Spoilers USUALLY are not posted until 11 a.m. EST (M-W) and 8 a.m. EST on Thursday & Friday


Marlena and Brady continue their encounter, John talks with Mimi and Belle as Sami/Kate make plans for their next moves.

Episode #8996 (Sweetened)
Tape Date: NA
Directed by: NA

Bev missed the first couple of segments. I heard from several people (thank you) about what happened in the first 15 minutes. I condensed everyone's version into this:

Austin visits Greta in her hospital room and they wonder who was responsible for the attack. Sami (with red hair) and Brandon are in the restaurant trying to figure out where Kate hid Will. She figures he's somewhere in Paris and determined to find him. Lucas takes Chloe outside as Philip and Kate argue about Victor. She claims to have loved Vic and upset he was cremated before she could say good-bye. Belle tells John about trying to reach Brady. The pink and blue sheets score high in the French hospital as well...ooh la la ;-) (Thanks Pat, Caroline and Marjolaine)

We see Marlena wheeling Brady in a wheelchair, really fast, down the hall and into a room. Brady asks. "You having fun pushing me around, Doc?" (Man, is Marlena ever ticked!) Marlena, as she reaches the room says," I'm just sending a little message." Marlena puts the brake on Brady's wheelchair, closes the door as she is saying," You have pushed me around for the last time." Brady says," Super shrink is getting off on abusing her crippled stepson, I see." Marlena says, "Look who's talking about abuse." Marlena is now standing in front of Brady and facing him. Marlena continues," People will be stunned to hear the words you call me." Brady says,"Oh, you mean, slut, and whore? Sorry, those are just the words that come to mind when I think of you, which is not very often." Marlena says," I don't care what you say anymore. It doesn't matter because you're done running the game. Your father is wounded and that changes everything. He needs rest and peace of mind, and I will make sure that he gets it." Brady says," You cannot keep me away from my own father." Marlena yells, "The hell I can't!" Marlena leans her face in closer to Brady's face as she continues," I am not just his wife. I am a doctor, and therefore I control his recovery."

Brady gets ticked as he yells," Damn it, you can't tell me what to do!" Now Marlena gets right in his face as she yells again, "The hell I can't!" (OMG the look on Marlena's face is priceless when she says this. Man, oh, man, does Deidre ever rock in this scene!) When we return, Mimi has come to John's room and she and Belle and John talk about the shooting and Mimi thanks John for saving her. Marlena grabs hold of Brady's face, with her hand, and turns his face so he is looking right into her eyes. (You can almost see the fire coming from Marlena, she is super ticked.) Marlena says," Now this is how it's going to be." Marlena lets go of Brady's face but is leaning over and right in his face. Marlena continues," You will go in there and see your father. You will be kind and loving and supportive. You will say nothing to upset him. He is suffering enough already." Brady says," Well, he's used to that, living with you." Marlena says," And despite the vile way you treat me, I know that you love your father, and I would not keep you from him." Brady asks," Was that my cue to stop bad-mouthing you? To keep my mouth shut about the abusive bitch he's shackled to?" Marlena says," You want a fight? You'll get a fight, and you will lose." Marlena stops leaning over on the wheelchair and stands up. Brady says," I will acknowledge the fact that while I'm in this chair you have some power over me." Marlena says," I don't care about myself right now." Brady says,"Right." Marlena says," I am more concerned about my husband......and if you hurt him in anyway, if you even try, the least you will get from me is a slap in the face."

John with Mimi and Belle
Belle is telling her dad how he helped everyone at the shooting and Mimi's life. They talk about when Belle first met Mimi in kindergarten and John says it gave her (Belle) someone to make mud pies with. Belle tells her dad that she and Mimi haven't been close lately but almost losing her made her realize how much Mimi is always going to mean to her. A nurse brings Mimi into John's room. Mimi wanted to come and thank Mr. Black. Mimi starts to cry as she tells John that the doctors told her what he did for her and she is so grateful to him. John says that Dr. Carver was there with her the entire time. Mimi says yes but what blew everybody away was that he knew just as much stuff as the real doctors. Mimi wants to know what the deal is and asks John if he was a med student in another life.

When we return, John is telling Belle and Mimi that they remind him of someone. Someone who is a warm, caring woman who gives herself to others and is a real role model. Belle asks," Wild guess....mom?" John laughs and says," Yeah, mom." Then Belle and Mimi talk about being best friends. Belle asks her dad," Mom's your best friend, right?" John says," That's a fact." Then John asks them if they want to help him out with a new business that he's starting. He tells them about Basic Black and says he wants them to keep him up on what all the high school and college kids like. Belle says that they would love to. Then a nurse comes in to take Mimi back to her room. Belle asks her dad if he really thinks she's becoming a woman. John says yes and it makes him happy and sad, but makes Belle promise that she'll always be his little girl. They pinky swear.

Sami tells Brandon that she wants Kate and Lucas to fry. Brandon says first they need to get her son back. Brandon says that Kate just won't hand her (Sami) son back to her. He says justice is all about how much money you have and Kate could have the court hung up in appeals for years and her son will be with Lucas unless Kate will make a deal. Lucas and Chloe are together and talking about Philip. Chloe tells Lucas she and Philip are good friends. Lucas thinks it's more than just friends.Lucas talks about how much Philip will miss Victor. Lucas says he was thinking his mom and Victor would work things out because his mom was very loyal to Victor. Lucas talks about how Kate was a one woman man all the time Victor was in the nursing home. Chloe tells Lucas that Kate must have changed her mind because Philip walked in on Kate and Vincent Maroni and they weren't playing Go Fish.

Kate is with Philip and wants to know why he had Victor cremated with letting her see him first. Philip wants to know why, to cry her fake tears. Kate tries to tell Philip that she loved his father but Philip isn't buying it. Kate says she begged his father to marry her and she wanted them to be a family but Victor refused. Kate tells Philip that he saw how Victor pushed her away.

Back to Marlena and Brady
Now back to Marlena and Brady. Brady says," Sorry Doc, I just....I just believe in telling the truth." Marlena says," When it suits you. When Belle had her accident and was lying in a coma and could not speak to us, you chose not to tell the truth then. You walked away instead, making everybody believe that you were guilty." Brady says," Well, it looked that way to you, Marlena, 'cause you were damn sure I already was." Marlena says," You father has always put you first, always before himself. It is time for you to return that favor. Can you be unselfish for one possible moment now? Because he needs love and laughter. He needs his entire family." Brady yells," Why do you think I flew to Paris!" Marlena yells right back and says," I said family! You are not the only member of his family, you know. He needs everybody to pull together and put aside their differences. Now, if you can't do that, or if you won't do that, then you wheel yourself out of here and get back to the airport. 'cause I will not let you make him feel guilty. I love him too much for that!" Brady starts to take off on his wheelchair as Marlena says," You defy me, you'll spend the rest of your life regretting it."

Camera on Brady as he turns and looks at Marlena. When we return, we see Marlena wheeling Brady up to John's room as Belle comes running out her dad's hospital room door. Belle hugs Brady and is so glad to see him. Belle tells him that she was just going to call him for the umpteenth time and then asks him how long he has been here. Brady says," Not long." Belle asks him why he's in a wheelchair. Brady says," Your mother shoved me in the chair." Belle thinks her mom did that because he had a long flight. Brady asks Belle how their dad is and Belle says that he is getting better but when he (John) sees him (Brady) it will make him so happy. Marlena says," I was just explaining to Brady that John needs love, not stress." Belle agrees and tells Brady that they almost lost their dad and they need to take care of him. Brady says," Yeah, well that's exactly what I intend to do. So take me to him." Belle walks behind the wheel chair, by her mom, and starts to take Brady in. Brady says," I've got something to tell him." The show ends on Brady as Belle is wheeling him into John's room.

The Early Edition thanks Bev Clark for her excellent write up on tomorrow’s show that she sent us!! As many of you know, the show's feed was moved to another channel during the night and we didn't get it, but Bev was awake and found it in progress. Bev's Marlena Day Ahead picture link is given here and posted below as well. Please ask Bev's permission before using this on any other website.

We would also like to thank Caroline and Marjolaine in Canada who had also offered to write up a summary after they watch the show this afternoon. Thanks gals.

Q: In the new codocil to his will, who did Victor leave his fortune to ? (of 10100 respondents)
26% Philip, his son
2% Bo, his son
4% The grandsons, Brady and Shawn
46% Split between Bo and Philip
13% Nicole
9% None of the above

NBC'S SITE and click on DAYTIME for more on Days of Our Lives and Passions

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Honest Marlena, it's GOOD news.

For MORE pictures from yesterday's show, check out
mikeR's Spoiler Companion

From Days from Downunder in Australia (where the show is 3 1/2 years behind the U.S.)

Days from Downunder 
Updated weekly
Thanks for the Memories
Gayle's pix from favorite classic DOOL shows.

Pictures on this page have been authorized for our usage by both Mike from mikeR's Spoiler Companion
and Gayle from Days from Downunder. Thanks Mike & Gayle!

James Reynolds (Abe) will be in Topeka, Kansas on April 28th for a special fundraiser. For more info, check out James Reynolds in Kansas



LOL = Laughing Out Loud, ROFLMAO=Rolling on the Floor, Laughing My A** Off

Please forgive an occasional boo boo in our spoilers. We are just human and trying our best at the crack of dawn to bring them to you.


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Marlena Day Ahead Pictures by Bev
Weirdwend's Soap News & Scoops (DOOL, GH & PASSIONS)

Dustin's site / Beth's site / PASSIONS SITES/ AmyCougar Salem USA

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Belle and Shawn Facts

We are just fans of Days of Our Lives and not affiliated with the show (darn it) in any way.
The show is aired in many parts of Canada a day ahead of the U.S.

Linda (Monday and Wednesday)
Barb (Tuesday)
(Mr.) Laney (Thursday and Friday)