OK! let me try it I heard myself say, it might be fun. Well, it was great, I laughed until I had tears running down my face. All the while holding my hand to the right side of my head. When someone would ask me why I was holding my head, I would bust up laughing again. “Why I am holding the hole in my head so my brains don’t fall out. Because I must be crazy, I just smoked marijauna and you know something I like it.”
I laughed and laughed and laughed until my ribs were sore from laughter. The very next day I went out and bought a bag of marijauna and then I progressed to a quarter pound and then found out buying by the pound was the better deal. That went on for four years of my young life.
Before and along with that I was a drinker. Drinking was safe and I tell you drinking was fun also. I would drink until all around me were puking. Then I would laugh and laugh and laugh. You see, I really could hold my booze and usually outdrink everyone. I was just a fun kind of gal at any party. I loved to laugh. I laughed mostly at the silly things people did while being drunk. There always seemed to be a lot of puking going on at most parties. Some of those good ole boys just could not mix their drinks.
I said all that to tell you this. In the year of 1976 at the start of spring I was in a large church laughing at the people going inside. I laughed until I saw my own hand up in the air in response to “Who wants to accept Jesus into their hearts?” I stopped laughing and inside I knew something wonderful had happened to me. I was truly born again. It would take me years to fully comprehend what the Lord had done for me that day. The joy of the Lord was replacing the empty laughter in my life.
When I hear of people and holy laughter and hear the audio of people laughing in Churches it makes my skin crawl. Answer me this. If my precious Lord Jesus delivered me from a drunken life of laughter and sin why would He give it back to me? I will stand firm on that the Lord said, Do not be drunkards. So what is this? Drunk in the spirit. Oh! It is drunk in the spirit but which one? And holy laughter, right! Better yet, holy vomit. I actually had a lady who has the spirit of stupor herself, tell me you just have to see it to believe it. Laughter is good and even healthy but holy. I doubt it. Our Lord tells us to TEST ALL THINGS. Does any of this bring repentance and salvation? We will know them by their fruit.
I say there is nothing bad about a good belly laugh, I still love to do it. I even giggle sometimes at church but do I or would I allow myself to be led in something like this? Come on people the Lord is watching all we do. Does this bring honor to His name? You better be asking yourselves some serious questions. Are you just believing your pastor or prophet or teacher or are you testing it by the Word of God? Many are called, few are chosen. Do not let the enemy fool you any longer. My Lord would never want to see me drunk again, for that is the spirit of anti-christ who is already in this world.
Learn to seek the Lord and the Joy He gives will fill you to overflowing. Do not seek the toys of the enemy. I sought all the thrills as a new born Christian. Six of us would go to any and all meetings. We would get slain in the spirit and each time something awful and sinful would come into my life. And I am not the only one. We sought after the high feeling of being in the presence. The healing services, the retreats, we were junkies of the Christian kind. Now do not get me wrong. Most of the services were of the Lord and the woman holding them were honorable before God. We thought we were. But I know now why I was going. I was going for the high. Would I love the Lord if I never felt His presence again? I never asked that question. Heck, I never asked any questions I was along for the ride.
When someone told me of the day a woman was in the pulpit, drunk in a spirit, and saying, “I have to pee, now someone help me down to the front so I can give this to all who want it.” And there was people actually going forward. Excuse me. What did I miss? Where is this of God?
Lastly, how do you explain what is going on to a non christian? The best explanation is to tell them to read up on some eastern religions for they will find some of these things from way back when. Or was it voo doo? Your guess now, because no one has bothered to ask. I wonder if our Lord tells us three times in Matthew 24 that there will be false prophets, teachers etc., if we should pay attention to Him? After all WHO ARE THE FALSE TEACHERS AND PROPHETS OF TODAY? Oh! I know, it is that guy that stands on the corner telling of Maitrea. No maybe it’s the guy wearing the sign, I am false. That is funny who would listen to someone who wears a sign saying he is a false teacher? After all, satan comes as an angel of light. But then if we see an angel who in their right mind would bother to ask them, Who is Jesus to you?
I will ask this of you
Who is Jesus to you? Do those who teach you have fruit?
Test all spirits, test all teachers, test all that is said, by the WORD OF GOD.
by Linda Marie
© 1998