Troy - 04/02/99 15:36:51 My URL: My Favorite Color: blue Favorite Food: Fruity Pebbles | Comments: Nice page. Keep up the good work. |
Erica - 03/31/99 16:08:45 My Favorite Color: Yellow Favorite Food: Chicken | Comments: Hey Darlin! Neat site! I need to send you a picture of "The Girls" & Me & Mike! You know our number. Give me a call! MISS YOU! Love ya, Eka. |
- 12/07/98 05:15:34 | Comments: |
The Pope - 12/05/98 02:20:49 My URL: My Favorite Color: Black Favorite Food: Wheat - Where would we be without bread? I know I'm too practical. | Comments: Hi Gina, Sorry I didn't sign the last time I was on, barely had time to look around. I checked out the wedding pages you did for Tony too. That was pretty kewl. I've made quite a few improvements to my pages and added pictures so you can finally see my family. If ou have a midi sound plugin I have music on every page. (I'm Tony's brother Jim in case you haven't figured that out yet) Anyway, neat web page. :o) \|^c (:) <-(cancer the crab) /|vC c ya l8r! |
Gina Thompson - 12/04/98 23:16:31 My Email:ginat23@hotmail Favorite Color: blue Favorite Food: going to have to be boring and say CHOCOLATE ! | Comments: I can't believe it I have actually met someone with the same name as me, but i don't think that its going to prove my of a problem as we live miles away and will never see each other unless you come to Liverpool - England maybe you could email and we could have a chat sometime bye gina from gina P.s is your name actually Gina or Georgina ? |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
paul - 09/02/98 11:49:07 My | Comments: I love you. iwuv U iwuvu I told Ryan the other day Do you know how much Ilove your mom. & he said yea yea I know that dad you tell us all the time.Sea ya later today GORJUS |
Gina Dolan - 08/16/98 10:36:13 My Favorite Food: milk | Comments: Im 9 weeks old and just having a look around the Net to see what other Gina's are out there as my folks have given me a name that's a bit unusual |
Tony - 07/08/98 16:21:15 My URL:/Heartland/Ranch/9304/ My Favorite Color: Black or Purple Favorite Food: Whatever is in front of me! *G* | Comments: GREAT job!! I like the changes and updates. Keep up the good work. I'm going to change my link for your site to this one TODAY. |
Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! Let me know if you want to exchange links :)