1846. He married Frances E Roberson September 09, 1866. + 138 xii. Richmond H Paire, born 1848. + 139 xiii. Samantha Paire, born September 13, 1851 in Alabama; died September 11, 1937 in Cullman County, Alabama. Generation No. 5 74. Texann5 Parr (Allen4, Claiborn3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born 1847, and died August 23, 1903. She married Ferdinand R Cudd. He was born 1846 in SC. Children of Texann Parr and Ferdinand Cudd are: 140 i. Martha6 Cudd, born 1867. 141 ii. John Cudd, born 1869. 76. Franklin5 Mote (Sarah4 Parr, Claiborn3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born Abt. 1827 in Union Co., SC, and died Aft. 1862. He married Martha E . (unknown) Abt. 1849 in AL. She was born Abt. 1831 in GA, and died Aft. 1910 in Fairview, Cullman Co., AL. More About Martha E. (unknown): Burial: Aft. 1910, Fairview, Cullman Co., AL Children of Franklin Mote and Martha (unknown) are: 142 i. Mary Jane6 Mote, born April 27, 1850 in Cherokee Co., AL; died October 13, 1925 in Fairview, Cullman Co., AL. She married Thomas Russell Hulsey February 16, 1873 in Jefferson Co., AL; born February 08, 1850 in Cherokee Co., AL; died May 07, 1921 in Fairview, Cullman Co., AL. More About Mary Jane Mote: Burial: October 16, 1925, Fairview, Cullman Co., AL More About Thomas Russell Hulsey: Burial: May 11, 1921, Fairview, Cullman Co., AL 143 ii. Nancy Mote, born Abt. 1855 in Cherokee Co., AL. 144 iii. William T. Mote, born Abt. 1858 in Cherokee Co., AL. He married Mary J. (unknown) Abt. 1878 in Cherokee Co., AL; born Abt. 1859 in AL. 145 iv. John P. Mote, born February 1860 in Cherokee Co., AL. He married Elizabeth (unknown) Abt. 1881 in AL; born January 1863 in AL. 146 v. Linsey Claiborne Franklin Mote, born August 1862 in Cherokee Co., AL; died 1927 in Cherokee Co., AL. He married (1) Nancy Elizabeth Lewellen Abt. 1878 in AL; born June 1862 in AL; died Bef. 1917 in Cherokee Co., AL. He married (2) Rosie L. Battles October 07, 1917 in Cherokee Co., AL.More About Linsey Claiborne Franklin Mote: Burial: 1927, Blairtown, Cherokee Co., AL 77. Richard5 Motte (Sarah4 Parr, Claiborn3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born January 22, 1833 in Union Co., SC, and died May 18, 1922 in Jefferson Co., AL. He married (1) Elizabeth Blackburn October 27, 1861 in Jefferson Co., AL. She was born Abt. 1836 in AL, and died Bef. 1883 in Jefferson Co., AL. He married (2) Emily L. Brewer Abt. 1885 in Jefferson Co., AL. She was born March 03, 1862 in AL, and died March 15, 1911 in Jefferson Co., AL. More About Richard Motte: Burial: May 20, 1922, Jefferson Co., AL More About Emily L. Brewer:Burial: March 17, 1911, Jefferson Co., AL Children of Richard Motte and Elizabeth Blackburn are: 147 i. Harriett M.6 Mote, born Abt. 1863 in AL. 148 ii. William Jackson Mote, born Abt. 1865 in AL. 149 iii. Mary J. Mote, born Abt. 1868 in AL. 150 iv. Sarah L. Mote, born Abt. 1870 in Mt. Pinson, Jefferson Co., AL. 151 v. Louisa E. Mote, born Abt. 1873 in Jefferson Co., AL. 152 vi. Thomas H. Mote, born June 18, 1875 in Jefferson Co., AL; died May 15, 1945 in Jefferson Co., AL. He married Lena (unknown); born February 02, 1895; died May 02, 1980 in Jefferson Co., AL. More About Thomas H. Mote:Burial: May 17, 1945, Jefferson Co., AL More About Lena (unknown):Burial: May 04, 1980, Jefferson Co., AL 153 vii. Dovie R. Mote, born July 1882 in Jefferson Co., AL. Children of Richard Motte and Emily Brewer are: 154 i. David A.6 Motte, born February 22, 1888 in Jefferson Co., AL; died October 21, 1964 in Jefferson Co., AL. More About David A. Motte:Burial: October 23, 1964, Jefferson Co., AL 155 ii. Minnie A. Mote, born December 1889 in Jefferson Co., AL. 156 iii. Talmadge Manuel Motte, born December 25, 1895 in Jefferson Co., AL; died February 15, 1976 in Warrior, Jefferson Co., AL. He married Verner V. (unknown); born December 01, 1899 in AL; died February 17, 1972 in Jefferson Co., AL. More About Talmadge Manuel Motte:Burial: February 17, 1976, Jefferson Co., AL More About Verner V. (unknown):Burial: February 19, 1972, Jefferson Co., AL 157 iv. Lula A. Mote, born September 1898 in Jefferson Co., AL. 79. Nancy A.5 Mote (Sarah4 Parr, Claiborn3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born Abt. 1838 in Union Co., SC, and died 1886 in Jefferson Co., AL. She married John R. Roberts Abt. 1857 in AL. He was born Abt. 1833 in SC, and died 1911 in Jefferson Co., AL. More About Nancy A. Mote:Burial: 1886, Jefferson Co., AL More About John R. Roberts:Burial: 1911, Jefferson Co., AL Child of Nancy Mote and John Roberts is: 158 i. William T.6 Roberts, born Abt. 1858 in AL. 80. Thomas5 Mote (Sarah4 Parr, Claiborn3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born May 1839 in Benton Co., AL. He married (1) (unknown) Abt. 1859 in Jefferson Co., AL. She died Abt. 1875. He married (2) Lizzie (unknown) Abt. 1881 in AL. She was born April 1860 in AL. Children of Thomas Mote and (unknown) are: 159 i. William6 Mote, born May 1860 in AL. He married Mary Beard; born November 1850 in AL. 160 ii. Adline Mote, born May 1870 in AL. 161 iii. Peggy Mote, born April 1873 in AL. Children of Thomas Mote and Lizzie (unknown) are: 162 i. John W.6 Mote, born August 1883 in AL. 163 ii. Etta Mote, born January 1888 in AL. 164 iii. Aro Mote, born December 1891 in AL. 165 iv. Lilly M. Mote, born September 1894 in AL. 166 v. Pearl L. Mote, born September 1896 in AL. 82. Sarah Jane Rebecca5 Mote (Sarah4 Parr, Claiborn3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born 1845 in Benton Co., AL. She married Allen Nichols October 10, 1866 in St. Clair Co., AL. He was born Abt. 1836 in AL. Children of Sarah Mote and Allen Nichols are: 167 i. Ador6 Nichols, born Abt. 1868 in St. Clair Co., AL. 168 ii. Ida Nichols, born February 1870 in St. Clair Co., AL. 83. James C.5 Mote (Sarah4 Parr, Claiborn3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born December 1848 in Benton Co., AL. He married Luvena Blalock May 02, 1868 in Jefferson Co., AL. She was born August 1854 in AL. Children of James Mote and Luvena Blalock are: 169 i. William H.6 Motte, born December 11, 1869 in Jefferson Co., AL; died June 14, 1938 in Jefferson Co., AL. He married Mary V. (unknown) Abt. 1895 in Jefferson Co., AL; born December 18, 1869 in AL; died February 02, 1957 in Jefferson Co., AL. More About William H. Motte:Burial: June 16, 1938, Warrior, Jefferson Co., AL More About Mary V. (unknown):Burial: February 04, 1957, Warrior, Jefferson Co., AL 170 ii. John T. Motte, born July 13, 1873 in Jefferson Co., AL; died August 18, 1963 in Jefferson Co., AL. He married Josie A. (unknown); born November 01, 1879 in AL; died March 31, 1963 in Jefferson Co., AL. More About John T. Motte:Burial: August 20, 1963, Warrior, Jefferson Co., AL More About Josie A. (unknown):Burial: April 02, 1963, Warrior, Jefferson Co., AL 84. Joseph DeMancil5 Motte (Sarah4 Parr, Claiborn3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born October 1850 in Cherokee Co., AL, and died 1926 in Jefferson Co., AL. He married (1) Margaret Gilbert November 28, 1872 in Jefferson Co., AL. She was born Abt. 1853 in AL, and died Abt. 1890 in Jefferson Co., AL. He married (2) Ellen E. (unknown) Abt. 1909 in Jefferson Co., AL. She was born Abt. 1889 in AL. More About Joseph DeMancil Motte:Burial: 1926, Jefferson Co., AL Children of Joseph Motte and Margaret Gilbert are: 171 i.Beulah P.6 Mote, born Abt. 1876 in Jefferson Co., AL. 172 ii.Lula Etta Mote, born February 1876 in Jefferson Co., AL. She married (unknown) Miller Abt. 1890 in Jefferson Co., AL; died Bef. 1900 in Jefferson Co., AL. 173 iii.Amantha Mote, born February 1883 in Jefferson Co., AL. 174 iv.Adolphus M. Motte, born January 30, 1885 in Jefferson Co., AL; died September 06, 1953 in Jefferson Co., AL. He married Mary E. (unknown) Abt. 1905 in Jefferson Co., AL; born Abt. 1888 in AL. More About Adolphus M. Motte:Burial: September 08, 1953, Jefferson Co., AL 175 v.Minnie Mote, born May 1889 in Jefferson Co., AL. Child of Joseph Motte and Ellen (unknown) is: 176 i.Leon6 Mote, born January 1910 in Jefferson Co., AL. 103. Rebecca5 Beard (Lucy4 Paire, Bridges3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born May 26, 1824 in Walton Co., GA, and died January 21, 1904 in Cobb Co., GA. She married (1) ? Draper. She married (2) John Henry Lewis March 20, 1856 in Henry or Paulding Co., GA. He was born April 09, 1790 in Rockingham Co., NC. Children of Rebecca Beard and John Lewis are: 177 i. John Henry6 Lewis, born December 26, 1856; died August 08, 1940 in Acworth, Cobb Co., GA. He married (1) Annie Lou Phillips; born December 02, 1885; died June 12, 1928. He married (2) Martha A Hadaway December 24, 1882 in Acworth, Cobb Co., GA; born 1866. He married (3) Sarah C Sallie Day April 25, 1879; born March 31, 1856; died April 24, 1879. He married (4) Georgia E Clayton June 14, 1903; born September 02, 1872; died December 31, 1915. He married (5) Pearl Winstead 1930. Notes for John Henry Lewis:Buried Liberty Hill Cemetary, 9 Aug 1940, by J F Collins - per death certificate signed by Walter E Lewis, 508-1st Street, Macon, Ga. Married 5 times. #1. Wed 25 Apr 1879 to Sarah C 'Sallie' Day, b 31 Mar 1856, d 24 Apr 1879. Infant b 22 Apr, d 7 May 1879. Buried County Line Methodist Church Cemetary, Cobb County, Ga. Sallie was daughter of Benson/Benjamin and Hester Day. #2. Martha Hadaway. Burial site unknown. #3. Wed 14 Jun 1903 to Georgia E Clayton school teacher, tombstone reads 'Wife of John Henry Lewis', b 2 Sep 1872, d 31 Oct 1915, buried Liberty Hill Cemetary. Children, Winston D. b 1905 (wed Nora Free 2 May 1925,) Walter E. b abt 1911 (wed Mattie Bearden 24 Aug 1929,) Thelma b abt 1913 (wed 27 Jun 1934 to Clarence E Goss), Ruth (born and died 1907, lived 3 weeks), twins Hattie and Mattie born 22 Nov 1914. Hattie lived 4 weeks, Mattie died 14 Jun 1915. Georgia was the daughter of Charles P (born Dec 1834)and Mariah (born Sep 1844) Clayton. On 1900 census, Charles and Mariah had 7 children, 6 living. Siblings of Georgia listed were Mary b Sep 1876, Annie b Aug 1880, Julia b Oct 1884, and Lenard (sp?) b Nov 1871. #4. Annie Lou Phillips, tombstone reads 'wife of John Henry Lewis', b 2 Dec 1885, d 12 Jun 1928, Liberty Hill Cemetary. Death certificate says birth place of parents Floyd County, names unknown. Information on death certificate supplied by Walter Lewis, step-son. #5. Pearl Winstead, was age 16 when he met her on his rural mail route. They married 1930 when she was age 34, no children. She is listed as being age 44 when John Henry died. More About John Henry Lewis:Burial: August 09, 1940, Liberty Hill Cem. More About Annie Lou Phillips:Burial: Liberty Hill Cem. More About Sarah C Sallie Day:Burial: County Line Methodist Church Cem, Cobb Co., GA Marriage Notes for John Lewis and Sarah Day:From Roots Web marriage date and her death date is alittle confusing More About Georgia E Clayton:Burial: Liberty Hill Cem. 178 ii. Marion Parker Lewis, born Abt. 1859. He married (1) Frances Ann Robertson. He married (2) Mary Prudence Story Abt. 1886 in Cobb Co., Ga. 179 iii. Emma Luster Lewis, born November 02, 1860; died February 16, 1945 in Monroe Co., GA. She married William Henry Moses Johnson; born April 20, 1858; died April 08, 1929. 180 iv. Jet Thomas Lewis, born Abt. 1863; died Aft. 1900. 181 v. Matilda Lewis, born Abt. 1866. 104. Lucinda5 Beard (Lucy4 Paire, Bridges3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born March 16, 1826 in Walton Co., GA, and died September 06, 1905. She married William Johnson. He was born December 20, 1825 in Edgecombe Co., NC. Notes for Lucinda Beard:According to the Mann Family Tree posted at, Lucinda is buried at High Shoals Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery. Children of Lucinda Beard and William Johnson are: 182 i. Zilphia Ann Elizabeth6 Johnson, born November 20, 1854. 183 ii. James Thomas Johnson, born May 12, 1844. 184 iii. Mary Jane Johnson, born January 18, 1850. 185 iv. William Henry Moses Johson, born April 20, 1858. 186 v. Martha Ann Lucinda Johnson, born June 09, 1865. 187 vi. Joseph E Lucius Johnson, born April 07, 1868. 188 vii. John Green Fain Johnson, born December 28, 1871. 117. Jefferson Hartwell5 Hodnett (Jenny4 Paire, Bridges3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born Abt. 1826 in Probably Newton Co., GA, and died January 20, 1887 in Sneads, Jackson Co., FL. He married Elizabeth Tierce. Children of Jefferson Hodnett and Elizabeth Tierce are: 189 i. Permilia Cynthia6 Hodnett, born September 11, 1848 in Yalobusha Co., MS; died September 22, 1850 in Yalobusha Co., MS. 190 ii. Mary Ann Hodnett, born May 22, 1850 in Yalobusha Co., MS; died February 01, 1928 in Sneads, Jackson Co., FL. She married John Franklin Joyner June 13, 1872 in Decatur Co., GA. 191 iii. Lizann Hodnett, born June 23, 1852. 192 iv. Henry Hodnett, born October 02, 1854. 193 v. William Hodnett, born October 24, 1856. 194 vi. Amarica Hodnett, born August 04, 1859. 195 vii. James E. Hodnett, born September 10, 1863. 123. Henry5 Hodnett (Jenny4 Paire, Bridges3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born September 16, 1840 in LaFayette, Clay Co., Alabama, and died March 13, 1928 in Wadley, Clay Co., AL. He married Hester Ann Hood January 03, 1867 in Emuckfaw, Tallapoosa Co., AL, daughter of William Hood and Mary Gizlax. She was born December 10, 1848 in Emuckfaw, Tallapoosa Co., AL, and died September 27, 1926 in Clay Co., AL. Children of Henry Hodnett and Hester Hood are: 196 i. William Riley6 Hodnett, born November 20, 1867. 197 ii. Martha Jane Hodnett, born March 05, 1869. 198 iii. Amanda Elizabeth Mandy Hodnett, born March 11, 1873. 199 iv. Thomas H Hodnett, born March 30, 1872. 200 v. Mary Hester Ann Hodnett, born August 22, 1873. 201 vi. Penelope Jane Hodnett, born December 04, 1874. 202 vii. Alene Exemainia Hodnett, born October 13, 1876. 203 viii. Samantha Caldonia Donie Hodnett, born February 18, 1878. 204 ix. James E M Hodnett, born July 26, 1879. 205 x. Joel M Hodnett, born February 02, 1881. 206 xi. Henry Nolen Hodnett, born November 03, 1882. 207 xii. Washington Pryor Hodnett, born April 17, 1884. 208 xiii. John A Hodnett, born June 16, 1886. 209 xiv. Sarah Alice Hodnett, born May 16, 1888. 210 xv. Olive Ann Decie Hodnett, born January 09, 1891. 211 xvi. Dicie L Hodnett, born September 29, 1892. 125. John Foster5 Hodnett (Jenny4 Paire, Bridges3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born April 09, 1843 in Perry Co., AL, and died January 06, 1912 in Near Mt. Vernon, Franklin Co., TX. He married (1) Martha Drucella Logan. He married (2) Martha Mary Elizabeth Self August 15, 1866 in Oktibbeha Co., MIS. She was born 1849 in Al?, and died Aft. 1876. Children of John Hodnett and Martha Self are: 212 i. Twant Edwin6 Hodnett, born November 22, 1867. 213 ii. Edna Anna Hodnett, born April 13, 1870. 214 iii. Tinnie Ditus Hodnett, born November 20, 1872. 215 iv. Clara Gertrude Hodnett, born December 12, 1875. 130. Martha5 Paire (Bridges4, Bridges3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born December 1828, and died 1914. She married Archibald Hand September 16, 1849, son of John Hand and Sarah. He was born 1822 in South Carolina, and died 1899 in Alabama. Notes for Archibald Hand: September 13, 1860 Alabama Chambers Co., Hickory Flat P O., N-Divn Pg 854 A M Hand 38 Farmer 500,500 S Carolina Martha 32 Florida Sarah E 10, Mary F 8, Martha M 6, Ellen P 3 Alabama July 26, 1870 Georgia, Heard Co., Franklin P O pg 337 Hand, Archibald M 50 Farmer 1000 367 SC Martha 42 Sarah E 19, Mary F 17, Martha M 15, Pennois O L J 9 Ala Susan M 7, William A 4, John W 2 Ga Children of Martha Paire and Archibald Hand are: 216 i. Oda J.6 Hand. 217 ii. Sarah E. Hand, born December 1850; died 1948 in Tennessee. She married Wiley D. Johnson; born December 1864; died in Texas. 218 iii. Henry L. Hand, born 1852. 219 iv. Mary Francis Hand, born 1853. 220 v. Martha M. Hand, born 1855. 221 vi. Ellen P. Hand, born 1858. 222 vii. Penny J Hand, born 1861. 223 viii. Penonis Hand, born 1861. 224 ix. Susan M. Hand, born 1863. 225 x. William W. Hand, born 1866. 226 xi. John W. Hand, born 1868. 227 xii. Columbus Hand, born July 1875. He married Mary C ?; born 1875. 132. Penelope Ellen5 Paire (Bridges4, Bridges3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born 1831 in Georgia, and died Aft. 1910 in Oklahoma. She married Thomas Jefferson Day January 02, 1852 in Chambers Co., AL. He was born May 21, 1831 in Edgefield, South Carolina, and died 1888. Notes for Thomas Jefferson Day: September 25, 1860 Alabama Chambers Co., N-Div , Fredonia P.O. Pg 875 Day, Thomas 27 Farmer ___,25 S C Nelly 30 GA Robert 5, William 3, George 2, Lucinda 1 August 6, 1870 Alabama Tallapoosa Co., Daviston Beat Pg 218 Day Thomas 40 S Carolina Nelly 39 Alabama Robert 14, William 13, Judge 11, Lucinda 9, Thomas 7, Alexander 4 1880? Children of Penelope Paire and Thomas Day are: 228 i. Robert6 Day, born Abt. 1855. He married Sarah; born 1860 in Alabama. Notes for Robert Day: Robert DAY Self M Male W 25 AL Farmer AL AL Sarah DAY Wife M Female W 20 AL Keeping House AL AL 1880 Old Town, Dallas, Alabama Page Number 185D 229 ii. William Riley Day, born 1857 in Chambers Co., AL; died in Oklahoma. He married Margaret Louise Peggy Martin November 14, 1878; born Abt. 1857 in Tallapoosa Co., Alabama. Notes for William Riley Day:1880 Alabama Clay Co., Wicker and Pinckneyville, Pg 115A William DAY1 Self M Male W 24 AL Farming GA GA Margaret L. DAY Wife M Female W 21 AL Housekeeping GA GA Sarah E. DAY Dau S Female W 10M AL AL AL 1900 May 9/10, 1910 Oklahoma Johnson Co., Garner Tp., Pg 177 Day William R 53 m30 AL SC GA Margaret L 60 m30 12,11 AL GA GA Albert E 27, Inez M 24, Birty L 21,Harvel M 19, Margaret F 17, born Alabama Helen J 15,Bessie E 12, Oleo F 8 b Oklahoma Elen mother 79 Wd 9,3 GA GA SC ___ __,1920 Oklahoma Johnson Co., Garrett Pg 111 Day William can't read part of this entry for William or his wife _________ Robert D 39,Maggie 26, Berta 28, Fred 18 230 iii. George Day, born Abt. 1858. 231 iv. Lucinda Day, born Abt. 1859. 232 v. Thomas Day, born Abt. 1863. 233 vi. Alexander Day, born Abt. 1866. 133. Mary Frances5 Paire (Bridges4, Bridges3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born 1836 in Butts or Meriwether Co., GA. She married (1) ? Jones. She married (2) William Wade A C Griffith December 16, 1854 in Chambers Co., AL. He was born Abt. 1830 in SO C, and died Bef. 1870. Notes for Mary Frances Paire: 1870 Alabama 315 315 Griffith Francis 30 GA Mary 12 Ala William Griffith had passed away by 1870, and Mary married, second__________ Jones. #1594; 7 Oct 1860; Almond Pct, CLAY COUNTY, ALABAMA Wade Griffey W M 30 Farmer SC Frances " W F 25 Housewife GA Mary " W F 4ALElizabeth " W F 2/12AL Children of Mary Paire and William Griffith are: 234 i.Mary6 Griffith, born 1856. She married William M. Dunn October 10, 1876. 235 ii.Elizabeth Griffith, born August 1860. 134. James H.5 Paire (Bridges4, Bridges3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born February 1838. He married Mary J. ?. She died Bef. 1900. Notes for James H. Paire: 1880 Alabama Coosa, Weogufka Pg 276D James H. PAIX Self M Male W 38 GA Farmer GA SC Mary J. PAIX 36 GA Keeping House GA GA Lela A. PAIX 18, Rosa PAIX 12, Livingston PAIX 10, Rachial PAIX 9 AL GA GA Aloh D. PAIR 8,Mary J. 6,Cathern 6,Sarah 5,Penny 2,Laura PAIR 2M AL GA GA June 2, 1900 Alabama Jefferson Co., 8-PCT Pg 149 Pair James H 2-1838 62 WD GA Aloe D 8-1873 26 m0 AL Ellen 2 1880 20 m0 0,0 AL Children of James Paire and Mary ? are: 236 i. Lela6 Paire, born 1867. 237 ii. Rosa Paire, born 1868. 238 iii. Livingston Paire, born April 1867. He married Nannie ?; born March 1865. Notes for Livingston Paire: June 2, 1900 Alabama Jefferson Co., 8-Pct Pg 149 Pair Livingston 4-1867 33 m0 AL AL AL Nannie 3-1835 65 M0 0,0 AL 239 iv. Rachel Paire, born 1871. 240 v. Aloh Dora Paire, born August 1872. He married Ellen ?; born February 1872. Notes for Aloh Dora Paire: April 23, 1910 Alabama Jefferson Co., 1-Pct Pg 7 Pair A Dora 32 m10 AL AL AL Laborer home farm Ellen 2_ m10 4,4 AL US AL Minnie M 9,Henry 7,Grace 5 Martha 3 January 31, 1920 Alabama Jefferson Co., Pct 9, Pg 29 Pair A D 48 M AL AL AL miner ore mines Ellen 37 M AL AL AL Henry 16, Gracie 14, Martha 12, Oscar 8 241 vi. Mary J. Paire, born 1874. 242 vii. Cathern Paire, born 1874. 243 viii. Sarah Paire, born 1875. 244 ix. Parring Paire, born 1878. 245 x. Laura Ellen Paire, born February 1880. 135. Bridges5 Paire (Bridges4, Bridges3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born 1839 in Georgia, and died March 1870 in Hood County, Texas. He married (1) Rachel Royster 1858 in Ashland, Alabama, daughter of James Royster and Mary. She was born July 14, 1838 in Ashland, Talladega County, Alabama, and died October 1926 in Ashland, Clay County, Alabama. He married (2) Sarah Jane McCoy Abt. 1868. She was born April 1841 in Oregon County, Missouri, and died in MentagueCounty. 18 Jul1860, #738 , TALLEDEGO COUNTY, ALABAMA Patrick Fowler W M 46 FarmerNC Epsy " W F 42GA Amanda 19,Lurana F 18,Jackson 15,Louisa 14,Patrick 6,Lloyd 5 Bridges Parr W M 21GA,Rachel " W F 20 Laborer$200 AL Thomas " W M 1AL a. 58; 239/233; Ashland P.O.; 27 Jul 1870 , CLAY COUNTY, ALABAMA Jas. W. Royster W M 78 Farmer $158 $335VA Mary " W F 74 Keeping HouseNC Elizabeth 29GA Rachel Par W F 27AL, Thos " W M 11 Works on FarmAL p. 42; 375/375; Ashland Beat, No. 6, 18 Jun 1880 CLAY COUNTY,ALABAMA Amanda Parr Head W F 35 Keeping House AL SC SC Roe D. "" Son W M 8 AL AL AL Elmer J. "" Dau W F 1 AL AL AL ED 108; Sheet 7B; Line 99; Ashland Pct No. 6; 8 Jun 1900 CLAY COUNTY,ALABAMA Dolphous Pare Head W M ---- 1867 33 Farm Labor MdAL GA GA Mandy " Moth W F Jun 1840 60 Widm40 7-5 AL SC GA ED 50; Sheet 2B; Line 61; Pct 12, Idaho; 3 Jan 1920, CLAY COUNTY, ALABAMA John M. Bassett Head W M 46 md General Farming AL SC GA Elha J. " Wife W F 42 mdAL AL GA Durrel S. 15 S General Farming ALAL AL,Grace S. 7 SAL AL AL C.M. Pear BIL W M 50 S General Farming ALAL GA Amanda " Moth W F 82 WGA SC VA Bridges Parr enlisted in Company I, 14th Regiment of Alabama Infantry, 29 July 1861 at Lineville, Talledego County, Alabama for the period of the war with therank of private. Captain Bell was the enlisting officer. In January 1862 he was sick at Dumphries, Virginia. He was presenton all muster rolls through the first half of 1862. He was then wounded 11 July 1862 infighting around Richmond, Virginia which was the Confederate Capitol. He was wounded in the handand sent to CSA General Hospital where he was admitted 5 September 1862. He was onwounded furlough from November 1862 to February 1863 and returned to his regiment in March of1863 at Richmond, Virginia. He got sick in March, but remained with his regiment throughJune of 1863. He deserted on 1 July 1863. He was captured according to one report at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania 2 July 1863, and in another report 4 July 1863 at Cashtown. He was processed and received as a prisoner of war 7 July 1863. On 8 July 1863 he was transferred fromFort McHenry, Delaware to Fort Delaware, Delaware. He was at Fort Delaware 25 July 1863 and was sent to the U. S.Hospital at Chester, Pennsylvania. He was paroled until exchanged and appeared on detachmentof paroled and exchanged prisoners at Camp Lee near Richmond, Virginia 31 August 1863.There is no further notation after 26 September 1863, Though later affidavits claim that here turned to his unit and was there at the end of the war. He next appeared in Hood County, Texas in 1866 when he appeared inthe first tax list for that county. He also registered to vote in 1869, stating that he was age30, and a native of Georgia. I do not know why he left his family in Alabama. He married Sarah Jane Williamson, nee McCoy, undoubtedly in ErathCounty, Texas about 1868 or 1869. Sarah was born in April 1841 in Oregon County, Missouri,the daughter of George Washington and Frances (Gibbs) McCoy. She had previously married Asa Williamson who apparently did not return from the Civil War. Bridges and Sarah had one daughter, Nancy Roxie Ann a Parr (Pear).She was born 17 May 1869, in Meridian, Bosque County, Texas. Bridges appeared in the 1870 mortality schedule of Hood County. Itwas noted that he was Bridge Pear, a white male of Hood County, Texas, age 31, was murderedin March. He was noted as a native of Alabama and engaged in agriculture. That wouldindicate a death in March 1870. His daughter Nancy Roxie Anna told my grandmother, ElizabethCaroline (Forsythe) Wheeler that her father, Bridge Pear, was killed about two months before she wasborn in a fence dispute by his cousin. That would have made his death March 1869. It is not likely that we willsoon solve this mystery unless a newspaper from that era surfaces. Sarah Jane Parr then married an Edwards who also passed away.Finally, she married Elbert Lofton, and was enumerated with him in the 1880 census as follows: 1880 FEDERAL CENSUS, HOOD COUNTY, TEXAS Elbert Lofton W M 33 AR MS MS Jane " W F 42 MO KY AR Nancy " W F 11 TX MO AR,Fannie " W F 9 TX MO AR Amanda " W F 7 TX MO AR, William " W M 3 TX MO AR John " W M 2 TX MO AR,Green " W M 11/12 TX MO AR Jane above is Sarah Jane, Nancy is Nancy Roxie Anna Parr, Fannie isFannie Edwards, a daughter of Mr. Edwards, but not Sarah Jane. My grandmother remembersthe four children of Sarah Jane and Elbert Lofton as being Roland, John, William and Lula.John and William are in the census above. Green is undoubtedly the same as Roland. Amanda could be a daughter of Elbert Lofton or could be the same as Lula. If she is not the same as Lula, then Lula had not yet been born. The oldest child of Sarah Jane McCoy, by her firsthusband-George Washington "Bud or Wash" Williamson-is not enumerated with her in the 1880 census.However, Sarah Jane was enumerated with him in the 1900 census: 1900 FEDERAL CENSUS, CHICKESAW NATION, INDIAN TERRITORY CENSUS George W. Williamson Head W M Mar 1861 39TX MO TX Fannie " Wife W F Feb 1870 30TX AR MO Almeda Nov 1883 16,Ivy E. May 1889 11,Willie J. May 1895,Fannie E May 1895,Oscar R. Feb 1896 Wm C. Lofton H.B. W M Jun 1876 23TX AR MO Sarah J. " Moth W F Apr 1841 59 MO KY VA George W. Williamson married Fannie Edwards in Hood County, Texas,27 August 1882. They were technically step brother and sister, though they were not related by blood. Fannie was a daughter of Mr. Edwards, but not by Sarah Jane McCoy. Children of Bridges Paire and Rachel Royster are: 246 i.Thomas Jefferson6 Paire, born January 28, 1859 in Alabama; died June 09, 1935 in Clay County, Ashland, Alabama. He married Nancy Cathrine Gaither September 23, 1877 in Lystra Baptist Church, Clay County, Alabama; born June 20, 1857; died April 08, 1947 in Ashland, Alabama. Notes for Thomas Jefferson Paire: June 7, 1900 Alabama Clay Co., Pre 6 Ashland PG 82 Pair Thomas Jan ___ Un m22 AL AL AL Nancy C June 1858 41m22 10,10 AL AL AL William R Sept 1879 20, Laura Oct 1882 17, Reddick R Oct 1884 15, Carsie V Jan 1886 14, Mary F July 1887 12, Oco H July 1889 10, John E Feb 1891 8, Oscar E Feb 1896 4, Jula A Nov 1899 6/12 247 ii. Dolphus N. Paire, born October 10, 1867; died January 05, 1953 in Spring Hill, Alabama. 248 iii. Roe D. Paire, born 1872. 249 iv. Elma J. Paire, born July 18, 1878; died October 05, 1965 in Spring Hill, Alabama. Child of Bridges Paire and Sarah McCoy is: 250 i.Nancy Roxie Anna6 Paire, born May 17, 1869 in Meridan, Texas; died July 16, 1939 in Oklahoma. She married (1) George Sullivan; born in Hood County, Texas.She married (2) William Jasper Forsythe April 07, 1886 in Brownwood, Brown County, Texas; born January 08, 1842 in Cane Hill, Washington, Arizona. She married (3) Noah Foster Abt. 1901. 136. Lucy Ann5 Paire (Bridges4, Bridges3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born 1843 in Meriwether Co., GA. She married James Royster Abt. 1859 in Randolph Co., AL?. He was born 1835 in Alabama, and died April 13, 1920. ,p. 903, #656/656 Middle Ridge P.O.; Southern Division 14 Jul 1860 TALLADEGA COUNTY, ALABAMA James Royster W M 23 Farmer $400 $100AL Louisa " W F 16AL Mary " W F 1AL 1860 FEDERAL CENSUS, CLAY COUNTY, ALABAMA #1596; Oct 2, 1860; AlmondPrecinct James Royster 22 Farmer AL Lucy A. " 20 Housewife GA Mary " 9/12 AL Aug 6,1870 Alabama, Tallapoosa Daviston BT pg 218 313 313 Rogister, James 32 Farmer Alabama Susan 27 Georgia Mary 11,Redick 9,George 7,Emeline 4,Richmond 2 ALA June 7, 1880 Alabama Etowah Co., TownshipII Range 3 East, Walnut Grove and Hoppers Pg 282D James BAYESTER Self M Male W 46 AL Farmer AL AL Lousann BAYESTER Wife M Female W 36 GA Keeping House SC SC Mary F. 20,Redick T. 18,George W. 14,Emiline 13,Richmond C. 11,Robert A. 9,Holly E. 6,Katy 3, Della 11M All born AL AL GA 1920 enumerated with daughter Della and her 2nd husband Father: Jr. Parr BRIDGES b: 1805 in Georgia Mother: PENNY b: 1804 Children of Lucy Paire and James Royster are: 251 i. Mary F6 Royster, born 1859. She married Johnny Royster. 252 ii. Redick T Royster, born October 1861. He married Sarah Jane Conner March 09, 1882 in Tallapoosa, Alabama. 253 iii. George W Royster, born May 1863. 254 iv. Emeline Royster, born 1865. 255 v. Richmond C Royster, born 1868. 256 vi. Robert S Royster, born October 1869. He married Eliza. 257 vii. Katy Royster, born Abt. 1873. 258 viii.Harley E Royster, born June 1874. He married Dasic. 259 ix. Della Royster, born Abt. 1879. She married (1) ? Edwards. She married (2) Thomas A Sanders; born 1888. Notes for Thomas A Sanders: January 26, 1920 Alabama Clay Co., Ashland, Pg 116 Sanders Thomas A 32 AL GA AL Della 39 AL AL AL Edwards Howard 20, James 17 both AL AL AL Sanders Laura 10 TN, Pauline 4 6/12 AL Royster, James M 84 WD AL AL AL 138. Richmond H5 Paire (Bridges4, Bridges3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born 1848. He married Jane P Davis December 13, 1870. Children of Richmond Paire and Jane Davis are: 260 i. William6 Paire, born 1871. 261 ii. Henry Paire, born 1874. 139. Samantha5 Paire (Bridges4, Bridges3, Thomas2 Pair, William1) was born September 13, 1851 in Alabama, and died September 11, 1937 in Cullman County, Alabama. She married Allen James Strong November 11, 1881, son of John Strong and Mary Allen. He was born January 14, 1856 in Alabama, and died November 20, 1901 in Alabama. Notes for Samantha Paire: enumerated with son Richard in 1920 enumerated with son John in 1930 Notes for Allen James Strong: June 4, 1900 Alabama Cullman Co., Baileyton Pg 46 Strong Alin J Jan 1856 44 m19 ALA GA ALA Samntha Sept 1851 48 m19 5,5 ALA GA SC John D Feb 1884 15,Richard H July 1886 13,Fannie J Mar 1889 11, Martha T July 1891 8, Jones Fannie S in law Dec 1838 62 WD 2,1 GA GA SC May 6, 1910 Alabama Cullman Co., Baileyton Pg 19 Strong Richard 24 m0 Ala Ala Ala Farmer General Farm Ola 25 m0 Ala Ala Strong Samantha 56 W 5,4 Ala Ala SC Fannie J 19, Lula 18, b Ala Children of Samantha Paire and Allen Strong are: 262 i.Penny Mae6 Strong, born October 27, 1882 in Alabama; died July 18, 1907.She married Charles Houston Ryan January 04, 1900; born April 21, 1871 in Alabama; died August 16, 1937. April 27,1910 Alabama Morgan Co., Ryan C Roads Pre 18, Pg 138 Ryan Charley H 37 m1 ALA ALA ALA Farmer General Farm Fannie 28 m1 1,1 ALA ALA ALA Vernia 6/12 Lillie M 8, Alma D 7, Floyd C 3, Jan 13, 1920 Alabama Morgan Co., Pre Rayne Cross Rds., Pg 251 Ryan, Charles H 47 m ALA ALA ALA Framer General Farm 108 Fanny 37 m ALA ALA ALA Lillie 18, Alma 16, Floyd 13, Vernica 10, Albert 8, Ernest 5, Lois 2 11/12, Leon 1 9/12, Charlie 6/12 April 8, 1930 Alabama Morgan Co., Ryans X Roads Pr 18 Pg 249 Stewart Homer 36 m36 m at 26 AL GA GA Lillian 28 m28 m at 18 AL AL AL Ryan Floyd C boarder 23 AL AL AL April 11, 1930 Alabama Morgan Co., Ryans X Roads Pg 251 Ryan Charlie H 57 m at 28 AL AL AL Fannie 45 m at 23 AL AL AL Albert H 18, Ernest L 16, Loise 13, Leon A 12, C Troy 10 263 ii. John David Strong, born February 14, 1885 in Ala; died January 31, 1965. He married Millie Lou Ray Abt. 1904; born December 07, 1884 in Ala; died October 27, 1961. Notes for John David Strong: April 22, 1910 Alabama Morgan Co., Ryan Rd., Pg 136 Strong John D 26 m4 ALA ALA ALA R F75 Millie L 26 m4 4,4 ALA ALA ALA William R 3, Earl E 2 5/12, Elbert 9/12, Albert 9/12 Jan 19-20, 1920 Alabama Morgan Co., Falkville Pg 223 Strong John D 35 ALA ALA ALA Farmer General Farm 153 Millie L 35 Earl A 1, Albert 9 April 12, 1930 Alabama, Cullman Co., Fairview Sh 6A Ed 33 Strong, John Rents 46 age at m-20 Ala Ala Ala Willie 46 20 Albert 19, Hazel M 8 Smantha 78 WD Ala GA GA 264 iii.Richard Hughie Strong, born July 30, 1886 in Alabama; died February 1930 in Alabama. He married Ola Jane Numelly; born April 12, 1885 in Alabama; died April 28, 1929 in Alabama. Notes for Richard Hughie Strong: January 9, 1920 Alabama Cullman Co., Baileyton Pg 217 Strong Richard 32 m Ala Ga GA Ola J 34 Ala GA Ala Bertis 9, Royal 7, Velma5, Wilmer 2 10/12, Mosell 7/12 Samantha mother 68 Ala Ga SC Died Before census following are the children !930 Alabama, Cullman County, Fairview Sh 18B ED 33 Strong, Royal 17 Ala Bertie 19, Velia 16, Velma 13, Mazell 11, Howard 6 265 iv.Fannie Jane Strong, born March 01, 1889 in Alabama; died June 07, 1960. She married Henry H Brazeal; born February 05, 1895 in Alabama; died June 14, 1971. Notes for Henry H Brazeal: January 9, 1920 Alabam Cullman Baileyton Pg 217 Braseale Henry H 23 Ala Fannie 30 Ala Ednar 3/12 Ala Apr 24, 1930 Alabama Cullman County, Fairview Sh 12 A ED 22-33 Brazil, Harry H r 35 Ala Ala Ala Fanny 38 " " " Edner 10 " " " 266 v.Lula Martha Maddie Mae Strong, born July 27, 1891 in Baileyton, Ala; died July 09, 1966 in Carraway Meth. Hospital, Alabama. She married Benjamin Wilson Strickland January 09, 1919 in Cullman County, Alabama; born November 12, 1885 in Georgia; died February 20, 1951 in Vinemont, Cullman County, Alabama. More About Lula Martha Maddie Mae Strong:Burial: July 11, 1966, Enon Cem. Notes for Benjamin Wilson Strickland:Auburn hair Cullman Co., Alabama Vol 68 pg 344 C T Scott and wife L E Scott sold 60 acres for $1500. to B W Striklin on Oct 31, 1919 Cullman Co., Alabama Vol 130 pg 373 B W Strickland and wife Lula Strickland sold 2 acres for $100 to Conrad Parrish on Nov 28,1945 1910 ? Jan. 26, 1920 Alabama, Cullman Co., Vinemont Pg 187 ED 58 Sh 12B Ray, John A Harbison, William J Harbison, Dayton W Strickland, Ben W 34 can read and write Ga Ga Ga farmer general farm sch 202 Lula M 28 " " Al Al Al Pauline E 5 did not attend school Al Ga Al,Geneva L 3 9/12 Al Ga Al Alexander, Ted Alexander, Carl Parris, Luther Smith, Laura April 29, 1930 Alabama, Cullman Co., Vinemont Pg 19A ED 22 ?_______ Branch Road Strickland, Benjaman 44 Georgia Georgia Georgia Lula 39 Ala Ala Ala Pauline 15, Geneva 13, Lois 10, Mary 8, Veora Mae 6 (Bennie Mae) Vada 4 3.12 (Lavada), Wilson 3 4.12, Reice no age More About Benjamin Wilson Strickland: Burial: Enon Cem