Check out the links listed below. You'll find some fun, entertaining, and informative stuff!

Quiet Time Bible Daily devotionals with scripture and application questions

Youth For Christ Youth for Christ's "Live the Life" web page. Great ideas, articles, and other information

Young Life Official National Young Life page

FCA Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Passageway Very informative sight from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Discusses popular culture, and many common questions people have about Christianity, the Bible, and the world.

ZJam The world's largest web site for Christian teenagers, offering Bible studies, a 24 hour chat room, contests, and more.

Teen Central Help line web site by teens, for teens.

Wazzup God! Really cool, great visuals, and encouraging messages!

Gospelcom links for youth FULL of other links to youth related Christ centered web pages

Youth Specialties Links Another Page FULL of other links to youth related Christ centered web pages

See You At The Pole! Official websight for the "See You At The Pole" student led prayer events.

Christian Guitar TabsFor you guitar players, a page with TONS of Christian songs