I have for some time been struggling with going on-line with some of the dreams I have had regarding UFO’s and the extra terrestrial beings supposedly flying them. I have always felt that I was just out of the loop on this issue and therefore only shared with those whom I knew. Until I got on the net and found out I was not alone on this issue.
I personally believe that these ET’s are of a demonic nature and are the Fallen Angels of old. Now you will say how can she say that? Because it says so in the Bible. For those of you who are skeptical, please realize that the evidence of something flying in our skies is astronomical. There are now ufologists petitioning our goverment to have hearings on this and open up the old files. If we keep our eyes on the Lord Jesus and trust in Him He will help us know and understand.
March 1976 I had just accepted Jesus into my heart and it changed me forever. That was when I received my first dream/vision. Until recently I had never given it any significance, but the more I learn the more I see that time is short. At the time I received this dream/vision I had no idea that it would still be as vivid in my mind twenty-two years later.
The dream/vision
I was sitting on my couch looking out the front window of my little house, when I noticed something up in the sky. There were lines and lines as far as I could see, gold colored circular craft in formation going overhead. Each one had a beam of white light coming out of the bottom. It was daylight so it made no sense to have the lights. It did however make the craft seem even brighter. I remember thinking that they were not going to hurt us that it was just a show of force.
Then I looked at my driveway and saw a gold two door, Ford Galaxy in my driveway.
End of dream/vision
In this house if you sat on the couch you could not see the sky for we had a four foot overhang on our front porch, so I was looking right through it. Also the car, it was not ours yet. Months later that exact car was in the drive and I did not pick it. “Go outside and check out the new car,” was what I was told. It was a gold two door, Ford Galaxy, the same exact car in the dream/vision. I had never told him about the dream/vision or the car. We bought that car.
The next UFO dream I had was three years later and I know this one was a dream. It was night and we were all in our bathrobes watching the most beautiful colorful flying discs. These were small, like a one man type of craft, about the width of a standard car. There were all over the place and they would swoop down in front of us. Making big circles in the sky entertaining the crowds. By now all the neighbors were out of their homes and we were all watching. I felt no fear and thought they were beautiful and so colorful. Different colors were streaming out as they spun.
The next dream was last year, 1997
and I have it on site at the
Beware page.
Could this mean it won't happen quite yet, but soon, this little boy will be old enough to talk.
The next dream was:
My mother was frustrated with me and said she was going to go home. I was following her and we ended up in a large room. She was saying she just did not want to hear one more thing about UFO’s. We then went outside and were in a very large lawn area, resembling a football field with bleachers and all. The place was packed with people, some standing and others sitting. Suddenly, large military jets flew over in tight formation.
The next instant it was like a star wars auction with craft of every size and shape imaginable ,right overhead. I kept saying in my head, “Oh! look at them all, they are real.” They just hovered there and everyone was just walking around as if dazed, looking intently at them.
Then the scene switched to a table of four and my pastor said to me, “You know a lot more about these craft than we do. You warned us before, can you share what you know with us?” I pulled some papers out of a folder and showed him what the Vatican had said about them and what others had said.
Off to the side I saw a friend filling out a communication card we use at church. I said to myself, “Oh, I bet she won’t show up for church on Sunday.” She did not come to church that Sunday.
AUGUST 1998, Last night I had yet another dream. I was in a boat under the Golden Gate Bridge and saw a silver disk, turning with the sun's reflection shining off it. I remember saying, "Oh, there is another one." This was a waking dream in the morning. For as soon as I said, "Another one," I awoke.
I have no interpretation for any of these. I just have a sense that they are coming and will be part of the deception prophesied.
Also, please pray for Art Bell. He says he wants to know the truth. We know our Lord can open his eyes in His time. Most people have heard of Art Bell, if not he is the number one, numero uno of late night talk shows. His show has an audience of at least 20 million. Now it is up to each of you to decide whom you will serve Jesus or the demons of the air. That is why I emphasize to know how to Test The Spirits, inter-dimensional and physical ones.
After all even the name Reptilian, has a familiar ring to it, ancient serpent, dragon of old, hmm! Right out of the Bible again. I guess it would make me stop and wonder and maybe listen a little better. They are coming soon and not just to your local theater.
by Linda Marie
© 1998