I would have given Peanut to her but Peanut also was sick and we lost her about two months after this picture was taken.
This is my son Ron. He and my mom were very close. He was a good grandson and took very good care of her. Every day he would call to see if she needed anything. This was even before she got sick. She worked so hard when we were younger so for her being grandma was a real joy. She spoiled my son beyond belief. She would make me laugh and say, "Linda you have to stop giving so much to Ron." Ok, mom whatever you say. Just to find out she went and got him what he wanted. Read on and see how the Lord gave to me a super blessing from Him about my mom going to be with Him.
I had called to talk to her and got a nurse instead of my mom. She said my mom had really changed in the week since I had been there. I then asked her to ask my dad if I could come back. He said yes and I hung up and called the travel agent.
On the trip down by plane (I really hate to fly), the Lord showed me so much comfort by allowing me to sit right next to someone that I could share Him with. And for those of you who know me well you know that is when I am the happiest ever. This young man a father of four after being my captive for almost two hours promised me that even if his wife would not go he would start taking his children to Church. Thank you Lord!
When I arrived at my mom’s I did not know what to expect and just as I walked up their driveway I was shown that she was already in a coma. It was a peaceful thing and so my reaction to my dad was solid and no buckling under to the pressure. I went into nursing mode and we transferred her onto the hospital bed that had just arrived a bit earlier.
That night as I lied in her old bed next to her hospital bed I pondered on the time I led my own mom to the Lord. We were in my house and she had just walked out of the bathroom and said something about, “Well what is this prayer we are to pray?” I have to say right here that when you hear someone say that talking to your family about the Lord is hard that part is true. But the part about not ever being able to lead any family to the Lord is a lie and don’t you believe it. My sister and her husband were the first to accept Jesus in our family. Their example was a part in my conversion. I led my grandmother, my mother, my grandpa on my father’s side of the family and two cousins so far. So I guess that would make the: can’t lead family to the Lord a real doozey.
The next three days I started the fervent prayers. I prayed; ‘Lord I know that if it was Your will that You could lift her up and heal her and if You are not going to do that please Lord take her home. This was Thursday, Friday and Saturdays prayer; and Sunday morning she died the most peaceful death I have ever seen in all my years of nursing. True to my mother’s way of doing things she did not linger and went downhill really fast. If you are going to do something do it and do it right was how she lived and died.
The next day as most would, for I truly know that she is with the Lord, I asked for some kind of a sign that she was truly with Him. What will come out good from her death?
The middle of the week I went to stay with my son. He is engaged to a most wonderful women. She has two of the best children in the world. I love my son’s choices for a family. They all love me too which is really special.
I know my son is very proud of who I am in the Lord and he is always telling me, “Mom I hear more of what you say than you think.” But normally around his family it is, not today mom. Who is he kidding, me not talk of the Lord. His sweetie always tells him to be quiet because she likes the way I share about the Lord. It always is interesting when you share what the Lord does. She has never been to a Sunday school nor ever told of the Lord on any level. I was absolutely shocked when she said, ”You mean Jesus has already risen from the dead?” That is how little she knows. But I could see the Holy Spirit just knudging her ever closer to Him. This was Wednesday.
The day I was to leave, Saturday it came to me that she would be the miracle. Now you have to understand my son is forever telling me to knock off the preaching mom, so there is a bit of a challenge here.
So here it was two hours before I leave and still no opening, yet I know in my heart she is the one. I finally got very brave with my son and said, “Son can I tell her about the book of life?” He said,” Yes go ahead and left the room.” Praise You Lord!
I shared with this sweet wonderful soon to be daughter of mine, and I told her a bunch of things and she had so many questions and it was the joy of my life when I finally asked her if she was ready to accept Jesus as her Lord and Saviour. And our darling said, YES! We prayed and the Holy Spirit’s presence was so wonderful and we hugged and cried and it was beautiful. Angels rejoicing and all.
When my son came back into the room and who knows where he went, Thank you again Lord, I told him that she was just written into the book of Life. He just shrugged and said that is good.
The finale to this story for today is this. As I was getting my stuff together my son came in and asked me if I still had the large Family type Bible. I told him yes. It is one of those really big Bibles with the paintings and such and family register in it. He said, Can I have that? I almost fell over and said, Of course you can and I will even have my neighbor make a stand for it. “No I don’t want to make a shrine out of it” he said “but I guess it would be pretty nice to read it to my family.”
The two children go to church with the grandparents and love the Lord. The little girl is age 4 and the young man is 10. My son accepted Jesus when he was eight and still remembers. I believe the verse on raise them right and they will return to it. I think it is in Proverbs.
Here I am just losing my mom and the Lord gives to me a blessing to let me know she is in His care and so you see how can I be sad. Oh, the times of grief of missing her have been like someone hitting me in the chest but then I smile and say Praise You Lord for now my family is all in Your care.
Well the blessings just do not seem to be stopping. Last nite I went over to my neighbors house to show off my new bird. This is funny; Paul had the bird for almost two weeks and him and our neighbor would put their hands or fingers inside and the bird would hiss and bite at them. He is just a baby cockatiel.
I get home from church on Sunday open up the top of the cage and let the bird fly around. Paul said, “What are you doing? I said letting the bird know it can fly. The next day while Paul is at work I clip the babies wings and he sat for the rest of the day on my shoulder.
Well when Paul gets home I tell him to look under my hair and there is the bird and he just laughs. How did you do that? I just laughed and said I have the touch. He just says I am touched hehehehe.
I had the bird on my shoulder under my coats hood and said come on let’s go show the neighbors. When they say “Jump back Jack” that is what our neighbor did when he finally noticed the bird. I was belly laughing at this point.
I have been witnessing to him for years now and each time I asked him about accepting the Lord he’d say not yet. I do however, always share with him all the neat things that happen in my life and it is always so cool to him. For someone who does not know the Lord he would get just as excited as I did, go figure.
Of course I have to share with him about my mom and how my son’s fiancee’ accepted Jesus. I go on and tell him how Jesus doesn't care what we do in our lives He just wants us to love Him and He will fix all our imperfections etc. I then feel the presence of the Holy Spirit so strong and in my head say, “Lord do I get to ask him again?” and in my heart I know this time he will say yes when asked. So I step off the cliff and ask him if he wants to accept Jesus and he said YES!!!!
Wow! Two big blessings just from telling my mom's story of her love for our Lord. I bet if I keep looking I might find some more.