Jubilee's PRECIOUS ones at about three weeks. Each row, left to right: Braja, Knapie, Ryetoe, Beacon and Orangie. Most are temporary names, unless I can convince my wife to LIVE in a virtual CATTERY! *The "capped ones" are underneath your seat, BUT it is HIGHLY suggested that you NOT try to use them for FLOTATION DEVICES*

May I take this opportunity to tell you that if you have NEVER had the "chance" to take pics of wee ones like this, it is NOT, and may I REPEAT N O T easy. They do NOT want to BE in ANY acceptable position for the shot. BELIEVE ME.

These pics below were the first taken of the wee ones when they were a tad younger than three weeks of age. The last pic should be easy to figure out.

Jubilee and FIVE female cuties!