Descendants of Roger Bland
Generation No. 1
--------1. Roger1 Bland was born Abt. 1502.
Child of Roger Bland is:
+-------2 i. Adam2 Bland, born 1528; died May 1594 in Yorkshire, Eng.
Generation No. 2
--------2. Adam2 Bland (Roger1) was born 1528, and died May 1594 in Yorkshire, Eng. He married Joan Atkyns, daughter of William Atkyns. She was born 1528 in London, Eng, and died July 10, 1596.
Child of Adam Bland and Joan Atkyns is:
+-------3 i. Thomas3 Bland, born 1558; died 1618.
Generation No. 3
--------3. Thomas3 Bland (Adam2, Roger1) was born 1558, and died 1618. He married Elizabeth Harrison Yeardley Abt. 1585. She was born 1549, and died 1593.
Child of Thomas Bland and Elizabeth Yeardley is:
+-------4 i. George4 Bland, born 1589 in England; died 1648.
Generation No. 4
--------4. George4 Bland (Thomas3, Adam2, Roger1) was born 1589 in England, and died 1648. He married Anne Caunte. She was born Abt. 1590.
Child of George Bland and Anne Caunte is:
+-------5 i. Thomas5 Bland, born 1612; died 1674 in VA.
Generation No. 5
--------5. Thomas5 Bland (George4, Thomas3, Adam2, Roger1) was born 1612, and died 1674 in VA.
Child of Thomas Bland is:
+-------6 i. Thomas6 Bland, born 1643 in VA; died 1700 in VA.
Generation No. 6
--------6. Thomas6 Bland (Thomas5, George4, Thomas3, Adam2, Roger1) was born 1643 in VA, and died 1700 in VA. He married Mrs Damaris Wyatt.
Child of Thomas Bland and Mrs Wyatt is:
+-------7 i. James7 Bland, born 1655; died 1708 in VA.
Generation No. 7
--------7. James7 Bland (Thomas6, Thomas5, George4, Thomas3, Adam2, Roger1) was born 1655, and died 1708 in VA. He married Margaret. She was born in NC.
Children of James Bland and Margaret are:
+-------8 i. William8 Bland, born Abt. 1686 in St. Mary's Co., MD; died 1744.
--------9 ii. James Bland.
--------10 iii. John Bland.
Generation No. 8
--------8. William8 Bland (James7, Thomas6, Thomas5, George4, Thomas3, Adam2, Roger1) was born Abt. 1686 in St. Mary's Co., MD, and died 1744. He married Catherine Key Abt. February 06, 1716, daughter of James Key and Mary Pannell. She was born Abt. 1694, and died 1728.
Children of William Bland and Catherine Key are:
+-------11 i. Thomas9 Bland, born Abt. 1719 in VA; died Abt. 1788 in Fauquier Co., VA.
--------12 ii. James Bland.
--------13 iii. Moses Bland, born 1718.
--------14 iv. William Bland.
--------15 v. John Bland, born Abt. 1720.
Generation No. 9
--------11. Thomas9 Bland (William8, James7, Thomas6, Thomas5, George4, Thomas3, Adam2, Roger1) was born Abt. 1719 in VA, and died Abt. 1788 in Fauquier Co., VA. He married Jane Smith. She died Abt. 1800.
Children of Thomas Bland and Jane Smith are:
+-------16 i. Joseph10 Bland, born Bet. 1752 - 1763 in Winchester, Frederick Co., VA; died 1812 in Blacksville, Monongalia Co., VA.
--------17 ii. Thomas Bland, born Abt. 1765; died 1792. He married Sarah Byrne 1785.
--------18 iii. Catharine Bland.
--------19 iv. Mary Bland.
--------20 v. Elizabeth Bland. She married Spilsby Stone; born 1742 in Virginia.
--------21 vi. Henry Bland, born Abt. 1756.
--------22 vii. James Bland, born 1771.
Generation No. 10
--------16. Joseph10 Bland (Thomas9, William8, James7, Thomas6, Thomas5, George4, Thomas3, Adam2, Roger1) was born Bet. 1752 - 1763 in Winchester, Frederick Co., VA, and died 1812 in Blacksville, Monongalia Co., VA. He married Susan Bailey Abt. 1782. She was born Abt. 1750, and died 1798 in Monongalia Co., VA.
Children of Joseph Bland and Susan Bailey are:
+-------23 i. Mary11 Bland, born August 19, 1783 in Virginia; died October 16, 1856 in Fayette County, Ohio.
--------24 ii. Catherine Bland, born Abt. 1785.
--------25 iii. Richard G Bland, born April 25, 1787.
--------26 iv. Thomas Bland, born October 03, 1789.
--------27 v. David Bland, born July 25, 1792.
--------28 vi. Elizabeth Bland, born Abt. 1798.
--------29 vii. Sarah Bland. She married Alexander Timmats.
--------30 viii. Eleanor Bland.
Generation No. 11
--------23. Mary11 Bland (Joseph10, Thomas9, William8, James7, Thomas6, Thomas5, George4, Thomas3, Adam2, Roger1) was born August 19, 1783 in Virginia, and died October 16, 1856 in Fayette County, Ohio. She married Jonah Baldwin March 17, 1803 in Greene Co., PA, son of John Baldwin and Hannah Simmons. He was born March 07, 1773 in Virginia, and died September 13, 1850 in Fayette County, Ohio.
More About Mary Bland:Burial: Baldwin Cem
Notes for Jonah Baldwin:
Veteran of 1812. Settled in Madison Twp, Fayette Co., Ohio. Lived 77Years, -- Months, 23 Days. Twin of William.
More About Jonah Baldwin:Burial: Baldwin Cem
Children of Mary Bland and Jonah Baldwin are:
--------31 i. Catharine12 Baldwin, born 1806. She married Chandler Tuttle December 28, 1832; died April 18, 1863 in 76y 7m 26d.
More About Chandler Tuttle:Burial: Baldwin Cem
--------32 ii. Hannah Baldwin, born 1808 in Virginia. She married Joseph Counts October 03, 1833 in Fayette Co., OH.
--------33 iii. John Baldwin, born September 19, 1811; died March 27, 1895 in Fayette County, Ohio. He married Jane Sollars Bef. 1838; born October 08, 1812 in Ross County, Ohio; died March 14, 1881 in Madison Twp., Fayette Co., Ohio.
Notes for John Baldwin:
July 10, 1860 Ohio Fayette Co., Madison Tp., Pg 402
Jno Baldwin 49 Farmer 5300, 460 Virginia
Jane 47 Ohio
Wm 22,Jno 20,Cath 18,Mary 16,Henry 14,Josh 12,Jos S 8,Nancy 5,Elizabeth 3, Thos 1 Ohio
R'd Coursin 34 Laborer ,300 Ohio
June 3, 1870 Ohio Fayette Co., Madison Tp., Pg 488
Boldwin John 58 Farmer 6450,400 VA
--------Jane 57 OH
--------Mary 26,Henry 24,Jonathan 22,Joseph S 18,Nancy 15,Thomas 11 OH
June 17, 1880 Ohio Fayette Co., Madison, Pg 567B
John BALDWIN 69 VA Laborer VA VA
Jane 68 OH Keeping H PA PA
Thomas 20 OH Laborer VA OH
Henry 33 OH Laborer VA OH
More About John Baldwin:Burial: Baldwin Cem
More About Jane Sollars:Burial: Baldwin Cem
--------34 iv. Margaret Baldwin, born November 15, 1812; died April 01, 1895.
--------35 v. Jackomyer Baldwin, born August 20, 1815; died October 30, 1895. He married Margaret ?.
More About Jackomyer Baldwin:Burial: Baldwin Cem
--------36 vi. Joseph Baldwin, born June 05, 1819; died September 18, 1881 in Adams Co., Ohio 62y 3m 3d.
More About Joseph Baldwin:Burial: Baldwin Cem
--------37 vii. Susan Baldwin, born 1821; died 1910. She married Ira Sollars; born 1817; died 1904.
More About Susan Baldwin:Burial: Baldwin Cem
Notes for Ira Sollars:
July 10, 1860 Ohio Fayette Co., Madison Tp., White Oak P O , Pg 402
Ira Sollars 37 Farmer 800 OHIO
Susannah 37
Joseph B 10, Wm L 9, Mary C 4, Lavinia A 2, Babe 2/12
More About Ira Sollars:Burial: Baldwin Cem
--------38 viii. Nancy S Baldwin, born Abt. 1827; died July 14, 1854. She married Benjamin Corson July 23, 1843; died June 27, 1860 in 41y 9m.
More About Nancy S Baldwin:Burial: Baldwin Cem
More About Benjamin Corson:Burial: Baldwin Cem