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The Page about Parrots!!!!

Cool stuff and pictures about Parrots

Hi! Welcome to The Page about Parrots! This is a page!!! Sorry, I have so much stuff to do! I will try to update this page as much as I can.

this is a budgie(parakeet).

This is a recording of my brother's two budgies, Stanley and Ozzie.

This is a cockatoo.

This is a Blue and Gold Macaw.

This is a Hyacinth Macaw.

These are Sun Conures.

This is a Congo African Grey.

Congo African Greys are very intelligent.

Some have the intelligence of a 5 year old.

These are my Dogz.

Spencer is the Labrador and Tyler is The Mutt.

Links to other great sites on the Web

Parrot Lovers Club
Parrots11's home page
Bird Talk Online
Michael and Sandy Valinis's webpages .

Birdcage Home Page

Cyber parrot

Passion for Parrots Award

If you have a parrot and would like his/her picture on the World Wide Web, E-mail me!! I am going to start a page devoted to other people's parrots.

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© 1998

Last September 18, 1998

Some of Michael and Sandy Valinis's pictures and GIF's were used on this web page.