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treeThe Heslin's of Columbus, Ohio tree
and Related Families

Bernard Heslin (b abt. 1844 Hibernia - d Dec. 18, 1904 Col., OH) married Jan 6, 1876 St. Joseph's Cathedral, Wheeling W VA Mary Ellen Lomasney (b Oct 8, 1855 Newport, OH-d Feb 2, 1932 Col., OH) a resident of Parkersburg, West Virginia. They had a total of six children, but two died prior to 1880. They resided in Wheeling, WV, then moved to Columbus, OH about 1884. Not much is known about Bernard's occupation except that a Columbus city directory indicates he was a traveling salesman, family oral history indicates he might have had a few inventions.

Back in the 1970's I had a few conversations with a now deceased relative who was the granddaughter of my great grandfather. She recalled the time period around the death of a priest in California. What she remembered that there was more of a direct relation to the priest,like her grandfather being a brother, an uncle or first cousin. Aimed with that information I tried to gather information on the priest which led to another brother who became a Bishop Of Natchez, Mississippi. I got up the courage to write overseas to complete strangers to locate any surviving relatives. Meanwhile I ordered a film on a parish and copied the names pertaining to what could be my ancestors. Unfortunately I haven't found the proof that says there is a 100% connection. Only thru correspondence with possible family ties in Dernacross, County Longford, Ireland, I learned he may have been a brother, but since the possibility exist, the family connection should be mentioned.

UPDATE-2005--I now believe that they just included my gt-grandfather to appeased me, due to the fact I now have a copy of his Catholic Marriage Record stating his parents were Peter Heslin and Anne Dunn. The connection with the Dernacross family still might exist, as Peter could be a brother of Patrick Heslin or other close relative.

Of this family, Thomas became a Bishop of Natchez, Mississippi. Patrick had a parish near San Francisco, CA. was kidnapped, held for ransom, and murdered August 1921, John of New Orleans died of yellow fever. All but one child from this family came to the United States.

I have gathered numerous facts through various public records and family information in the past few centuries that has enabled a link to published family histories, and information submitted by people to many organizations. There are times we can benefit from other people's research.Please feel free to add suggestions, links, and/or submit information. If there is a connection I would be happy to share, as this should be joint family research.

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My Father's Ancestral Names

Bresnahan Davies Heslin
Hopkins Lomasney Lyons

Green Lawn Cemetery Monuments
Kaziah Davies Margaret Holmes Raison Frank & Jane Barcus

Bresnahan Spouses - Conners,Cregan,Lyons,Murnan,O'Neil Davies Spouses-Barcus/Barens,Bischoff,Gorey,Gray,Halley,Holmes
Davies Spouses Cont'd-Kane,Keenan,Lyons,Raison,Seipel Heslin Spouses - Cody, Coleman, Cornette, Cutlip, Davies,Fisher,Huston,Lomasney,Lynch,Schilling, Strickland
Hopkins Spouses - Mils Lomasney Spouses-Clegg,Glasser,Heslin,Moher,Pheifer,Swick/Zwick,Veazy,Webb
Lyons Spouses-Blancum,Bresnahan,Clark,Corrigan,Dailey,Davies,Franz, Kinney, Lyons Spouses Cont'd- O'Connor,O'Reilly,Quinn,Schmidlin,Soller,Tretche,Weidle,White

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Due to numerous Bresnahan Families in Ohio and an unknown connection to my ancestral family, I have included the following information.
Ohio Births Ohio Marriages Ohio deaths and burials Ohio Census City Directories<

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In my quest to find certain individuals with the last name of Lomasney, I have found many spellings of the name. Here are some of those census dating back to 1830.
Lomasney US Census Records

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126th Ohio Infantry CO H

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Korean Conflict Memorial

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My Mother's Southern Ancestral Names

Allen Armistead Binnes Bracewell Braswell Conway Eltonhead Foster Hand
Hartley Hill Hill House,Howze Hunt Lorains Mason Marrable Morris
Pair/Paire/Parr Palmer Poe Robinson Salvin Sampson Sherwood Singleton Stannard
Strickland Strong Sunnyer Turnbull Valentine Vaughn Walker Yates

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My Children's Names

Ackland Andrews Bailey Baldwin Bayliss Beal Bell Betts Blackmore
Bland Blossom Bonham Brock Campbell Clark Cockfield Colbourne Davis
Dudley Dunham Emery Fisher FitzRandolph Foxwell French Fuller Griffiths
Grubaugh Haller Harding Harvey Hilton Hoaglin/Hoagland Hodgson Hooey Hummerich
Hull Iveson Key Knight Lee Manning Martin Martindale McKinley
Moser Pannell Piatt/Pyatt Reynolds Rhynard Reed Richards Ritchey Roberts
Seaman/Simmons Sheffield Snyder Sollars Stansbury Stothard Tilson Underhill Wallace
Watson Wilson Woodburn Young

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My Granddaughter's Names

Adkins Aman Austin Barrett Betzer Bleyer Bogart Bromley
Bryant Butler Copley Damron Dennis Fry Furman Goodrich
Hillier/Webb Horn Johnson Kalchthaler Kleider LaPlante Marcum McCool
McDonald Mosher Neal Ogle Perry Peyton Porter Prater
Preston Ratcliff Ray Robinson Seiter Short Smith Soehnlen
Soldner Spears Trutt Ward Wiley Williamson Winterhalter Zeiger

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My Grandson's Names

Albright Aldridge/Arledge Augenstein Bagwell Bendell Beisser Bientz
Binckle Blind/Blundt Bonham Bossart Boswell Bradley Davidson
Deeg Dennison Drollinger Dunchkel Easter Eberhard Fallin
Flaiss Flammer Freeman Fry Fuch Hitchcock Hotchkiss
Kirchner Knapp Lambert Lane Leaverton Leisselring Lollatin
Lord McDonald Montgomery Nothing Pfender Potter Renner
Roffe/Rolfe Seekmond Seitters Sidall Skidmore Sperry Spargur
Stanton Sullivan Sumner Taylor Throckmorton Tilles/Tills/Tolle Walter/Walther
Wendt Wolfenspargur Woods Zeh

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Latest group of Family Names in the works
Allen Altman Arnold Belderback Bell Bergen Berk Bowman Brown Buckney Butler
Cavinee Clark Clow Corder Decker Doughtery Durben Edwards Frey
Felton Gordon Grim Hadamuscin Jackson Jennings Johnson Kimble Klearwater Kortrecht/Cortright Kuykendall
Labar Leamon Long Mead Middagh Moore Orr Patterson Reynolds Sibley
Skelly Smail Spurgeon Steele Stevenson Tack Van Garden Vos Walker Wicup Wilson

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Things to remember while researching

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Due to the enormous group of people who feel the need to abuse what makes a questbook work for the page builder I am disabiling this feature. View Guestbook
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Please keep in mind that the above information is gathered from many forms of information, mistakes can happen.
When I have given information (like census), I have used what came from the original, so that we can see the
differences contained in the records from one census year to the next.

copyright 1998-2006