Descendants of George Harding

Generation No. 1
--------1. George1 Harding was born April 05, 1765 in Padbury, Buckingham, Eng. He married Ann "Betts" November 10, 1796 in Padbury, Buckingham, Eng.

Child of George Harding and Ann "Betts" is:
+-------2 i. William2 Harding, born April 05, 1809 in Padbury, Buckinghamshire, England; died July 07, 1892 in Williams County, OH.

Generation No. 2

--------2. William2 Harding (George1) was born April 05, 1809 in Padbury, Buckinghamshire, England, and died July 07, 1892 in Williams County, OH. He married (1) Matilda Bayliss January 08, 1834 in Utica, Oneida Co., NY, daughter of Edward Bayliss and Sarah French. She was born December 04, 1811 in Finmore, Oxfordshire, Eng, and died December 17, 1876 in Bryan, Williams Co., Ohio. He married (2) Maria Freeman October 08, 1877 in Defiance, OH. She died Bef. 1892.
Notes for William Harding:
1840 Utica, Washington Tp. Licking Co., OH pg 182
William Harding 1 - - - - 1 2 - - - - 1
1850 Burlington Tp. Licking Co., OH Oct 2, pg 425
William Harden 39 farmer 700 Eng
Matilda 38 Eng
Matilda 13,George W 11, Joseph 8, Charlotte 5, William 3
June 14 1860 Hartford Tp, Croton, Licking Co., OH pg 310
William Harding 50 farmer 1500, 300 Ire
Matilda 48 Ire
George W 20, Joseph H 18, Charlotte 14, William 12
1870 Pulaski Tp., Williams Co., OH pg 168
Wm Harding 61 farmer 2500, 100 Eng
Matilda 59 Eng
William 20 harness maker 500 OH
1880 Bryan, Williams Co., OH pg 51
William Harding71Eng Eng Eng
Maria 66 Va NJ NJ
pg 10
Wm Harding 32OH Eng Eng
Ida A 20OH OH OH
Burt O 1 OH OH OH

From The Bryan Press, July 14, 1892, page 2 and

The Bryan Democrat, July 14, 1892, page 8.

HARDING - On Thursday, July 7th., at the age of 83 years, William HARDING, SR. Wm. HARDING, Sr., was born in Padbury, Buckinghamshire, England, April 5th., 1809. He sailed from Liverpool, March 30th, 1832, and arrived in New York Harbor, May 1st.

On January 8th, 1834, at Springfield, Onida county, N. Y., he united in marriage with Miss Matilda BAYLIS, a native of Finmore, Oxfordshire, England. She bore him nine children, four of which died in early childhood and one, Mrs. Charlotte PERKINS, died in Kansas last fall. Three sons, Geo. W., of Bryan, William, od Defiance, and Joseph, of Kansas, and one daughter, Mrs. Noah DALLY, of Bryan, and B. F. REPP, to whom he was a father since his eighth year, yet survive to mourn his loss and cherish his memory. His devoted wife died about twenty years ago, and he married Mrs. Maria (FREEMAN) BAKER, who also preceded him into the "land of the majority."

At the residence of his son, George, on East Butler st., after an illness of but eight days, in the presence of his sons George and William, and daughter Mrs. DALLY, and others, on last Thursday evening, he peacefully departed for the land of eternal youth. Thus after 83 years, 3 months and 2 days, Father HARDING is no more in the flesh.

For the past 55 years he has been a citizen of Ohio. The first twenty-six years of this he lived in Knox and Licking counties and the last twenty-nine in Williams county, coming here on July 10th, 1863 - twenty-nine years ago to the day of his funeral. The only public office he ever held was township trustee for one term, soon after coming to this county. The funeral services were held on last Sunday at 3pm., in the English Lutheran church, of which he was the oldest and one of the most esteemed members.

We wish through your paper, to thank our neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted us during the sickness and death of our father. - G. W. HARDING and Family.

Notes for Matilda Bayliss:
Bryan Democrat Thursday Dec. 21, 1876 pg 5

Mrs Harding wife of William Harding sen. died Sunday morning after a brief Illness. She was the mother of Geore W., and William Harding of this place.

Notes for Maria Freeman:
? Baker was her first husband

Children of William Harding and Matilda Bayliss are:
--------3 i. Sarah A3 Harding, born Abt. 1835 in Utica, Oneida, NY; died Bef. 1850.
--------4 ii. Annie Harding, born Abt. 1836 in Utica, Oneida, NY; died Bef. 1850.
+-------5 iii. Matilda Harding, born October 14, 1837 in Licking Co., OH; died April 11, 1911 in Bryan, Williams Co., OH.
+-------6 iv. George Washington Harding, born September 18, 1839 in Nr Newark, Licking Co., OH; died March 23, 1930 in Bryan, OH.
+-------7 v. Joseph Henry Harding, born October 02, 1841 in Louisville, KY; died April 29, 1915 in San Bernadino, CA.
--------8 vi. Susannah Harding, born Abt. 1844.
+-------9 vii. Charlotte/Hattie Harding, born Abt. 1846 in Licking Co., OH; died 1891 in Kansas.
+-------10 viii. William D Harding, born June 09, 1848 in Licking Co., Ohio; died February 21, 1920 in Defiance, Ohio.
--------11 ix. Levi Harding, born Abt. 1850.
+-------12 x. Benjamin Franklin Repp, born May 06, 1858 in Mansfield, Richland Co., OH; died November 27, 1952 in Bryan, Williams Co., OH; Adopted child.

Generation No. 3

--------5. Matilda3 Harding (William2, George1) was born October 14, 1837 in Licking Co., OH, and died April 11, 1911 in Bryan, Williams Co., OH. She married Noah Dally August 31, 1855 in Hilliar tp Knox Co., OH. He was born September 10, 1827 in Richland Co., OH, and died August 27, 1894 in Bryan, Williams Co., OH.

Notes for Matilda Harding:
Death of Mrs. DALLY
from The Bryan Press, April 13, 1911

Matilda DALLY died at her daughter's home north of town, Tuesday morning. She had not been well, but was not thought to be in any danger up to a few moments of her death. She helped to get the morning meal and seemed to be in her usual health, when she suddenly complained of being ill and passed away before anything could be done to save her. Mrs. DALLY was 73 years old and a pioneer of this part of the country. Her husband died 17 years ago, and since she has lived with her children, of whom she had three, two daughters Mrs. William ROSENDAUL and Mrs. William HITT, and one son, Clever, who lives in Fremont, Indiana.

Funeral services will be held this morning at the home, Rev. Mr. BELL in charge of the ceremonies.


daughter should be Mrs. John Wesley HITT (not Mrs. William HITT)

From The Bryan Democrat, April 14, 1911, page 1
Mrs. DALLY Passed Away

Mrs. Matilda DALLY who resided with her daughter near Bryan passed away Tuesday, April 11. Mrs. DALLY had been able to be around at her work in the morning and suddenly complained of not being well and before help could get to her she died. Mrs. DALLY was born October 14, 1837 and was 73 years, 3 months and 27 days at the time of her death. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Wm. ROSENDAUL and Mrs. Wm. HITT besides a host of relatives and friends to mourn her departure. Funeral services were held Thursday from the home and remains were laid to rest in the Fountain Grove cemetery.


Mrs. Wm. HITT should be Mrs. John Wesley HITT and had one living son, Clever DALLY

From The Bryan Press, April 20, 1911
Matilda HARDING DALLY was born in Licking county, Ohio, October 14, 1837 and died at her home north of Bryan April 11th., 1911 at the age of 73 years, 5 months and 27 days. She was married to Noah DALLY, August 31, 1855 and to them were born five children, two of whom have preceeded their parents to that better world. Her husband died August 27, 1894. For many years she with her husband were faithful members of the English Lutheran church, being among its earliest members.

She leaves to mourn her loss, three children, Clever DALLY of Fremont; Mrs. Rebecca J. HITT of Bryan; William of Defiance and Joseph of Los Angeles (this is a misprint, the last two are her brothers); 12 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren and a host of friends. For the greater part of fifty years Mother DALLY has been a great sufferer, all of which she has borne with the sweetest Christian patience, thinking rather of those about her than of herself. A loving mother, sister, grandmother has gone to her long awaited reward. Her house was in order, she was prepared for the call of her Master and consequently she could truely say "For me to die is gain." "Oh, Death, where is thy sting? Oh, Grave, where is thy victory?"
Funeral services were conducted in her late home north of Bryan by her pastor Rev. Alvin E. BELL and burial was had in beautiful Fountain Grove.
The family of Mrs. Matilda DALLY desire to thank their neighbors and other friends for the many kindnesses rendered to them at the death of their mother, to the choir and pastor of the English Lutheran church and to all others for their words of sympathy and comfort. - The Family.
Notes for Noah Dally:
1880 Pulaski, Williams, Ohio
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Noah DALLY Self M Male W 53 OH Farmer OH PA
Matilda DALLY Wife M Female W 43 OH Keeping House ENG ENG
Edward C. DALLY Son S Male W 19 OH Works On Farm OH OH
Rebecca J. DALLY Dau S Female W 17 OH Works At Millingery OH OH
Cora M. DALLY Dau S Female W 15 OH
Lived on a farm 3 miles north of Bryan, Ohio across the road from Old Rural Hall School. Moved there from Centervile, Ohio July 1863. Members of English Lutheran Church

from The Bryan Press, August 30, 1894
DALLY - At his home, north of Bryan, on Monday, August 27, aged 66 years, 10 months and 17 days, Noah DALLY.
Mr. DALLY was born in Richland county, Ohio, in 1827, and came to this place in July, 1863, where he resided up to his death. On August 31, 1855, he married Matilda HARDING, of Licking county, who, with their three living children, survive him, and mourn the loss of a kind and loving husband and father. Two children preceded him to the other world. Noah DALLY became a professed follower of Jesus Christ in his early life, and continued faithful to his calling unto death. He leaves, besides his widow and three children, a mother, four brothers and three sisters, eight grandchildren and many Christian associates, who will ever hold him in loving remembrance.
Funeral services were held yesterday at one o'clock p. m. at the residence, and the remains laid to rest in Fountain Lawn cemetery.

Children of Matilda Harding and Noah Dally are:
--------13 i. Josephine S4 Dally, born June 1856; died November 03, 1857.
Notes for Josephine S Dally:
markers in Centerville, Ohio Cemetery and in Fountain Grove Cemetery, Bryan, Ohio).
--------14 ii. John W Dally, born March 06, 1859; died November 10, 1864 in Williams C0., OH.
+-------15 iii. Edward Clever Dally, born June 18, 1860; died February 24, 1945 in Fremont, Indiana.
+-------16 iv. Rebecca Jane Dally, born December 22, 1862 in Union Co., OH; died January 25, 1950 in Bryan, Williams Co., OH.
--------17 v. Cora May Dally, born Abt. 1865. She married William E Rosendaul August 22, 1891 in Williams Co., OH.
-----6. George Washington3 Harding (William2, George1) was born September 18, 1839 in Nr Newark, Licking Co., OH, and died March 23, 1930 in Bryan, OH. He married Nancy Elizabeth Heckenlively November 01, 1868 in Williams Co., OH. She was born May 18, 1844 in Ashland Co., OH, and died September 15, 1920 in Bryan, Williams Co., OH.

Notes for George Washington Harding:
From The Bryan Press, March 27, 1930
George W. HARDING was born near Newark, Ohio, Sept. 18, 1839, and died at his home on E. Butler street, Bryan, Ohio, March 23, 1930, aged 90 years, 6 months and 4 days. He learned the harness making trade at Utica, Ohio, and in 1860 came to Bryan, Ohio. Here he worked at his trade for several years, and on June 10, 1863 he embarked in the business for himself at the same location which he occupied at the time of his death. It was one of his ambitions to live so as to establish a new record for any one man being in business at the same stand. The record in the United States has been 65 years. He desired to live to make the record 70 years. This he was not permitted to do, but he did break the record by being in business at the same old stand on the south side of the square for nearly 67 years. He was a member of the first school board of the city and was president of the board when the first class was graduated 52 years ago and presented the diplomas. He also presented the diplomas to the class which graduated two years ago, which was the largest class ever graduated from the school. He also served the city as a member of the city council.
Mr. HARDING united with the First English Lutheran church Aug. 16, 1885, during the pastorate of Rev. A. J. TURKLE, D. D. and has been a faithful member ever since. He was always at his place in the sanctuary when able to be there. He was a member of Bryan Lodge No. 215 F. & A. M. for more than sixty years, having been initiated as an Entered Apprentice June 17, 1869, passed to the degree of Fellowcraft July 22, 1869, and raised to a Master Mason August 12th., 1869. He was a Companion of Northwest Chapter No. 45 R. A. M. having received his degrees during the year 1870. He was also a Companion of Bryan Council No. 101 R. & S. M. having received his degrees June 9, 1909. He was a Past Master of Bryan Lodge No. 215 F. & A. M. having served during the lodge year of 1913 to 1914. He received a past master's jewel from Bryan Lodge No. 215 F. & A. M. and a Fifty Year medal from the Grand Lodge of Ohio. He was a faithful member of Bryan Lodge and will be greatly missed by the brothers.
Mr. HARDING was initiated into Bryan Chapter No. 248 O. E. S. on July 15, 1907, while Margaret Jean RILEY was Worthy Matron and Eugene NEWMAN Worthy Patron. He never held office in the Chapter but was a loyal member. Because of his advanced age, at a meeting in October, 1928, he was made a life member. He was present at the second meeting in October and thanked the Chapter for this honor. This proved to be his last visit, and the order has lost a respected and admired member. George HARDING was also an honored member of I. O.O. F. to which order he belonged for more than 64 years.
On Nov. 1, 1868 he was united in marriage with Miss Nancy E. HECKENLIVELY who departed this life Sept. 17, 1920. To this union were born four children, Stanley of Montpelier, Stanton of Bryan, Lena Evelyn, who departed this life Jan. 31, 1875 and Mary Leona who died May 30, 1929. Besides the two sons he is survived by five grandchildren and a host of friends. Mr. HARDING was the last of a family of nine children. It may also be stated that he numbered among his relatives the late President of the U. S., Warren HARDING.
Funeral services were conducted at the First English Lutheran church on Tuesday afternoon, March 25, at 1:20, by his pastor, Rev. J. Ernest ZIMMERMAN, and interment was made in Fountain Grove cemetery.

Children of George Harding and Nancy Heckenlively are:
+-------18 i. Stanley4 Harding, born 1874 in Ohio.
+-------19 ii. Stanton Harding, born 1874 in Ohio.
--------20 iii. Lena Evelyn Harding, died January 31, 1875.
--------21 iv. Mary Leona Harding, died May 30, 1929.

------7. Joseph Henry3 Harding (William2, George1) was born October 02, 1841 in Louisville, KY, and died April 29, 1915 in San Bernadino, CA. He married Harriet Newell Snyder March 10, 1870 in Defiance, Defiance Co., OH, daughter of John Snyder and Christiana Venowtatin. She was born July 22, 1846 in London, OH, and died November 05, 1926.

Notes for Joseph Henry Harding:
from The Bryan Press May 13, 1915, page 5
Joseph Henry HARDING, a brother of G. W. HARDING, of Bryan, died at his home in San Bernadino, Cal., a week ago. A San Bernadino paper prints an account of his funeral, which was held in the Congregational church and attended by ceremonies of the patriotic orders of which he was a member. He was a veteran of the Civil War and was born in Louisville, Ky., October 2, 1841. He enlisted at the age of 19 in the 31st. Ohio Infantry and served through the entire war.
After the war he located in Bryan and lived here until about 1883, when he went West and made his home in Kansas and California ever since. He was married to Harriet SNYDER in 1870, and she survives him. They had five sons, all of whom were with the father in his last sickness, except the oldest, Jasper, who passed away some years ago.
The G. A. R. and W. R. C., took part in the funeral and Mr. HARDING's death removed a prominent figure from the circles of his home city where he was highly respected.
1880 Kansas Saline Co., Eureka Tp., Pg 207B
Joseph H. HARDING Self M Male W 38 OH Farmer ENG ENG
Harriet N. HARDING Wife M Female W 33 OH Keeping House PA PA
William J. 9 OH, Henry E. 7 OH, Charles E 6M KS OH OH
Children of Joseph Harding and Harriet Snyder are:
--------22 i. William Jasper4 Harding, born March 02, 1871 in Bryan, Williams Co., OH; died February 05, 1895.
--------23 ii. Henry Ellsworth Harding, born Abt. 1873.
--------24 iii. Charles E Harding, born Abt. 1879.
--------25 iv. John Arthur Harding, born October 18, 1882 in Gypsum, Saline, Kansas; died October 16, 1959.
--------26 v. Edwin Reginald Harding, born February 05, 1889 in Gypsum, Saline, Kansas; died February 18, 1943.

-------9. Charlotte/Hattie3 Harding (William2, George1) was born Abt. 1846 in Licking Co., OH, and died 1891 in Kansas. She married Jasper N Perkins July 17, 1869 in Williams Co., OH. He was born 1844 in Ohio.
1880 Ohio Williams Co., Pulaski Tp., Pg 619C
Notes for Jasper N Perkins:
Jasper N. PERKINS Self M Male W 36 OH Farmer OH OH
Hattie E. PERKINS Wife M Female W 34 OH Keeping House ENG ENG
George O. PERKINS Son S Male W 2 OH OH OH

Child of Charlotte/Hattie Harding and Jasper Perkins is:
--------27 i. George4 Perkins, born 1878.

------10. William D3 Harding (William2, George1) was born June 09, 1848 in Licking Co., Ohio, and died February 21, 1920 in Defiance, Ohio. He married Ida Adelia Haller April 12, 1878 in Defiance Co., Ohio, daughter of Wesley Haller and Ellen Snyder. She was born June 10, 1859 in Brunersburg, OH, and died October 30, 1928 in Defiance, Ohio.

Notes for William D Harding:
1880 Bryan, Williams Co., OH pg 635A
Wm. HARDING Self M Male W 32 OH Harness Maker ENG ENG
Ida A. HARDING Wife M Female W 20 OH Keeping House OH OH
Burt O. HARDING Son S Male W 1 OH OH OH
F. B. REPP Other S Male W 22 OH Servant OH OH
1910 Ohio, Defiance Co., Defiance ED 7 visit 10
William Harding, 62 Ohio
Ida A 50 Ohio
Bert 23, Maude 14 Ohio
Elizabeth Gunsaullus 79 Ohio (Aunt)
Jan 5, 1920 Ohio, Defiance Co., Defiance Sheet 3A 6321 Ed 3
First St.
Harding, William 71 Ohio Eng ?
---------Ida 62 Ohio Ohio
Defiance Crescent News Sat., Feb 28, 1920
William Harding born in Licking County, Ohio Jan. 9, 1840. When a boy he moved with his parents to Williams County, Ohio, and at the age of 17 he joined the Union Army serving in Co C 195th O V I . After the war he returned to Bryan and learned the harness makers trade of his elder brother George. About the year of 1868 he established a harness shop of his own, remaining in business 21 years. In 1877 he was elected 2nd Lieutenant Bryan Light Gaurd Co. E 16th Regiment Of Infantry Ohio National Guard. In 1878 was promoted to 1st Lieutenant, and again in 1884 was made Captain of the same Co.
He was married to Miss Ida Haller April 2, 1878. To this Union was born two children, a son, Bert Harding of Defiance and a daughter Mrs. Maude Hammons of Columbus, Ohio. He moved with his family to Defiance in the fall of 1889 where he resided until his death.
He was a kind and loving Husband and father.
He departed this life Feb. 21, 1920 aged 72 years 1 month 12 days, and leaves to mourn their loss the wife, two children, one brother Geo. Harding of Bryan and many other relatives and friends.

Card of Thanks

We wish to thank the neighbors and friends for their kindness shown during the illness and death of our husband and father. Mrs. Ida Harding , Mrs. Maude Hammons , Bert Harding


from The Bryan Democrat, Feb. 24, 1920, page 1
William HARDING, aged 72 years, brother of G. W. HARDING of East Butler street, and a former resident and business man of Bryan, passed away at the home of his son, Bert HARDING, four miles southeast of Defiance, Saturday, February 21, 1920.
For a number of years, Mr. HARDING conducted a harness store just north of the First National Bank, selling to B. F. REPP some twenty years ago and moving to Defiance. He was a Civil War veteran, enlisting at the age of 16 years and serving throughout, being made captain of his company during the time. He leaves a widow, one son, one daughter and 9 grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held at the home of his son Tuesday afternoon, February 24, at 2 o'clock, Interment will be in the Defiance cemetery.

Children of William Harding and Ida Haller are:
+-------28 i. Bert Otis4 Harding, born January 13, 1879 in Bryan, Ohio; died October 03, 1935 in Defiance, Ohio.
+-------29 ii. Maude M Harding, born July 28, 1885 in Defiance Co., OH; died March 02, 1950 in Columbus, Franklin Co., OH.

-------12. Benjamin Franklin3 Repp (William2 Harding, George1) was born May 06, 1858 in Mansfield, Richland Co., OH, and died November 27, 1952 in Bryan, Williams Co., OH. He married Ina Susan Struble December 03, 1899 in Bryan, Williams Co., OH. She was born June 06, 1863 in Hancock Co., OH, and died July 24, 1946 in Bryan, Williams Co., OH.

Children of Benjamin Repp and Ina Struble are:
--------30 i. Dale E4 Repp, born 1886.
--------31 ii. Byard D Repp, born June 25, 1891 in Bryan, Williams Co., OH.
--------32 iii. Oella Repp, born 1894.
--------33 iv. Edna Helene Repp, born 1896. She married Merritt Hurbert; born October 09, 1896 in Deshler, Henry Co., OH.
--------34 v. Frances Repp, born 1898. She married ? Grise.

Generation No. 4

--------15. Edward Clever4 Dally (Matilda3 Harding, William2, George1) was born June 18, 1860, and died February 24, 1945 in Fremont, Indiana. He married Eva Geneva Horton. She was born November 28, 1870 in Mark Centre, Defiance, OH.
Notes for Edward Clever Dally:
1930 Indiana, Steuben Co., Fremont, Sh 4B ED 3
Dally, Edward C 69 Ohio
------Eva G 59
------Gertrude I 28, Kenneth H 19

Cleve Dally
from The Bryan Press, March 1, 1945, page 11
Services were held Tuesday at Fremont, Ind., for Cleve DALLY, 85, who died at home there Saturday. The family lived two miles north of Bryan for many years. He leaves his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Gertrude SMYERS of Wabash, Ind. and Mrs Viola GOULD of Fremont; two sons, Leo of Mt. Vernon, Wash., and Sgt. Kenneth in the army; and one sister, Mrs. Weston HITT of Bryan.
sister should read Mrs. John Wesley HITT (not Mrs. Weston HITT

Children of Edward Dally and Eva Horton are:
+-------35 i. Gertrude Irene5 Dally, born February 23, 1902; died 1992 in Fort Wayne, IN.
+-------36 ii. Viola Dally.
+-------37 iii. Leo Charles Dally, born October 14, 1897 in Bryan, OH; died April 01, 1988 in Mt Vernon, WA.
--------38 iv. Kenneth Horton Dally, born 1910; died December 01, 1950 in Korea.

Notes for Kenneth Horton Dally:
Sgt in ARMY 1945

--------39 v. Rebecca Delors Dally, born August 23, 1894 in Bryan, OH; died January 19, 1895 in at home nr Bryan, OH 5mo 26 dy.

Notes for Rebecca Delors Dally:
from The Bryan Press, Jan. 24, 1895, page 2
DALLY - At midnight, on Jan. 19th., Rebecca Dolors, infant daughter of E. C. and Eva DALLY, died at the home of her parents, north of Bryan, aged 5 months and 26 days. Funeral services were held at the home on last Sunday afternoon and the little body was laid to rest in Fountain Grove cemetery. Rev. KAYHOE was the officiating clergyman.

-------16. Rebecca Jane4 Dally (Matilda3 Harding, William2, George1) was born December 22, 1862 in Union Co., OH, and died January 25, 1950 in Bryan, Williams Co., OH. She married John Wesley Hitt February 28, 1884 in Williams Co., OH. He was born June 04, 1859 in Licking Co., OH, and died July 13, 1948 in Bryan, Williams Co., OH.

Notes for John Wesley Hitt:
Jan 5/6, 1920 Ohio Williams Co., Center Twp. 4th W Sh 1A ED151
Hitt, J W 61 Ohio Ohio Ohio
------Rebecca J 57
------Clarence H 19, Royal G 16, Owen D 34 WD, Grace S gdau 9

John Wesley HITT
From The Bryan Press July 14, 1948, page 1
John Wesley Hitt Dies, Rites Will Be Friday
John Wesley HITT, age 89, passed away at his home west of Bryan today. The body was removed to the Oberlin-Ford Funeral Home where services will be held Friday at 2:00pm., Rev. BLACK officiating, with interment at Shiffler Cemetery. He is survived by his wife, Rebecca Jane; seven sons, Ira, Plymouth, Mich.; Owen, Michigan City, Indiana; Vern, Plymouth, Mich.; Ernest, Bryan; Prather, Bryan; Clarence, Springfield, Ohio; Glen, Archbold; one brother, Charles HITT, Bryan; thirty grandchildren and twenty-two great-grandchildren.

From The Bryan Press, July 28, 1948
John Wesley HITT, son of William Russell and Sarah RUTLEDGE HITT, was born June 4, 1859 in Licking Co., Ohio, and passed away July 13, 1948 at his home near Bryan, O., aged 89 years, 1 month, and 9 days. He spent his early days near Thornville in Perry County, Ohio, and came to Bryan at the age of 21 years. On February 28, 1884, he was married to Rebecca Jane DALLY and to this union were born nine children, one daughter and eight sons. The daughter, Sylvia, and son, Warren, preceded him in death. He was a member of the First English Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bryan, Ohio.
Surviving him are his wife Rebecca, sons Ira and Vern of Plymouth, Michigan, Owen of Michigan City, Indiana, Ernest and Prather of Bryan, Clarence of Springfield, Ohio, and Glen of Archbold, Ohio, also 29 grandchildren, 24 great-grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends.
Funeral services were held at the Oberlin-Ford Chapel, July 16, 1948, at 2 o'clock with Rev. E. J. BLACK officiating. Burial in Shiffler cemetery.

From The Bryan Press, June 12, 1919
Sarah J. RUTLEDGE was born near Hagerstown in the state of Maryland, June 2, 1881 (should be 1831). She was the second of three children born to Abraham and Susannah RUTLEDGE. When about three years of age she suffered an irreparable loss in the death of her mother. About four years later her father's death left her an orphan. The next two years of her life were spent with a maiden aunt, Betsy RUTLEDGE. Following this she was bound out to Mrs. John HULL with whom she remained until she was eighteen years of age. The next three years she worked as a domestic in different homes widely separated.
In the spring of 1852 she was married to William A. HITT near Newark, Licking Co., Ohio. To this union were born five sons and three daughters. Of these the five sons remain and are present at this service. Her husband departed this life May 11, 1898. Since that time she has made her home with her sons. In 1870 she became a member of the Church of the Brethren and has remained a faithful servant of the Master. Early Sunday morning June 8th., 1919 she departed this life to join those who have gone before, at the ripe age of eighty-eight years and six days.
She leaves to mourn her five sons, thirty-one grandchildren, twenty-nine great grandchildren and a host of friends for of her it is truely said, To know her was to love her. In all of her four score and more of years she wore a sunny smile and maintained a cheerful disposition. Thus live and thus pass The Blessed. Funeral services were held in the Brethren Church, Bryan, Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock and burial was in Fountain Grove cemetery. Services were in charge of Rev. A. L. SELLERS.

Children of Rebecca Dally and John Hitt are:
+-------40 i. Ira Olen5 Hitt, born January 16, 1885 in Bryan, OH; died May 1978 in Plymouth, Mich.
+-------41 ii. Owen Dally Hitt, born February 22, 1887.
+-------42 iii. Verner Wade Hitt, born October 03, 1888 in Bryan, OH; died January 01, 1963 in Plymouth, Mich.
--------43 iv. Ernest Clever Hitt, born April 30, 1890 in Ohio.

Notes for Ernest Clever Hitt:
1930 Ohio Williams Co., Center Sh 2 B ED 4
Hitt, Earnest 39 Ohio
------Rebecca 67 mother
------ ________ 71 father

+------44 v. Clarence Harold Hitt, born June 06, 1901.
-------45 vi. Glen Royal Hitt, born 1904. He married (1) Zoe Walker. He married (2) Madeline ?.
-------46 vii. Sylvia Burine Hitt, died in infancy.
-------47 viii. Warren Charles Hitt, born June 15, 1895 in Bryan, OH; died February 05, 1923 in Keilworth Veteran's Hospital, Denver, Colorado WWI.
Notes for Warren Charles Hitt:
Casualty - World War I

+------48 ix. Prather Roland Hitt, born December 06, 1891 in Bryan, OH; died October 08, 1976 in Williams C0., OH.

------18. Stanley4 Harding (George Washington3, William2, George1) was born 1874 in Ohio. He married Iona. She was born 1878 in Indiana.

Notes for Stanley Harding:
April 9,1930 Ohio Williams Co., Superior Twp, Montpelier
Broad st. Sh 6B 7351 Ed 86-24 or 34
Harding, Stanley W 56 23 ohio ohio ohio shelf clerk
---------Iona 52 18 Ind Ind Ohio
---------George 20/28 ohio ohio Ind

Child of Stanley Harding and Iona is:
--------49 i. George5 Harding, born 1910.

-------19. Stanton4 Harding (George Washington3, William2, George1) was born 1874 in Ohio. He married Esther.

Notes for Stanton Harding:
April 7, 1930 Ohio, Williams Co., Bryan
Sheet 5A 151 Ed 86-17
East Butler St.
Harding, Stanton 56 Ohio Ohio Ohio Harness Shop
--------Esther ? Ohio Ohio Ohio
--------Elber 5 Ohio Ohio Ohio

Child of Stanton Harding and Esther is:
--------50 i. Elber5 Harding, born 1925.

-------28. Bert Otis4 Harding (William D3, William2, George1) was born
January 13, 1879 in Bryan, Ohio, and died October 03, 1935 in Defiance,
Ohio. He married Eva May Dudley, daughter of George Dudley and Jennie Rhynard/Rinehart. She was born August 22, 1883 in Defiance Co., OH, and died September 29, 1913 in Defiance, Defiance Co., OH.

Notes for Bert Otis Harding:
Jan. 10, 1920 Ohio, Defiance Co., Defiance Twp. Sh 3B 9751/4411 ED 2
Harding, Bert 40 WD Ohio Ohio
---------William D 16,Ethel M 14,Letha M 9 Ohio Ohio Ohio
April 19, 1930 DefianceTp,Defiance Co., Ohio Federal Census
Sh 23A (146)
Harding, Bert O m-57yr-wd- 22 Ohio Ohio Ohio
---------William D 26y,Ethell M 24y- Ohio Ohio Ohio

Children of Bert Harding and Eva Dudley are:
+-------51 i. William Dale5 Harding, born August 15, 1903 in Defiance Co., OH; died February 03, 1991 in Ohio.
--------52 ii. Cecil Harding, born 1907; died 1907.
--------53 iii. Letha Mildred Harding, born 1909; died 1929.
+-------54 iv. Ethel Mae Harding, born October 1905 in Defiance, Ohio; died June 18, 1972 in Columbus, Ohio Riverside Hospital.

-------29. Maude M4 Harding (William D3, William2, George1) was born July 28, 1885 in Defiance Co., OH, and died March 02, 1950 in Columbus, Franklin Co., OH. She married John F Hammons. He was born 1882 in Ohio.

Notes for John F Hammons:
Apr 14, 1930 Ohio, Franklin County, Columbus, 7th W ED 25-149 Sh 44A 1145 8788 1414 18th Ave
Hammons, John F rents 49 age at m-23 Oh Oh Oh Tool Grinder Machine Shop
--------Maud M 44 18 " " "
--------Elmer 23,Amy M 21,William H 17,Arthur R 14,Pauline 12,John A 8
--------Robert 5,Kenneth E 2

Children of Maude Harding and John Hammons are:
--------55 i. Vida5 Hammons
--------56 ii. Elmer Lester Hammons, born Abt. 1907
--------57 iii. Amy M Hammons, born Abt. 1909
+-------58 iv. William H Hammons, born Abt. 1913; died Bef. 1964
--------59 v. Pauline Hammons, born Abt. 1918. She married ? Harmon
--------60 vi. Arthur R Hammons, born Abt. 1916
--------61 vii. John A Hammons, born Abt. 1922
--------62 viii. Dorothy Hammons
--------63 ix. Robert Hammons, born Abt. 1925
--------64 x. Kenneth E Hammons, born Abt. 1928

Generation No. 5

-------35. Gertrude Irene5 Dally (Edward Clever4, Matilda3 Harding, William2, George1) was born February 23, 1902, and died 1992 in Fort Wayne, IN. She married ? Smeyers.

Notes for ? Smeyers:Of Wabash, IN in 1945

Child of Gertrude Dally and ? Smeyers is:
+-------65 i. ?6 Smeyers.

-------36. Viola5 Dally (Edward Clever4, Matilda3 Harding, William2, George1) She married (1) ? Gould. She married (2) ? Straw.

Notes for ? Gould:Of Fremont, IN in 1945

Children of Viola Dally and ? Straw are:
--------66 i. ?6 Straw.
+-------67 ii. ? Straw.

-------37. Leo Charles5 Dally (Edward Clever4, Matilda3 Harding, William2, George1) was born October 14, 1897 in Bryan, OH, and died April 01, 1988 in Mt Vernon, WA. He married (1) Georgie H Cave. She was born December 22, 1898 in Lone Jack, MO. He married (2) Nellie B Standish Iddins. She was born May 05, 1894 in Denver, CO, and died July 1989 in Mt. Vernon, Skagit, WA.
Notes for Leo Charles Dally:Of Mt Vernon, Wash. in 1945

Children of Leo Dally and Georgie Cave are:
+-------68 i. ?6 Dally.
--------69 ii. Kenneth Norman Dally, born April 08, 1927

-------40. Ira Olen5 Hitt (Rebecca Jane4 Dally, Matilda3 Harding, William2, George1) was born January 16, 1885 in Bryan, OH, and died May 1978 in Plymouth, Mich. He married Nellie Dale Himes December 11, 1910 in Bryan, Williams Co., OH. She was born December 10, 1892 in Williams C0., OH, and died 1982 in Ferndale, Oakland, MI.

Children of Ira Hitt and Nellie Himes are:
+-------70 i. ?6 Hitt
+-------71 ii. ? Hitt
+-------72 iii. ? Hitt
+-------73 iv. ? Hitt

-------41. Owen Dally5 Hitt (Rebecca Jane4 Dally, Matilda3 Harding, William2, George1) was born February 22, 1887. He married (1) Luelle Puffpaff. She died June 1918. He married (2) Grace Ellen Marsh July 18, 1909. She was born March 15, 1885, and died June 18, 1918.

Notes for Grace Ellen Marsh:
From The Bryan Press, June 27, 1918
Called By Death During Past Week
It is with mingling of greatest joy with deepest sorrow that we bid the last farewell to Mother. Nothing is a greater incentive to more perfect living than to review the life of one to whom God has said, "Well done."
Grace Ellen MARSH HITT was born March 15, 1885 and passed away to her reward June 18, 1918, aged 33 years, 3 months, 3 days. Early in life she gave her heart to the Master, uniting with the First Brethren church at Bryan. She was an ardent Sunday school worker and at the time of her departure was the teacher of the Women's Bible Class at the New Philadelphia Church of the Brethren, of which she became a member on May 22, 1913.
Her life was an example of beautiful christian living. She was a tender companion to her family. Very few young people of her experience enjoyed such a large circle of friends. She was never strong physically, but in spite of that had a life's work enough for a strong man. She had faith that God would supply needed strength. With her to know God's will was to do it.
On July 18, 1909 she was united in marriage to Owen D. HITT and to them God entrusted the care of three children, Lengre G., Otis D., and Wesley A., who with the father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew MARSH, four sisters, Katie Alta, Nellie Elizabeth, Bessie Belle, and Daisey Murriel, and five brothers, Frank Melvin, Clyde Andrew, Charles Daniel, Wm. Wayne, and Kenneth Dale, are left this side the vale to await the time when we can go to meet her. One sister, Annie Pearl, preceded her to the Beyond, Sept. 17, 1884.
We desore to thank all friends who so kindly assisted us in our time of sorrow and especially those who offered their machines, and Bro. G. W. SELLERS and the Singers. - O. D. HITT and children.

Children of Owen Hitt and Grace Marsh are:
--------74 i. Lengre G6 Hitt
--------75 ii. Otis D Hitt
--------76 iii. Wesley A Hitt

-------42. Verner Wade5 Hitt (Rebecca Jane4 Dally, Matilda3 Harding, William2, George1) was born October 03, 1888 in Bryan, OH, and died January 01, 1963 in Plymouth, Mich. He married (1) Aileen ?. He married (2) Theresa Aileen Parnham May 11, 1908 in Bryan, OH. She was born January 25, 1891 in Evansport, OH, and died September 04, 1941 in Plymouth, Mich.

Notes for Theresa Aileen Parnham:
from The Bryan Press, Sept. 18, 1941, page 4
Mrs. Thirca HITT, 50, died at her home at 761 S. Harvey street Plymouth, Mich., Thursday, Sept. 4, following an illness of over a year. She suffered a stroke a week before her death. Mrs. HITT was born near Evansport and with her family had resided in Plymouth for fifteen years. Surviving besides her husband, Vern HITT, are the family, Mrs. Cordena FLANAGAN, Miss Irisdene, two sons, Vernell and Robert, two brothers, Wallace PARNHAM, Bryan and George of Jefferson township and four sisters, Mrs. Hazel PRIDGEON of Ft. Wayne, Mrs. Mattie CALVIN and Mrs. Alcie AMES, Hicksville, Mrs. Gertrude STONER near Pulaski. Funeral services were held at Plymouth Sunday. Other relatives besides those named and their families attending the funeral, were Ernest HITT, Lenore HITT, Alberta PARNHAM, Mr. and Mrs. Leland WINZELER and family and Denver STONER.

Children of Verner Hitt and Aileen ? are:
--------77 i. ?6 Hitt.
--------78 ii. ? Hitt. He married ? Norman.
+-------79 iii. ? Hitt.
+-------80 iv. ? Hitt.

Children of Verner Hitt and Theresa Parnham are:
--------81 i. Vernell6 Hitt.
--------82 ii. Robert Hitt.
+-------83 iii. ? Hitt.

-------44. Clarence Harold5 Hitt (Rebecca Jane4 Dally, Matilda3 Harding, William2, George1) was born June 06, 1901. He married Margaret Smint.

Children of Clarence Hitt and Margaret Smint are:
--------84 i. ?6 Hitt.
--------85 ii. ? Hitt.
--------86 iii. ? Hitt.
--------87 iv. ? Hitt.
--------88 v. ? Hitt.
--------89 vi. ? Hitt.

-------48. Prather Roland5 Hitt (Rebecca Jane4 Dally, Matilda3 Harding, William2, George1) was born December 06, 1891 in Bryan, OH, and died October 08, 1976 in Williams C0., OH. He married Mildred Cora Brace August 28, 1915 in Williams Co., OH. She was born 1895 in Ohio.

Notes for Prather Roland Hitt:
Apr 8, 1930 Ohio, Williams Co., Bryan Village Sh 6A ed 86-17
Hitt, Prather R R $25 38 age at m-23 Ohio Ohio Ohio Treasurer county office
------Mildred 35 m at21 ------Max 13,Evelyn 11,Junior 10,Warren 3

Children of Prather Hitt and Mildred Brace are:
+-------90 i. ?6 Hitt
--------91 ii. Max Carlton Hitt, born July 10, 1916; died July 07, 1973 in Dallas, TX. He married ? Bragg
+-------92 iii. Prather Rolland Hitt, born January 15, 1920; died January 1980.
+-------93 iv. ? Hitt
+-------94 v. ? Hitt