Lord Jesus I heard a rumor, that there just might be;

A secret coming in the night, that no one would see.

That you would take us all out of here, to our mansions in the sky.

And that all the people on this earth, would not have time, to say good-bye.

Please Lord, do not take me, for I don’t want to fly.

I want to stay right on this earth, and tell your children not to cry.

I want to share, what you have shown to me, to help calm all their fears.

For Lord they have just come back to know You,

and can’t see through their tears.

Lord give me strength and courage to do what I must do.

So Lord can’t you wait, and not take me; this is what I ask of You.

Please Lord, let me STAY BEHIND, and teach them more of You.

Because after all, isn’t that, what you have called me to do?

The terrors of the night the carnage of the day

Lord who will be around, to teach your saints to pray.

So Lord, I will conclude, that I know that I am not much

But Lord, I am more than willing, to share Your loving touch.

Please Lord! Do not take me, for I don’t want to go.

I want to stay and show Your love, and teach your saints to grow.

So let them start to pack their bags, if they truly want to go.

I know that I just want to stay, and serve You, until the world will know.

That You are coming back for us, with glory on Your wings.

And at that time, there will be no doubt, that You are


By Linda-Marie Ward
© 2000


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