Descendants of Conrad Emery
Generation No. 1
--------1. Conrad1 Emery was born Abt. 1709 in Wolfenbuttel, Germany, and died May 04, 1757 in Lebanon, Hunterdon Co., NJ. He married (1) Margareth Hummerich Abt. 1732 in Reading Twp., Hunterdon Co., NJ. She was born Abt. 1711 in Redington, Hunterdon Co., NJ, and died Abt. 1752 in Lebanon Tp., Hunterdon Co., NJ. He married (2) Margreth Abt. 1732 in NJ.
Notes for Conrad Emery:
BIOGRAPHY: Frederic B. Emery, MD, Contrad Emery And His Descendants:
Unique Printing Service, 112 So. 2 E. Logan, Utah, 1970; early
baptismal records of Emery famly in NJ carry Germanic spelling of
Humerich, Humrich, Hummerich, & Hemmerich, and modifications such as
Emerich, Himry, Hemry, Emry, but eventually name in Hunterdon County
became Emery. RESIDENCE: Hunterdon Co., NJ. CITIZENSHIP: The
emigrant; (Koenraet Henerigh) Naturalized 8 Ju 1730 by an act of the
NJ Assembly entitled : An Act for the better enabling divers
Inhabitants of the Province of New-Jersy to hold Lands, and invest
them with Priviledges of natural born Subjects of the said Province".
LAND: 15 Apr 1752 purchased 147 acres in Readington Twp., Hunterdon
Co., NJ from Joseph Kirkbride. PROBATE: Will dated 1 June 1756,
admited to provate 3 Jun 1757. Names wife Margreth, eight children;
signs name Conrat Hummrick; full text of will in above biography, in
poss of EDR.
Received from Edith Rudolph a distant relative.
"The early baptismal records of the Emery family in New Jersey carry
the Germanic spelling of the name: Humerich, Humrich, Hummerich, and
Hemmerich. It also appears in modifications such as Emerich, Himry,
Hemry, Emry, and even Henry. But eventually the name became everwhere
in Hunterdon County, in its present and general form, Emery."
""An Act for the better enabling divers Inhabitants of the Privince of
New-Jersey to hold Lands, and invest them with Priviledges of natural
born Subjects of the said Province". Among the reather large list of
emigrants to be granted the privilege of citizenship by this act
apears the name Koenraet Henerigh. And since he would necessarily have
been at least twenty-one-years of age at that time, his date of birth
must have been on or before 1709."
Purchased 147 acres of land from Joseph Kirkbride.
The will was probated 3 Jun 1757. In the document he is referred to
as Conrad Himry of Lebanon, but he signs his name Conrat Hummrick. He
names his wife, Margreth, and eight children -- five sons and three
daughters, two of the daughters are named in the will.
The following is the Last Will and Testament of Conrad Emery,
presently on file in the Airchives, Will No. 406 J, New Jersey State
Library, Trenton, NJ.
In the name of God Amen--
The first day of June in the Year of our Lord on Thousent seven
hundered Fifty and six Conrad himry of Lebanon in County of hunterdon
Being Very sick & weak in Body, But of perfect Mind and Memory, thanks
be given unto God, therefor Calling unto Mind the Mortality of My Body
and Knowing that it is appointed For all Men once to died, to Make &
to ordain this My Last Will and testament, that is to say principally,
and First of all I Give and Recomment My soul into the hands of God
that gave it, and for My Body I Recommend it to the Earth, to be
Buried in a Christian Like and Decend Maner, at the Discretion of My
Exers, Nothing Doubting But at the general Resuraction I shall
Received the same again by the allmight power of God, and touching
such Worldly Estate Wherewith it hath Pleased God to Bless Me in these
Life, I give Devise and Dispose of the same in the following Manner
and Form * * *
Imprimises is this My wil that my sd Estate is To be kept in a body as
Muth posable, Until the yungest of my Childern is becom of age, and
they shall be Brought up out of sd Estate in a Christian Like Manner
as Mutch as possble after age of the yungest Child they May part Equel
as aforesd, tho the Land Must Come to the five Boys and if Two or
three or all five, agres to keep it, it shall be Terminent for some
years To be paid so mutch yearly with Intrest But if Neglact in such
paiments, then intres thereof, Until all is paid, then shall be partet
Equal among My Childern that gettes None of sd Land Mil & Tenants
Notis hereby that in parting of My Childern the sd estate, is Excpted,
if My sd wife Likes she is To keep the full Liberty of the house by
the Mill and as mutch More as she May properly Like of During hir Life
Time The smith Tools * value to Twenty pounds the Tanner tools I
value to twenty pound, Cnt. money aney of the Boyes May have it at
that Rate My son Willm shall have my guns as a gift itum My son Jacob
my son petter my son John my son henry my Daughter Catharina my son
Willm Each of them is to have 8 pounds as a gift, because the 2
daughters had it alsowhen they (illegible word) for a True Manigament
Thereby ordain and Consitute these My True & Loving freinds herman
Cline and Zachary flammersfeld as Trusties and Executors To the
welfare & best of My Dear wife and Childron.
Signet sealed & pronounced and Diclared by the said Conrad himry his
Last will & Testament in the presents of us
mathias mart
David Fetter
More About Conrad Emery:Naturalization: July 08, 1730, NJ
Will: June 01, 1756
His name often appeared in the early records as Conrod Hummerich.
Children of Conrad Emery and Margareth Hummerich are:
--------2 i. Margaret2 Emery, born Abt. 1733; died Abt. 1783.
--------3 ii. Anna Elizabeth Emery, born Abt. 1735.
+-------4 iii. Jacob Emery, born Abt. 1737; died 1784 in Lebanon Tp., Hunterdon Co., NJ.
--------5 iv. Peter Emery, born Abt. 1739; died April 1798 in Plaingrove, PA, USA. He married Cathrine Apgar 1760 in NJ; born Abt. 1743 in NJ.
Notes for Peter Emery:Probated 2 May 1798.
More About Peter Emery:Burial: April 1798, Plaingrove, PA, USA
Will: January 13, 1798
+-------6 v. John Emery, born January 01, 1742; died May 13, 1814 in Plaingrove, PA, USA.
--------7 vi. Henry Emery, born Abt. 1743 in Lebanon Tp., Hunterdon Co., NJ; died April 1816 in Lebanon Tp., Hunterdon Co., NJ. He married Anna Lomason September 09, 1763 in NJ.
--------8 vii. Catherine Emery, born Abt. 1747 in Lebanon Tp., Hunterdon Co., NJ.
--------9 viii. William Emery, born Abt. 1750 in Lebanon Tp., Hunterdon Co., NJ; died 1779. He married Hannah/Ruth Thompson 1771.
Generation No. 2
--------4. Jacob2 Emery (Conrad1) was born Abt. 1737, and died 1784 in Lebanon Tp., Hunterdon Co., NJ. He married Eva Gertrude Abt. 1758 in NJ. She was born in NJ.
Children of Jacob Emery and Eva Gertrude are:
--------10 i. Margaret3 Emery.
--------11 ii. Mary Emery, born March 05, 1759.
--------12 iii. Catharine Emery, born March 02, 1761.
--------13 iv. Elizabeth Emery, born January 21, 1766.
--------14 v. Jacob Emery, born September 01, 1767.
--------15 vi. Peter Emery, born April 27, 1768.
--------16 vii. Conrad Emery, born March 08, 1770.
--------17 viii. Adam Emery, born October 07, 1772.
--------18 ix. John Emery, born July 30, 1775.
--------19 x. Anna Emery, born November 06, 1777.
--------20 xi. Sarah Emery, born July 21, 1782.
--------6. John2 Emery (Conrad1) was born January 01, 1742, and died May 13, 1814 in Plaingrove, PA. He married Mary Reed November 28, 1765 in Lebanon, Hunterdon, NJ. She was born December 22, 1743 in England, and died 1807 in Cumberland Valley, Bedford Co., PA.
Notes for John Emery:
Tombstone supposedly says he was born 1 Jan 1744. I have no proof at
this time.
Owned 170 acres.
Later to Mifflinburg; to Plaingrove after death of wife (son John
preceeded him to this area).
More About John Emery:
Burial: 1814, Plaingrove Presbyterian Cemetery, Plaingrove, PA
Religion: Evangelist
Residence: 1778, Lebanon, Hunterdon Co., NJ
Children of John Emery and Mary Reed are:
--------21 i. Mary3 Emery, born August 07, 1766 in Lebanon, Hunterdon Co., NJ.
+-------22 ii. John Emery II, born June 23, 1768 in Lebanon, Hunterdon Co., NJ.
--------23 iii. Peter Emery, born February 05, 1770 in Lebanon, Hunterdon Co., NJ; died June 06, 1839 in Clermont, OH. He married (1) Elizabeth Baum Bef. 1802. He married (2) Mary Elizabeth Apple November 19, 1802 in Clermont, OH; born March 24, 1784; died April 27, 1832.
--------24 iv. William Emery, born November 16, 1772 in Lebanon, Hunterdon Co., NJ; died April 05, 1854.
--------25 v. Mary Emery, born October 07, 1773 in Lebanon, Hunterdon Co., NJ. She married Richard Taylor.
+-------26 vi. Joseph Emery, born April 10, 1775 in Lebanon, Hunterdon Co., NJ, USA; died February 05, 1848 in Slippery Rock Twp., Mercer Co., PA.
+-------27 vii. Jacob Emery, born September 07, 1777 in NJ; died October 30, 1844 in Plaingrove, PA.
+-------28 viii. David Emery, born January 04, 1780 in Lebanon Twp., Mercer Co., NJ; died October 15, 1855 in Canton, Fulton, Il, USA.
+-------29 ix. Conrad Emery, born May 09, 1782 in Lebanon Twp., Hunterdon Co., NJ; died January 31, 1854 in Goshen Twp., Galva, Stark Co., Illinois.
+-------30 x. Catherine Emery, born 1785 in NJ; died 1880.
+-------31 xi. Henry Emery, born August 06, 1788 in Lebanon Twp., Mercer Co., NJ.
Generation No. 3
Children of John Emery and Susanna Covert are:
--------32 i. John4 Emery III, born June 16, 1790. He married Sarah Roger Abt. 1850.
+-------33 ii. William Emery, born August 21, 1792.
--------34 iii. Joseph Emery, born March 06, 1795.
--------35 iv. Caty Emery, born March 06, 1797.
--------36 v. David Emery, born February 20, 1800.
--------37 vi. Anna Emery, born August 09, 1802.
--------38 vii. Mary Emery, born January 03, 1805.
--------39 viii. Henry Emery, born June 30, 1807.
--------40 ix. Luke Emery, born July 09, 1810.
--------41 x. Christina Emery, born January 27, 1813.
--------42 xi. Juliet Emery, born August 07, 1815.
--------43 xii. Rebecca Emery, born September 10, 1819.
--------26. Joseph3 Emery (John2, Conrad1) was born April 10, 1775 in Lebanon, Hunterdon Co., NJ, and died February 05, 1848 in Slippery Rock Twp., Mercer Co., PA. He married Hannah Hull May 11, 1795 in Northcumberland, PA. She was born February 15, 1781 in NJ, and died February 17, 1852 in Mercer CO., PA.
Notes for Joseph Emery:
He was a fifer under James Mc Cune's Co. 134th PA Militia Reg.
Commanded by Lt. Col. Thomas Wosack 24, Jul 1813.
More About Joseph Emery:Burial: Plaingrove, PA
Children of Joseph Emery and Hannah Hull are:
--------44 i. Jacob4 Emery.
--------45 ii. John F. Emery.
--------46 iii. William Emery.
--------47 iv. Larry Emery.
--------48 v. Joseph Emery.
--------49 vi. Mary Emery.
--------50 vii. Eliza Emery.
--------51 viii. Anna Emery.
--------52 ix. Peter Emery.
--------53 x. Henry Hull Emery.
--------54 xi. Daniel Emery.
--------55 xii. Ann Emery.
--------56 xiii. Catherine Emery.
--------57 xiv. David Emery.
--------27. Jacob3 Emery (John2, Conrad1) was born September 07, 1777 in NJ, USA, and died October 30, 1844 in Plaingrove, PA. He married Adah Pounds Abt. 1800 in North Cumberland Co, PA. She was born March 04, 1783, and died June 15, 1837 in Slippery Rock Tp., Mercer Co., PA.
Children of Jacob Emery and Adah Pounds are:
--------58 i. John4 Emery.
--------59 ii. Hetty Ann Emery.
--------60 iii. Elizabeth Emery.
--------61 iv. Sarah Emery.
--------62 v. William Emery.
--------63 vi. Edward Emery.
--------64 vii. Peter Emery.
--------65 viii. Henry Pounds Emery.
--------66 ix. Catherine Emery.
--------67 x. Isaac Emery.
--------68 xi. Adah Emery.
--------69 xii. Jacob Emery.
--------28. David3 Emery (John2, Conrad1) was born January 04, 1780 in Lebanon Twp., Mercer Co., NJ, and died October 15, 1855 in Canton, Fulton, Il. He married Mary/Edith Fisher 1800 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, daughter of Philip Fisher and Parmelia Brock. She was born October 03, 1782 in West Philadephia, PA, and died June 04, 1861.
Children of David Emery and Mary/Edith Fisher are:
--------70 i. Edith4 Emery.
--------71 ii. Lucretia Emery. She married Ellis Dwyer.
--------72 iii. Mary Emery.
--------73 iv. William Emery.
+-------74 v. Henry Emery, born January 07, 1802 in Northumberland Co., PA; died November 17, 1875 in Galva, Henry Co., IL.
+-------75 vi. Amelia Emery, born Abt. 1803 in PA; died Bef. 1850 in Joshua, Fulton Co., IL
+-------76 vii. John Emery, born 1806 in Northumberland, PA; died November 17, 1875 in Galva, Henry Co., IL.
+-------77 viii. Frederick Welker Emery, born July 15, 1808 in Mercer Co., PA; died October 01, 1846 in West Jersey, Stark Co., IL.
+-------78 ix. Sarah Emery, born December 09, 1810 in Mercer Co., PA; died May 01, 1878 in Hoaglin Twp., Van Wert Co., Ohio.
+-------79 x. Zilla Emery, born 1816; died 1845 in oskaloosa, Iowa.
+-------80 xi. David Fisher Emery, born June 18, 1818 in Vermillion, Ashland Co., OH; died August 28, 1896 in Carthage, MO.
--------81 xii. Matilda Fisher Emery, born March 15, 1824 in Vermillion, OH. She married Reuben Henry Jacobs.
Notes for Matilda Fisher Emery:She was most likely born in Ohio based on where the family was at this time.
--------29. Conrad3 Emery (John2, Conrad1) was born May 09, 1782 in Lebanon Twp., Hunterdon Co., NJ, and died January 31, 1854 in Goshen Twp., Galva, Stark Co., Illinois. He married Sarah Fisher December 24, 1801 in Northumberland Co., PA, daughter of Philip Fisher and Parmelia Brock. She was born October 28, 1784 in PA, and died November 15, 1870 in Goshen Twp., Stark Co., Illinois.
Notes for Conrad Emery:Tombstone supposedly says his birth was 9 Apr 1771.
More About Conrad Emery:
Burial: McClennahan Cemetery, Stark Co., IL
Record Change: July 17, 1998
Residence: 1807, Mifflin Co., PA
Notes for Sarah Fisher:
His birth has been noted from him military records as 1782.
Tombstone supposedly says 28 Oct 1774 for her birth.
More About Sarah Fisher:
Burial: McClennahan Cemetery, Stark Co., IL
Record Change: July 17, 1998
Residence: 1807, Mifflin Co., PA
Marriage Notes for Conrad Emery and Sarah Fisher:
Married by William Irwin, J. P.
Moved from Mercer Co.
Conrad Emery's home was one of the farms which was withdrawn in
August, 1835, to form Stark Co., IL, and he is therefore considered
the progenitor of the Stark County Emery family. The farm, which he
purchased at Congress prices, consisted of 240 acres, and here he
remained until his death.
Children of Conrad Emery and Sarah Fisher are:
--------82 i. Jacob4 Emery, born January 16, 1803. He married Deborah Doty.
--------83 ii. Katherine Emery, born Abt. 1805. She married Joel Piersol.
+-------84 iii. Joseph Emery, born 1807 in PA; died September 27, 1856 in IA
--------85 iv. Ethel Emery, born Abt. 1809.
+-------86 v. Jesse Emery, born August 18, 1811 in Mercer Co., PA,
--------87 vi. Edith Emery, born September 1813; died in Princeville, Peoria Co., IL, She married Ebenezer Russell.
--------88 vii. Sarah Emery, born Abt. 1815. She married Elijah McClennahan.
--------89 viii. Conrad EmeryJr., born Abt. 1817 in OH He married Jane Carson June 06, 1839 in Henry Co., IL.
--------90 ix. Amelia Emery, born Abt. 1819 in OH She married Simmerman.
--------91 x. David Emery, born 1823 in OH, He married Mary Albright.
--------92 xi. Mary Jane Emery, born Abt. 1825 in OH, She married John Swab.
--------93 xii. John M. Emery, born July 25, 1827 in OH, He married Sarah Potter.
--------30. Catherine3 Emery (John2, Conrad1) was born 1785 in NJ, and died 1880. She married John Fisher April 29, 1810, son of Philip Fisher and Parmelia Brock.
Children of Catherine Emery and John Fisher are:
--------94 i. Mary4 Fisher.
--------95 ii. Jesse Fisher.
--------96 iii. John Emery Fisher
--------97 iv. Lucretia Fisher.
--------98 v. Amelia Fisher.
--------99 vi. Philip Fisher.
--------100 vii. Daniel Fisher.
--------101 viii. Catherine Fisher.
--------31. Henry3 Emery (John2, Conrad1) was born August 06, 1788 in Lebanon Twp., Mercer Co., NJ. He married Alice Evans 1809. She was born April 07, 1785 in PA.
Children of Henry Emery and Alice Evans are:
--------102 i. William P. Curtis4 Emery.
--------103 ii. Silas Artemas Emery.
--------104 iii. Mary Jane Emery.
--------105 iv. Alice L. Emery.
--------106 v. Anna Cora Emery.
+-------107 vi. H. Conrad Emery, born 1810; died 1880.
Generation No. 4
--------33. William4 Emery (John3, John2, Conrad1) was born August 21, 1792. He married Lydia Harlan April 23, 1815. She was born June 30, 1792, and died October 06, 1868.
Children of William Emery and Lydia Harlan are:
--------108 i. Anna5 Emery, born June 03, 1816; died 1874.
+-------109 ii. Mary Emery, born August 23, 1820; died 1885.
--------110 iii. David Emery, born March 21, 1823.
--------111 iv. Silas Emery, born August 23, 1825.
+-------112 v. Sara Rebecca Emery, born January 03, 1828.
--------113 vi. Lydia Emery, born February 22, 1830.
--------114 vii. William Covert Emery, born March 12, 1832.
--------115 viii. John Bentley Emery, born October 06, 1834.
--------74. Henry4 Emery (David3, John2, Conrad1) was born January 07, 1802 in Northumberland Co., PA, and died November 17, 1875 in Galva, Henry Co., IL. He married (1) Olive Jacobs Abt. 1824 in PA. She was born January 06, 1808 in PA, and died September 26, 1859 in Galva, Henry Co., IL. He married (2) Hannah Gaffney February 22, 1860 in Stark Co., IL. She was born November 03, 1814 in Westmoreland Co., PA, and died October 18, 1884 in Galva, Henry Co., IL.
More About Henry Emery:Burial: November 1875, Galva, ILL
More About Olive Jacobs:Burial: Galva Co., IL
Children of Henry Emery and Olive Jacobs are:
+-------116 i. Mary E.5 Emery, born December 30, 1825 in Richland Co., OH.
+-------117 ii. Amelia Emery, born August 15, 1827.
+-------118 iii. David W. Emery, born September 13, 1829; died January 28, 1909 in Ottumva Iowa.
+-------119 iv. James H. Emery, born February 05, 1832; died April 17, 1908 in Blandenville McDonough Co., ILL.
--------120 v. Elizabeth Emery, born May 21, 1834 in Richland Co., OH. She married Abiah Butler.
--------121 vi. John F. Emery, born September 26, 1836. He married Phebe.
+-------122 vii. Edith Caroline Emery, born Abt. 1838; died February 04, 1926 in Joliet, Will Co., IL, USA.
+-------123 viii. Sarah Anne Emery, born March 13, 1841 in Fulton Co., Iowa; died March 30, 1902 in Blandesville, McDonough Co., ILL.
+-------124 ix. William Patrick Emery, born December 02, 1843 in Fulton Co., ILL; died September 12, 1913 in Highland Center, Wapello Co., Iowa.
+-------125 x. Jason Rust Emery, born September 01, 1845 in Joshua Tp., Fulton Co., ILL; died September 18, 1911 in Highland Center, Iowa.
+-------126 xi. Catherine Rovilla Emery, born February 15, 1849 in Canton, Fulton Co., IL,; died December 25, 1938.
--------75. Amelia4 Emery (David3, John2, Conrad1) was born Abt. 1803 in PA, and died Bef. 1850 in Joshua, Fulton Co., IL. She married Eckley.
More About Amelia Emery:Residence: OH
Children of Amelia Emery and Eckley are:
--------127 i. Malicia5 Eckley, born Abt. 1830 in OH
--------128 ii. Minerva Eckley, born Abt. 1831 in OH
--------129 iii. William Eckley, born Abt. 1834 in OH
--------130 iv. George Eckley, born Abt. 1836 in OH
--------131 v. Sarah Eckley, born Abt. 1838 in OH
--------132 vi. Peter Eckley, born Abt. 1840 in Joshua Twp., Fulton Co., IL,.
--------76. John4 Emery (David3, John2, Conrad1) was born 1806 in Noethumberland, PA, and died November 17, 1875 in Galva, Henry Co., IL. He married Mary Whittington. She was born 1808 in MD.
Notes for John Emery:
1860 Census said he was born in OH in 1838, but Birth of John Timothy
says his father was born in Galva, IL in 1841. My grandmother's notes
say that he was born in 1836 in Sycamore, OH.
3 White males under the age of 5, 1 White male between 5 & 10, 1 White
male between 30 & 40, 2 white females between 5 & 10, and 1 white
female between 20 & 30.
More About John Emery:
Census: 1860, Galva, Henry Co., IL
Notes for Mary Whittington:
Family tradition thought she was born in London, England and was the
gggg grandaughter of Dick Whittington. I have yet to prove this.
More About Mary Whittington:Census: 1840, Stark Co., IL
Children of John Emery and Mary Whittington are:
--------133 i. Henry5 Emery, born 1838.
--------134 ii. Beth Emery.
--------135 iii. Barbara Emery, born 1831 in OH.
More About Barbara Emery:
Census: 1850, 1850, Stark Co., IL
--------136 iv. James H. Emery, born Abt. 1834 in OH; died March 30, 1924 in Cook Co., IL.
--------137 v. John W. Emery, born Abt. 1836 in OH; died October 20, 1925 in Cook Co., IL. He married Lizzie Livingston September 23, 1863 in Stark Co., IL; born Abt. 1843 in IN.
--------138 vi. Samuel W. Emery, born Abt. 1841 in Cook Co., IL; died November 08, 1918 in Oak Forest, Cook Co., IL.
Notes for Samuel W. Emery:Cause of death was carcinoma of the stomach.
--------139 vii. Albert Emery, born Abt. 1842 in Cook Co., IL.
--------140 viii. Mary E. Emery, born Abt. 1843 in Cook Co., IL.
Notes for Mary E. Emery:Lived with her brother James.
More About Mary E. Emery:
Census: 1860, 1860, Galva, Henry Co., IL
--------141 ix. Zillah C. Emery, born Abt. 1846 in Cook Co., IL.
--------142 x. Amy S. Emery, born Abt. 1848 in OH.
--------77. Frederick Welker4 Emery (David3, John2, Conrad1) was born July 15, 1808 in Mercer Co., PA, and died October 01, 1846 in West Jersey, Stark Co., IL. He married Hannah Gaffney February 22, 1833 in Ashland Co., OH. She was born November 03, 1814 in Westmoreland Co., PA, and died October 18, 1884 in Galva, Henry Co., IL.
Children of Frederick Emery and Hannah Gaffney are:
--------143 i. David Henry5 Emery, born December 04, 1837.
--------144 ii. Amanda J Emery, born July 14, 1834.
--------145 iii. Oliver P. Emery, born 1836.
--------146 iv. William E. Emery, born 1842.
+-------147 v. John G. Emery, born September 24, 1839 in West Jersey, Stark Co., IL; died February 05, 1910 in Galva, Henry Co., IL.
--------78. Sarah4 Emery (David3, John2, Conrad1) was born December 09, 1810 in Mercer Co., PA, and died May 01, 1878 in Hoaglin Twp., Van Wert Co., Ohio. She married Aaron Hoaglin 1828 in Richland Co., OH, son of Aaron Hoaglin and Elizabeth Martin. He was born November 06, 1800 in Jefferson Co., Ohio, and died October 30, 1863 in Hoaglin Twp., Van Wert Co., Ohio.
More About Sarah Emery:Burial: Taylor Cem.
Notes for Aaron Hoaglin:
1820 Ohio Jefferson Co., Warren Tp., Pg 266
Aaron Hogeland 1 2 - - - 1 1 - 1 - 1 - 3
Aaron Hoagland identifies himself as Aaron Hoagland "Sr." in his 1845 will. "I Aaron Hoagland Sr. of the County of Richland in the State of Ohio do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following . . . . In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 14th day of January, A.D. 1845. /s/ Aaron Hoagland Sr. SEAL Signed, published and declared by the above-named Aaron Hoagland Sr. as and for his last will and testament in presence of us who at his request have signed as witnesses to the same. /s/ Patrick Kelly /s/ John McNabb." SOURCE: photocopy of the Last Will and Testament of Aaron Hoagland obtained from the Clerk of Probate Court, Wyandot County, 109 South Sandusky Avenue, Upper Sandusky, Ohio, on February 6, 1995.
More About Aaron Hoaglin:Burial: Taylor Cem.
Children of Sarah Emery and Aaron Hoaglin are:
+-------148 i. Rosella5 Hoaglin, born June 12, 1829 in Ashland/Richland Co., Ohio; died December 30, 1901 in Paulding Co., OH.
--------149 ii. Nicholas D Hoaglin, born November 04, 1830 in Richland Co., Ohio; died December 21, 1895 in Van Wert Co., Ohio. He married Mary Anderson July 03, 1856; born December 05, 1832; died September 04, 1899.
More About Nicholas D Hoaglin:Burial: Woodland Cem., Van Wert Co., OH
More About Mary Anderson:Burial: Woodland Cem., Van Wert Co., OH
--------150 iii. David Emery Hoaglin, born November 1832 in Richland Co., Ohio. He married (1) Elizabeth Snyder January 21, 1856. He married (2) Almira J Curren February 1873. He married (3) Maggie J Hayes December 26, 1888.
--------151 iv. Isaac Hoaglin, born January 29, 1836 in Richland Co., Ohio; died 1916. He married Sabina Rank October 04, 1860; born 1840; died 1922.
More About Isaac Hoaglin:Burial: Woodland Cem., Van Wert Co., OH
More About Sabina Rank:Burial: Woodland Cem., Van Wert Co., OH
--------152 v. Edith Hoaglin, born 1838. She married Henry Reese March 29, 1855.
--------153 vi. Elizabeth A Hoaglin, born 1842. She married ? Snow.
--------154 vii. Enoch Martin Hoaglin, born September 03, 1846; died February 05, 1915. He married Malissa; born 1850; died 1928.
More About Enoch Martin Hoaglin:Burial: Woodland Cem
+-------155 viii. Sarah Melissa Hoaglin, born February 10, 1854 in Van Wert Co., Ohio; died February 11, 1907 in Van Wert Co., Ohio.
--------79. Zilla4 Emery (David3, John2, Conrad1) was born 1816, and died 1845 in oskaloosa, Iowa. She married (1) Thomas Connor. She married (2) Thomas Poter Camron 1837 in Fulton Co., Iowa. He was born February 24, 1814 in Hopkinsville, Chritian Co., KY, and died April 15, 1854 in San Pablo Bay, CA.
Children of Zilla Emery and Thomas Camron are:
--------156 i. John Henry5 Camron, born Abt. 1837 in Iowa; died 1850 in Martinez, CA.
+-------157 ii. David Emery Camron, born September 05, 1839 in oskaloosa, Iowa; died June 28, 1916 in Pinole, Contra Costa Co., CA.
+-------158 iii. Alvah Orendorff Camron, born 1841 in oskaloosa, Iowa; died 1910 in Petaluma, CA.
+-------159 iv. William Walker Camron, born August 29, 1843 in oskaloosa, Iowa; died March 17, 1912 in Palo Alto, Santa Clare County, CA.
--------80. David Fisher4 Emery (David3, John2, Conrad1) was born June 18, 1818 in Vermillion, Ashland Co., OH, USA, and died August 28, 1896 in Carthage, MO. He married Catherine Alms December 31, 1840 in Canton, Fulton Co., IL, daughter of Henry Alms and Elizabeth Gaffney. She was born August 03, 1820 in So. Huntingdon, PA.
Children of David Emery and Catherine Alms are:
+-------160 i. John Henry5 Emery, born December 25, 1841 in Joshua Twp., Fulton Co., IL; died December 24, 1927 in Canton, Fulton Co., IL,
--------161 ii. Mary Elizabeth Emery, born 1843 in Canton, Fulton Co., IL.
+-------162 iii. Cyrus A. Emery, born 1847 in Canton, Fulton Co., IL.
--------163 iv. Edith M. Emery, born 1849 in Canton, Fulton Co., IL; died February 04, 1926 in Will Co., IL,
--------164 v. Alviria Emery, born 1851 in Canton, Fulton Co., IL,
--------165 vi. Olivia Emery, born 1851 in Canton, Fulton Co., IL,
+-------166 vii. Lewis R. Emery Sr., born June 04, 1853 in Canton, Fulton Co., IL,; died August 24, 1946.
--------167 viii. Louella Emery, born June 04, 1853. She married Charles Ash.
More About Louella Emery:Residence: Canton, Fulton Co., IL,
--------168 ix. Martin Luther Emery, born 1856 in Canton, Fulton Co., IL,
--------169 x. David Emery, born Abt. 1857 in Canton, Fulton Co., IL,
+-------170 xi. Catherine Emery, born July 02, 1860 in Canton, Fulton Co., IL,
--------171 xii. William Emery, born 1864 in Canton, Fulton Co., IL,
--------84. Joseph4 Emery (Conrad3, John2, Conrad1) was born 1807 in PA, and died September 27, 1856 in IA, He married Hannah Albright 1831 in OH, . She was born 1812 in PA, and died 1904.
More About Joseph Emery:
Burial: McClenahan Cemetery, Goshen Twp., Stark Co., IL,
More About Hannah Albright:
Burial: McClenahan Cemetery, Goshen Twp., Stark Co., IL,
Marriage Notes for Joseph Emery and Hannah Albright:
"For a while they lived in their covered wagon, but later built a
crude log house with dirt floor, which was finally used as a cow
Children of Joseph Emery and Hannah Albright are:
+-------172 i. John C.5 Emery, born Abt. 1840 in IL,
+-------173 ii. Eli Emery, born October 10, 1842 in West Jersey Twp., Stark Co., IL,
+-------174 iii. James Harvey Emery, born June 06, 1851 in West Jersey Twp., Stark Co., IL,
--------175 iv. Sarah Jane Emery, born Abt. 1855.
--------86. Jesse4 Emery (Conrad3, John2, Conrad1) was born August 18, 1811 in Mercer Co., PA, He married Margaret Pounds March 28, 1833 in Northumberland Co., PA,
Notes for Jesse Emery:At this time the Indian was the principal inhabitant of Clarke County.
Child of Jesse Emery and Margaret Pounds is:
+-------176 i. Conrad5 Emery, born January 16, 1836 in Stark Co., IL
--------107. H. Conrad4 Emery (Henry3, John2, Conrad1) was born 1810, and died 1880. He married Mary Emery, daughter of William Emery and Lydia Harlan. She was born August 23, 1820, and died 1885.
Children of H. Emery and Mary Emery are:
+-------177 i. W. P. Curtis5 Emery, born Abt. 1841.
+-------178 ii. Silas Artemus Emery, born November 15, 1843; died June 27, 1905.
+-------179 iii. Mary Jane (Jennie) Emery, born Abt. 1852.
+-------180 iv. Alice L Emery, born Abt. 1856.
--------181 v. Anna Cora Emery, born Abt. 1867. She married W. L. Dunn.
Generation No. 5
--------109. Mary5 Emery (William4, John3, John2, Conrad1) was born August 23, 1820, and died 1885. She married H. Conrad Emery, son of Henry Emery and Alice Evans. He was born 1810, and died 1880.
Children are listed above under (107) H. Conrad Emery.
--------112. Sara Rebecca5 Emery (William4, John3, John2, Conrad1) was born January 03, 1828. She married James Smith Marshall.
Child of Sara Emery and James Marshall is:
+-------182 i. Minnie Maud6 Marshall, born 1876.
--------116. Mary E.5 Emery (Henry4, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born December 30, 1825 in Richland Co., OH. She married Jonas Butler. He was born 1816 in PA.
Children of Mary Emery and Jonas Butler are:
--------183 i. Sarah E6 Butler, born 1844 in Stark Co., OH.
--------184 ii. Olive E Butler, born 1847 in Stark Co., OH.
--------117. Amelia5 Emery (Henry4, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born August 15, 1827. She married John Standard November 29, 1846. He was born 1825 in Illinois.
Children of Amelia Emery and John Standard are:
--------185 i. Evalany6 Standard, born 1846 in Fulton Co., ILL.
--------186 ii. Olive M Standard, born 1850 in Fulton Co., ILL
--------118. David W.5 Emery (Henry4, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born September 13, 1829, and died January 28, 1909 in Ottumva Iowa. He married Sarah Dwyer 1854. She was born 1838 in Illinois.
Children of David Emery and Sarah Dwyer are:
--------187 i. Galva O6 Emery, born January 21, 1855.
--------188 ii. Charles Sumner Emery, born June 09, 1858.
--------189 iii. Fred J Emery, born 1861.
--------190 iv. Bert B Emery, born 1867.
--------191 v. Clyde Emery, born 1870.
--------192 vi. Clark L Emery, born 1873.
--------193 vii. Bemjamin Emery, born 1875.
--------194 viii. Georgia Emery, born 1878.
--------119. James H.5 Emery (Henry4, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born February 05, 1832, and died April 17, 1908 in Blandenville McDonough Co., ILL. He married Rodah E. Hardestry.
Notes for James H. Emery:Children Born in Ill
Children of James Emery and Rodah Hardestry are:
--------195 i. Olin P6 Emery, born December 01, 1868.
--------196 ii. James Emery, born 1871.
--------197 iii. Lois Emery, born 1873.
--------198 iv. Otto B Emery, born 1874.
--------199 v. Roscoe D Emery, born 1877.
--------200 vi. Daisey R Emery, born August 1879.
--------122. Edith Caroline5 Emery (Henry4, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born Abt. 1838, and died February 04, 1926 in Joliet, Will Co., IL,. She married Ethan A. Cornwell April 01, 1850 in Starke County, IL,.
Children of Edith Emery and Ethan Cornwell are:
--------201 i. Kitt6 Cornwell.
--------202 ii. Joseph Cornwell.
--------123. Sarah Anne5 Emery (Henry4, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born March 13, 1841 in Fulton Co., Iowa, and died March 30, 1902 in Blandesville, McDonough Co., ILL. She married Frank Ferman Abt. 1863. He was born 1836 in PA.
Children of Sarah Emery and Frank Ferman are:
--------203 i. George A6 Ferman, born 1864.
+-------204 ii. William Curtis Ferman, born August 03, 1866 in Henry Co., ILL; died March 24, 1931 in LaHarpe, Knox Co., Kansas.
--------124. William Patrick5 Emery (Henry4, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born December 02, 1843 in Fulton Co., ILL, and died September 12, 1913 in Highland Center, Wapello Co., Iowa. He married Margaret Ferman December 12, 1865 in Henry Co., ILL. She was born November 16, 1846 in Lancaster, PA.
More About William Patrick Emery:Burial: Mc Cormick Cem., Wapello Co., Iowa
Children of William Emery and Margaret Ferman are:
--------205 i. Henry6 Emery, born 1867.
--------206 ii. Mary E Emery, born October 01, 1868.
--------207 iii. Frank E Emery, born February 12, 1870.
--------208 iv. Owen Dak Emery, born March 20, 1874.
--------209 v. Robert R Emery, born October 28, 1876.
--------210 vi. James Arlo Emery, born October 30, 1878.
--------211 vii. Cordia A Emery, born May 12, 1881.
--------212 viii. Harry Ray Emery, born January 20, 1888.
--------125. Jason Rust5 Emery (Henry4, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born September 01, 1845 in Joshua Tp., Fulton Co., ILL, and died September 18, 1911 in Highland Center, Iowa. He married Amanda J. Van Winkle. She was born December 27, 1857 in Camden Co., MO.
More About Jason Rust Emery:Burial: Mc Cormick Cem., Wapello Co., Iowa
Children of Jason Emery and Amanda Van Winkle are:
--------213 i. Katherine6 Emery, born January 17, 1883.
+-------214 ii. Eva Louella Emery, born April 27, 1885 in Higland Twp, Wapello Co., IA; died December 12, 1941.
--------215 iii. Floyd Blaine Emery, born January 07, 1887.
--------216 iv. Jennie Mable Emery, born February 17, 1889.
--------217 v. Roy Emery, born December 01, 1890.
--------218 vi. Ethel Emery, born October 04, 1892.
--------219 vii. Chester Emery, born May 14, 1894.
+-------220 viii. Glen Emery, born April 30, 1897 in Highland Twp., Wapello, IA; died January 05, 1944 in Ottumwa, IA.
--------126. Catherine Rovilla5 Emery (Henry4, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born February 15, 1849 in Canton, Fulton Co., IL, and died December 25, 1938. She married William Kelly January 12, 1870 in Galva, Henry Co., IL. He was born August 09, 1844 in Knockalor Patric Parish, Isle of Man.
Children of Catherine Emery and William Kelly are:
--------221 i. William Henry6 Kelly, born Abt. 1871 in IL.
--------222 ii. Eugene Olin Kelly, born Abt. 1873.
Notes for Eugene Olin Kelly:Twin of Olive.
--------223 iii. Olive Eugenia Kelly, born Abt. 1873.
Notes for Olive Eugenia Kelly:Twin of Eugene.
--------224 iv. Wilber T. Kelly, born Abt. 1875.
--------225 v. Anna Rovilla Kelly, born Abt. 1876.
--------226 vi. Mayme Mae Kelly, born Abt. 1878.
--------227 vii. D. Emery Kelly, born Abt. 1879.
--------228 viii. Edith Kelly, born 1880.
--------229 ix. Wendell Kelly, born 1882.
--------230 x. Laura Kelly, born 1883.
--------231 xi. Katie Pearl Kelly, born 1884.
--------147. John G.5 Emery (Frederick Welker4, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born September 24, 1839 in West Jersey, Stark Co., IL, and died February 05, 1910 in Galva, Henry Co., IL. He married Ruth Ann Friend December 24, 1862 in Nekonia, Knox Co., IL, daughter of Jacob Friend and Fannie Knable. She was born March 20, 1844 in Clear Springs, MD.
Children of John Emery and Ruth Friend are:
--------232 i. Rollin G.6 Emery, born in IL.
Notes for Rollin G. Emery:Died at the age of 21 years.
+-------233 ii. William Edward Emery, born January 13, 1864 in West Jersey, Stark Co., IL.
--------234 iii. Fredrick Welker Emery, born Abt. 1866.
More About Fredrick Welker Emery:Residence: Morris, IL
--------235 iv. Charles F. Emery, born Abt. 1868; died 1869.
Notes for Charles F. Emery:Aged 16 months.
+-------236 v. George Friend Emery, born Abt. 1870 in IL.
+-------237 vi. Edwin A. Emery, born Abt. 1874 in IL.
--------238 vii. Burtis C. Emery, born 1878 in IL; died March 21, 1899.
--------148. Rosella5 Hoaglin (Sarah4 Emery, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born June 12, 1829 in Ashland/Richland Co., Ohio, and died December 30, 1901 in Paulding Co., OH. She married Obediah H Harvey December 24, 1846 in Van Wert Co., OH, son of William Harvey and Sarah Watson. He was born November 11, 1820 in Jefferson Co., Ohio, and died January 16, 1910 in Clare, MI.
More About Rosella Hoaglin:Burial: Taylor Cem., Van Wert Co., OH
Notes for Obediah H Harvey:
August 26, 1850 Ohio Van Wert Co., Hoaglin Tp., Pg 185
O. H. Harvey 30 200 Ohio
Rosilla 21 Ohio
Sarah A 3, Price 2 Ohio
June 29, 1860 Ohio Van Wert Co., Hoaglin Tp Pg 389
Horney, O W 39
--------Rozalia 31
--------Sarah 11,Brice W 9,Elizabeth 7,Aaron 5,Martha J 3,James B 3,Isaac M 7/12
June 22, 1870 Ohio Van Wert Co., Union Tp., Pg 392
Harvey Obadiah 50 Farmer 400, ---- Ohio
--------Roella 41 Ohio
--------Elizabeth 19,Martha J 13,James 13,Isaac N 11,Samuel 9,Mary 6,Elmira 4, Ida 1
1880 Ohio Van Wert Co., Union Tp Pg 277C
Obadiah H. HARVEY Self M Male W 59 OH Carpenter MD MD
Rosazillah 51 OH Keeping House VA PA
James 23, Elmina 13, Ida M. 11 OH OH OH
James BIXLER Other S Male W 22 OH Laborer --- PA
June 2, 1900 Ohio Van Wert Co., Union Tp., Scott Village, Pg 222
Harvey Obidah H 11-1820 79 m54 VA OH MD
-------Rosezillah 6-1829 70 m54 13,9 OH OH PA
Mc Clure Jennie 2-1857 43 WD 6,5 OH VA OH
Children of Rosella Hoaglin and Obediah Harvey are:
+-------239 i. Sarah A6 Harvey, born September 1845.
+-------240 ii. Elizabeth Harvey, born January 1851 in Ohio.
+-------241 iii. Aaron Lawrence Harvey, born June 02, 1852; died December 29, 1912 in Monroeville, Allen Co., IN.
--------242 iv. Martha Jennie Harvey, born February 1857. She married (1) ? Cooper. She married (2) ? McClure.
+-------243 v. James B Harvey, born February 1857 in Ohio.
--------244 vi. Isaac A Harvey, born 1859.
+-------245 vii. Samuel A Harvey, born November 1866.
--------246 viii. Mary Harvey, born 1864.
--------247 ix. Elmira M Harvey, born 1866.
--------248 x. Ida M Harvey, born 1869. She married John V Simmons Abt. 1888.
--------249 xi. William A Harvey.
--------250 xii. Sabrina Harvey.
+-------251 xiii. Brice Wheeler Harvey, born June 29, 1849 in Van Wert Co., OH; died February 02, 1929 in Van Wert Co., OH.
--------155. Sarah Melissa5 Hoaglin (Sarah4 Emery, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born February 10, 1854 in Van Wert Co., Ohio, and died February 11, 1907 in Van Wert Co., Ohio. She married Benjamin Yoh. He was born 1846.
More About Sarah Melissa Hoaglin:Burial: Woodland Cem., Van Wert Co., OH
Child of Sarah Hoaglin and Benjamin Yoh is:
+-------252 i. Harry Benjamin6 Yoh, born June 23, 1886 in Hoaglin Tp., OH; died June 27, 1976 in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
--------157. David Emery5 Camron (Zilla4 Emery, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born September 05, 1839 in oskaloosa, Iowa, and died June 28, 1916 in Pinole, Contra Costa Co., CA. He married Eliza Jane Jones February 20, 1876 in Martinez, Contra Costa Co., CA, daughter of Nathaniel Jones.
Notes for Eliza Jane Jones:
Eliza Jane Jones:
She was the daughter of Nathaniel Jones, the first sheriff of Contra Costa County, 1850-52, and a noted horsewoman. here were four children-Russell, Jeanette, Irene, and `Walter.
Children of David Camron and Eliza Jones are:
--------253 i. Russell Emery6 Cameron, born July 12, 1877 in Briones Valley, Contra Costa Co., CA; died April 12, 1950 in Stockton, San Jauquin Co., CA. He married Kate Dupzyk November 21, 1906.
--------254 ii. Jeanette Cameron, born March 10, 1879 in Briones Valley, Contra Costa Co., CA. She married William Francis Kerrigan October 30, 1898 in San Francisco, CA.
--------255 iii. Myrtle Irene Cameron, born February 14, 1883 in Tulare City, CA. She married Lionel Bertram Russell 1901 in Tulare City, CA.
--------256 iv. Walter Nathaniel Cameron, born November 11, 1884 in Tulare City, CA; died August 25, 1952 in Sacramento, CA. He married Estelle Rice 1912 in Potland, Oregon.
--------158. Alvah Orendorff5 Camron (Zilla4 Emery, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born 1841 in oskaloosa, Iowa, and died 1910 in Petaluma, CA. He married Elizabeth Stanley 1860 in CA. She died January 19, 1921 in Huntinton Beach, CA Sada Lewis hone.
More About Elizabeth Stanley:Burial: Cypress Hill CEm
Children of Alvah Camron and Elizabeth Stanley are:
--------257 i. Mary Angeline6 Cameron, born 1862. She married (1) Rush Henderson. She married (2) George Stewart.
--------258 ii. Minnie Laura Cameron, born 1864; died 1888. She married John Kreps 1882.
+-------259 iii. Charles Edwin Cameron, born 1865.
--------159. William Walker5 Camron (Zilla4 Emery, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born August 29, 1843 in oskaloosa, Iowa, and died March 17, 1912 in Palo Alto, Santa Clare County, CA. He married Alice Marsh September 15, 1871 in Martinez, Contra Costa County, CA, daughter of John Marsh and Abbie Tuck. She was born March 1852 in Los Medahos Rancho, Contra Costa County, CA.
Notes for William Walker Camron:
William Walker Camron came across the plains with his parents at the
age of six years. After his marriage he and his wife built a beautiful $40,000
home on Lake Merritt, Oakland, at 14th and Oak Streets. It later became -
the Oakland Museum. Mr. Camron served in the California State Legislature two terms and was three times elected councilman of the City of Oakland.
About 1876 WilliamW. Camron and Alice Marsh were divorced. Mrs. Alice M Camron and her daughter, Amy G., moved in 1904 to Santa Barbara, where they made their home. Mr. Cameron married 2nd, April 14,1877, Viola Babcock. From 1902 they lived in Palo Alto until his death.
The Rev. D. Charles Gardner, chaplain of Stanford University chapel
officiated at the funeral services in the Camron home. The funeral party
went by automobile direct to the Masonic Woodlawn cemetery, Colrna, San Mateo County, for the interment. The Society of California Pioneers conducted, the graveside services.
More About Alice Marsh:Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland, CA
Children of William Camron and Alice Marsh are:
--------260 i. Gracie6 Cameron.
--------261 ii. Amy G Cameron, born 1872 in Martinez, Contra Costa Cy., CA; died June 16, 1961 in Santa Barbara, CA.
More About Amy G Cameron:Burial: June 21, 1961, Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland, CA
--------160. John Henry5 Emery (David Fisher4, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born December 25, 1841 in Joshua Twp., Fulton Co., IL, and died December 24, 1927 in Canton, Fulton Co., IL. He married Harriett Elizabeth Vaughan December 04, 1867 in Canton, Fulton Co., IL. She was born May 28, 1845, and died February 23, 1930.
Children of John Emery and Harriett Vaughan are:
+-------262 i. Ralph Vaughan6 Emery, born March 04, 1877; died May 03, 1971.
--------263 ii. Effie Emery, born September 1868.
--------264 iii. Daisy Emery, born August 1872.
--------265 iv. Rosa Emery.
--------266 v. Frank L Emery.
--------267 vi. Clark Emery, born March 1879.
--------162 Cyrus A.5 Emery (David Fisher4, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born 1847 in Canton, Fulton Co., IL. He married Emma Burson. She was born Abt. 1846.
Children of Cyrus Emery and Emma Burson are:
--------268 i. Catherine L.6 Emery, born Abt. 1875 in IL.
--------269 ii. Edna V. Emery, born Abt. 1878 in IL.
--------270 iii. Leslie B. Emery, born Abt. 1880 in IL.
--------166. Lewis R.5 Emery Sr. (David Fisher4, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born June 04, 1853 in Canton, Fulton Co., IL, and died August 24, 1946. He married Julia Ellen McCreary February 20, 1879.
Children of Lewis Emery and Julia McCreary are:
--------271 i. daughter6 Emery. She married John Munger.
--------272 ii. Clyde Emery.
--------273 iii. Lewis R. Emery Jr., born April 06, 1911.
--------274 iv. Mary Emery.
--------275 v. Ross Emery.
--------276 vi. Maude Emery.
--------170. Catherine5 Emery (David Fisher4, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born July 02, 1860 in Canton, Fulton Co., IL. She married Charles Eugene Ash. He was born June 21, 1859.
Children of Catherine Emery and Charles Ash are:
+-------277 i. Singleton William6 Ash, born October 31, 1892.
--------278 ii. Fred Emery Ash, born 1881.
--------279 iii. Eugene Charles Ash, born 1890.
--------280 iv. John Nelson Ash, born May 06, 1895. He married Lois V Roberts.
--------281 v. Mary Catherine Ash. She married J S Tedrick.
--------172. John C.5 Emery (Joseph4, Conrad3, John2, Conrad1) was born Abt. 1840 in IL. He married Louisa Hall March 25, 1863. She was born Abt. 1844 in IL.
Children of John Emery and Louisa Hall are:
--------282 i. Jennie L.6 Emery, born Abt. 1866 in IL.
--------283 ii. Roy C. Emery, born Abt. 1880 in Wapello Co., IA.
--------173. Eli5 Emery (Joseph4, Conrad3, John2, Conrad1) was born October 10, 1842 in West Jersey Twp., Stark Co., IL. He married Mary Catherine Johnson September 05, 1865 in Toulon, IL.
More About Eli Emery:Census: 1880, Stark Co., IL
Children of Eli Emery and Mary Johnson are:
--------284 i. Plessie6 Emery.
--------285 ii. Grace Emery.
--------286 iii. Harry Leroy Emery.
--------287 iv. Allen J. W. Emery, born Abt. 1867 in IL.
--------288 v. Ella M. Emery, born Abt. 1869 in IL.
--------289 vi. Laura Mae Emery, born Abt. 1872 in IL.
--------290 vii. Gertrude A. Emery, born Abt. 1877 in IL. She married Ed C. Farley September 20, 1896 in Baptist Parsonage, Toulon, IL.
--------291 viii. William L. Emery, born Abt. 1879 in IL.
--------174. James Harvey5 Emery (Joseph4, Conrad3, John2, Conrad1) was born June 06, 1851 in West Jersey Twp., Stark Co., IL. He married Eliza Ann Sheets January 16, 1872. She was born Abt. 1850 in IL.
Children of James Emery and Eliza Sheets are:
--------292 i. Elsie E.6 Emery, born Abt. 1874 in IL.
--------293 ii. Clarence F. Emery, born Abt. 1878 in IL.
--------294 iii. Everett Elvin Emery, born June 09, 1882; died October 21, 1959.
--------295 iv. Forest Earl Emery, born July 11, 1911 in LaFayette, IL; died March 01, 1965 in LaFayette, IL.
--------176. Conrad5 Emery (Jesse4, Conrad3, John2, Conrad1) was born January 16, 1836 in Stark Co., IL.
Child of Conrad Emery is:
+-------296 i. Margaret Alvernie6 Emery, born June 25, 1862 in Hopeville, IA.
--------177. W. P. Curtis5 Emery (H. Conrad4, Henry3, John2, Conrad1) was born Abt. 1841. He married Hannah Flowers. She was born Abt. 1845.
Children of W. Emery and Hannah Flowers are:
--------297 i. Walter6 Emery. He married Edna Galbraith.
--------298 ii. Lulu May Emery, born Abt. 1862. She married Joseph Meals.
--------299 iii. Mary Bird Emery, born Abt. 1865. She married George Filer.
--------300 iv. James Kurmie Emery, born Abt. 1868.
--------301 v. Elizabeth (Kittie) Emery, born Abt. 1870.
--------302 vi. Anna Emery, born Abt. 1872. She married James McGill.
--------303 vii. Dick Emery, born Abt. 1874.
--------304 viii. Dickson Emery, born 1881.
--------178. Silas Artemus5 Emery (H. Conrad4, Henry3, John2, Conrad1) was born November 15, 1843, and died June 27, 1905. He married (1) Emma Catherine Black. She was born May 29, 1849, and died June 25, 1876. He married (2) Mary Ellen Downs March 08, 1879. She was born April 10, 1854, and died December 12, 1925.
Children of Silas Emery and Emma Black are:
+-------305 i. Robert Guy6 Emery Sr., born December 14, 1872.
--------306 ii. Frank Conrad Emery, born May 11, 1874; died July 19, 1970. He married Ella May McDowell December 12, 1899; born May 01, 1864; died January 08, 1958.
--------307 iii. Emma Jane Emery, born April 14, 1876.
--------308 iv. Mary Catherine Emery, born April 14, 1876.
Children of Silas Emery and Mary Downs are:
+-------309 i. Lillian Marie6 Emery, born January 28, 1880; died February 07, 1942.
--------310 ii. Anna Pearl Emery, born January 28, 1880; died December 15, 1927. She married Harry H. Wallace; born 1879; died 1909.
--------311 iii. Adda Ellen Emery, born August 05, 1881; died December 31, 1922. She married Cassius Offett.
+-------312 iv. Ida Grace Emery, born July 28, 1883; died July 19, 1972.
+-------313 v. Mark Silas Emery, born October 16, 1885; died February 09, 1931.
+-------314 vi. Mary Gladys Emery, born April 22, 1891.
+-------315 vii. Thomas Warren Emery Sr., born August 15, 1894; died August 01, 1978.
--------179. Mary Jane (Jennie)5 Emery (H. Conrad4, Henry3, John2, Conrad1) was born Abt. 1852. She married Henry McNally. He was born Abt. 1849.
Children of Mary Emery and Henry McNally are:
--------316 i. Harry6 McNally, born Abt. 1871.
--------317 ii. Meary McNally, born Abt. 1874.
--------318 iii. Tina McNally, born Abt. 1876.
--------319 iv. Charlie McNally, born Abt. 1879.
--------180. Alice L5 Emery (H. Conrad4, Henry3, John2, Conrad1) was born Abt. 1856. She married Mathius Holstein. He was born Abt. 1851.
Child of Alice Emery and Mathius Holstein is:
--------320 i. Alice6 Holstein, born Abt. 1877.
Generation No. 6
--------182. Minnie Maud6 Marshall (Sara Rebecca5 Emery, William4, John3, John2, Conrad1) was born 1876. She married John Logan Rogers.
Child of Minnie Marshall and John Rogers is:
+-------321 i. June Leota7 Rogers.
--------204. William Curtis6 Ferman (Sarah Anne5 Emery, Henry4, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born August 03, 1866 in Henry Co., ILL, and died March 24, 1931 in LaHarpe, Knox Co., Kansas. He married Fanny Alice Gruenig May 24, 1887 in Macomb. McDonough Co., Ill. She was born July 01, 1868 in LaHarpe, Knox Co., Kansas.
Children of William Ferman and Fanny Gruenig are:
--------322 i. Frank Wendell7 Ferman, born June 10, 1888.
--------323 ii. Winnie Annie Ferman, born July 14, 1890.
--------324 iii. Wade Kent Ferman, born January 17, 1893.
--------325 iv. Ralph Sidney Ferman, born January 18, 1897.
--------326 v. Ethel Marie Ferman, born September 26, 1899.
--------327 vi. Roy Leo Ferman, born March 21, 1903.
--------214. Eva Louella6 Emery (Jason Rust5, Henry4, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born April 27, 1885 in Higland Twp, Wapello Co., IA, USA, and died December 12, 1941. She married (1) Lester Sisco. He was born November 02, 1879, and died May 04, 1918. She married (2) Clarence Williams April 22, 1923.
Children of Eva Emery and Lester Sisco are:
--------328 i. Warren7 Sisco, born December 25, 1902; died December 27, 1902.
--------329 ii. Estel Emery Sisco, born February 06, 1904. He married Blanch Kathryn Davis October 23, 1923.
--------220. Glen6 Emery (Jason Rust5, Henry4, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born April 30, 1897 in Highland Twp., Wapello, IA, and died January 05, 1944 in Ottumwa, IA. He married (1) Geneva Daniels. She was born Abt. 1898 in IA, USA. He married (2) Bertha Milhouse June 06, 1916 in Ottumwa, IA, daughter of D. Millhouse and Clara Burtlow. She was born Abt. 1899.
Children of Glen Emery and Bertha Milhouse are:
+-------330 i. Edward Carl7 Emery, born October 02, 1916 in Highland Center, IA.
+-------331 ii. Cliffford Eugene Emery, born June 09, 1918 in Des Moines, IA.
+-------332 iii. Sidney Leroy Emery, born June 25, 1919 in Ottumwa, IA.
--------333 iv. Clovis Imagene Emery, born October 13, 1921 in Ottumwa, IA. She married Verle William Brittain February 10, 1940 in Ottumwa, IA.
+-------334 v. Jason Rust Emery Sr., born October 02, 1923.
+-------335 vi. Daniel Glen Emery, born May 04, 1927 in Wapello Co., IA.
--------336 vii. Dallas Herbert Emery, born July 25, 1928 in Highland Twp., Wapello, IA, USA; died September 25, 1928 in Highland Twp., Wapello, IA.
More About Dallas Herbert Emery:
Burial: September 1928, McCormick Cemetery, Highland Twp., Wapello, IA
+-------337 viii. David William Emery, born October 11, 1932 in Highland Center, IA.
+-------338 ix. Johnette Twila Ann Emery, born September 02, 1939 in Ottumwa, IA.
--------233. William Edward6 Emery (John G.5, Frederick Welker4, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born January 13, 1864 in West Jersey, Stark Co., IL. He married (1) Nettie Jones June 05, 1889 in Galva, Henry Co., IL. He married (2) Edith L. Teel June 20, 1894 in Chicago, Cook Co., IL.
Child of William Emery and Nettie Jones is:
--------339 i. Nettie Lucile7 Emery, born February 27, 1890. She married Clarence Lyford.
Child of William Emery and Edith Teel is:
--------340 i. Myra T.7 Emery, born February 20, 1896. She married Mead Burke Dr..
--------236. George Friend6 Emery (John G.5, Frederick Welker4, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born Abt. 1870 in IL. He married Harriet Edna. She was born Abt. 1879, and died December 25, 1932 in Kansas City, MO.
More About George Friend Emery:Residence: Slater, MO
Children of George Emery and Harriet Edna are:
--------341 i. John C.7 Emery.
--------342 ii. Clyde B. Emery.
--------237. Edwin A.6 Emery (John G.5, Frederick Welker4, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born Abt. 1874 in IL. He married Bessie Gorham.
Children of Edwin Emery and Bessie Gorham are:
--------343 i. Marion7 Emery, born September 03, 1904 in LaFayette, IL.
--------344 ii. Corrine Ann Emery, born July 09, 1931 in Geneseo, IL.
--------345 iii. Joan Marlene Emery, born January 20, 1935 in Geneseo, IL.
--------239. Sarah A6 Harvey (Rosella5 Hoaglin, Sarah4 Emery, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born September 1845. She married Solomon Fackler Abt. 1869. He was born October 1839.
Notes for Solomon Fackler:
August 4, 1870 Ohio Wood Co., Union Tp., Pg 471
Fakler Solomon 27 Farmer ____,150 OH
-------Sarah 24 PA
-------Lorin 2 OH
1880 Ohio Wood Co., Bloom Tp., Pg 27B
Solomon FACKLER 38 OH Farmer PA PA
Sarah 34 PA Keeping House PA PA
Lawren 12, Nancy C. 9, Claren 5, Jennie A. 1 OH
1900 Ohio Van Wert Co.,
April 28, 1910 Ohio Van Wert Co., Union Tp. Scott Village, Pg 184
Asbury Road
Fackler Henry 28 m7 OH OH PA farmer gemeral farm
--------Emma 26 m7 2,2 OH OH OH
--------Gettys 6, Margery 4
Fackler Solomon 63 m43 OH PA PA own income
--------Sarah 64 m43 6,4 PA PA PA
Children of Sarah Harvey and Solomon Fackler are:
+-------346 i. Henry E7 Fackler, born January 1882.
+-------347 ii. Lawrence Fackler, born January 1868.
--------348 iii. Nancy C Fackler, born 1871.
+-------349 iv. Claren Fackler, born November 27, 1874; died July 23, 1947.
--------350 v. Jennie A Fackler, born 1879.
--------240. Elizabeth6 Harvey (Rosella5 Hoaglin, Sarah4 Emery, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born January 1851 in Ohio. She married John Eisley 1871. He was born December 1839 in Ohio.
Notes for John Eisley:
1880 Kansas Labette Co., Osage Tp., Pg 386A
Elisebeth 29 OH Housekeeper OH OH
Mary Allice 8 OH OH OH
Minnie B. 6, Martha L. 3, Samuel C. 2 KS OH OH
June 10, 1900 Missouri McDonald Co., Elk River Tp., Pg 57
Eisley John 12-1839 60 m29 OH GER GER
---------Elizabeth 1-1851 49 m29 6,6 OH OH OH
---------Sam 5-1878 KA, Paulus 9-1882 KA, Evert 7-1894 IND
Branson, Chas 2-1875 25 m3 Missouri Missouri Alabama
---------Martha 8-1875 24 m3 1,1 Kansas Ohio Ohio
---------Bertha 12-1899 5/12 Missouri Missouri Kansas
April 17, 1910 Arkansas Benton Co., Gravitt Tp., Pg 179
Eisley John 70 m38 OH GER GER
--------Elizabeth E 59 m38 6,6 OH OH OH
--------William E 15 OK OH OH
Jan 3, 1920 Missouri McDonald Tp., 1-WD South West City, Praire Pg 257
Eisley John 80 OH GER GER laborer farm
--------Elizabeth 68 OH OH OH
Children of Elizabeth Harvey and John Eisley are:
--------351 i. Mary Alice7 Eisley, born 1872.
--------352 ii. Minnie Eisley, born 1874.
+-------353 iii. Martha Eisley, born August 1875 in Kansas.
--------354 iv. Sam Eisley, born May 1878 in Kansas.
--------355 v. Paulus Eisley, born September 1882.
--------356 vi. Evert Eisley, born July 1894.
--------241. Aaron Lawrence6 Harvey (Rosella5 Hoaglin, Sarah4 Emery, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born June 02, 1852, and died December 29, 1912 in Monroeville, Allen Co., IN. He married Mary Vandervort Hester June 01, 1882 in Mercer Co., OH. She was born 1851 in Ohio.
Notes for Aaron Lawrence Harvey:
August 10, 1870 Ohio Wood Co., Milton Tp Pg 413
under Bueson, Thomas 41 OH
------Harvey, Aaron 18 farmhand OH
June 12, 1900 Indiana Allen Co., Monroe Tp. Pg 97 Bad Copy
Harvy Aaron L 1852 47 m18 OH OH OH
------________ 49 m18
------_______ son ___ __ , Jessie ____ 1884 , ______ ___ ___,
------_______ ? ___ __ , Birtney son ___ 1890 10
April 16, 1910 Indiana Allen Co., Monroeville, Monroe Tp., Pg 30
Harvey, Aaron 57 m28 OH OH OH
--------Mary V 59 m28 6,5 OH OH OH
--------Jessie 25 OH , Rodney 19 IND
Children of Aaron Harvey and Mary Hester are:
--------357 i. Jessie7 Harvey, born 1885 in OH.
--------358 ii. Rodney Harvey, born 1891 in Ind.
--------243. James B6 Harvey (Rosella5 Hoaglin, Sarah4 Emery, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born February 1857 in Ohio. He married Cloe Abt. 1883. She was born August 1860 in Ohio.
Notes for James B Harvey:
June 11, 1900 Ohio Paulding Co., Brown Tp., Pg.71
Harvey James 2-1857 43 m 18 Ohio N Y Maryland
-------Chloa 8-1860 39 m18 3,2 Ohio Ohio Vermont
-------Charles 4-1884 16, Louis 11-1892 7Ohio Ohio Ohio
May 2, 1910 Ohio Van Wert Co., Hoaglin Tp., Pg 256
Harvey James B 53 m27 OH OH OH Farmer General Farm O M F 108
-------Cloe 49 m27 3,2 OH OH VE
-------Lewis 17 Oh OH OH
1920 Ohio Van Wert Co., Hoaglin Tp., Pg 17
Harvey James B 62 OH OH OH
--------Chloa 59 OH OH VE
Children of James Harvey and Cloe are:
--------359 i. Charles7 Harvey, born April 1884.
--------360 ii. Louis Harvey, born November 1892.
--------361 iii. Lem Harvey, born 1893.
--------245. Samuel A6 Harvey (Rosella5 Hoaglin, Sarah4 Emery, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born November 1866. He married Lyda A 1885. She was born March 1868.
Notes for Samuel A Harvey:
June 19-20, 1900 Ohio Van Wert Co., Pleasant Tp., Pg 138
Harvey S A 11-1866 33 m15 OH OH OH
-------Anna 3-1868 32 m15 8,6 OH OH OH
-------Oscar 6-1886 12, Icey 4-1889 11, Howard 3-1891 9, Nellie 2-1893 7,
-------Bearnice 11-1895 4, Ladoyt 8-1899 9/12
April 16, 1910 Ohio Van Wert Co., Pleasant Tp., Pg 88
Harvey Samuel A 45 m24 OH GER GER
-------Lyda A 42 m24 10,7 OH OH OH
-------Harry C 24,Howard W 19,Nellie B 17, B____ B 13,Ladoyt 10,Charles G 5
Children of Samuel Harvey and Lyda A are:
--------362 i. Harry Oscar7 Harvey, born June 1886.
--------363 ii. Icey Harvey, born April 1889.
--------364 iii. Howard W Harvey, born March 1891.
--------365 iv. Nellie B Harvey, born February 1893.
--------366 v. Bearnice B Harvey, born November 1895.
--------367 vi. Ladoyt Harvey, born August 1899.
--------368 vii. Charles G Harvey, born 1905.
--------251. Brice Wheeler6 Harvey (Rosella5 Hoaglin, Sarah4 Emery, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born June 29, 1849 in Van Wert Co., OH, and died February 02, 1929 in Van Wert Co., OH. He married (1) Talitha?. She died November 24, 1932 in Van Wert Co., OH. He married (2) Elzina Susan Grubaugh December 22, 1875, daughter of Jonathan Grubaugh and Caroline Young. She was born March 06, 1856 in Morrow co., OH, and died January 15, 1907 in Defiance, Ohio.
Notes for Brice Wheeler Harvey:
1880 Ohio Van Wert Co., Union Tp., Pg 277C
Brice W. HARVEY 30 OH Farmer OH OH
Elzina 24 OH Keeping House OH MD
Rozilla M. 4, Caroline J. 2, Joshua N. 3M OH OH OH
June 12, 1900 Ohio Paulding Co., Blue Creek Tp., Pg 41
Harvey Brice W 6-1849 51 m25 OH OH OH Farmer
--------Elzina 3-1856 44 m25 11,10 OH OH OH
--------John N 2-1880 20,Obadiah H 11-1881 18,Joshua H 4-1884 16,
--------Brice W 12-1886 14,Elzina S 2-1888 12,Charles E 9-1889 10,
--------James H 5-1891 9, Clen L 8-1891 9
McClure, Ethal neice 6-1884 16
April 16, 1910 Ohio Van Wert Co., Union Tp., Pg 189
Harvey, Brice W 60 m2 OH
--------Telitha C 49 m2 7,6 OH
January 28, 1920 Ohio Van Wert Co., Union Tp.,Scott Village, Pg 215
Harvey Brice W OM 70
-------Telitha C 58
Death Certificate- Van Wert Co., Scott, OH #17757 in Army
Wife-Telitha Harvey death date Feb. 2, 1929
date of birth June 29 1849 age 79 y 7m 4d
cause of death- Cerebral Hemmorage following a fall on ice
contributory- Senility
birthplace Van Wert Co.,
Father- O H Harvey Mother- Rosa Hoaglin
Informat J N Harvey Coldwater, Mich
Doctor-O E Harvey of Ohio City, OH
More About Brice Wheeler Harvey:Burial: Scott Cem. Lot 21 Blk #8 GR 1
More About Elzina Susan Grubaugh:Burial: Scott Cem.
Children of Brice Harvey and Elzina Grubaugh are:
+-------369 i. Elzina Susan7 Harvey, born February 19, 1888; died September 16, 1916 in Defiance, Ohio.
+-------370 ii. Rosella Harvey, born April 24, 1876; died February 22, 1912 in Grover Hill, Paulding Co., OH.
--------371 iii. Caroline Jane Harvey, born October 08, 1878 in Scott, OH. She married James M Wade February 19, 1897.
+-------372 iv. Joshua Newton Harvey, born February 1880.
--------373 v. Obadiah Holmes Harvey, born November 29, 1881; died September 20, 1953. He married (1) Isabella Gallant 1903; died 1903. He married (2) Pearl Keltner August 25, 1904.
--------374 vi. Jonathan Wheeler Harvey, born April 13, 1884. He married Susse Keltner.
+-------375 vii. Brice Wesley Harvey, born December 15, 1885; died December 16, 1948.
--------376 viii. Charles Elsworth Harvey, born September 16, 1889; died January 20, 1964 in Louisiana. He married Zella Boles Abt. April 16, 1919.
--------377 ix. James Henry Harvey, born May 03, 1891.
--------378 x. Aden Lee Harvey, born August 24, 1893; died June 09, 1962. He married (1) Effie Bice. He married (2) Ruby May May 13, 1925; died December 20, 1957.
--------252. Harry Benjamin6 Yoh (Sarah Melissa5 Hoaglin, Sarah4 Emery, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born June 23, 1886 in Hoaglin Tp., OH, and died June 27, 1976 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He married Isabel Florence Stephen June 23, 1917 in Detroit, Michigan. She was born August 15, 1894 in Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, and died June 27, 1976 in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
More About Harry Benjamin Yoh:Burial: Lakeview Cem., Clarkston, MI
More About Isabel Florence Stephen:Burial: Lakeview Cem., Clarkston, MI
Children of Harry Yoh and Isabel Stephen are:
--------379 i. Harry William7 Yoh, born 1918.
--------380 ii. Helen Elizabeth Yoh, born 1921.
--------381 iii. David Stephen Yoh, born 1931.
--------259. Charles Edwin6 Cameron (Alvah Orendorff5 Camron, Zilla4 Emery, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born 1865. He married Aunt Ottie.
Children of Charles Cameron and Aunt Ottie are:
--------382 i. Arthur7 Cameron.,br>
--------383 ii. Mary Cameron.
--------384 iii. Clifford Cameron.
--------385 iv. Ray Cameron.
--------262. Ralph Vaughan6 Emery (John Henry5, David Fisher4, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born March 04, 1877, and died May 03, 1971. He married Berda Lorraine Smedley. She was born February 05, 1877, and died December 09, 1971.
Children of Ralph Emery and Berda Smedley are:
+-------386 i. Ruth Lucille7 Emery, born September 01, 1904; died March 20, 1980.
+-------387 ii. Mary Helen Emery.
--------388 iii. Alice Virginia Emery.
--------277. Singleton William6 Ash (Catherine5 Emery, David Fisher4, David3, John2, Conrad1) was born October 31, 1892. He married Eileen Lawbaugh.
Children of Singleton Ash and Eileen Lawbaugh are:
+-------389 i. Marilyn E7 Ash.
--------390 ii. Barbara J Ash.
--------296. Margaret Alvernie6 Emery (Conrad5, Jesse4, Conrad3, John2, Conrad1) was born June 25, 1862 in Hopeville, IA. She married Jackson Ray.
Child of Margaret Emery and Jackson Ray is:
+-------391 i. Emma Melinda7 Ray, born September 08, 1894 in Burchard, NE.
--------305. Robert Guy6 Emery Sr. (Silas Artemus5, H. Conrad4, Henry3, John2, Conrad1) was born December 14, 1872. He married Edith Mary Weikel. She was born 1884.
Children of Robert Emery and Edith Weikel are:
--------392 i. Robert Guy7 Emery Jr., born 1902.
--------393 ii. James W. Emery, born 1905.
--------309. Lillian Marie6 Emery (Silas Artemus5, H. Conrad4, Henry3, John2, Conrad1) was born January 28, 1880, and died February 07, 1942. She married Harry Benjamin Davis. He was born January 07, 1871, and died September 1947.
Child of Lillian Emery and Harry Davis is:
--------394 i. Adda Marie7 Davis, born November 08, 1916. She married Lester Kaufman June 20, 1947; born 1918.
--------312. Ida Grace6 Emery (Silas Artemus5, H. Conrad4, Henry3, John2, Conrad1) was born July 28, 1883, and died July 19, 1972.
Children of Ida Grace Emery are:
--------395 i. William Emery7 Kennedy, born July 09, 1910; died January 18, 1940. He married Kerry A. Davis Abt. 1937.
--------396 ii. Mary Grace Kennedy, born July 22, 1913. She married Clayton McBride Rudolph February 11, 1937; born March 28, 1911; died April 04, 1983.
--------397 iii. Jack Kennedy, born May 05, 1915; died December 08, 1986. He married Rosemary Stewart December 21, 1946.
--------313. Mark Silas6 Emery (Silas Artemus5, H. Conrad4, Henry3, John2, Conrad1) was born October 16, 1885, and died February 09, 1931. He married Mabel Carter. She was born January 16, 1885, and died June 11, 1944.
Children of Mark Emery and Mabel Carter are:
--------398 i. Wallace Frank7 Emery, born December 28, 1904. He married Gladys R. Turner April 19, 1925.
--------399 ii. Betsy Jane Emery, born July 11, 1922. She married Clyde Gilbert.
--------314. Mary Gladys6 Emery (Silas Artemus5, H. Conrad4, Henry3, John2, Conrad1) was born April 22, 1891. She married Frank Herman (Hans) Poehlmann June 30, 1920. He was born June 13, 1890.
Child of Mary Emery and Frank Poehlmann is:
--------400 i. Johanna7 Poehlmann, born January 21, 1922.
--------315. Thomas Warren6 Emery Sr. (Silas Artemus5, H. Conrad4, Henry3, John2, Conrad1) was born August 15, 1894, and died August 01, 1978. He married Grace Campbell April 12, 1924. She was born October 23, 1902, and died January 21, 1983.
Children of Thomas Emery and Grace Campbell are:
--------401 i. Thomas Warren7 Emery Jr., born November 06, 1926. He married Racine September 07, 1964.
--------402 ii. Suzanne Emery, born October 24, 1928.
--------403 iii. James Capbell Emery, born May 29, 1931. He married Shirely Jean Huey May 26, 1951; born February 02, 1931.
--------404 iv. Bertha Louis Emery, born January 19, 1933. She married Francis A. Pearson.