Descendants of Richard Atkins
Generation No. 1
1. Richard1 Atkins was born Abt. 1530. He married Johanna 1567. She was born Abt. 1545.
Child of Richard Atkins and Johanna is:
+ 2 i. Richard2 Atkins, born Abt. 1560 in Chard, Somerset. Eng.; died 1625.
Generation No. 2
2. Richard2 Atkins (Richard1) was born Abt. 1560 in Chard, Somerset. Eng., and died 1625. He married Petrewell. She was born in Chard, Somerset. Eng..
Child of Richard Atkins and Petrewell is:
+ 3 i. Augustine3 Atkins, born Abt. 1610 in Chard, Somerset. Eng..
Generation No. 3
3. Augustine3 Atkins (Richard2, Richard1) was born Abt. 1610 in Chard, Somerset. Eng.. He married Avis Porter, daughter of Edmond Porter and Joan Rawson. She was born Abt. 1620 in Ireland.
Child of Augustine Atkins and Avis Porter is:
+ 4 i. Robert4 Adkins, born Abt. 1650 in Ireland; died 1724.
Generation No. 4
4. Robert4 Adkins (Augustine3 Atkins, Richard2, Richard1) was born Abt. 1650 in Ireland, and died 1724. He married Helena Parker Abt. 1680, daughter of Richard Parker and Mary Bailey. She was born Abt. 1655 in Gloucester, Eng.
More About Helena Parker:
Date born 2: Abt. 1655
Children of Robert Adkins and Helena Parker are:
+ 5 i. Joseph5 Adkins, born Abt. 1670 in of Goochland, VA; died 1721 in Henrico Co., VA.
6 ii. Augustine Adkins, born 1684 in Waterpark, Cork, Ireland.
Generation No. 5
5. Joseph5 Adkins (Robert4, Augustine3 Atkins, Richard2, Richard1) was born Abt. 1670 in of Goochland, VA, and died 1721 in Henrico Co., VA. He married Mary Davidson, daughter of William Davidson and Hannah Washington. She was born Abt. 1715.
Child of Joseph Adkins and Mary Davidson is:
+ 7 i. William6 Adkins, born 28 Mar 1689 in Henrico, VA; died Bet. 1754 - 1774 in Goochland, VA.
Generation No. 6
7. William6 Adkins (Joseph5, Robert4, Augustine3 Atkins, Richard2, Richard1) was born 28 Mar 1689 in Henrico, VA, and died Bet. 1754 - 1774 in Goochland, VA. He married Elizabeth Parker 17 Jan 1716 in Montgomery Co., Va, daughter of Richard Parker and Mitha None. She was born 1695 in Henrico, VA, and died Bef. 1733 in Goochland Co., VA.
Notes for William Adkins:
ID: I004340
Name: William V. Atkinson Adkins
Sex: M
Birth: 28 MAR 1689 in Charles City, Henrico County, Virginia
Death: ABT 1774 in Richmond, Goochland County, Virginia
Please Note: I found these notes online and cannot remember where. When I locate them, I will post who listed it.
Updated Feb. 18, 2000.
Bio of William Adkins of 1689.
In accordance with the Mormon Church at Salt Lake City, Utah, a William Adkins was born on March 28, 1689, and was a son of John and Elizabeth Bromwell Adkins, of Sandy, Bedford, England. Our proven William Adkins (Adkinson) was said to have been born about 1690, which is about the same as March 28, 1689. Based on the above, we conclude that the William Adkinson, son of John and Elizabeth Bromwell, born on March 28, 1689, and William born about 1690, are the one and same person. Assuming this to be true (at least until someone, some time can prove differently), we are listing our Adkins relatives or progenitors as originating in England.
Using number 1, as Henry Adkins, born about 1530, who married Francis Edwards, born about 1535, who could have been a descendant of William Adekyn of County, Somerset Shire, England, who was born about 1327, and died about 1377.
Number 2, Thomas Adkins (son), born February 6, 1584, in Sandy Bedford, England, and married Hester Frasure.
Number 3, Thomas, born about 1610, in Sandy, Bedford, England, and married Agnes (unknown) Adkins, born about 1615.
Number 4, John Adkins (Adekyn or Adkinson), born April 7, 1639, in Bedford England, and married Elizabeth Bromwell.
Number 5, William Adkins (Adekyn or Adkinson), born March 28, 1689, married Elizabeth parker, on January 17, 1716, in the saint James Episcopal Church in Henrico County, Virginia. Elizabeth parker was the daughter of Richard and Mitha parker. St. John's Episcopal Church is located near Richmond, Virginia. During this early time period the church was some distance from the city, but as Richmond grew the new developments surrounded the church until the church became part of the city of Richmond. It was in St. John's that Patrick Henry in 1775 gave his famous "give me liberty or give me death speech.
Elizabeth's father, Richard Parker, indicated the marriage of his daughter, Elizabeth Parker to William Atkinson (Adkins) in his "will" dated Mar. 6, 1726 in Henrico County, Virginia. Richard and Mitha Parker lived on "Four Mile Creek", in Henrico County, Virginia. William and Elizabeth lived on Machumps Creek on the Savannah River and later moved to the Pigg River in Virginia.
William Adekyn, Adkinson, or Adkins, and Elizabeth Parker had the following children:
1. Richard Adkins, born c. 1717 in Henrico County, Virginia and is said to have moved to Tenn., in 1790.
2. Parker Adkins, born 1720, in Henrico County, Virginia, and died c. 1792 in Montgomery County, Virginia, which was Giles County in 1806. He married a Mary (Polly) Fry. Parker Adkins severed in the Revolutionary War.
3. William Adkins, Jr., born c. 1721, in Henrico County, Virginia and died between 01-20-1784, and 03-15-1784. He married Lydia Owens, who was born c. 1724, in 1745, and died before 1782. Lydia Owens was the daughter of William and Lydia Lansford Owens.
4. Jacob Adkins, born c. 1725, in Henrico County, Virginia, and married Judah (unknown) Adkins.
5. Joseph Adkins, had four proven children, but the name of his wife is unknown. Based upon the birth date of Jacob and Sherwood, Joseph was probably born around 1726 or 1727.
6. Sherwood (Sherrod), Adkins, born c. 1728, and married Sally (probably Lucas), around 1760, and lived at Clear Fork, of Wolf Creek, Virginia, that became West Virginia in 1863. Sherwood Adkins was the father of Isaac Adkins, Sr. Born c. 1780 and died on March 29, 1860, and Isaac married on may 6, 1804, to Elizabeth Hager, born c. 1780, in Baltimore, Maryland, daughter of Jacob and Sally Hager. Isaac Adkins, Sr. And Elizabeth Hager had a son named Isaac Adkins, Jr. Born in 1804, in Virginia, in accordance with the Carter County, Kentucky 1850 census.
7. Henry Adkins, born c. 1730, and married Rachel Houchins, on January 20, 1756. Henry Adkins lived in the Pigg River area in Virginia, and was born in Goochland County, Virginia.
8. Mary (Polly) Adkins, born c. 1735, in Goochland, County, Virginia. She may or may not have been married, since there are no records, but raised six children, probably all by Jacob Harley, the so-called Earl of Oxford.
William's father is believed to be Thomas Adkins, Jr. of Henrico County, VA. Others believe his father is John Adkins of New Kent County. The original spelling of his name is Atkinson.
William and Elizabeth Parker Adkins and family move westward in 1740 to what is now Franklin County, Virginia (this same area was Burnswick County in 1740: then Lunenburg County in 1746; then Halifax County in 1752; then Pittsylvania County in 1767; to Henry County in 1776; and now finally Franklin County since 1785).
This move westward was part of the white man's first penetration across the Blue Ridge Mountains. They lived in the Snow Creek District on the Harping and Story Creeks on the Pigg River. William became a land owner/farmer then changed occupations by becoming a mill operator. (mill operating became a family profession). The deaths of William and Elizabeth Parker Adkins isn't clear. Elizabeth disappears after 1740, and William disappears after 1753 in Franklin County, Virginia. Their exact death dates are unknown. Their son was Sherwood Adkins, who had a son named Isaac Adkins, Sr., who had a son Isaac Adkins, Jr., who moved to Shanty Branch, Carter Co., Ky. About 1835, as their son David was born in 1835 in Carter Co., Ky.
From the Family Notes of Virginia Pierce: "A lot of the information we have on the descendants of William Atkinson and Elizabeth Parker was taken from the book 'Adkins-Land of York, Surrey Co., England to Beech Fork, Wayne Co., West Virginia by Ronnie Adkins". Ronnie is a descendant of Elizabeth Parker also. He phoned me one night from Alabama, where he lives and works in the law enforcement dept. I was afraid he might be someone trying to put something over on me for awhile, but I finally trusted him. He said he would like to have a copy of the genealogy we have on our family from the beginning up to the present date. I sent it to him. He called several times after that. He said he had been working on this project for over ten years and was publishing it in a book....I sent him a $40 check. A few months passed. Fianlly one day in the mail came this large volume book. It is filled with genealogy on our family on Grandma Nancy Evalyn Elkins side. It has pictures of wills, cemetery lists, birht certificates, marriage certificates, as well as pictures of places and of people from William Atkinson on down."
From "Adkins' Family History":
"William Adkins (Atkinson in all early records), the earliest proven ancestor of our family was born in Charles City or Henrico Co. Virginia. As the parents of William are unknown there is no information available prior to his marriage. At the now famous St. John's Church in Richmond, Henrico Co., Va. on Friday 17 Jan 1716 William married Elizabeth Parker b ca 1695 d/o Richard and Mitha Parker. Their marriage is recorded in the register of St. John's. This register has been completely reprinted in the Besty of Henrico Parrish. The marriage of William & Elizabeth is recorded on pg. 228. Several other publications "Marriages of Some Virginia Residents" by Wulfeck also have the marriage recorded. This marriage record states "William Atkinson to daughter of Richard Parker..." Richard's will fills in the first name "I give to my daughter, Elizabeth, wife of William Atkinson..."
In the year of their marriage Elizabeth's father gave her 150 acres in Henrico Parrish (Goochland co. 1727) stating in the deed "for love and affection to my daughter Elizabeth, wife of William Atkinson". William and Elizabeth lived on a tributary of the Savannah River known as Machumps Creek; having been named after an indian that told early settlers much about the country in which they lived. All of their children were born here and the family is mentioned in many records of both Henrico and Goochland Counties including the following.
Records of St. John's Church of Henrico Parrish
a 1736 record for a 1735 birth (probably Mary)
a 1736 record showing 230 acres standing good for a store debt in Goochl
a 1740 record of Goochland showing William with 3 sons - William Jr.,
Richard, and Parker.
...Sometime around 1743 William, Elizabeth and children undertook a Westward move that again would place them on the very edge of the frontier. This move took some ten years to fully complete. Some of the records that show the move spanning several yrs. follows: William Sr. and Parker appear on Lance Holmans' tax list of Lunenberg Co. in 1746. William Sr., William Jr., Parker and others on Henry Martin's 1747 tax list of Goochland Co. William Sr., William Jr., Parker and Richard on Lance Holman's tax list of Lunenberg in 1748. After 1748 records and listing proliferate in Lunenbery while those in Goochland almost cease and after 1756 when Henry married they completely cease. This westward move (a part of the white man's first penetration across the Blue Ridge Mtns.) was to what is today Franklin Co., Virginia. The family lived in the Snow Creek District on the Harping and Story Creeks of the Pigg River. When the move was initiated this area was in Brunswick Co., becoming Lunenberg in 1746, Halifax in 1752, Pittsylvania in 1767, Henry in 1776, and Franklin (as today) in 1785. Records of the family appear in all these counties making it extremely difficult to find the vital statistics. In this area William was a farmer, land owner, and mill operator; the latter an occupation that stood the family in good stead for many years up to and including the move to what is today West Virginia.
Many records of the family are in Halifax including a 1753 road petition from William to the county commission requesting a road from Snow Creek and a 1762 land record for Parker. After 1767 when the area became Pittsylvania the records multiply as the children became land owners and sellers. It is not known when William (b ca 1690) died, however, the date is surely between late 1753 when the records seem to show William Jr. being designated as Sr. and 1774 when the records are clear that William Jr. is now Sr.
From Ancestral File: William is listed as William Adkins, born 1690 in Henrico Co., Virginia, Died 1754/74 in Goochland Co., Virginia. His father is listed as John Adkins, Born Abt 1670 in New Kent Co., Virginia. No mother is listed.
Ancestor Chart of Virginia Pierce lists William as born 1690 in Lawrence Co., Kentucky
28 Mar 1689 - birthdate listed on World Ancestry Tree by Billy Eugene Parsons
Note: William and Elizabeth were married in the St. John's Episcopal Church in Richmond.
More About William Adkins:
Date born 2: 1690
Notes for Elizabeth Parker:
ID: I004357
Name: Elizabeth Parker
Sex: F
Birth: ABT 1695 in Charles City, Henrico County, Virginia
Death: ABT 1735 in Goochland County, Virginia
From Family notes of Virginia Pierce: "Elizabeth Parker is the daughter of Richard Parker and Mitha of England. She married 17 Jan 1716 William Atkinson in the St. John's Episcopal Church in Richmond, Henrico Co., Virginia. The descendants of William Atkinson shortened the name to Adkins.
From Adkins' Family History:
"Very little is known of Elizabeth as women were seldom mentioned in the official records of the day. She was born ca 1695. This date is pretty well locked up as she was married in 1716 making her in the range of 21 (an age about average for the time). Her children were born between the nineteen yr. period between 1717 and 1735 (the hear of her child bearing yrs). As mentioned above she was the daughter of Richard Parker who with his family lived on the James River at the head of Four Mile Creek in Henrico Parrish. "
On Ancestor chart from Virginia Pierce, it lists Elizabeth's birth as 1695, in Lawrence Co., Kentucky
Ancestral File has an entry that list Elizabeth's death place as Goochland, Va. This entry also takes her line back several more generations.
Note: William and Elizabeth were married in the St. John's Episcopal Church in Richmond.
More About Elizabeth Parker:
Date born 2: 1700
Children of William Adkins and Elizabeth Parker are:
8 i. Richard7 Adkins, born Abt. 1716.
9 ii. William Adkins, born 1721.
10 iii. Joseph Adkins, born 1723.
11 iv. Jacob Adkins, born Bet. 1725 - 1728.
12 v. Sherwood Adkins, born 1728.
13 vi. Henry Adkins, born 1730.
+ 14 vii. Mary Adkins, born 12 Oct 1735 in Goochland Co., VA; died in Beech Fork, Wayne Co., VA.
15 viii. Elizabeth Ann Adkins, born Abt. 1732.
+ 16 ix. Parker V Adkins, born Abt. 1720; died Aft. 1791 in Montgomery, VA.
Generation No. 7
14. Mary7 Adkins (William6, Joseph5, Robert4, Augustine3 Atkins, Richard2, Richard1) was born 12 Oct 1735 in Goochland Co., VA, and died in Beech Fork, Wayne Co., VA. She married Jacob _____, son of Earl of Oxford. He was born Abt. 1700 in Henrico, VA.
Children of Mary Adkins and Jacob _____ are:
+ 17 i. Nancy8 Adkins, born 1767 in Franklin VA; died 18 Jan 1846 in Lick Creek, Summers Co., WV.
+ 18 ii. Jacob Adkins.
16. Parker V7 Adkins (William6, Joseph5, Robert4, Augustine3 Atkins, Richard2, Richard1) was born Abt. 1720, and died Aft. 1791 in Montgomery, VA. He married Mary Polly Fry 1768, daughter of John Fry and Catherine French. She was born Abt. 1730 in VA, and died Aft. 1777 in Montgomery Co., VA.
More About Parker V Adkins:
Name 2: Parker Adkins
Date born 2: Abt. 1725, Of Goochland Co., Va
More About Mary Polly Fry:
Name 2: Mary
Name 3: Mrs Mary
Date born 2: 1724, Goochland Co., VA
Date born 3: Abt. 1730, Goochland Co., VA
Children of Parker Adkins and Mary Fry are:
+ 19 i. Kiziah8 Mowery/Adkins, born Abt. 1750 in Giles, VA; died 10 Oct 1824.
20 ii. Millington Adkins, born 20 Sep 1755 in Halifax Co., VA.
More About Millington Adkins:
Name 2: Milliton Adkins
Date born 2: Abt. 1755
Date born 3: Abt. 1770
21 iii. Isom Adkins, born 1757 in Halifax Co., VA.
More About Isom Adkins:
Name 2: Ison Adkins
Date born 2: Abt. 1757
Date born 3: 1757
22 iv. Hezekiah Adkins, born 20 Sep 1759.
23 v. Susanna Adkins, born Abt. 1760.
24 vi. Champ Adkins, born Abt. 1763.
25 vii. Elijah Adkins, born Abt. 1765.
+ 26 viii. Littleberry Adkins, born 10 May 1767 in Pittsylvania, VA; died Bet. 1835 - 1843 in VA.
27 ix. Charity Adkins, born Abt. 1768.
28 x. Sherrod B Adkins, born Abt. 1775.
More About Sherrod B Adkins:
Name 2: Shadrack Adkins
Name 3: Sherod Adkins
Date born 2: 1766
Date born 3: Abt. 1774
Generation No. 8
17. Nancy8 Adkins (Mary7, William6, Joseph5, Robert4, Augustine3 Atkins, Richard2, Richard1) was born 1767 in Franklin VA, and died 18 Jan 1846 in Lick Creek, Summers Co., WV. She married Littleberry Adkins 29 May 1790 in Franklin Co., VA, son of Parker Adkins and Mary Fry. He was born 10 May 1767 in Pittsylvania, VA, and died Bet. 1835 - 1843 in VA.
More About Nancy Adkins:
Date born 2: 1767
More About Littleberry Adkins:
Date born 2: 10 May 1767
Children of Nancy Adkins and Littleberry Adkins are:
29 i. Jessee9 Adkins, born 1791.
30 ii. Isom Adkins, born 1795.
+ 31 iii. Hezekiah Adkins, born 25 Aug 1800 in Kanawha, VA; died 02 Mar 1867 in Wayne Co., WV.
32 iv. Littleberry Adkins, born 1801.
+ 33 v. Christina Adkins, born 28 Jan 1805 in Kanawha, VA; died 04 Feb 1884 in Wayne County, West Virginia.
34 vi. Dicie Adkins, born 1806.
+ 35 vii. Purcilla Pressia Adkins, born 1810 in Cabell, VA.
36 viii. Vicy Adkins, born 1811.
+ 37 ix. Dicy Adkins.
18. Jacob8 Adkins (Mary7, William6, Joseph5, Robert4, Augustine3 Atkins, Richard2, Richard1) He married Phoebe Bradshaw, daughter of ? and Susanna Bradshaw.
Child of Jacob Adkins and Phoebe Bradshaw is:
+ 38 i. Jacob9 Adkins.
19. Kiziah8 Mowery/Adkins (Parker V7 Adkins, William6, Joseph5, Robert4, Augustine3 Atkins, Richard2, Richard1) was born Abt. 1750 in Giles, VA, and died 10 Oct 1824. She married George Peter Fry Abt. 1770 in Giles, VA, son of George Fry and Margaret Scott. He was born 1750, and died 1818 in Giles.
More About George Peter Fry:
Name 2: George Peter FRY
Date born 2: Abt. 1750, Augusta, VA
Children of Kiziah Mowery/Adkins and George Fry are:
39 i. Sally9 FRY, born Abt. 1770 in Giles, VA.
+ 40 ii. George Fry JR., born Abt. 1775 in Montgomery, VA; died Aft. 1830 in Giles Co., VA.
+ 41 iii. Henry FRY, born Abt. 1777 in Giles, VA.
+ 42 iv. Peter FREY, born Abt. 1781 in Of, Montgomery, VA.
+ 43 v. Mary FRY, born 1788 in Sinking Creek, Montgomery Co, VA; died Aft. 1850.
+ 44 vi. Daniel FRY, born Abt. 1790 in Giles, VA; died Bef. 22 Jun 1846 in Giles, VA.
45 vii. Katherine FRY, born Abt. 1792 in Giles, VA.
+ 46 viii. John FRY, born 10 Mar 1794 in Giles, VA; died 1883.
+ 47 ix. Keziah FRY, born Abt. 1797 in Sinking Creek, Montgomery Co, VA; died Bef. 1840.
48 x. Susannah FRY, born Abt. 1800 in Giles, VA.
26. Littleberry8 Adkins (Parker V7, William6, Joseph5, Robert4, Augustine3 Atkins, Richard2, Richard1) was born 10 May 1767 in Pittsylvania, VA, and died Bet. 1835 - 1843 in VA. He married Nancy Adkins 29 May 1790 in Franklin Co., VA, daughter of Jacob _____ and Mary Adkins. She was born 1767 in Franklin VA, and died 18 Jan 1846 in Lick Creek, Summers Co., WV.
More About Littleberry Adkins:
Date born 2: 10 May 1767
More About Nancy Adkins:
Date born 2: 1767
Children are listed above under (17) Nancy Adkins.
Generation No. 9
31. Hezekiah9 Adkins (Littleberry8, Parker V7, William6, Joseph5, Robert4, Augustine3 Atkins, Richard2, Richard1) was born 25 Aug 1800 in Kanawha, VA, and died 02 Mar 1867 in Wayne Co., WV. He married Nancy Spears 25 Dec 1819 in Cabell, VA, daughter of Jonathan Spears and Catherine Pey