catmando54's Home Page

Hi, I'm Catmando.
Some of my interests OTHER than felines are:
finding and sharing newsworthy items on the net, music, talk radio and table tennis.
is, as you might imagine, dedicated to felines. If you would be kind enough to indulge me and read my "blatherings" at my link "A few words from your host", I would be most appreciative.
A hint for you - click me for "message"
The link above and those that immediately follow are some music MIDI's for songs that I like and I hope you enjoy while you are visiting.
You are so beautiful to me
Love in the first degree
You're my best friend
PLEASE NOTE: If there are any TRUE feline lovers out there who would care to discuss ALL aspects of being OWNED by felines, PLEASE, I encourage you to email me soon. Thank you. After the pic of Brad {left, in the pic below} and BOJA, the first four links are pics of these two WONDERFUL felines who ARE the "son and daughter" I never had. The next link contains some words that I've thrown together for FANTASTIC FELINES. Enjoy.

"Will you PLEASE turn out the light so we can cat around?"
Brad & BOJA: "you RANG?"
Miss BOJA LOVES the windows
Brad & BOJA holding down the bed on vacation
"This is MY tower"
A "few" words from your host - PAGE TWO
MORE words for you to assimilate
Bradford's Memorial
Bodacious Boy
Jubilee and her five kittens
One is gone
Wee Ones - Six Weeks Old

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